/* xdrv_05_irremote.ino - infra red support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 Heiko Krupp, Lazar Obradovic and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_IR_REMOTE /*********************************************************************************************\ * IR Remote send and receive using IRremoteESP8266 library \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_05 5 #include enum IrErrors { IE_NO_ERROR, IE_INVALID_RAWDATA, IE_INVALID_JSON, IE_SYNTAX_IRSEND, IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC }; enum IrRemoteCommands { CMND_IRSEND, CMND_IRHVAC }; const char kIrRemoteCommands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_IRSEND "|" D_CMND_IRHVAC ; // Based on IRremoteESP8266.h enum decode_type_t const char kIrRemoteProtocols[] PROGMEM = "UNKNOWN|RC5|RC6|NEC|SONY|PANASONIC|JVC|SAMSUNG|WHYNTER|AIWA_RC_T501|LG|SANYO|MITSUBISHI|DISH|SHARP"; #ifdef USE_IR_HVAC #include #include enum IrHvacVendors { VNDR_TOSHIBA, VNDR_MITSUBISHI, VNDR_LG, VNDR_FUJITSU }; const char kIrHvacVendors[] PROGMEM = "Toshiba|Mitsubishi|LG|Fujitsu" ; // HVAC TOSHIBA_ const uint16_t HVAC_TOSHIBA_HDR_MARK = 4400; const uint16_t HVAC_TOSHIBA_HDR_SPACE = 4300; const uint16_t HVAC_TOSHIBA_BIT_MARK = 543; const uint16_t HVAC_TOSHIBA_ONE_SPACE = 1623; const uint16_t HVAC_MISTUBISHI_ZERO_SPACE = 472; const uint16_t HVAC_TOSHIBA_RPT_MARK = 440; const uint16_t HVAC_TOSHIBA_RPT_SPACE = 7048; // Above original iremote limit const uint8_t HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN = 9; // HVAC LG const uint8_t HVAC_LG_DATALEN = 7; IRMitsubishiAC *mitsubir = nullptr; const char kFanSpeedOptions[] = "A12345S"; const char kHvacModeOptions[] = "HDCA"; #endif // USE_IR_HVAC /*********************************************************************************************\ * IR Send \*********************************************************************************************/ #include IRsend *irsend = nullptr; bool irsend_active = false; void IrSendInit(void) { irsend = new IRsend(pin[GPIO_IRSEND]); // an IR led is at GPIO_IRSEND irsend->begin(); #ifdef USE_IR_HVAC mitsubir = new IRMitsubishiAC(pin[GPIO_IRSEND]); #endif //USE_IR_HVAC } char* IrUint64toHex(uint64_t value, char *str, uint16_t bits) { ulltoa(value, str, 16); // Get 64bit value int fill = 8; if ((bits > 3) && (bits < 65)) { fill = bits / 4; // Max 16 if (bits % 4) { fill++; } } int len = strlen(str); fill -= len; if (fill > 0) { memmove(str + fill, str, len +1); memset(str, '0', fill); } memmove(str + 2, str, strlen(str) +1); str[0] = '0'; str[1] = 'x'; return str; } #ifdef USE_IR_RECEIVE /*********************************************************************************************\ * IR Receive \*********************************************************************************************/ const bool IR_RCV_SAVE_BUFFER = false; // false = do not use buffer, true = use buffer for decoding const uint32_t IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE = 500; // Milliseconds #include IRrecv *irrecv = nullptr; unsigned long ir_lasttime = 0; void IrReceiveInit(void) { // an IR led is at GPIO_IRRECV irrecv = new IRrecv(pin[GPIO_IRRECV], IR_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE, IR_RCV_TIMEOUT, IR_RCV_SAVE_BUFFER); irrecv->setUnknownThreshold(IR_RCV_MIN_UNKNOWN_SIZE); irrecv->enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver // AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IrReceive initialized")); } void IrReceiveCheck(void) { char sirtype[14]; // Max is AIWA_RC_T501 int8_t iridx = 0; decode_results results; if (irrecv->decode(&results)) { char hvalue[64]; IrUint64toHex(results.value, hvalue, results.bits); // Get 64bit value as hex 0x00123456 AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_IRR "Echo %d, RawLen %d, Overflow %d, Bits %d, Value %s, Decode %d"), irsend_active, results.rawlen, results.overflow, results.bits, hvalue, results.decode_type); unsigned long now = millis(); // if ((now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE) && (UNKNOWN != results.decode_type) && (results.bits > 0)) { if (!irsend_active && (now - ir_lasttime > IR_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE)) { ir_lasttime = now; iridx = results.decode_type; if ((iridx < 0) || (iridx > 14)) { iridx = 0; } // UNKNOWN char svalue[64]; if (Settings.flag.ir_receive_decimal) { ulltoa(results.value, svalue, 10); } else { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("\"%s\""), hvalue); } Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_IRRECEIVED "\":{\"" D_JSON_IR_PROTOCOL "\":\"%s\",\"" D_JSON_IR_BITS "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_IR_DATA "\":%s"), GetTextIndexed(sirtype, sizeof(sirtype), iridx, kIrRemoteProtocols), results.bits, svalue); if (Settings.flag3.receive_raw) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_IR_RAWDATA "\":[")); uint16_t i; for (i = 1; i < results.rawlen; i++) { if (i > 1) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } uint32_t usecs; for (usecs = results.rawbuf[i] * kRawTick; usecs > UINT16_MAX; usecs -= UINT16_MAX) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("%d,0,"), UINT16_MAX); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("%d"), usecs); if (strlen(mqtt_data) > sizeof(mqtt_data) - 40) { break; } // Quit if char string becomes too long } uint16_t extended_length = results.rawlen - 1; for (uint16_t j = 0; j < results.rawlen - 1; j++) { uint32_t usecs = results.rawbuf[j] * kRawTick; // Add two extra entries for multiple larger than UINT16_MAX it is. extended_length += (usecs / (UINT16_MAX + 1)) * 2; } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("],\"" D_JSON_IR_RAWDATA "Info\":[%d,%d,%d]"), extended_length, i -1, results.overflow); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}}")); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_IRRECEIVED)); if (iridx) { XdrvRulesProcess(); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ unsigned long value = results.value | (iridx << 28); // [Protocol:4, Data:28] DomoticzSensor(DZ_COUNT, value); // Send data as Domoticz Counter value #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ } } irrecv->resume(); } } #endif // USE_IR_RECEIVE #ifdef USE_IR_HVAC /********************************************************************************************* \ * IR Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning using IRMitsubishiAC library \*********************************************************************************************/ /******************* TOSHIBA ********************/ uint8_t IrHvacToshiba(const char *HVAC_Mode, const char *HVAC_FanMode, bool HVAC_Power, int HVAC_Temp) { uint16_t rawdata[2 + 2 * 8 * HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN + 2]; uint8_t data[HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN] = {0xF2, 0x0D, 0x03, 0xFC, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; char *p; uint8_t mode; if (HVAC_Mode == nullptr) { p = (char *)kHvacModeOptions; // default HVAC_HOT } else { p = strchr(kHvacModeOptions, toupper(HVAC_Mode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } data[6] = (p - kHvacModeOptions) ^ 0x03; // HOT = 0x03, DRY = 0x02, COOL = 0x01, AUTO = 0x00 if (!HVAC_Power) { data[6] = (uint8_t)0x07; // Turn OFF HVAC } if (HVAC_FanMode == nullptr) { p = (char *)kFanSpeedOptions; // default FAN_SPEED_AUTO } else { p = strchr(kFanSpeedOptions, toupper(HVAC_FanMode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } mode = p - kFanSpeedOptions + 1; if ((1 == mode) || (7 == mode)) { mode = 0; } mode = mode << 5; // AUTO = 0x00, SPEED = 0x40, 0x60, 0x80, 0xA0, 0xC0, SILENT = 0x00 data[6] = data[6] | mode; uint8_t Temp; if (HVAC_Temp > 30) { Temp = 30; } else if (HVAC_Temp < 17) { Temp = 17; } else { Temp = HVAC_Temp; } data[5] = (uint8_t)(Temp - 17) << 4; data[HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN - 1] = 0; for (int x = 0; x < HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN - 1; x++) { data[HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN - 1] = (uint8_t)data[x] ^ data[HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN - 1]; // CRC is a simple bits addition } int i = 0; uint8_t mask = 1; //header rawdata[i++] = HVAC_TOSHIBA_HDR_MARK; rawdata[i++] = HVAC_TOSHIBA_HDR_SPACE; //data for (int b = 0; b < HVAC_TOSHIBA_DATALEN; b++) { for (mask = B10000000; mask > 0; mask >>= 1) { //iterate through bit mask if (data[b] & mask) { // Bit ONE rawdata[i++] = HVAC_TOSHIBA_BIT_MARK; rawdata[i++] = HVAC_TOSHIBA_ONE_SPACE; } else { // Bit ZERO rawdata[i++] = HVAC_TOSHIBA_BIT_MARK; rawdata[i++] = HVAC_MISTUBISHI_ZERO_SPACE; } } } //trailer rawdata[i++] = HVAC_TOSHIBA_RPT_MARK; rawdata[i++] = HVAC_TOSHIBA_RPT_SPACE; // noInterrupts(); irsend_active = true; irsend->sendRaw(rawdata, i, 38); irsend->sendRaw(rawdata, i, 38); // interrupts(); return IE_NO_ERROR; } /******************* MITSUBISHI ********************/ uint8_t IrHvacMitsubishi(const char *HVAC_Mode, const char *HVAC_FanMode, bool HVAC_Power, int HVAC_Temp) { char *p; uint8_t mode; mitsubir->stateReset(); if (HVAC_Mode == nullptr) { p = (char *)kHvacModeOptions; // default HVAC_HOT } else { p = strchr(kHvacModeOptions, toupper(HVAC_Mode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } mode = (p - kHvacModeOptions + 1) << 3; // HOT = 0x08, DRY = 0x10, COOL = 0x18, AUTO = 0x20 mitsubir->setMode(mode); mitsubir->setPower(HVAC_Power); if (HVAC_FanMode == nullptr) { p = (char *)kFanSpeedOptions; // default FAN_SPEED_AUTO } else { p = strchr(kFanSpeedOptions, toupper(HVAC_FanMode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } mode = p - kFanSpeedOptions; // AUTO = 0, SPEED = 1 .. 5, SILENT = 6 mitsubir->setFan(mode); mitsubir->setTemp(HVAC_Temp); mitsubir->setVane(MITSUBISHI_AC_VANE_AUTO); mitsubir->send(); // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRHVAC: Mitsubishi Power %d, Mode %d, FanSpeed %d, Temp %d, VaneMode %d"), // mitsubir->getPower(), mitsubir->getMode(), mitsubir->getFan(), mitsubir->getTemp(), mitsubir->getVane()); return IE_NO_ERROR; } /******************* LG ********************/ uint8_t IrHvacLG(const char *HVAC_Mode, const char *HVAC_FanMode, bool HVAC_Power, int HVAC_Temp) { uint32_t LG_Code; uint8_t data[HVAC_LG_DATALEN]; static bool hvacOn = false; char *p; uint8_t mode; uint8_t Temp; // Constant data data[0] = 0x08; data[1] = 0x08; data[2] = 0x00; if (!HVAC_Power) { data[2] = (uint8_t)0x0C; // Turn OFF HVAC, code 0x88C0051 data[3] = (uint8_t)0x00; data[4] = (uint8_t)0x00; data[5] = (uint8_t)0x05; data[6] = (uint8_t)0x01; hvacOn = false; } else { // Set code for HVAC Mode - data[3] if (HVAC_Mode == nullptr) { p = (char *)kHvacModeOptions; // default HVAC_HOT } else { p = strchr(kHvacModeOptions, toupper(HVAC_Mode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } mode = (p - kHvacModeOptions) ^ 0x03; // HOT = 0x03, DRY = 0x02, COOL = 0x01, AUTO = 0x00 switch (mode) { case 0: // AUTO data[3] = 11; break; case 1: // COOL data[3] = 8; break; case 2: // DRY data[3] = 9; break; case 3: // HOT data[3] = 12; break; } if (!hvacOn) { data[3] = data[3] & 7; // reset bit3 hvacOn = true; } // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRHVAC: HvacMode %s, ModeVal %d, Code %d"), p, mode, data[3]); // Set code for HVAC temperature - data[4] if (HVAC_Temp > 30) { Temp = 30; } else if (HVAC_Temp < 18) { Temp = 18; } else { Temp = HVAC_Temp; } data[4] = (uint8_t)(Temp - 15); // Set code for HVAC fan mode - data[5] if (HVAC_FanMode == nullptr) { p = (char *)kFanSpeedOptions; // default FAN_SPEED_AUTO } else { p = strchr(kFanSpeedOptions, toupper(HVAC_FanMode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } mode = p - kFanSpeedOptions; if ((mode == 0) || (mode > 3)) { data[5] = 5; // Auto = 0x05 } else { data[5] = (mode * 2) - 2; // Low = 0x00, Mid = 0x02, High = 0x04 } // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRHVAC: FanMode %s, ModeVal %d, Code %d"), p, mode, data[5]); // Set CRC code - data[6] data[6] = (data[3] + data[4] + data[5]) & 0x0f; // CRC } // Build LG IR code LG_Code = data[0] << 4; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { LG_Code = (LG_Code + data[i]) << 4; } LG_Code = LG_Code + data[6]; // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRHVAC: LG_Code %d"), LG_Code); // Send LG IR Code // noInterrupts(); irsend_active = true; irsend->sendLG(LG_Code, 28); // interrupts(); return IE_NO_ERROR; } /******************* Fujitsu ********************/ uint8_t IrHvacFujitsu(const char *HVAC_Mode, const char *HVAC_FanMode, bool HVAC_Power, int HVAC_Temp) { const char kFujitsuHvacModeOptions[] = "HDCAF"; // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("FUJITSU: mode:%s, fan:%s, power:%u, temp:%u"), HVAC_Mode, HVAC_FanMode, HVAC_Power, HVAC_Temp); IRFujitsuAC ac(pin[GPIO_IRSEND]); irsend_active = true; if (0 == HVAC_Power) { ac.off(); ac.send(); return IE_NO_ERROR; } uint8_t modes[5] = {FUJITSU_AC_MODE_HEAT, FUJITSU_AC_MODE_DRY, FUJITSU_AC_MODE_COOL, FUJITSU_AC_MODE_AUTO, FUJITSU_AC_MODE_FAN}; uint8_t fanModes[7] = {FUJITSU_AC_FAN_AUTO, FUJITSU_AC_FAN_LOW, FUJITSU_AC_FAN_MED, FUJITSU_AC_FAN_HIGH, FUJITSU_AC_FAN_HIGH, FUJITSU_AC_FAN_HIGH, FUJITSU_AC_FAN_QUIET}; ac.setCmd(FUJITSU_AC_CMD_TURN_ON); ac.setSwing(FUJITSU_AC_SWING_VERT); char *p; if (nullptr == HVAC_Mode) { p = (char *)kFujitsuHvacModeOptions; } else { p = strchr(kFujitsuHvacModeOptions, toupper(HVAC_Mode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } ac.setMode(modes[p - kFujitsuHvacModeOptions]); if (HVAC_FanMode == nullptr) { p = (char *)kFanSpeedOptions; // default FAN_SPEED_AUTO } else { p = strchr(kFanSpeedOptions, toupper(HVAC_FanMode[0])); } if (!p) { return IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } ac.setFanSpeed(fanModes[p - kFanSpeedOptions]); ac.setTemp(HVAC_Temp); ac.send(); return IE_NO_ERROR; } #endif // USE_IR_HVAC /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ /* * ArduinoJSON entry used to calculate jsonBuf: JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(3) + 40 = 96 IRsend: { "protocol": "SAMSUNG", "bits": 32, "data": 551502015 } IRhvac: { "Vendor": "", "Power": <0|1>, "Mode": "", "FanSpeed": "<1|2|3|4|5|Auto|Silence>", "Temp": <17..30> } */ bool IrSendCommand(void) { char command [CMDSZ]; bool serviced = true; uint8_t error = IE_NO_ERROR; int command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic, kIrRemoteCommands); if (-1 == command_code) { serviced = false; // Unknown command } else if (CMND_IRSEND == command_code) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, D_JSON_DONE); if (strstr(XdrvMailbox.data, "{") == nullptr) { // If no JSON it must be rawdata // IRSend frequency, rawdata, rawdata ... // or // IRsend raw,,, // IRsend raw,,,, // IRSend raw,,
,,,, char *p; char *str = strtok_r(XdrvMailbox.data, ", ", &p); if (p == nullptr) { error = IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; } else { uint16_t freq = atoi(str); if (!freq && (*str != '0')) { // First parameter is any string uint16_t count = 0; char *q = p; for (; *q; count += (*q++ == ',')); if (count < 2) { // Parameters must be at least 3 error = IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; } else { uint16_t parm[count]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { str = strtok_r(nullptr, ", ", &p); parm[i] = atoi(str); if (!parm[i]) { if (!i) { parm[0] = 38000; // Frequency default to 38kHz } else { error = IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; // Other parameters may not be 0 break; } } } if (IE_NO_ERROR == error) { uint16_t raw_array[strlen(p)*2+3]; // Header + bits + end (Largest needed) uint16_t i = 0; if (count < 4) { // Protocol where 0 = t, 1 = 2t (RC5) // IRSend raw,0,889,0000100000000000000100000 uint16_t mark = parm[1] *2; if (3 == count) { // Protocol where 0 = t1, 1 = t2 (Could be RC5) // IRSend raw,0,889,1778,0000100000000000000100000 mark = parm[2]; } for (; *p; *p++) { if (*p == '0') { raw_array[i++] = parm[1]; // Space } else if (*p == '1') { raw_array[i++] = mark; // Mark } } } else if (6 == count) { // NEC Protocol // IRSend raw,0,8620,4260,544,411,1496,010101101000111011001110000000001100110000000001100000000000000010001100 raw_array[i++] = parm[1]; // Header mark raw_array[i++] = parm[2]; // Header space for (; *p; *p++) { if (*p == '0') { raw_array[i++] = parm[3]; // Bit mark raw_array[i++] = parm[4]; // Zero space } else if (*p == '1') { raw_array[i++] = parm[3]; // Bit mark raw_array[i++] = parm[5]; // One space } } raw_array[i++] = parm[3]; // Trailing mark } else { error = IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; // Invalid number of parameters } if (IE_NO_ERROR == error) { irsend_active = true; irsend->sendRaw(raw_array, i, parm[0]); } } } } else { if (!freq) { freq = 38000; } // Default to 38kHz uint16_t count = 0; char *q = p; for (; *q; count += (*q++ == ',')); if (0 == count) { error = IE_INVALID_RAWDATA; } else { // At least two raw data values count++; uint16_t raw_array[count]; // It's safe to use stack for up to 240 packets (limited by mqtt_data length) uint8_t i = 0; for (str = strtok_r(nullptr, ", ", &p); str && i < count; str = strtok_r(nullptr, ", ", &p)) { raw_array[i++] = strtoul(str, nullptr, 0); // Allow decimal (5246996) and hexadecimal (0x501014) input } // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRS: Count %d, Freq %d, Arr[0] %d, Arr[count -1] %d"), count, freq, raw_array[0], raw_array[count -1]); irsend_active = true; irsend->sendRaw(raw_array, count, freq); if (!count) { Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, D_JSON_FAILED); } } } } } else { char dataBufUc[XdrvMailbox.data_len]; UpperCase(dataBufUc, XdrvMailbox.data); RemoveSpace(dataBufUc); if (strlen(dataBufUc) < 8) { error = IE_INVALID_JSON; } else { StaticJsonBuffer<128> jsonBuf; JsonObject &root = jsonBuf.parseObject(dataBufUc); if (!root.success()) { error = IE_INVALID_JSON; } else { // IRsend { "protocol": "SAMSUNG", "bits": 32, "data": 551502015 } char parm_uc[10]; const char *protocol = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_IR_PROTOCOL))]; uint16_t bits = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_IR_BITS))]; uint64_t data = strtoull(root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_IR_DATA))], nullptr, 0); if (protocol && bits) { char protocol_text[20]; int protocol_code = GetCommandCode(protocol_text, sizeof(protocol_text), protocol, kIrRemoteProtocols); char dvalue[64]; char hvalue[64]; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRS: protocol_text %s, protocol %s, bits %d, data %s (%s), protocol_code %d"), protocol_text, protocol, bits, ulltoa(data, dvalue, 10), IrUint64toHex(data, hvalue, bits), protocol_code); irsend_active = true; switch (protocol_code) { case NEC: irsend->sendNEC(data, (bits > NEC_BITS) ? NEC_BITS : bits); break; case SONY: irsend->sendSony(data, (bits > SONY_20_BITS) ? SONY_20_BITS : bits, 2); break; case RC5: irsend->sendRC5(data, bits); break; case RC6: irsend->sendRC6(data, bits); break; case DISH: irsend->sendDISH(data, (bits > DISH_BITS) ? DISH_BITS : bits); break; case JVC: irsend->sendJVC(data, (bits > JVC_BITS) ? JVC_BITS : bits, 1); break; case SAMSUNG: irsend->sendSAMSUNG(data, (bits > SAMSUNG_BITS) ? SAMSUNG_BITS : bits); break; case PANASONIC: // irsend->sendPanasonic(bits, data); break; irsend->sendPanasonic64(data, bits); break; default: irsend_active = false; Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, D_JSON_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED); } } else { error = IE_SYNTAX_IRSEND; } } } } } else { error = IE_SYNTAX_IRSEND; } } #ifdef USE_IR_HVAC else if (CMND_IRHVAC == command_code) { const char *HVAC_Mode; const char *HVAC_FanMode; const char *HVAC_Vendor; int HVAC_Temp = 21; bool HVAC_Power = true; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { char dataBufUc[XdrvMailbox.data_len]; UpperCase(dataBufUc, XdrvMailbox.data); RemoveSpace(dataBufUc); if (strlen(dataBufUc) < 8) { error = IE_INVALID_JSON; } else { StaticJsonBuffer<164> jsonBufer; JsonObject &root = jsonBufer.parseObject(dataBufUc); if (!root.success()) { error = IE_INVALID_JSON; } else { Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, D_JSON_DONE); HVAC_Vendor = root[D_JSON_IRHVAC_VENDOR]; HVAC_Power = root[D_JSON_IRHVAC_POWER]; HVAC_Mode = root[D_JSON_IRHVAC_MODE]; HVAC_FanMode = root[D_JSON_IRHVAC_FANSPEED]; HVAC_Temp = root[D_JSON_IRHVAC_TEMP]; // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IRHVAC: Received Vendor %s, Power %d, Mode %s, FanSpeed %s, Temp %d"), HVAC_Vendor, HVAC_Power, HVAC_Mode, HVAC_FanMode, HVAC_Temp); char vendor[20]; int vendor_code = GetCommandCode(vendor, sizeof(vendor), HVAC_Vendor, kIrHvacVendors); switch (vendor_code) { case VNDR_TOSHIBA: error = IrHvacToshiba(HVAC_Mode, HVAC_FanMode, HVAC_Power, HVAC_Temp); break; case VNDR_MITSUBISHI: error = IrHvacMitsubishi(HVAC_Mode, HVAC_FanMode, HVAC_Power, HVAC_Temp); break; case VNDR_LG: error = IrHvacLG(HVAC_Mode, HVAC_FanMode, HVAC_Power, HVAC_Temp); break; case VNDR_FUJITSU: error = IrHvacFujitsu(HVAC_Mode, HVAC_FanMode, HVAC_Power, HVAC_Temp); break; default: error = IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } } } } else { error = IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC; } } #endif // USE_IR_HVAC else serviced = false; // Unknown command switch (error) { case IE_INVALID_RAWDATA: Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, D_JSON_INVALID_RAWDATA); break; case IE_INVALID_JSON: Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, D_JSON_INVALID_JSON); break; case IE_SYNTAX_IRSEND: Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_IRSEND "\":\"" D_JSON_NO " " D_JSON_IR_PROTOCOL ", " D_JSON_IR_BITS " " D_JSON_OR " " D_JSON_IR_DATA "\"}")); break; #ifdef USE_IR_HVAC case IE_SYNTAX_IRHVAC: Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_IRHVAC "\":\"" D_JSON_WRONG " " D_JSON_IRHVAC_VENDOR ", " D_JSON_IRHVAC_MODE " " D_JSON_OR " " D_JSON_IRHVAC_FANSPEED "\"}")); break; #endif // USE_IR_HVAC } return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv05(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; if ((pin[GPIO_IRSEND] < 99) || (pin[GPIO_IRRECV] < 99)) { switch (function) { case FUNC_PRE_INIT: if (pin[GPIO_IRSEND] < 99) { IrSendInit(); } #ifdef USE_IR_RECEIVE if (pin[GPIO_IRRECV] < 99) { IrReceiveInit(); } #endif // USE_IR_RECEIVE break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: #ifdef USE_IR_RECEIVE if (pin[GPIO_IRRECV] < 99) { IrReceiveCheck(); // check if there's anything on IR side } #endif // USE_IR_RECEIVE irsend_active = false; // re-enable IR reception break; case FUNC_COMMAND: if (pin[GPIO_IRSEND] < 99) { result = IrSendCommand(); } break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_IR_REMOTE