/* xdrv_23_zigbee.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_ZIGBEE int32_t Z_ReceiveDeviceInfo(int32_t res, class SBuffer &buf) { // Ex= 6700.00.6263151D004B1200.0000. // IEEE Adr (8 bytes) = 0x00124B001D156362 // Short Addr (2 bytes) = 0x0000 // Device Type (1 byte) = 0x07 (coord?) // Device State (1 byte) = 0x09 (coordinator started) // NumAssocDevices (1 byte) = 0x02 // List of devices: 0x8683, 0x9199 Z_IEEEAddress long_adr = buf.get64(3); Z_ShortAddress short_adr = buf.get16(11); uint8_t device_type = buf.get8(13); uint8_t device_state = buf.get8(14); uint8_t device_associated = buf.get8(15); char hex[20]; Uint64toHex(long_adr, hex, 64); Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"IEEEAddr\":\"%s\",\"ShortAddr\":\"0x%04X\"" ",\"DeviceType\":%d,\"DeviceState\":%d" ",\"NumAssocDevices\":%d"), ZIGBEE_STATUS_CC_INFO, hex, short_adr, device_type, device_state, device_associated); if (device_associated > 0) { uint idx = 16; ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"AssocDevicesList\":[")); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < device_associated; i++) { if (i > 0) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"0x%04X\""), buf.get16(idx)); idx += 2; } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("]")); } ResponseJsonEnd(); // append '}' ResponseJsonEnd(); // append '}' MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS)); XdrvRulesProcess(); return res; } int32_t Z_CheckNVWrite(int32_t res, class SBuffer &buf) { // Check the status after NV Init "ZNP Has Configured" // Good response should be 610700 or 610709 (Success or Created) // We only filter the response on 6107 and check the code in this function uint8_t status = buf.get8(2); if ((0x00 == status) || (0x09 == status)) { return 0; // Ok, continue } else { return -2; // Error } } const char Z_RebootReason[] PROGMEM = "Power-up|External|Watchdog"; int32_t Z_Reboot(int32_t res, class SBuffer &buf) { // print information about the reboot of device // 4180. // uint8_t reason = buf.get8(2); uint8_t transport_rev = buf.get8(3); uint8_t product_id = buf.get8(4); uint8_t major_rel = buf.get8(5); uint8_t minor_rel = buf.get8(6); uint8_t hw_rev = buf.get8(7); char reason_str[12]; if (reason > 3) { reason = 3; } GetTextIndexed(reason_str, sizeof(reason_str), reason, Z_RebootReason); Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"Message\":\"%s\",\"RestartReason\":\"%s\"" ",\"MajorRel\":%d,\"MinorRel\":%d}}"), ZIGBEE_STATUS_BOOT, "CC2530 booted", reason_str, major_rel, minor_rel); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS)); XdrvRulesProcess(); if ((0x02 == major_rel) && (0x06 == minor_rel)) { return 0; // version 2.6.x is ok } else { return ZIGBEE_LABEL_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; // abort } } int32_t Z_ReceiveCheckVersion(int32_t res, class SBuffer &buf) { // check that the version is supported // typical version for ZNP 1.2 // 61020200-02.06.03.D9143401.0200000000 // TranportRev = 02 // Product = 00 // MajorRel = 2 // MinorRel = 6 // MaintRel = 3 // Revision = 20190425 d (0x013414D9) uint8_t major_rel = buf.get8(4); uint8_t minor_rel = buf.get8(5); uint8_t maint_rel = buf.get8(6); uint32_t revision = buf.get32(7); Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"MajorRel\":%d,\"MinorRel\":%d" ",\"MaintRel\":%d,\"Revision\":%d}}"), ZIGBEE_STATUS_CC_VERSION, major_rel, minor_rel, maint_rel, revision); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS)); XdrvRulesProcess(); if ((0x02 == major_rel) && (0x06 == minor_rel)) { return 0; // version 2.6.x is ok } else { return ZIGBEE_LABEL_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; // abort } } bool Z_ReceiveMatchPrefix(const class SBuffer &buf, const uint8_t *match) { if ( (pgm_read_byte(&match[0]) == buf.get8(0)) && (pgm_read_byte(&match[1]) == buf.get8(1)) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } int32_t Z_ReceivePermitJoinStatus(int32_t res, const class SBuffer &buf) { // we received a PermitJoin status change uint8_t duration = buf.get8(2); uint8_t status_code; const char* message; if (0xFF == duration) { status_code = ZIGBEE_STATUS_PERMITJOIN_OPEN_XX; message = PSTR("Enable Pairing mode until next boot"); } else if (duration > 0) { status_code = ZIGBEE_STATUS_PERMITJOIN_OPEN_60; message = PSTR("Enable Pairing mode for %d seconds"); } else { status_code = ZIGBEE_STATUS_PERMITJOIN_CLOSE; message = PSTR("Disable Pairing mode"); } Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"Message\":\""), status_code); ResponseAppend_P(message, duration); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"}}")); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS)); XdrvRulesProcess(); return -1; } // Send ACTIVE_EP_REQ to collect active endpoints for this address void Z_SendActiveEpReq(uint16_t shortaddr) { uint8_t ActiveEpReq[] = { Z_SREQ | Z_ZDO, ZDO_ACTIVE_EP_REQ, Z_B0(shortaddr), Z_B1(shortaddr), Z_B0(shortaddr), Z_B1(shortaddr) }; uint8_t NodeDescReq[] = { Z_SREQ | Z_ZDO, ZDO_NODE_DESC_REQ, Z_B0(shortaddr), Z_B1(shortaddr), Z_B0(shortaddr), Z_B1(shortaddr) }; ZigbeeZNPSend(ActiveEpReq, sizeof(ActiveEpReq)); //ZigbeeZNPSend(NodeDescReq, sizeof(NodeDescReq)); Not sure this is useful } // Send ZDO_SIMPLE_DESC_REQ to get full list of supported Clusters for a specific endpoint void Z_SendSimpleDescReq(uint16_t shortaddr, uint8_t endpoint) { uint8_t SimpleDescReq[] = { Z_SREQ | Z_ZDO, ZDO_SIMPLE_DESC_REQ, // 2504 Z_B0(shortaddr), Z_B1(shortaddr), Z_B0(shortaddr), Z_B1(shortaddr), endpoint }; ZigbeeZNPSend(SimpleDescReq, sizeof(SimpleDescReq)); } const char* Z_DeviceType[] = { "Coordinator", "Router", "End Device", "Unknown" }; int32_t Z_ReceiveNodeDesc(int32_t res, const class SBuffer &buf) { // Received ZDO_NODE_DESC_RSP Z_ShortAddress srcAddr = buf.get16(2); uint8_t status = buf.get8(4); Z_ShortAddress nwkAddr = buf.get16(5); uint8_t logicalType = buf.get8(7); uint8_t apsFlags = buf.get8(8); uint8_t MACCapabilityFlags = buf.get8(9); uint16_t manufacturerCapabilities = buf.get16(10); uint8_t maxBufferSize = buf.get8(12); uint16_t maxInTransferSize = buf.get16(13); uint16_t serverMask = buf.get16(15); uint16_t maxOutTransferSize = buf.get16(17); uint8_t descriptorCapabilities = buf.get8(19); if (0 == status) { zigbee_devices.updateLastSeen(nwkAddr); uint8_t deviceType = logicalType & 0x7; // 0=coordinator, 1=router, 2=end device if (deviceType > 3) { deviceType = 3; } bool complexDescriptorAvailable = (logicalType & 0x08) ? 1 : 0; Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"NodeType\":\"%s\",\"ComplexDesc\":%s}}"), ZIGBEE_STATUS_NODE_DESC, Z_DeviceType[deviceType], complexDescriptorAvailable ? "true" : "false" ); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEEZCL_RECEIVED)); XdrvRulesProcess(); } return -1; } int32_t Z_ReceiveActiveEp(int32_t res, const class SBuffer &buf) { // Received ZDO_ACTIVE_EP_RSP Z_ShortAddress srcAddr = buf.get16(2); uint8_t status = buf.get8(4); Z_ShortAddress nwkAddr = buf.get16(5); uint8_t activeEpCount = buf.get8(7); uint8_t* activeEpList = (uint8_t*) buf.charptr(8); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeEpCount; i++) { zigbee_devices.addEndoint(nwkAddr, activeEpList[i]); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeEpCount; i++) { Z_SendSimpleDescReq(nwkAddr, activeEpList[i]); } Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"ActiveEndpoints\":["), ZIGBEE_STATUS_ACTIVE_EP); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeEpCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"0x%02X\""), activeEpList[i]); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("]}}")); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEEZCL_RECEIVED)); XdrvRulesProcess(); return -1; } void Z_SendAFInfoRequest(uint16_t shortaddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint16_t clusterid, uint8_t transacid) { SBuffer buf(100); buf.add8(Z_SREQ | Z_AF); // 24 buf.add8(AF_DATA_REQUEST); // 01 buf.add16(shortaddr); buf.add8(endpoint); // dest endpoint buf.add8(0x01); // source endpoint buf.add16(clusterid); buf.add8(transacid); buf.add8(0x30); // 30 options buf.add8(0x1E); // 1E radius buf.add8(3 + 2*sizeof(uint16_t)); // Len = 0x07 buf.add8(0x00); // Frame Control Field buf.add8(transacid); // Transaction Sequence Number buf.add8(ZCL_READ_ATTRIBUTES); // 00 Command buf.add16(0x0004); // 0400 ManufacturerName buf.add16(0x0005); // 0500 ModelIdentifier ZigbeeZNPSend(buf.getBuffer(), buf.len()); } int32_t Z_ReceiveSimpleDesc(int32_t res, const class SBuffer &buf) { // Received ZDO_SIMPLE_DESC_RSP Z_ShortAddress srcAddr = buf.get16(2); uint8_t status = buf.get8(4); Z_ShortAddress nwkAddr = buf.get16(5); uint8_t lenDescriptor = buf.get8(7); uint8_t endpoint = buf.get8(8); uint16_t profileId = buf.get16(9); // The profile Id for this endpoint. uint16_t deviceId = buf.get16(11); // The Device Description Id for this endpoint. uint8_t deviceVersion = buf.get8(13); // 0 – Version 1.00 uint8_t numInCluster = buf.get8(14); uint8_t numOutCluster = buf.get8(15 + numInCluster*2); if (0 == status) { zigbee_devices.addEndointProfile(nwkAddr, endpoint, profileId); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numInCluster; i++) { zigbee_devices.addCluster(nwkAddr, endpoint, buf.get16(15 + i*2), false); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numOutCluster; i++) { zigbee_devices.addCluster(nwkAddr, endpoint, buf.get16(16 + numInCluster*2 + i*2), true); } Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"Endpoint\":\"0x%02X\"" ",\"ProfileId\":\"0x%04X\",\"DeviceId\":\"0x%04X\",\"DeviceVersion\":%d" "\"InClusters\":["), ZIGBEE_STATUS_SIMPLE_DESC, endpoint, profileId, deviceId, deviceVersion); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numInCluster; i++) { if (i > 0) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"0x%04X\""), buf.get16(15 + i*2)); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("],\"OutClusters\":[")); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numOutCluster; i++) { if (i > 0) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"0x%04X\""), buf.get16(16 + numInCluster*2 + i*2)); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("]}}")); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEEZCL_RECEIVED)); XdrvRulesProcess(); uint8_t cluster = zigbee_devices.findClusterEndpointIn(nwkAddr, 0x0000); //Serial.printf(">>> Endpoint is 0x%02X for cluster 0x%04X\n", cluster, 0x0000); if (cluster) { Z_SendAFInfoRequest(nwkAddr, cluster, 0x0000, 0x01); // TODO, do we need tarnsacId counter? } } return -1; } int32_t Z_ReceiveEndDeviceAnnonce(int32_t res, const class SBuffer &buf) { Z_ShortAddress srcAddr = buf.get16(2); Z_ShortAddress nwkAddr = buf.get16(4); Z_IEEEAddress ieeeAddr = buf.get64(6); uint8_t capabilities = buf.get8(14); zigbee_devices.updateDevice(nwkAddr, ieeeAddr); char hex[20]; Uint64toHex(ieeeAddr, hex, 64); Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_STATUS "\":{" "\"Status\":%d,\"IEEEAddr\":\"%s\",\"ShortAddr\":\"0x%04X\"" ",\"PowerSource\":%s,\"ReceiveWhenIdle\":%s,\"Security\":%s}}"), ZIGBEE_STATUS_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE, hex, nwkAddr, (capabilities & 0x04) ? "true" : "false", (capabilities & 0x08) ? "true" : "false", (capabilities & 0x40) ? "true" : "false" ); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_ZIGBEEZCL_RECEIVED)); XdrvRulesProcess(); Z_SendActiveEpReq(nwkAddr); return -1; } int32_t Z_ReceiveAfIncomingMessage(int32_t res, const class SBuffer &buf) { uint16_t groupid = buf.get16(2); uint16_t clusterid = buf.get16(4); Z_ShortAddress srcaddr = buf.get16(6); uint8_t srcendpoint = buf.get8(8); uint8_t dstendpoint = buf.get8(9); uint8_t wasbroadcast = buf.get8(10); uint8_t linkquality = buf.get8(11); uint8_t securityuse = buf.get8(12); uint32_t timestamp = buf.get32(13); uint8_t seqnumber = buf.get8(17); zigbee_devices.updateLastSeen(srcaddr); ZCLFrame zcl_received = ZCLFrame::parseRawFrame(buf, 19, buf.get8(18), clusterid, groupid); #ifdef ZIGBEE_VERBOSE zcl_received.publishMQTTReceived(groupid, clusterid, srcaddr, srcendpoint, dstendpoint, wasbroadcast, linkquality, securityuse, seqnumber, timestamp); #endif char shortaddr[8]; snprintf_P(shortaddr, sizeof(shortaddr), PSTR("0x%04X"), srcaddr); DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& json_root = jsonBuffer.createObject(); JsonObject& json1 = json_root.createNestedObject(F(D_CMND_ZIGBEE_RECEIVED)); JsonObject& json = json1.createNestedObject(shortaddr); // TODO add name field if it is known if ( (!zcl_received.isClusterSpecificCommand()) && (ZCL_REPORT_ATTRIBUTES == zcl_received.getCmdId())) { zcl_received.parseRawAttributes(json); } else if ( (!zcl_received.isClusterSpecificCommand()) && (ZCL_READ_ATTRIBUTES_RESPONSE == zcl_received.getCmdId())) { zcl_received.parseReadAttributes(json); } else if (zcl_received.isClusterSpecificCommand()) { zcl_received.parseClusterSpecificCommand(json); } String msg(""); msg.reserve(100); json_root.printTo(msg); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("ZigbeeZCLRawReceived: %s"), msg.c_str()); zcl_received.postProcessAttributes(srcaddr, json); // Add linkquality json[F("_" D_CMND_ZIGBEE_LINKQUALITY)] = linkquality; // prefix with underscore for metadata msg = ""; json_root.printTo(msg); Response_P(PSTR("%s"), msg.c_str()); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(TELE, PSTR(D_RSLT_SENSOR)); XdrvRulesProcess(); return -1; } typedef struct Z_Dispatcher { const uint8_t* match; ZB_RecvMsgFunc func; } Z_Dispatcher; // Filters for ZCL frames ZBM(AREQ_AF_INCOMING_MESSAGE, Z_AREQ | Z_AF, AF_INCOMING_MSG) // 4481 ZBM(AREQ_END_DEVICE_ANNCE_IND, Z_AREQ | Z_ZDO, ZDO_END_DEVICE_ANNCE_IND) // 45C1 ZBM(AREQ_PERMITJOIN_OPEN_XX, Z_AREQ | Z_ZDO, ZDO_PERMIT_JOIN_IND ) // 45CB ZBM(AREQ_ZDO_ACTIVEEPRSP, Z_AREQ | Z_ZDO, ZDO_ACTIVE_EP_RSP) // 4585 ZBM(AREQ_ZDO_SIMPLEDESCRSP, Z_AREQ | Z_ZDO, ZDO_SIMPLE_DESC_RSP) // 4584 const Z_Dispatcher Z_DispatchTable[] PROGMEM = { { AREQ_AF_INCOMING_MESSAGE, &Z_ReceiveAfIncomingMessage }, { AREQ_END_DEVICE_ANNCE_IND, &Z_ReceiveEndDeviceAnnonce }, { AREQ_PERMITJOIN_OPEN_XX, &Z_ReceivePermitJoinStatus }, { AREQ_ZDO_NODEDESCRSP, &Z_ReceiveNodeDesc }, { AREQ_ZDO_ACTIVEEPRSP, &Z_ReceiveActiveEp }, { AREQ_ZDO_SIMPLEDESCRSP, &Z_ReceiveSimpleDesc }, }; int32_t Z_Recv_Default(int32_t res, const class SBuffer &buf) { // Default message handler for new messages AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("ZIG: Z_Recv_Default")); if (zigbee.init_phase) { // if still during initialization phase, ignore any unexpected message return -1; // ignore message } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(Z_DispatchTable)/sizeof(Z_Dispatcher); i++) { if (Z_ReceiveMatchPrefix(buf, Z_DispatchTable[i].match)) { (*Z_DispatchTable[i].func)(res, buf); } } return -1; } } int32_t Z_State_Ready(uint8_t value) { zigbee.init_phase = false; // initialization phase complete return 0; // continue } #endif // USE_ZIGBEE