#ifdef USE_SENDMAIL #include "sendemail.h" // enable serial debugging //#define DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT // sendmail works only with server port 465 SSL and doesnt support STARTTLS (not supported in Arduino) // only a couple of mailservers support this (e.g. gmail,gmx,yahoo,freenetmail) // sendmail [server:port:user:passwd:from:to:subject] body // sendmail [*:*:*:*:*:to:subject] data uses defines from user_config_overwrite // #define EMAIL_USER "user" // #define EMAIL_PASSWORD "passwd" // #define EMAIL_FROM "" // #define EMAIL_SERVER "smtp.gmail.com" // #define EMAIL_PORT 465 // if email body consist of a single * and scripter is present // and a section >m is found, the lines in this section (until #) are sent // as email body // sendmail works with pre2.6 using Light BearSSL //HW Watchdog 8.44 sec. //SW Watchdog 3.2 sec. #ifndef SEND_MAIL_MINRAM #define SEND_MAIL_MINRAM 12*1024 #endif #define xPSTR(a) a uint16_t SendMail(char *buffer) { char *params,*oparams; const char *mserv; uint16_t port; const char *user; const char *pstr; const char *passwd; const char *from; const char *to; const char *subject; const char *cmd; char auth=0; uint16_t status=1; SendEmail *mail=0; uint16_t blen; char *endcmd; // return if not enough memory uint16_t mem=ESP_getFreeHeap(); if (memsend(from,to,subject,cmd); delete mail; if (result==true) status=0; } exit: if (oparams) free(oparams); return status; } #ifdef ESP8266 void script_send_email_body(BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure_light *client); SendEmail::SendEmail(const String& host, const int port, const String& user, const String& passwd, const int timeout, const int auth_used) : host(host), port(port), user(user), passwd(passwd), timeout(timeout), ssl(ssl), auth_used(auth_used), client(new BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure_light(1024,1024)) { } #else void script_send_email_body(WiFiClient *client); SendEmail::SendEmail(const String& host, const int port, const String& user, const String& passwd, const int timeout, const int auth_used) : host(host), port(port), user(user), passwd(passwd), timeout(timeout), ssl(ssl), auth_used(auth_used), client(new WiFiClientSecure()) { } #endif String SendEmail::readClient() { delay(0); String r = client->readStringUntil('\n'); r.trim(); while (client->available()) { delay(0); r += client->readString(); } return r; } bool SendEmail::send(const String& from, const String& to, const String& subject, const char *msg) { bool status=false; String buffer; if (!host.length()) { return status; } client->setTimeout(timeout); // smtp connect #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Connecting: %s on port %d"),host.c_str(),port); #endif if (!client->connect(host.c_str(), port)) { #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Connection failed")); #endif goto exit; } buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("220"))) { goto exit; } buffer = F("EHLO "); buffer += client->localIP().toString(); client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("250"))) { goto exit; } if (user.length()>0 && passwd.length()>0 ) { buffer = F("AUTH LOGIN"); client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("334"))) { goto exit; } base64 b; buffer = b.encode(user); client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("334"))) { goto exit; } buffer = b.encode(passwd); client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("235"))) { goto exit; } } // smtp send mail buffer = F("MAIL FROM:"); buffer += from; client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("250"))) { goto exit; } buffer = F("RCPT TO:"); buffer += to; client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("250"))) { goto exit; } buffer = F("DATA"); client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = readClient(); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif if (!buffer.startsWith(F("354"))) { goto exit; } buffer = F("From: "); buffer += from; client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = F("To: "); buffer += to; client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = F("Subject: "); buffer += subject; buffer += F("\r\n"); client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif #ifdef USE_SCRIPT if (*msg=='*' && *(msg+1)==0) { script_send_email_body(client); } else { client->println(msg); } #else client->println(msg); #endif client->println('.'); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif buffer = F("QUIT"); client->println(buffer); #ifdef DEBUG_EMAIL_PORT AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%s"),buffer.c_str()); #endif status=true; exit: return status; } #endif // USE_SENDMAIL