/* xsns_61_MI_NRF24.ino - MI-BLE-sensors via nrf24l01 support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Christian Baars and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version yyyymmdd Action Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20201015 integrate - adaptions for HASS, fix some payload glitches --- 20200918 integrate - add MHOC303, ATC-custom FW, allow lower case commands --- 20200705 integrate - add YEE-RC, NLIGHT and MJYD2S, add NRFUSE --- 20200624 integrate - fix BEARSSL-decryption, remove MBEDTLS, prepare night light sensors --- 20200622 integrate - use BEARSSL-lib for decryption as default, make decryption optional --- 20200618 integrate - add decryption for LYWSD03 --- 20200328 integrate - add dew point, multi-page-web ui, refactoring, command interface, simple beacon --- 20200304 integrate - sensor types can be ignored (default for LYWSD03), add CGD1 (Alarm clock), correct PDU-types for LYWSD02 --- 20200222 integrate - use now the correct id-word instead of MAC-OUI, add CGG1 --- 20200212 integrate - "backports" from MI-MINRF, change reading pattern, add missing PDU-types, renaming driver --- 20200117 integrate - Added support for the LYWSD02 --- 20191127 started - further development by Christian Baars base - code base from cbm80amiga, floe, Dmitry.GR forked - from arendst/tasmota - https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota */ #ifdef USE_SPI #ifdef USE_NRF24 #ifdef USE_MIBLE #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR #define MINRF_LOG_BUFFER(x) MINRFshowBuffer(x); #else #define MINRF_LOG_BUFFER(x) #endif #define USE_MI_DECRYPTION /*********************************************************************************************\ * MINRF * BLE-Sniffer/Bridge for MIJIA/XIAOMI Temperatur/Humidity-Sensor, Mi Flora, LYWSD02, GCx, ... * * Usage: Configure NRF24 \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XSNS_61 61 #include #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION #include #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION #define FLORA 1 #define MJ_HT_V1 2 #define LYWSD02 3 #define LYWSD03 4 #define CGG1 5 #define CGD1 6 #define NLIGHT 7 #define MJYD2S 8 #define YEERC 9 #define MHOC401 10 #define MHOC303 11 #define ATC 12 #define MI_TYPES 12 //count this manually #define D_CMND_NRF "NRF" const char S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND_NVALUE[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_CMND_NRF "%s\":%d}"; const char S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_CMND_NRF "%s\":\"%s\"}"; const char kNRF_Commands[] PROGMEM = "Ignore|Use|Page|Scan|Beacon|Chan|Nlight" #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION "|Mjyd2s" "|Key" #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION ; enum NRF_Commands { // commands useable in console or rules CMND_NRF_IGNORE, // ignore specific sensor type (1-9) --- DEPRECATED!!!! CMND_NRF_USE, // use specific sensor type (1-9) CMND_NRF_PAGE, // sensor entries per web page, which will be shown alternated CMND_NRF_SCAN, // simplified passive BLE adv scan CMND_NRF_BEACON, // even more simplified Beacon, reports time since last sighting CMND_NRF_CHAN, // ignore channel 0-2 (translates to 37-39) CMND_NRF_NLIGHT // add Philips night light via MAC #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION , CMND_NRF_MJYD2S // add MJYD2S night light via bind_key to a MAC for payload decryption , CMND_NRF_KEY // add bind_key to a MAC for payload decryption #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION }; const uint16_t kMINRFDeviceID[MI_TYPES]={ 0x0098, // Flora 0x01aa, // MJ_HT_V1 0x045b, // LYWSD02 0x055b, // LYWSD03 0x0347, // CGG1 0x0576, // CGD1 0x03dd, // NLIGHT 0x07f6, // MJYD2S 0x0153, // yee-rc 0x0387, // MHO-C401 0x06d3, // MHO-C303 0x0a1c // ATC -> this is a fake ID }; const char kMINRFDeviceType1[] PROGMEM = "Flora"; const char kMINRFDeviceType2[] PROGMEM = "MJ_HT_V1"; const char kMINRFDeviceType3[] PROGMEM = "LYWSD02"; const char kMINRFDeviceType4[] PROGMEM = "LYWSD03"; const char kMINRFDeviceType5[] PROGMEM = "CGG1"; const char kMINRFDeviceType6[] PROGMEM = "CGD1"; const char kMINRFDeviceType7[] PROGMEM = "NLIGHT"; const char kMINRFDeviceType8[] PROGMEM = "MJYD2S"; const char kMINRFDeviceType9[] PROGMEM = "YEERC"; const char kMINRFDeviceType10[] PROGMEM = "MHOC401"; const char kMINRFDeviceType11[] PROGMEM = "MHOC303"; const char kMINRFDeviceType12[] PROGMEM = "ATC"; const char * kMINRFDeviceType[] PROGMEM = {kMINRFDeviceType1,kMINRFDeviceType2,kMINRFDeviceType3,kMINRFDeviceType4,kMINRFDeviceType5,kMINRFDeviceType6,kMINRFDeviceType7,kMINRFDeviceType8,kMINRFDeviceType9,kMINRFDeviceType10,kMINRFDeviceType11,kMINRFDeviceType12}; // PDU's or different channels 37-39 const uint32_t kMINRFFloPDU[3] = {0x3eaa857d,0xef3b8730,0x71da7b46}; const uint32_t kMINRFMJPDU[3] = {0x4760cd66,0xdbcc0cd3,0x33048df5}; const uint32_t kMINRFL2PDU[3] = {0x3eaa057d,0xef3b0730,0x71dafb46}; const uint32_t kMINRFL3PDU[3] = {0x4760dd78,0xdbcc1ccd,0x33049deb}; //encrypted - 58 58 // const uint32_t kMINRFL3PDU[3] = {0x4760cb78,0xdbcc0acd,0x33048beb}; //unencrypted - 30 58 const uint32_t kMINRFCGGPDU[3] = {0x4760cd6e,0xdbcc0cdb,0x33048dfd}; const uint32_t kMINRFCGDPDU[3] = {0x5da0d752,0xc10c16e7,0x29c497c1}; // const uint32_t kMINRFNLIPDU[3] = {0x4760C56E,0xDBCC04DB,0x0330485FD}; //NLIGHT const uint32_t kMINRFYRCPDU[3] = {0x216D63E2,0x5C3DD47E,0x0A5D0E96}; //yee-rc - 50 30 const uint32_t kMINRFATCPDU[3] = {0xA6E4D00A,0xD0CDAD5A,0x8B03FB3A}; //ATC // start-LSFR for different channels 37-39 const uint8_t kMINRFlsfrList_A[3] = {0x4b,0x17,0x23}; // Flora, LYWSD02 const uint8_t kMINRFlsfrList_B[3] = {0x21,0x72,0x43}; // MJ_HT_V1, LYWSD03, CGx const uint8_t kMINRFlsfrList_C[3] = {0x38,0x25,0x2e}; // yee-rc const uint8_t kMINRFlsfrList_D[3] = {0x26,0x23,0x20}; // ATC #pragma pack(1) // important!! struct mi_beacon_t{ uint16_t PID; uint8_t counter; uint8_t MAC[6]; uint8_t spare; // not on MJ_HT_V1 and CGG1 uint8_t type; uint8_t ten; uint8_t size; union { struct{ //0d int16_t temp; uint16_t hum; }HT; uint8_t bat; //0a uint16_t temp; //04 uint16_t hum; //06 uint32_t lux:24; //07 uint8_t moist; //08 uint16_t fert; //09 struct{ //01 uint16_t num; uint8_t longPress; }Btn; }; }; struct CGDPacket_t { // related to the whole 32-byte-packet/buffer uint8_t MAC[6]; uint16_t mode; union { struct { int16_t temp; // -9 - 59 °C uint16_t hum; }; uint8_t bat; }; }; struct bleAdvPacket_t { // for nRF24L01 max 32 bytes = 2+6+24 uint8_t pduType; uint8_t payloadSize; uint8_t MAC[6]; }; #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION struct encPayload_t { uint8_t cipher[5]; uint8_t ExtCnt[3]; uint8_t tag[4]; }; struct encPacket_t{ // the packet is longer, but this part is enough to decrypt uint16_t PID; uint8_t frameCnt; uint8_t MAC[6]; encPayload_t payload; }; struct mjysd02_Packet_t{ uint8_t padding[11]; uint8_t payloadSize; uint8_t padding3; uint16_t UUID; uint16_t frameCtrl; uint16_t PID; uint8_t frameCnt; uint8_t data[18]; }; struct ATCPacket_t{ uint8_t MAC[6]; int16_t temp; //sadly this is in wrong endianess uint8_t hum; uint8_t batPer; uint16_t batMV; uint8_t frameCnt; }; union mi_bindKey_t{ struct{ uint8_t key[16]; uint8_t MAC[6]; }; uint8_t buf[22]; }; #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION union FIFO_t{ bleAdvPacket_t bleAdv; mi_beacon_t miBeacon; CGDPacket_t CGDPacket; uint8_t raw[32]; }; #pragma pack(0) struct { const uint8_t channel[3] = {37,38,39}; // BLE advertisement channel number const uint8_t frequency[3] = { 2,26,80}; // real frequency (2400+x MHz) uint16_t timer; uint16_t ignore = 0; //bitfield: 2^sensor type uint8_t currentChan=0; uint8_t channelIgnore = 0; //bitfield: 2^channel (0=37,1=38,2=39) uint8_t confirmedSensors = 0; uint8_t packetMode; // 0 - normal BLE-advertisements, 1 - 9 "special" sensor packets uint8_t perPage = 4; uint8_t firstUsedPacketMode = 1; uint8_t activeLight = 0; FIFO_t buffer; struct { uint8_t MAC[6]; uint32_t time; uint32_t PDU[3]; bool active = false; } beacon; struct { uint32_t allwaysAggregate:1; // always show all known values of one sensor in brdigemode // uint32_t ignoreBogusBattery:1; uint32_t noSummary:1; // no sensor values at TELE-period uint32_t minimalSummary:1; // DEPRECATED!! uint32_t directBridgeMode:1; // send every received BLE-packet as a MQTT-message in real-time } option; struct { uint32_t shallTriggerTele:1; uint32_t triggeredTele:1; uint32_t activeScan:1; uint32_t stopScan:1; // uint32_t stopScan:1; } mode; // bool activeScan = false; // bool stopScan = false; // bool triggeredTELE = false; #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR uint8_t streamBuffer[sizeof(buffer)]; // raw data stream bytes uint8_t lsfrBuffer[sizeof(buffer)]; // corresponding lfsr-bytes for the buffer, probably only useful for a BLE-packet #endif // DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR } MINRF; struct mi_sensor_t{ uint8_t type; //Flora = 1; MJ_HT_V1=2; LYWSD02=3; LYWSD03=4; CGG1=5; CGD1=6; YEERC=9 uint8_t lastCnt; //device generated counter of the packet uint8_t shallSendMQTT; uint8_t showedUp; uint8_t MAC[6]; union { struct { uint32_t temp:1; uint32_t hum:1; uint32_t tempHum:1; //every hum sensor has temp too, easier to use Tasmota dew point functions uint32_t lux:1; uint32_t moist:1; uint32_t fert:1; uint32_t bat:1; uint32_t NMT:1; uint32_t PIR:1; uint32_t Btn:1; }; uint32_t raw; } feature; union { struct { uint32_t temp:1; uint32_t hum:1; uint32_t tempHum:1; //can be combined from the sensor uint32_t lux:1; uint32_t moist:1; uint32_t fert:1; uint32_t bat:1; uint32_t NMT:1; uint32_t motion:1; uint32_t noMotion:1; uint32_t Btn:1; }; uint32_t raw; } eventType; uint32_t lastTime; uint32_t lux; float temp; //Flora, MJ_HT_V1, LYWSD0x, CGx union { struct { uint8_t moisture; uint16_t fertility; }; // Flora struct { float hum; }; // MJ_HT_V1, LYWSD0x struct { uint16_t events; //"alarms" since boot uint32_t NMT; // no motion time in seconds for the MJYD2S }; uint16_t Btn; }; union { uint8_t bat; // many values seem to be hard-coded garbage (LYWSD0x, GCD1) }; }; struct mi_light_t{ uint8_t MAC[6]; uint32_t PDU[3]; uint8_t type; // NLIGHT=7, MJYD2S=8 uint8_t bat; struct { uint16_t events; //"alarms" since boot uint8_t lastCnt; //device generated counter of the packet uint8_t shallSendMQTT; }; uint32_t NMT; // no motion time in seconds for the MJYD2S uint32_t lastTime; uint8_t lux; //1 or 64 for the MJYD2S uint8_t eventType; //internal type of actual event for the MJYD2S }; struct scan_entry_t { uint8_t MAC[6]; uint16_t cid; uint16_t svc; uint16_t uuid; uint8_t showedUp; }; std::vector MIBLEsensors; std::vector MINRFscanResult; #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION std::vector MIBLEbindKeys; #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION std::vector MIBLElights; static union{ scan_entry_t MINRFdummyEntry; uint8_t MINRFtempBuf[23]; }; /********************************************************************************************/ void MINRFinit(void) { if (PinUsed(GPIO_NRF24_CS) && PinUsed(GPIO_NRF24_DC) && TasmotaGlobal.spi_enabled) { MINRFinitBLE(1); MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate = 1; // MINRF.option.ignoreBogusBattery = 1; // from advertisements MINRF.option.noSummary = 0; MINRF.option.minimalSummary = 0; MINRF.option.directBridgeMode = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("NRF: Started")); } } /********************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief * * @param _mode Packet mode 0-9 * @return true If no error occured * @return false If NRF24L01 is not connected */ bool MINRFinitBLE(uint8_t _mode) { if (MINRF.timer%1000 == 0){ // only re-init every 20 seconds NRF24radio.begin(Pin(GPIO_NRF24_CS),Pin(GPIO_NRF24_DC)); NRF24radio.setAutoAck(false); NRF24radio.setDataRate(RF24_1MBPS); NRF24radio.disableCRC(); NRF24radio.setChannel( MINRF.frequency[MINRF.currentChan] ); NRF24radio.setRetries(0,0); NRF24radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MIN); // we only receive NRF24radio.setAddressWidth(4); // NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,0x6B7D9171); // advertisement address: 0x8E89BED6 (bit-reversed -> 0x6B7D9171) // NRF24radio.openWritingPipe( 0x6B7D9171); // not used ATM NRF24radio.powerUp(); } if(NRF24radio.isChipConnected()){ // DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MINRF chip connected")); MINRFchangePacketModeTo(_mode); return true; } // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("MINRF chip NOT !!!! connected")); return false; } /** * @brief cycle through the channels 37-39, skip ignored channel * */ void MINRFhopChannel() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i<3;i++){ MINRF.currentChan++; if(bitRead(MINRF.channelIgnore,MINRF.currentChan)) continue; if(MINRF.currentChan >= sizeof(MINRF.channel)) { MINRF.currentChan = 0; if(bitRead(MINRF.channelIgnore,MINRF.currentChan)) continue; } break; } NRF24radio.setChannel( MINRF.frequency[MINRF.currentChan] ); } /** * @brief Read out FIFO-buffer, swap buffer and whiten * * @return true - If something is in the buffer * @return false - Nothing is in the buffer */ bool MINRFreceivePacket(void) { if(!NRF24radio.available()) { return false; } while(NRF24radio.available()) { // static uint8_t _lsfr = 0; //-> for testing out suitable lsfr-start-values for yet unknown packets // _lsfr++; NRF24radio.read( &MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer) ); #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR memcpy(&MINRF.streamBuffer, &MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer)); #endif // DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR MINRFswapbuf((uint8_t*)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer) ); // MINRF_LOG_BUFFER(); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: _lsfrlist: %x, chan: %u, mode: %u"),_lsfrlist[MINRF.currentChan],MINRF.currentChan, MINRF.packetMode); switch (MINRF.packetMode) { case 0: case NLIGHT: case MJYD2S: MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer), MINRF.channel[MINRF.currentChan] | 0x40); // "BEACON" mode, "NLIGHT" mode, "MJYD2S" mode break; case FLORA: case LYWSD02: case MHOC303: MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer), kMINRFlsfrList_A[MINRF.currentChan]); // "flora" mode, "LYWSD02" mode break; case MJ_HT_V1: case LYWSD03: case CGG1: case CGD1: case MHOC401: MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer), kMINRFlsfrList_B[MINRF.currentChan]); // "MJ_HT_V1" mode, LYWSD03" mode, "CGG1" mode, "CGD1" mode break; case YEERC: MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer), kMINRFlsfrList_C[MINRF.currentChan]); // "YEE-RC" mode break; case ATC: MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer), kMINRFlsfrList_D[MINRF.currentChan]); // ATC break; } // DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: LSFR:%x"),_lsfr); // if (_lsfr>254) _lsfr=0; } // DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: did read FIFO")); return true; } // #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR void MINRFshowBuffer(uint8_t (&buf)[32]){ // we use this only for the 32-byte-FIFO-buffer, so 32 is hardcoded // DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: Buffer: %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c" // " %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c" // " %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c" // " %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c") DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: Buffer: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x " "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x " "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x " "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x ") ,buf[0],buf[1],buf[2],buf[3],buf[4],buf[5],buf[6],buf[7],buf[8],buf[9],buf[10],buf[11], buf[12],buf[13],buf[14],buf[15],buf[16],buf[17],buf[18],buf[19],buf[20],buf[21],buf[22],buf[23], buf[24],buf[25],buf[26],buf[27],buf[28],buf[29],buf[30],buf[31] ); } // #endif // DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR /** * @brief change lsfrBuffer content to "wire bit order" * * @param len Buffer lenght (could be hardcoded to 32) */ void MINRFswapbuf(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { // uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)&MINRF.buffer; while(len--) { uint8_t a = *buf; uint8_t v = 0; if (a & 0x80) v |= 0x01; if (a & 0x40) v |= 0x02; if (a & 0x20) v |= 0x04; if (a & 0x10) v |= 0x08; if (a & 0x08) v |= 0x10; if (a & 0x04) v |= 0x20; if (a & 0x02) v |= 0x40; if (a & 0x01) v |= 0x80; *(buf++) = v; } } /** * @brief Whiten the packet buffer * * @param buf The packet buffer * @param len Lenght of the packet buffer * @param lfsr Start lsfr-byte */ void MINRFwhiten(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len, uint8_t lfsr) { while(len--) { uint8_t res = 0; // LFSR in "wire bit order" for (uint8_t i = 1; i; i <<= 1) { if (lfsr & 0x01) { lfsr ^= 0x88; res |= i; } lfsr >>= 1; } *(buf++) ^= res; #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR MINRF.lsfrBuffer[31-len] = lfsr; #endif //DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Beacon functions \*********************************************************************************************/ bool MINRFhandleBeacon(scan_entry_t * entry, uint32_t offset); /** * @brief handle a generic BLE-packet in the scan process * */ void MINRFhandleScan(void){ if(MINRFscanResult.size()>20 || MINRF.mode.stopScan) { MINRF.mode.activeScan=false; MINRFcomputefirstUsedPacketMode(); uint32_t i = 0; // pass counter as reference to lambda MINRFscanResult.erase(std::remove_if(MINRFscanResult.begin(), MINRFscanResult.end(), [&i](scan_entry_t e) { if(e.showedUp>2) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: Beacon %02u: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X Cid: %04X Svc: %04X UUID: %04X"),i,e.MAC[0],e.MAC[1],e.MAC[2],e.MAC[3],e.MAC[4],e.MAC[5],e.cid,e.svc,e.uuid); i++; return ((e.showedUp < 3)); }), MINRFscanResult.end()); MINRF.mode.stopScan=false; return; } MINRFreverseMAC(MINRF.buffer.bleAdv.MAC); for(uint32_t i=0; iregular BLE-ADV, 6->"cutted" BLE-ADV with MAC as PDU * @return true - when name, cid, uuid or svc is found with any value * @return false - name, cid, uuid and svc are not found */ bool MINRFhandleBeacon(scan_entry_t * entry, uint32_t offset){ bool success = false; uint8_t _buf[32+offset]; MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer), MINRF.channel[MINRF.currentChan] | 0x40); MINRFswapbuf((uint8_t*)&MINRF.buffer,sizeof(MINRF.buffer)); memcpy((uint8_t*)&_buf+offset,MINRF.buffer.raw,32); MINRFswapbuf((uint8_t*)&_buf,sizeof(_buf)); MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&_buf, sizeof(_buf), MINRF.channel[MINRF.currentChan] | 0x40); if (offset == 6) MINRFreverseMAC((uint8_t*)&_buf[2]); if(memcmp((uint8_t*)&_buf[2],MINRF.beacon.MAC,2)==0){ // always at least 2 undestroyed bytes left if(_buf[8]!=2 && _buf[9]!=1){ // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: unsupported ADV %02x %02x"), _buf[8],_buf[9]); return success; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: Beacon:____________")); for (uint32_t i = 8; i<32+offset;i++){ uint32_t size = _buf[i]; if (size>30) break; uint32_t ADtype = _buf[i+1]; // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: Size: %u AD: %x i:%u"), size, ADtype,i); if (size+i>32+offset) size=32-i+offset-2; if (size>30) break; char _stemp[(size*2)]; uint32_t backupSize; switch(ADtype){ case 0x01: AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: Flags: %02x"), _buf[i+2]); break; case 0x02: case 0x03: entry->uuid = _buf[i+3]*256 + _buf[i+2]; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: UUID: %04x"), entry->uuid); success = true; break; case 0x08: case 0x09: backupSize = _buf[i+size+1]; _buf[i+size+1] = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: Name: %s"), (char*)&_buf[i+2]); success = true; _buf[i+size+1] = backupSize; break; case 0x0a: AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: TxPow: %02u"), _buf[i+2]); break; case 0xff: entry->cid = _buf[i+3]*256 + _buf[i+2]; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: Cid: %04x"), entry->cid); ToHex_P((unsigned char*)&_buf+i+4,size-3,_stemp,(size*2)); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s"),_stemp); success = true; break; case 0x16: entry->svc = _buf[i+3]*256 + _buf[i+2]; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: Svc: %04x"), entry->svc); ToHex_P((unsigned char*)&_buf+i+4,size-3,_stemp,(size*2)); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s"),_stemp); success = true; break; default: ToHex_P((unsigned char*)&_buf+i+2,size-1,_stemp,(size*2)); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s"),_stemp); } i+=size; } MINRF.beacon.time = 0; } return success; } /** * @brief increase beacon timer every second and process the result * */ void MINRFbeaconCounter(void) { if (MINRF.beacon.active) { MINRF.beacon.time++; /* char stemp[20]; snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp),PSTR("{%s:{\"Beacon\": %u}}"),D_CMND_NRF, MINRF.beacon.time); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, stemp); RulesProcessEvent(stemp); */ Response_P(PSTR("{%s:{\"Beacon\":%u}}"), D_CMND_NRF, MINRF.beacon.time); XdrvRulesProcess(0); } } /** * @brief compute "PDU" from MAC for each possible channel and store it globally * */ void MINRFcomputeBeaconPDU(uint8_t (&_MAC)[6], uint32_t (&PDU)[3], uint32_t offset){ uint32_t _PDU[3]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i<3; i++){ bleAdvPacket_t packet; memcpy((uint8_t *)&packet.MAC, (uint8_t *)&_MAC, sizeof(packet.MAC)); MINRFreverseMAC(packet.MAC); MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&packet, sizeof(packet), MINRF.channel[i] | 0x40); MINRFswapbuf((uint8_t*)&packet,sizeof(packet)); uint32_t pdu = packet.MAC[0+offset]<<24 | packet.MAC[1+offset]<<16 | packet.MAC[2+offset]<<8 | packet.MAC[3+offset]; _PDU[i] = pdu; } memcpy(PDU,_PDU,sizeof(_PDU)); } #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION int MINRFdecryptPacket(char *_buf){ encPacket_t *packet = (encPacket_t*)_buf; // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("to decrypt: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"),(uint8_t)_buf[0],(uint8_t)_buf[1],(uint8_t)_buf[2],(uint8_t)_buf[3],(uint8_t)_buf[4],(uint8_t)_buf[5],(uint8_t)_buf[6],(uint8_t)_buf[7]); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR(" : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"),(uint8_t)_buf[8],(uint8_t)_buf[9],(uint8_t)_buf[10],(uint8_t)_buf[11],(uint8_t)_buf[12],(uint8_t)_buf[13],(uint8_t)_buf[14],(uint8_t)_buf[15]); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR(" : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x "),(uint8_t)_buf[16],(uint8_t)_buf[17],(uint8_t)_buf[18],(uint8_t)_buf[19],(uint8_t)_buf[20]); int ret = 0; unsigned char output[16] = {0}; uint8_t nonce[12]; const unsigned char authData[1] = {0x11}; // nonce: device MAC, device type, frame cnt, ext. cnt for (uint32_t i = 0; i<6; i++){ nonce[i] = packet->MAC[5-i]; } memcpy((uint8_t*)&nonce+6,(uint8_t*)&packet->PID,2); nonce[8] = packet->frameCnt; memcpy((uint8_t*)&nonce+9,(uint8_t*)&packet->payload.ExtCnt,3); uint8_t _bindkey[16] = {0x0}; for(uint32_t i=0; iMAC,MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC,sizeof(packet->MAC))==0){ // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("have key")); memcpy(_bindkey,MIBLEbindKeys[i].key,sizeof(_bindkey)); break; } // else{ // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("MAC in packet: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"), packet->MAC[0], packet->MAC[1], packet->MAC[2], packet->MAC[3], packet->MAC[4], packet->MAC[5]); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("MAC in vector: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"), MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[0], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[1], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[2], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[3], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[4], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[5]); // } } memcpy(output,packet->payload.cipher, sizeof(packet->payload.cipher)); br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys keyCtx; br_aes_small_ctrcbc_init(&keyCtx, _bindkey, sizeof(_bindkey)); br_ccm_context ctx; br_ccm_init(&ctx, &keyCtx.vtable); br_ccm_reset(&ctx, nonce, sizeof(nonce), sizeof(authData),sizeof(packet->payload.cipher),sizeof(packet->payload.tag)); br_ccm_aad_inject(&ctx, authData, sizeof(authData)); br_ccm_flip(&ctx); br_ccm_run(&ctx, 0, output, sizeof(packet->payload.cipher)); ret = br_ccm_check_tag(&ctx, packet->payload.tag); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: Err:%i, Decrypted : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x "), ret, output[0],output[1],output[2],output[3],output[4]); memcpy((uint8_t*)(packet->payload.cipher)+1,output,sizeof(packet->payload.cipher)); return ret; } int MINRFdecryptMJYD2SPacket(char *_buf, uint8_t _light, char* _output){ int ret = 0; uint8_t nonce[12]; const unsigned char authData[1] = {0x11}; uint8_t tag[4]; mjysd02_Packet_t *packet = (mjysd02_Packet_t*)_buf; // nonce: device MAC, device type, frame cnt, ext. cnt for (uint32_t i = 0; i<6; i++){ nonce[i] = MIBLElights[_light-1].MAC[5-i]; } memcpy((uint8_t*)&nonce+6,(uint8_t*)&packet->PID,2); nonce[8] = packet->frameCnt; memcpy((uint8_t*)&nonce+9,(uint8_t*)&packet->padding[0] + packet->payloadSize + 5, 3); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("nonce: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"), nonce[0], nonce[1], nonce[2], nonce[3], nonce[4], nonce[5], nonce[6], nonce[7], nonce[8], nonce[9], nonce[10], nonce[11]); uint8_t _bindkey[16]; for(uint32_t i=0; iMAC[0], packet->MAC[1], packet->MAC[2], packet->MAC[3], packet->MAC[4], packet->MAC[5]); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("MAC in vector: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"), MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[0], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[1], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[2], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[3], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[4], MIBLEbindKeys[i].MAC[5]); // } } // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("size %u"),packet->payloadSize); uint32_t _size; int32_t _offset; uint32_t _tagSize; switch (packet->payloadSize){ case 22: _size = 7; _offset = 2; _tagSize = 4; break; case 25: _size = packet->payloadSize - 21; _offset = -1; _tagSize = 4; break; case 27: _size = packet->payloadSize - 21; _offset = 1; _tagSize = 3; break; default: return 0; break; } // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("size %u , offset %u"),_size,_offset); memcpy(_output,(uint8_t*)&packet->padding[0] + packet->payloadSize - _offset, _size); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("BEARSSL: Output : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"), _output[0], _output[1],_output[2],_output[3],_output[4],_output[5],_output[6]); br_aes_small_ctrcbc_keys keyCtx; br_aes_small_ctrcbc_init(&keyCtx, _bindkey, sizeof(_bindkey)); br_ccm_context ctx; br_ccm_init(&ctx, &keyCtx.vtable); br_ccm_reset(&ctx, nonce, sizeof(nonce), sizeof(authData),_size,4); br_ccm_aad_inject(&ctx, authData, sizeof(authData)); br_ccm_flip(&ctx); br_ccm_run(&ctx, 0, _output, _size); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("BEARSSL: Err:%i, Decrypted : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"), ret, _output[0], _output[1],_output[2],_output[3],_output[4],_output[5],_output[6]); br_ccm_get_tag(&ctx, tag); ret = memcmp(tag,(uint8_t*)&packet->padding[0] + packet->payloadSize + 8, _tagSize); return ret; } #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION /*********************************************************************************************\ * helper functions \*********************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief reverse 6-byte-array, hard-coded size of 6 * * @param _MAC pass an uint_t[6] */ void MINRFreverseMAC(uint8_t _MAC[]){ uint8_t _reversedMAC[6]; for (uint8_t i=0; i<6; i++){ _reversedMAC[5-i] = _MAC[i]; } memcpy(_MAC,_reversedMAC, sizeof(_reversedMAC)); } #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION void MINRFAddKey(char* payload){ mi_bindKey_t keyMAC; memset(keyMAC.buf,0,sizeof(keyMAC)); MINRFKeyMACStringToBytes(payload,keyMAC.buf); bool unknownKey = true; for(uint32_t i=0; i= '0' && c <= '9') value = (c - '0'); else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') value = (10 + (c - 'A')); _keyMAC[(index/2)] += value << (((index + 1) % 2) * 4); index++; } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: %s to:"),_string); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: key-array: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X"),_keyMAC[0],_keyMAC[1],_keyMAC[2],_keyMAC[3],_keyMAC[4],_keyMAC[5],_keyMAC[6],_keyMAC[7],_keyMAC[8],_keyMAC[9],_keyMAC[10],_keyMAC[11],_keyMAC[12],_keyMAC[13],_keyMAC[14],_keyMAC[15]); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: MAC-array: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X"),_keyMAC[16],_keyMAC[17],_keyMAC[18],_keyMAC[19],_keyMAC[20],_keyMAC[21]); } #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION /** * @brief * * @param _string input string in format: AABBCCDDEEFF (upper case!) * @param _MAC target byte array with fixed size of 6 */ void MINRFMACStringToBytes(char* _string, uint8_t _MAC[]) { //uppercase uint32_t index = 0; UpperCase(_string,_string); while (index < 12) { char c = _string[index]; uint8_t value = 0; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') value = (c - '0'); else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') value = (10 + (c - 'A')); _MAC[(index/2)] += value << (((index + 1) % 2) * 4); index++; } // DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: %s to MAC-array: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X"),_string,_MAC[0],_MAC[1],_MAC[2],_MAC[3],_MAC[4],_MAC[5]); } /** * @brief helper function, to avoid to start with an ignored sensor type * */ void MINRFcomputefirstUsedPacketMode(void){ for (uint32_t i = 0; iMI_TYPES) MINRF.firstUsedPacketMode=0; break; } } } /** * @brief Recalculates the receive buffer with an offset in relation to a standard BLE advertisement. * Used for custom PDU, typically based on a MAC * * @param _buf - The receive buffer * @param offset - in bytes */ void MINRFrecalcBuffer(uint8_t *_buf, uint32_t offset){ MINRFwhiten((uint8_t *)&MINRF.buffer, sizeof(MINRF.buffer), MINRF.channel[MINRF.currentChan] | 0x40); MINRFswapbuf((uint8_t*)&MINRF.buffer,sizeof(MINRF.buffer)); memcpy(_buf+offset,MINRF.buffer.raw,32); MINRFswapbuf(_buf,32+offset); MINRFwhiten(_buf, 32+offset, MINRF.channel[MINRF.currentChan] | 0x40); } /** * @brief Set packet mode and fitting PDU-type of the NRF24L01 * * @param _mode The internal packet mode number */ void MINRFchangePacketModeTo(uint8_t _mode) { uint32_t (_nextchannel) = MINRF.currentChan+1; if (_nextchannel>2) _nextchannel=0; switch(_mode){ case 0: // normal BLE advertisement NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,0x6B7D9171); // advertisement address: 0x8E89BED6 (bit-reversed -> 0x6B7D9171) break; case FLORA: // special flora packet NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFFloPDU[_nextchannel]); // 95 fe 71 20 -> flora break; case MJ_HT_V1: // special MJ_HT_V1 packet NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFMJPDU[_nextchannel]); // 95 fe 50 20 -> MJ_HT_V1 break; case LYWSD02: case MHOC303: // special LYWSD02 packet NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFL2PDU[_nextchannel]);// 95 fe 70 20 -> LYWSD02 break; case LYWSD03: case MHOC401: // special LYWSD03 packet, MHOC401 has the same NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFL3PDU[_nextchannel]);// 95 fe 58 58 -> LYWSD03 (= encrypted data message) break; case CGG1: // special CGG1 packet NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFCGGPDU[_nextchannel]); // 95 fe 50 30 -> CGG1 break; case CGD1: // special CGD1 packet NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFCGDPDU[_nextchannel]); // cd fd 08 0c -> CGD1 break; case NLIGHT: case MJYD2S:// MAC based LIGHT packet if (MIBLElights.size()==0) break; NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,MIBLElights[MINRF.activeLight].PDU[_nextchannel]); // computed from MAC -> NLIGHT and MJYSD2S MINRF.activeLight++; break; case YEERC: // YEE-RC packet NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFYRCPDU[_nextchannel]);// 95 fe 50 30 -> YEE-RC break; case ATC: NRF24radio.openReadingPipe(0,kMINRFATCPDU[_nextchannel]);// 10 16 1a 18 -> ATC break; } // DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: Change Mode to %u"),_mode); MINRF.packetMode = _mode; } /** * @brief Return the slot number of a known sensor or return create new sensor slot * * @param _MAC BLE address of the sensor * @param _type Type number of the sensor * @return uint32_t Known or new slot in the sensors-vector */ uint32_t MINRFgetSensorSlot(uint8_t (&_MAC)[6], uint16_t _type){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: will test ID-type: %x"), _type); bool _success = false; for (uint32_t i=0;i 2){ MINRF.confirmedSensors++; } } } /** * @brief trigger real-time message for PIR or RC * */ void MINRFtriggerTele(void){ MINRF.mode.triggeredTele = true; MqttPublishTeleperiodSensor(); } /** * @brief generic MiBeacon parser * */ void MINRFhandleMiBeaconPacket(void){ MINRFreverseMAC(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.MAC); uint32_t _slot = MINRFgetSensorSlot(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.MAC, MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.PID); if(_slot==0xff) return; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: slot %u, size vector: %u %u"),_slot,MIBLEsensors.size()); mi_sensor_t *_sensorVec = &MIBLEsensors[_slot]; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: %u %u %u"),_slot,_sensorVec->type,MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.type); float _tempFloat; int decryptRet; switch(_sensorVec->type){ case MJ_HT_V1: case CGG1: case YEERC: memcpy(MINRFtempBuf,(uint8_t*)&MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.spare, 32-9); // shift by one byte for the MJ_HT_V1 and CGG1 memcpy((uint8_t*)&MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.type,MINRFtempBuf, 32-9); // shift by one byte for the MJ_HT_V1 and CGG1 break; #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION case LYWSD03: case MHOC401: decryptRet = MINRFdecryptPacket((char*)&MINRF.buffer); //start with PID if(decryptRet==1) _sensorVec->showedUp=255; // if decryption worked, this must be a valid sensor break; #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("%s at slot %u"), kNRFSlaveType[_sensorVec->type-1],_slot); switch(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.type){ case 0x1: if(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.counter==_sensorVec->lastCnt) break; // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: YEE-RC button: %u Long: %u"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.Btn.num, MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.Btn.longPress); _sensorVec->lastCnt=MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.counter; _sensorVec->Btn=MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.Btn.num + (MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.Btn.longPress/2)*6; _sensorVec->eventType.Btn = 1; break; case 0x04: _tempFloat=(float)(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.temp)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<60){ _sensorVec->temp=_tempFloat; _sensorVec->eventType.temp = 1; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 4: temp updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 4: U16: %u Temp"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.temp ); break; case 0x06: _tempFloat=(float)(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.hum)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<101){ _sensorVec->hum=_tempFloat; _sensorVec->eventType.hum = 1; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 6: hum updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 6: U16: %u Hum"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.hum); break; case 0x07: _sensorVec->lux=MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.lux & 0x00ffffff; _sensorVec->eventType.lux = 1; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 7: U24: %u Lux"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.lux & 0x00ffffff); break; case 0x08: _tempFloat =(float)MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.moist; if(_tempFloat<100){ _sensorVec->moisture=_tempFloat; _sensorVec->eventType.moist = 1; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 8: moisture updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 8: U8: %u Moisture"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.moist); break; case 0x09: _tempFloat=(float)(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.fert); if(_tempFloat<65535){ // ??? _sensorVec->fertility=_tempFloat; _sensorVec->eventType.fert = 1; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 9: fertility updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 9: U16: %u Fertility"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.fert); break; case 0x0a: if(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.bat<101){ _sensorVec->bat = MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.bat; _sensorVec->eventType.bat = 1; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode a: bat updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode a: U8: %u %%"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.bat); break; case 0x0d: _tempFloat=(float)(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.HT.temp)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<60){ _sensorVec->temp = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode d: temp updated")); } _tempFloat=(float)(MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.HT.hum)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<100){ _sensorVec->hum = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode d: hum updated")); } _sensorVec->eventType.tempHum = 1; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode d: U16: %x Temp U16: %x Hum"), MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.HT.temp, MINRF.buffer.miBeacon.HT.hum); break; } if(MIBLEsensors[_slot].eventType.raw == 0) return; MIBLEsensors[_slot].shallSendMQTT = 1; if (MINRF.option.directBridgeMode) MINRF.mode.shallTriggerTele = 1; } /** * @brief parse the Cleargrass-packet * Note: battery section is based on "internet data" -> not confirmed yet */ void MINRFhandleCGD1Packet(void){ // no MiBeacon MINRFreverseMAC(MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.MAC); uint32_t _slot = MINRFgetSensorSlot(MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.MAC, 0x0576); // This must be hard-coded, no object-id in Cleargrass-packet DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: Sensor slot: %u"), _slot); if(_slot==0xff) return; switch (MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.mode){ case 0x0401: float _tempFloat; _tempFloat=(float)(MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.temp)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<60){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].temp = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("CGD1: temp updated")); } _tempFloat=(float)(MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.hum)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<100){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].hum = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("CGD1: hum updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("CGD1: U16: %x Temp U16: %x Hum"), MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.temp, MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.hum); MIBLEsensors[_slot].eventType.tempHum = 1; break; case 0x0102: if(MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.bat<101){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].bat = MINRF.buffer.CGDPacket.bat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode a: bat updated")); } MIBLEsensors[_slot].eventType.bat = 1; break; default: DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: unexpected CGD1-packet")); MINRF_LOG_BUFFER(MINRF.buffer.raw); } if(MIBLEsensors[_slot].eventType.raw == 0) return; MIBLEsensors[_slot].shallSendMQTT = 1; if (MINRF.option.directBridgeMode) MINRF.mode.shallTriggerTele = 1; } void MINRFhandleNlightPacket(void){ // no MiBeacon uint32_t offset = 6; uint8_t _buf[32+offset]; MINRFrecalcBuffer((uint8_t*)&_buf,offset); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: NLIGHT: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"),_buf[0],_buf[1],_buf[2],_buf[3],_buf[4],_buf[5],_buf[6],_buf[7],_buf[8],_buf[9],_buf[10],_buf[11],_buf[12],_buf[13],_buf[14],_buf[15],_buf[16],_buf[17],_buf[18]); uint32_t _frame_PID = _buf[15]<<24 | _buf[16]<<16 | _buf[17]<<8 | _buf[18]; if(_frame_PID!=0x4030dd03) return; // invalid packet // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: NLIGHT:%x"),_frame_PID); uint32_t _idx = MINRF.activeLight-1; if((millis() - MIBLElights[_idx].lastTime)<1500) return; if(_buf[19]!=MIBLElights[_idx].lastCnt){ MIBLElights[_idx].lastCnt = _buf[19]; MIBLElights[_idx].events++; MIBLElights[_idx].shallSendMQTT = 1; MIBLElights[_idx].lastTime = millis(); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: NLIGHT %u: events: %u, Cnt:%u"), _idx,MIBLElights[_idx].events, MIBLElights[_idx].lastCnt); } } void MINRFhandleMJYD2SPacket(void){ // no MiBeacon uint32_t offset = 8; uint8_t _buf[32+offset]; MINRFrecalcBuffer((uint8_t*)&_buf,offset); mjysd02_Packet_t *_packet = (mjysd02_Packet_t*)&_buf; if(_packet->PID!=0x07f6) return; // invalid packet // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: MJYD2S: %02u %04x %04x %04x %02x"),_packet->payloadSize,_packet->UUID,_packet->frameCtrl,_packet->PID,_packet->frameCnt); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: PAYLOAD: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"),_packet->data[0],_packet->data[1],_packet->data[2],_packet->data[3],_packet->data[4],_packet->data[5],_packet->data[6],_packet->data[7],_packet->data[8],_packet->data[9],_packet->data[10],_packet->data[11],_packet->data[12],_packet->data[13],_packet->data[14],_packet->data[15],_packet->data[16],_packet->data[17]); uint32_t _idx = MINRF.activeLight-1; switch(_packet->frameCtrl){ case 0x5910: if(_packet->frameCnt!=MIBLElights[_idx].lastCnt){ // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: MJYD2S after motion:%x"),_packet->frameCnt); MIBLElights[_idx].lastCnt = _packet->frameCnt; if(millis()-MIBLElights[_idx].lastTime>120000){ MIBLElights[_idx].eventType = 1; MIBLElights[_idx].events++; MIBLElights[_idx].shallSendMQTT = 1; MIBLElights[_idx].lastTime = millis(); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: MJYD2S secondary PIR")); } } break; case 0x5948: case 0x5958: uint8_t output[16]; if(_packet->frameCnt==MIBLElights[_idx].lastCnt) break; int32_t ret = MINRFdecryptMJYD2SPacket((char*)&_buf, MINRF.activeLight,(char*)&output); if(ret==0){ MIBLElights[_idx].lastCnt = _packet->frameCnt; switch(output[0]){ case 0x0f: if(output[1] == 0){ if(millis()-MIBLElights[_idx].lastTime>1000){ MIBLElights[_idx].eventType = 1; //PIR MIBLElights[_idx].shallSendMQTT = 1; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: MJYD2S primary PIR")); MIBLElights[_idx].events++; } MIBLElights[_idx].lastTime = millis(); MIBLElights[_idx].lux = output[3]; } break; case 0x07: if(output[1] == 0x10){ MIBLElights[_idx].eventType = 2; //No PIR MIBLElights[_idx].lux = output[3]; MIBLElights[_idx].shallSendMQTT = 1; } break; case 0x0a: MIBLElights[_idx].bat = output[3]; break; case 0x17: MIBLElights[_idx].NMT = output[6]<<24 | output[5]<<16 | output[4]<<8 | output[3]; MIBLElights[_idx].eventType = 3; // NMT 0, 120, 300, 600, 1800, ... seconds MIBLElights[_idx].shallSendMQTT = 1; // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("NRF: MJYD2S NMT: %u"), MIBLElights[_idx].NMT ); break; } } } // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: NLIGHT:%x"),_frame_PID); } void MINRFhandleLightPacket(void){ switch(MIBLElights[MINRF.activeLight-1].type){ case NLIGHT: // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: NLIGHT!!")); MINRFhandleNlightPacket(); break; case MJYD2S: // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: MJYD2S !!")); MINRFhandleMJYD2SPacket(); break; } if(MIBLElights[MINRF.activeLight-1].shallSendMQTT==1) MINRFtriggerTele(); } void MINRFaddLight(uint8_t _MAC[], uint8_t _type){ // no MiBeacon for(uint32_t i=0; iMAC, 0x0a1c); // This must be a hard-coded fake ID // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("known %s at slot %u"), kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLEsensors[_slot].type-1],_slot); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("NRF: ATC: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"),MINRF.buffer.raw[0],MINRF.buffer.raw[1],MINRF.buffer.raw[2],MINRF.buffer.raw[3],MINRF.buffer.raw[4],MINRF.buffer.raw[5],MINRF.buffer.raw[6],MINRF.buffer.raw[7],MINRF.buffer.raw[8],MINRF.buffer.raw[9],MINRF.buffer.raw[10],MINRF.buffer.raw[11]); if(_slot==0xff) return; MIBLEsensors[_slot].temp = (float)(__builtin_bswap16(_packet->temp))/10.0f; MIBLEsensors[_slot].hum = (float)_packet->hum; MIBLEsensors[_slot].bat = _packet->batPer; MIBLEsensors[_slot].eventType.tempHum = 1; MIBLEsensors[_slot].eventType.bat = 1; MIBLEsensors[_slot].shallSendMQTT = 1; if (MINRF.option.directBridgeMode) MINRF.mode.shallTriggerTele = 1; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Main loop of the driver \*********************************************************************************************/ void MINRF_EVERY_50_MSECOND() { // Every 50mseconds if(MINRF.timer>6000){ // happens every 6000/20 = 300 seconds DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: check for FAKE sensors")); MINRFpurgeFakeSensors(); MINRF.timer=0; } MINRF.timer++; if (!MINRFreceivePacket()){ if(MINRF.mode.shallTriggerTele){ MINRFtriggerTele(); MINRF.mode.shallTriggerTele = 0; } // DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: nothing received")); // if (MINRF.packetMode==ATC) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("no ATC..")); } else { switch (MINRF.packetMode) { case 0: if (MINRF.beacon.active){ MINRFhandleBeacon(&MINRFdummyEntry,6); } else MINRFhandleScan(); break; case FLORA: case MJ_HT_V1: case LYWSD02: case CGG1: case LYWSD03: case YEERC: case MHOC401: case MHOC303: MINRFhandleMiBeaconPacket(); break; case CGD1: MINRFhandleCGD1Packet(); break; case NLIGHT: //case MJYD2S: MINRFhandleLightPacket(); break; case ATC: MINRFhandleATCPacket(); break; default: break; } } if (MINRF.beacon.active || MINRF.mode.activeScan) { MINRF.firstUsedPacketMode=0; } if(MINRF.packetMode==NLIGHT){ if(MINRF.activeLight+1>MIBLElights.size()){ MINRF.activeLight=0; MINRF.packetMode+=2; } else MINRF.packetMode+=2; } else{ MINRF.packetMode = (MINRF.packetMode+1>MI_TYPES) ? MINRF.firstUsedPacketMode : MINRF.packetMode+1; for (uint32_t i = MINRF.packetMode; i 0) { if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 0) XdrvMailbox.payload = MINRF.perPage; // ignore 0 MINRF.perPage = XdrvMailbox.payload; } else XdrvMailbox.payload = MINRF.perPage; Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.payload); break; case CMND_NRF_IGNORE: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 0){ MINRF.ignore = 0; MINRF.firstUsedPacketMode = 1; } else if (XdrvMailbox.payload < MI_TYPES+1) { bitSet(MINRF.ignore,XdrvMailbox.payload); MINRFcomputefirstUsedPacketMode(); MINRF.timer = 5900; Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND, command, kMINRFDeviceType[XdrvMailbox.payload-1]); } else if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 65535) { MINRF.ignore = 65535; } } Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, MINRF.ignore); break; case CMND_NRF_USE: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 0){ MINRF.ignore = 65535; MINRF.firstUsedPacketMode = 1; } else if (XdrvMailbox.payload < MI_TYPES+1) { bitClear(MINRF.ignore,XdrvMailbox.payload); MINRFcomputefirstUsedPacketMode(); MINRF.timer = 5900; Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND, command, kMINRFDeviceType[XdrvMailbox.payload-1]); } else if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 65535) { MINRF.ignore = 0; } } Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, MINRF.ignore); break; case CMND_NRF_SCAN: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { MINRF.beacon.active = false; switch(XdrvMailbox.payload){ case 0: // new scan MINRF.mode.activeScan = true; MINRF.mode.stopScan = false; MINRFscanResult.erase(std::remove_if(MINRFscanResult.begin(), MINRFscanResult.end(), [](scan_entry_t&) { return true; }), MINRFscanResult.end()); break; case 1: // append scan MINRF.mode.activeScan = true; MINRF.mode.stopScan = false; break; case 2: // stop scan MINRF.mode.stopScan = true; break; } Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.payload); } break; case CMND_NRF_BEACON: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if(XdrvMailbox.data_len<3){ // a list entry if (XdrvMailbox.payload < MINRFscanResult.size()) { MINRFstartBeacon(XdrvMailbox.payload); Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.payload); } } if (XdrvMailbox.data_len==12){ // a MAC-string memset(MINRF.beacon.MAC,0,sizeof(MINRF.beacon.MAC)); MINRFMACStringToBytes(XdrvMailbox.data, MINRF.beacon.MAC); MINRF.beacon.time=0; MINRF.beacon.active=true; Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND, command, XdrvMailbox.data); } MINRFcomputeBeaconPDU(MINRF.beacon.MAC,MINRF.beacon.PDU,0); } break; case CMND_NRF_NLIGHT: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len==12){ // a MAC-string uint8_t _MAC[6] = {0}; MINRFMACStringToBytes(XdrvMailbox.data, _MAC); Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND, command, XdrvMailbox.data); MINRFaddLight(_MAC, 7); } } break; case CMND_NRF_CHAN: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len == 1) { switch(XdrvMailbox.payload){ case 0: case 1: case 2: bitRead(MINRF.channelIgnore,XdrvMailbox.payload) == 0 ? bitSet(MINRF.channelIgnore,XdrvMailbox.payload) : bitClear(MINRF.channelIgnore,XdrvMailbox.payload); break; } } Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, MINRF.channelIgnore); break; #ifdef USE_MI_DECRYPTION case CMND_NRF_MJYD2S: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len==44){ // a KEY-MAC-string MINRFAddKey(XdrvMailbox.data); uint8_t _MAC[6] = {0}; MINRFMACStringToBytes((XdrvMailbox.data)+32, _MAC); MINRFaddLight(_MAC, 8); Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND, command, XdrvMailbox.data); } break; case CMND_NRF_KEY: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len==44){ // a KEY-MAC-string MINRFAddKey(XdrvMailbox.data); Response_P(S_JSON_NRF_COMMAND, command, XdrvMailbox.data); } break; #endif //USE_MI_DECRYPTION default: // else for Unknown command serviced = false; break; } } else { return false; } return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Presentation \*********************************************************************************************/ const char HTTP_BATTERY[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s" " Battery" "{m}%u%%{e}"; const char HTTP_MINRF_MAC[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s %s{m}%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x%{e}"; const char HTTP_MINRF_FLORA_DATA[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s" " Fertility" "{m}%dus/cm{e}"; const char HTTP_MINRF_HL[] PROGMEM = "{s}
{e}"; const char HTTP_NRF24NEW[] PROGMEM = "{s}%sL01%c{m}%u%s / %u{e}"; void MINRFShow(bool json) { if (json) { #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT bool _noSummarySave = MINRF.option.noSummary; bool _minimalSummarySave = MINRF.option.minimalSummary; if(hass_mode==2){ MINRF.option.noSummary = false; MINRF.option.minimalSummary = false; } #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT if(!MINRF.mode.triggeredTele){ if(MINRF.option.noSummary) return; // no message at TELEPERIOD } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MIBLEsensors.size(); i++) { if(MINRF.mode.triggeredTele && MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.raw == 0) continue; if(MINRF.mode.triggeredTele && MIBLEsensors[i].shallSendMQTT==0) continue; if(MIBLEsensors[i].showedUp < 3){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NRF: sensor not fully registered yet")); if(MIBLEsensors[i].type != YEERC) break; // send every RC code, even if there is a potentially false MAC } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"%s-%02x%02x%02x\":"),kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1],MIBLEsensors[i].MAC[3],MIBLEsensors[i].MAC[4],MIBLEsensors[i].MAC[5]); uint32_t _positionCurlyBracket = ResponseLength(); // ... this will be a ',' first, but later be replaced if((!MINRF.mode.triggeredTele && !MINRF.option.minimalSummary)||MINRF.mode.triggeredTele){ bool tempHumSended = false; if(MIBLEsensors[i].feature.tempHum){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.tempHum || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele || MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate){ if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].hum) && !isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].temp) #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ||(!hass_mode==2) #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); ResponseAppendTHD(MIBLEsensors[i].temp, MIBLEsensors[i].hum); tempHumSended = true; } } } if(MIBLEsensors[i].feature.temp && !tempHumSended){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.temp || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele || MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate) { if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].temp) #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ||(hass_mode==2) #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "\":%*_f"), Settings.flag2.temperature_resolution, &MIBLEsensors[i].temp); } } } if(MIBLEsensors[i].feature.hum && !tempHumSended){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.hum || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele || MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate) { if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].hum)) { char hum[FLOATSZ]; dtostrfd(MIBLEsensors[i].hum, Settings.flag2.humidity_resolution, hum); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_HUMIDITY "\":%s"), hum); } } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].feature.lux){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.lux || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele || MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate){ if (MIBLEsensors[i].lux!=0x0ffffff #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ||(hass_mode==2) #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ) { // this is the error code -> no lux ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_ILLUMINANCE "\":%u"), MIBLEsensors[i].lux); } } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].feature.moist){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.moist || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele || MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate){ if (MIBLEsensors[i].moisture!=0xff #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ||(hass_mode==2) #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_MOISTURE "\":%u"), MIBLEsensors[i].moisture); } } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].feature.fert){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.fert || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele || MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate){ if (MIBLEsensors[i].fertility!=0xffff #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ||(hass_mode==2) #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"Fertility\":%u"), MIBLEsensors[i].fertility); } } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].feature.Btn){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.Btn){ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"Btn\":%u"),MIBLEsensors[i].Btn); } } } // minimal summary if (MIBLEsensors[i].feature.PIR){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.motion || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele){ if(MINRF.mode.triggeredTele) ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"PIR\":1")); // only real-time ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"Events\":%u"),MIBLEsensors[i].events); } else if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.noMotion && MINRF.mode.triggeredTele){ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"PIR\":0")); } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].feature.NMT || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.NMT){ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"NMT\":%u"), MIBLEsensors[i].NMT); } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].feature.bat){ if(MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.bat || !MINRF.mode.triggeredTele || MINRF.option.allwaysAggregate){ if (MIBLEsensors[i].bat != 0x00 // this is the error code -> no battery #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ||(hass_mode==2) #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT ) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"Battery\":%u"), MIBLEsensors[i].bat); } } } if(_positionCurlyBracket==ResponseLength()) ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); // write some random char, to be overwritten in the next step ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_data[_positionCurlyBracket] = '{'; MIBLEsensors[i].eventType.raw = 0; if(MIBLEsensors[i].shallSendMQTT==1){ MIBLEsensors[i].shallSendMQTT = 0; continue; } } for(uint32_t i=0; iMINRF.confirmedSensors){ j = MINRF.confirmedSensors; } char stemp[5] ={0}; if (MINRF.confirmedSensors-(_page*MINRF.perPage)>1 && MINRF.perPage!=1) { sprintf_P(stemp,"-%u",j); } if (MINRF.confirmedSensors==0) i=-1; // only for the GUI WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_NRF24NEW, NRF24type, NRF24.chipType, i+1,stemp,MINRF.confirmedSensors); for (i ; i no valid value WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_ILLUMINANCE, kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].lux); } if(!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].moisture)){ // this is the error code -> no valid value WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_MOISTURE, kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].moisture); } if(!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].fertility)){ // this is the error code -> no valid value WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_MINRF_FLORA_DATA, kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].fertility); } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].type>FLORA){ // everything "above" Flora WSContentSend_THD(kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].temp, MIBLEsensors[i].hum); if(MIBLEsensors[i].bat!=0x00){ // without "juice" nothing can be done WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_BATTERY, kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].bat); } } } if(MINRF.beacon.active){ WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_MINRF_HL); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_MINRF_HL); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_MINRF_MAC, F("Beacon"), D_MAC_ADDRESS, MINRF.beacon.MAC[0], MINRF.beacon.MAC[1],MINRF.beacon.MAC[2],MINRF.beacon.MAC[3],MINRF.beacon.MAC[4],MINRF.beacon.MAC[5]); WSContentSend_PD(PSTR("{s}Beacon Time{m}%u seconds{e}"),MINRF.beacon.time); } for(uint32_t i=0; i0){ WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_BATTERY, kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLElights[i].type-1], MIBLElights[i].bat); } if(MIBLElights[i].lux>0){ WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_ILLUMINANCE, kMINRFDeviceType[MIBLElights[i].type-1], MIBLElights[i].lux); } } } if(counter>3) { _page++; counter = 0; } counter++; if(MINRF.confirmedSensors%MINRF.perPage==0 && _page==MINRF.confirmedSensors/MINRF.perPage) _page=0; if(_page>MINRF.confirmedSensors/MINRF.perPage) _page=0; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xsns61(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; if (NRF24.chipType) { switch (function) { case FUNC_INIT: MINRFinit(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: MINRF_EVERY_50_MSECOND(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: MINRFbeaconCounter(); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = NRFCmd(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: MINRFShow(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: MINRFShow(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_MIBLE #endif // USE_NRF24 #endif // USE_SPI