/* xnrg_04_mcp39f501.ino - MCP39F501 energy sensor support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR #ifdef USE_MCP39F501 /*********************************************************************************************\ * MCP39F501 - Energy (Shelly 2) * * Based on datasheet from https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/MCP39F501 * and https://github.com/OLIMEX/olimex-iot-firmware-esp8266/blob/7a7f9bb56d4b72770dba8d0f18eaa9d956dd0baf/olimex/user/modules/mod_emtr.c \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XNRG_04 4 #define MCP_BAUDRATE 4800 #define MCP_TIMEOUT 4 #define MCP_CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT 2 #define MCP_CALIBRATE_POWER 0x001 #define MCP_CALIBRATE_VOLTAGE 0x002 #define MCP_CALIBRATE_CURRENT 0x004 #define MCP_CALIBRATE_FREQUENCY 0x008 #define MCP_SINGLE_WIRE_FLAG 0x100 #define MCP_START_FRAME 0xA5 #define MCP_ACK_FRAME 0x06 #define MCP_ERROR_NAK 0x15 #define MCP_ERROR_CRC 0x51 #define MCP_SINGLE_WIRE 0xAB #define MCP_SET_ADDRESS 0x41 #define MCP_READ 0x4E #define MCP_READ_16 0x52 #define MCP_READ_32 0x44 #define MCP_WRITE 0x4D #define MCP_WRITE_16 0x57 #define MCP_WRITE_32 0x45 #define MCP_SAVE_REGISTERS 0x53 #define MCP_CALIBRATION_BASE 0x0028 #define MCP_CALIBRATION_LEN 52 #define MCP_FREQUENCY_REF_BASE 0x0094 #define MCP_FREQUENCY_GAIN_BASE 0x00AE #define MCP_FREQUENCY_LEN 4 #define MCP_BUFFER_SIZE 60 #include TasmotaSerial *McpSerial = nullptr; typedef struct mcp_cal_registers_type { uint16_t gain_current_rms; uint16_t gain_voltage_rms; uint16_t gain_active_power; uint16_t gain_reactive_power; sint32_t offset_current_rms; sint32_t offset_active_power; sint32_t offset_reactive_power; sint16_t dc_offset_current; sint16_t phase_compensation; uint16_t apparent_power_divisor; uint32_t system_configuration; uint16_t dio_configuration; uint32_t range; uint32_t calibration_current; uint16_t calibration_voltage; uint32_t calibration_active_power; uint32_t calibration_reactive_power; uint16_t accumulation_interval; } mcp_cal_registers_type; char *mcp_buffer = nullptr; unsigned long mcp_window = 0; unsigned long mcp_kWhcounter = 0; uint32_t mcp_system_configuration = 0x03000000; uint32_t mcp_active_power; //uint32_t mcp_reactive_power; //uint32_t mcp_apparent_power; uint32_t mcp_current_rms; uint16_t mcp_voltage_rms; uint16_t mcp_line_frequency; //sint16_t mcp_power_factor; uint8_t mcp_address = 0; uint8_t mcp_calibration_active = 0; uint8_t mcp_init = 0; uint8_t mcp_timeout = 0; uint8_t mcp_calibrate = 0; uint8_t mcp_byte_counter = 0; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Olimex tools * https://github.com/OLIMEX/olimex-iot-firmware-esp8266/blob/7a7f9bb56d4b72770dba8d0f18eaa9d956dd0baf/olimex/user/modules/mod_emtr.c \*********************************************************************************************/ uint8_t McpChecksum(uint8_t *data) { uint8_t checksum = 0; uint8_t offset = 0; uint8_t len = data[1] -1; for (uint32_t i = offset; i < len; i++) { checksum += data[i]; } return checksum; } unsigned long McpExtractInt(char *data, uint8_t offset, uint8_t size) { unsigned long result = 0; unsigned long pow = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { result = result + (uint8_t)data[offset + i] * pow; pow = pow * 256; } return result; } void McpSetInt(unsigned long value, uint8_t *data, uint8_t offset, size_t size) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { data[offset + i] = ((value >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF); } } void McpSend(uint8_t *data) { if (mcp_timeout) { return; } mcp_timeout = MCP_TIMEOUT; data[0] = MCP_START_FRAME; data[data[1] -1] = McpChecksum(data); // AddLogBuffer(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, data, data[1]); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data[1]; i++) { McpSerial->write(data[i]); } } /********************************************************************************************/ void McpGetAddress(void) { uint8_t data[] = { MCP_START_FRAME, 7, MCP_SET_ADDRESS, 0x00, 0x26, MCP_READ_16, 0x00 }; McpSend(data); } void McpAddressReceive(void) { // 06 05 004D 58 mcp_address = mcp_buffer[3]; } /********************************************************************************************/ void McpGetCalibration(void) { if (mcp_calibration_active) { return; } mcp_calibration_active = MCP_CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT; uint8_t data[] = { MCP_START_FRAME, 8, MCP_SET_ADDRESS, (MCP_CALIBRATION_BASE >> 8) & 0xFF, MCP_CALIBRATION_BASE & 0xFF, MCP_READ, MCP_CALIBRATION_LEN, 0x00 }; McpSend(data); } void McpParseCalibration(void) { bool action = false; mcp_cal_registers_type cal_registers; // 06 37 C882 B6AD 0781 9273 06000000 00000000 00000000 0000 D3FF 0300 00000003 9204 120C1300 204E0000 9808 E0AB0000 D9940000 0200 24 cal_registers.gain_current_rms = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 2, 2); cal_registers.gain_voltage_rms = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 4, 2); cal_registers.gain_active_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 6, 2); cal_registers.gain_reactive_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 8, 2); cal_registers.offset_current_rms = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 10, 4); cal_registers.offset_active_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 14, 4); cal_registers.offset_reactive_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 18, 4); cal_registers.dc_offset_current = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 22, 2); cal_registers.phase_compensation = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 24, 2); cal_registers.apparent_power_divisor = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 26, 2); cal_registers.system_configuration = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 28, 4); cal_registers.dio_configuration = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 32, 2); cal_registers.range = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 34, 4); cal_registers.calibration_current = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 38, 4); cal_registers.calibration_voltage = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 42, 2); cal_registers.calibration_active_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 44, 4); cal_registers.calibration_reactive_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 48, 4); cal_registers.accumulation_interval = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 52, 2); if (mcp_calibrate & MCP_CALIBRATE_POWER) { cal_registers.calibration_active_power = Settings->energy_power_calibration; if (McpCalibrationCalc(&cal_registers, 16)) { action = true; } } if (mcp_calibrate & MCP_CALIBRATE_VOLTAGE) { cal_registers.calibration_voltage = Settings->energy_voltage_calibration; if (McpCalibrationCalc(&cal_registers, 0)) { action = true; } } if (mcp_calibrate & MCP_CALIBRATE_CURRENT) { cal_registers.calibration_current = Settings->energy_current_calibration; if (McpCalibrationCalc(&cal_registers, 8)) { action = true; } } mcp_timeout = 0; if (action) { McpSetCalibration(&cal_registers); } mcp_calibrate = 0; Settings->energy_power_calibration = cal_registers.calibration_active_power; Settings->energy_voltage_calibration = cal_registers.calibration_voltage; Settings->energy_current_calibration = cal_registers.calibration_current; mcp_system_configuration = cal_registers.system_configuration; if (mcp_system_configuration & MCP_SINGLE_WIRE_FLAG) { mcp_system_configuration &= ~MCP_SINGLE_WIRE_FLAG; // Reset SingleWire flag McpSetSystemConfiguration(2); } } bool McpCalibrationCalc(struct mcp_cal_registers_type *cal_registers, uint8_t range_shift) { uint32_t measured; uint32_t expected; uint16_t *gain; uint32_t new_gain; if (range_shift == 0) { measured = mcp_voltage_rms; expected = cal_registers->calibration_voltage; gain = &(cal_registers->gain_voltage_rms); } else if (range_shift == 8) { measured = mcp_current_rms; expected = cal_registers->calibration_current; gain = &(cal_registers->gain_current_rms); } else if (range_shift == 16) { measured = mcp_active_power; expected = cal_registers->calibration_active_power; gain = &(cal_registers->gain_active_power); } else { return false; } if (measured == 0) { return false; } uint32_t range = (cal_registers->range >> range_shift) & 0xFF; calc: new_gain = (*gain) * expected / measured; if (new_gain < 25000) { range++; if (measured > 6) { measured = measured / 2; goto calc; } } if (new_gain > 55000) { range--; measured = measured * 2; goto calc; } *gain = new_gain; uint32_t old_range = (cal_registers->range >> range_shift) & 0xFF; cal_registers->range = cal_registers->range ^ (old_range << range_shift); cal_registers->range = cal_registers->range | (range << range_shift); return true; } /* void McpCalibrationReactivePower(void) { cal_registers.gain_reactive_power = cal_registers.gain_reactive_power * cal_registers.calibration_reactive_power / mcp_reactive_power; } */ void McpSetCalibration(struct mcp_cal_registers_type *cal_registers) { uint8_t data[7 + MCP_CALIBRATION_LEN + 2 + 1]; data[1] = sizeof(data); data[2] = MCP_SET_ADDRESS; // Set address pointer data[3] = (MCP_CALIBRATION_BASE >> 8) & 0xFF; // address data[4] = (MCP_CALIBRATION_BASE >> 0) & 0xFF; // address data[5] = MCP_WRITE; // Write N bytes data[6] = MCP_CALIBRATION_LEN; McpSetInt(cal_registers->gain_current_rms, data, 0+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->gain_voltage_rms, data, 2+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->gain_active_power, data, 4+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->gain_reactive_power, data, 6+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->offset_current_rms, data, 8+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->offset_active_power, data, 12+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->offset_reactive_power, data, 16+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->dc_offset_current, data, 20+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->phase_compensation, data, 22+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->apparent_power_divisor, data, 24+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->system_configuration, data, 26+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->dio_configuration, data, 30+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->range, data, 32+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->calibration_current, data, 36+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->calibration_voltage, data, 40+7, 2); McpSetInt(cal_registers->calibration_active_power, data, 42+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->calibration_reactive_power, data, 46+7, 4); McpSetInt(cal_registers->accumulation_interval, data, 50+7, 2); data[MCP_CALIBRATION_LEN+7] = MCP_SAVE_REGISTERS; // Save registers to flash data[MCP_CALIBRATION_LEN+8] = mcp_address; // Device address McpSend(data); } /********************************************************************************************/ void McpSetSystemConfiguration(uint16 interval) { // A5 11 41 00 42 45 03 00 01 00 41 00 5A 57 00 06 7A uint8_t data[17]; data[ 1] = sizeof(data); data[ 2] = MCP_SET_ADDRESS; // Set address pointer data[ 3] = 0x00; // address data[ 4] = 0x42; // address data[ 5] = MCP_WRITE_32; // Write 4 bytes data[ 6] = (mcp_system_configuration >> 24) & 0xFF; // system_configuration data[ 7] = (mcp_system_configuration >> 16) & 0xFF; // system_configuration data[ 8] = (mcp_system_configuration >> 8) & 0xFF; // system_configuration data[ 9] = (mcp_system_configuration >> 0) & 0xFF; // system_configuration data[10] = MCP_SET_ADDRESS; // Set address pointer data[11] = 0x00; // address data[12] = 0x5A; // address data[13] = MCP_WRITE_16; // Write 2 bytes data[14] = (interval >> 8) & 0xFF; // interval data[15] = (interval >> 0) & 0xFF; // interval McpSend(data); } /********************************************************************************************/ void McpGetFrequency(void) { if (mcp_calibration_active) { return; } mcp_calibration_active = MCP_CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT; uint8_t data[] = { MCP_START_FRAME, 11, MCP_SET_ADDRESS, (MCP_FREQUENCY_REF_BASE >> 8) & 0xFF, MCP_FREQUENCY_REF_BASE & 0xFF, MCP_READ_16, MCP_SET_ADDRESS, (MCP_FREQUENCY_GAIN_BASE >> 8) & 0xFF, MCP_FREQUENCY_GAIN_BASE & 0xFF, MCP_READ_16, 0x00 }; McpSend(data); } void McpParseFrequency(void) { // 06 07 C350 8000 A0 uint16_t line_frequency_ref = mcp_buffer[2] * 256 + mcp_buffer[3]; uint16_t gain_line_frequency = mcp_buffer[4] * 256 + mcp_buffer[5]; if (mcp_calibrate & MCP_CALIBRATE_FREQUENCY) { line_frequency_ref = Settings->energy_frequency_calibration; if ((0xFFFF == mcp_line_frequency) || (0 == gain_line_frequency)) { // Reset values to 50Hz mcp_line_frequency = 50000; gain_line_frequency = 0x8000; } gain_line_frequency = gain_line_frequency * line_frequency_ref / mcp_line_frequency; mcp_timeout = 0; McpSetFrequency(line_frequency_ref, gain_line_frequency); } Settings->energy_frequency_calibration = line_frequency_ref; mcp_calibrate = 0; } void McpSetFrequency(uint16_t line_frequency_ref, uint16_t gain_line_frequency) { // A5 11 41 00 94 57 C3 B4 41 00 AE 57 7E 46 53 4D 03 uint8_t data[17]; data[ 1] = sizeof(data); data[ 2] = MCP_SET_ADDRESS; // Set address pointer data[ 3] = (MCP_FREQUENCY_REF_BASE >> 8) & 0xFF; // address data[ 4] = (MCP_FREQUENCY_REF_BASE >> 0) & 0xFF; // address data[ 5] = MCP_WRITE_16; // Write register data[ 6] = (line_frequency_ref >> 8) & 0xFF; // line_frequency_ref high data[ 7] = (line_frequency_ref >> 0) & 0xFF; // line_frequency_ref low data[ 8] = MCP_SET_ADDRESS; // Set address pointer data[ 9] = (MCP_FREQUENCY_GAIN_BASE >> 8) & 0xFF; // address data[10] = (MCP_FREQUENCY_GAIN_BASE >> 0) & 0xFF; // address data[11] = MCP_WRITE_16; // Write register data[12] = (gain_line_frequency >> 8) & 0xFF; // gain_line_frequency high data[13] = (gain_line_frequency >> 0) & 0xFF; // gain_line_frequency low data[14] = MCP_SAVE_REGISTERS; // Save registers to flash data[15] = mcp_address; // Device address McpSend(data); } /********************************************************************************************/ void McpGetData(void) { uint8_t data[] = { MCP_START_FRAME, 8, MCP_SET_ADDRESS, 0x00, 0x04, MCP_READ, 22, 0x00 }; McpSend(data); } void McpParseData(void) { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 // 06 19 61 06 00 00 FE 08 9B 0E 00 00 0B 00 00 00 97 0E 00 00 FF 7F 0C C6 35 // 06 19 CE 18 00 00 F2 08 3A 38 00 00 66 00 00 00 93 38 00 00 36 7F 9A C6 B7 // Ak Ln Current---- Volt- ActivePower ReActivePow ApparentPow Factr Frequ Ck mcp_current_rms = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 2, 4); mcp_voltage_rms = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 6, 2); mcp_active_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 8, 4); // mcp_reactive_power = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 12, 4); // mcp_power_factor = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 20, 2); mcp_line_frequency = McpExtractInt(mcp_buffer, 22, 2); if (Energy.power_on) { // Powered on Energy.data_valid[0] = 0; Energy.frequency[0] = (float)mcp_line_frequency / 1000; Energy.voltage[0] = (float)mcp_voltage_rms / 10; Energy.active_power[0] = (float)mcp_active_power / 100; if (0 == Energy.active_power[0]) { Energy.current[0] = 0; } else { Energy.current[0] = (float)mcp_current_rms / 10000; } /* } else { // Powered off Energy.data_valid[0] = ENERGY_WATCHDOG; */ } } /********************************************************************************************/ void McpSerialInput(void) { while ((McpSerial->available()) && (mcp_byte_counter < MCP_BUFFER_SIZE)) { yield(); mcp_buffer[mcp_byte_counter++] = McpSerial->read(); mcp_window = millis(); } // Ignore until non received after 2 chars (= 12 bits/char) time if ((mcp_byte_counter) && (millis() - mcp_window > (24000 / MCP_BAUDRATE) +1)) { AddLogBuffer(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, (uint8_t*)mcp_buffer, mcp_byte_counter); if (MCP_BUFFER_SIZE == mcp_byte_counter) { // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("MCP: Overflow")); } else if (1 == mcp_byte_counter) { if (MCP_ERROR_CRC == mcp_buffer[0]) { // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("MCP: Send " D_CHECKSUM_FAILURE)); mcp_timeout = 0; } else if (MCP_ERROR_NAK == mcp_buffer[0]) { // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("MCP: NAck")); mcp_timeout = 0; } } else if (MCP_ACK_FRAME == mcp_buffer[0]) { if (mcp_byte_counter == mcp_buffer[1]) { if (McpChecksum((uint8_t *)mcp_buffer) != mcp_buffer[mcp_byte_counter -1]) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("MCP: " D_CHECKSUM_FAILURE)); } else { if (5 == mcp_buffer[1]) { McpAddressReceive(); } if (25 == mcp_buffer[1]) { McpParseData(); } if (MCP_CALIBRATION_LEN + 3 == mcp_buffer[1]) { McpParseCalibration(); } if (MCP_FREQUENCY_LEN + 3 == mcp_buffer[1]) { McpParseFrequency(); } } } mcp_timeout = 0; } else if (MCP_SINGLE_WIRE == mcp_buffer[0]) { mcp_timeout = 0; } mcp_byte_counter = 0; McpSerial->flush(); } } /********************************************************************************************/ void McpEverySecond(void) { if (Energy.data_valid[0] > ENERGY_WATCHDOG) { mcp_voltage_rms = 0; mcp_current_rms = 0; mcp_active_power = 0; mcp_line_frequency = 0; } if (mcp_active_power) { Energy.kWhtoday_delta[0] += ((mcp_active_power * 10) / 36); EnergyUpdateToday(); } if (mcp_timeout) { mcp_timeout--; } else if (mcp_calibration_active) { mcp_calibration_active--; } else if (mcp_init) { if (2 == mcp_init) { McpGetCalibration(); // Get calibration parameters and disable SingleWire mode if enabled } else if (1 == mcp_init) { McpGetFrequency(); // Get calibration parameter } mcp_init--; } else if (!mcp_address) { McpGetAddress(); // Get device address for future calibration changes } else { McpGetData(); // Get energy data } } void McpSnsInit(void) { // Software serial init needs to be done here as earlier (serial) interrupts may lead to Exceptions McpSerial = new TasmotaSerial(Pin(GPIO_MCP39F5_RX), Pin(GPIO_MCP39F5_TX), 1); if (McpSerial->begin(MCP_BAUDRATE)) { if (McpSerial->hardwareSerial()) { ClaimSerial(); mcp_buffer = TasmotaGlobal.serial_in_buffer; // Use idle serial buffer to save RAM } else { mcp_buffer = (char*)(malloc(MCP_BUFFER_SIZE)); } DigitalWrite(GPIO_MCP39F5_RST, 0, 1); // MCP enable Energy.use_overtemp = true; // Use global temperature for overtemp detection } else { TasmotaGlobal.energy_driver = ENERGY_NONE; } } void McpDrvInit(void) { if (PinUsed(GPIO_MCP39F5_RX) && PinUsed(GPIO_MCP39F5_TX)) { if (PinUsed(GPIO_MCP39F5_RST)) { pinMode(Pin(GPIO_MCP39F5_RST), OUTPUT); digitalWrite(Pin(GPIO_MCP39F5_RST), 0); // MCP disable - Reset Delta Sigma ADC's } mcp_calibrate = 0; mcp_timeout = 2; // Initial wait mcp_init = 2; // Initial setup steps TasmotaGlobal.energy_driver = XNRG_04; } } bool McpCommand(void) { bool serviced = true; unsigned long value = 0; if (CMND_POWERSET == Energy.command_code) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len && mcp_active_power) { value = (unsigned long)(CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data) * 100); if ((value > 100) && (value < 200000)) { // Between 1W and 2000W XdrvMailbox.payload = value; mcp_calibrate |= MCP_CALIBRATE_POWER; McpGetCalibration(); } } } else if (CMND_VOLTAGESET == Energy.command_code) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len && mcp_voltage_rms) { value = (unsigned long)(CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data) * 10); if ((value > 1000) && (value < 2600)) { // Between 100V and 260V XdrvMailbox.payload = value; mcp_calibrate |= MCP_CALIBRATE_VOLTAGE; McpGetCalibration(); } } } else if (CMND_CURRENTSET == Energy.command_code) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len && mcp_current_rms) { value = (unsigned long)(CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data) * 10); if ((value > 100) && (value < 80000)) { // Between 10mA and 8A XdrvMailbox.payload = value; mcp_calibrate |= MCP_CALIBRATE_CURRENT; McpGetCalibration(); } } } else if (CMND_FREQUENCYSET == Energy.command_code) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len && mcp_line_frequency) { value = (unsigned long)(CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data) * 1000); if ((value > 45000) && (value < 65000)) { // Between 45Hz and 65Hz XdrvMailbox.payload = value; mcp_calibrate |= MCP_CALIBRATE_FREQUENCY; McpGetFrequency(); } } } else serviced = false; // Unknown command return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xnrg04(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; switch (function) { case FUNC_LOOP: if (McpSerial) { McpSerialInput(); } break; case FUNC_ENERGY_EVERY_SECOND: if (McpSerial) { McpEverySecond(); } break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = McpCommand(); break; case FUNC_INIT: McpSnsInit(); break; case FUNC_PRE_INIT: McpDrvInit(); break; } return result; } #endif // USE_MCP39F501 #endif // USE_ENERGY_SENSOR