#----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Demo of custom web handler - - Registers a custom web hanlder for URI prefix `/hello` - and displays a Tasmota styled web page - - Copy the following in `autoexec.be` in Tasmota file system -----------------------------------------------------------------------# import webserver class Web_page_demo : Driver #- this method displays the web page -# def page_say_hello() if !webserver.check_privileged_access() return nil end webserver.content_start("Hello page") #- title of the web page -# webserver.content_send_style() #- send standard Tasmota styles -# webserver.content_send("Tasmota says hello!") #- send any html -# webserver.content_button(webserver.BUTTON_MAIN) #- button back to main page -# webserver.content_stop() #- end of web page -# end #- this is called at Tasmota start-up, as soon as Wifi/Eth is up and web server running -# def web_add_handler() #- we need to register a closure, not just a function, that captures the current instance -# webserver.on("/hello", / -> self.page_say_hello()) end end #- create and register driver in Tasmota -# web_page_demo_instance = Web_page_demo() tasmota.add_driver(web_page_demo_instance) #- For debugging purposes, you can manually call the following to register the web handler -# #- as it is automatically called only if the instance was registered at startup, for example #- in `autoexec.be` -# #- web_page_demo_instance.web_add_handler() -#