#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Generate SupportedProtocols.md by scraping source code files""" import pathlib import argparse import sys import re import time CODE_URL = "https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/blob/master/src/ir_" BRAND_MODEL = re.compile(r"Brand: *(?P.+), *Model: *(?P.+)") ENUMS = re.compile(r"enum \w+ {(.+?)};", re.DOTALL) ENUM_ENTRY = re.compile(r"^\s+(\w+)", re.MULTILINE) DECODED_PROTOCOLS = re.compile(r".*results->decode_type *=.*?(\w+);") AC_FN = re.compile(r"ir_(.+).h") ALL_FN = re.compile(r"ir_(.+).(h|cpp)") EXCLUDED_PROTOCOLS = ["UNKNOWN", "UNUSED", "kLastDecodeType"] MARKDOWN_HEADER = """""".format(time.asctime()) def getallprotocols(): """Return all protocls configured in IRremoteESP8266.h """ irremote = ARGS.directory / "IRremoteESP8266.h" enums = getenums(irremote) if not enums: errorexit("Error getting ENUMS from IRremoteESP8266.h") return enums def getdecodedprotocols(): """All protocols that include decoding support""" ret = set() for path in ARGS.directory.iterdir(): if path.suffix != ".cpp": continue matches = DECODED_PROTOCOLS.finditer(path.open().read()) for match in matches: protocol = match.group(1) if protocol not in EXCLUDED_PROTOCOLS: ret.add(protocol) return ret def getallacs(): """All supported A/C codes""" ret = {} for path in ARGS.directory.iterdir(): match = AC_FN.match(path.name) if not match: continue acprotocol = match.group(1) rawmodels = getenums(path) models = set() for model in rawmodels: model = model.upper() model = model.replace("K{}".format(acprotocol.upper()), "") if model and model not in EXCLUDED_PROTOCOLS: models.add(model) ret[acprotocol] = models return ret def getalldevices(): """All devices and associated branding and model information (if available) """ allcodes = {} fnnomatch = set() fnmatch = set() for path in ARGS.directory.iterdir(): match = ALL_FN.match(path.name) if not match: continue supports = extractsupports(path) if supports: fnmatch.add(path.stem) else: fnnomatch.add(path.stem) protocol = match.group(1) for brand, model in supports: protocolbrand = (protocol, brand) allcodes[protocolbrand] = allcodes.get(protocolbrand, list()) + [model] nosupports = fnnomatch - fnmatch for fnprotocol in nosupports: allcodes[(fnprotocol[3:], "Unknown")] = [] return allcodes, nosupports def getenums(path): """Returns the keys for the first enum type in path """ enums = ENUMS.search(path.open().read()) ret = set() if not enums: return ret for enum in ENUM_ENTRY.finditer(enums.group(1)): enum = enum.group(1) if enum in EXCLUDED_PROTOCOLS: continue ret.add(enum) return ret ARGS = None def initargs(): """Init the command line arguments""" global ARGS # pylint: disable=global-statement parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-s", "--stdout", help="output to stdout rather than SupportedProtocols.md", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--alert", help="alert if a file does not have a supports section", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "directory", nargs="?", help="directory of the source git checkout", default=None, ) ARGS = parser.parse_args() if ARGS.directory is None: src = pathlib.Path("../src") if not src.is_dir(): src = pathlib.Path("./src") else: src = pathlib.Path(ARGS.directory) / "src" if not src.is_dir(): errorexit("Directory not valid: {}".format(str(src))) ARGS.directory = src return ARGS def errorexit(msg): """Print an error and exit on critical error""" sys.stderr.write("{}\n".format(msg)) sys.exit(1) def extractsupports(path): """Extract all of the Supports: sections and associated brands and models """ supports = [] insupports = False for line in path.open(): if not line.startswith("//"): continue line = line[2:].strip() if line == "Supports:": insupports = True continue if insupports: match = BRAND_MODEL.match(line) if match: supports.append((match.group("brand"), match.group("model"))) else: insupports = False continue return supports def makeurl(txt, path): """Make a Markup URL from given filename""" return "[{}]({})".format(txt, CODE_URL + path) def outputprotocols(fout, protocols): """For a given protocol set, sort and output the markdown""" protocols = list(protocols) protocols.sort() for protocol in protocols: fout.write("- {}\n".format(protocol)) def main(): """Standard boiler plate""" initargs() if ARGS.verbose: print("Looking for files in: {}".format(str(ARGS.directory.resolve()))) if ARGS.stdout: fout = sys.stdout else: foutpath = ARGS.directory / "../SupportedProtocols.md" foutpath = foutpath.resolve() if ARGS.verbose: print("Output path: {}".format(str(foutpath))) fout = foutpath.open("w") decodedprotocols = getdecodedprotocols() sendonly = getallprotocols() - decodedprotocols allacs = getallacs() allcodes, nosupports = getalldevices() allbrands = list(allcodes.keys()) allbrands.sort() fout.write(MARKDOWN_HEADER) fout.write("\n# IR Protocols supported by this library\n\n") fout.write( "| Protocol | Brand | Model | A/C Model | Detailed A/C Support |\n") fout.write("| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |\n") for protocolbrand in allbrands: protocol, brand = protocolbrand codes = allcodes[protocolbrand] codes.sort() if protocol in allacs: acmodels = list(allacs[protocol]) acmodels.sort() acsupport = "Yes" brand = makeurl(brand, protocol + ".h") else: acmodels = [] acsupport = "-" fout.write("| {} | **{}** | {} | {} | {} |\n".format( makeurl(protocol, protocol + ".cpp"), brand, "
".join(codes), "
".join(acmodels), acsupport, )) fout.write("\n\n## Send only protocols:\n\n") outputprotocols(fout, sendonly) fout.write("\n\n## Send & decodable protocols:\n\n") outputprotocols(fout, decodedprotocols) if ARGS.alert: nosupports = list(nosupports) nosupports.sort() print("The following files had no supports section:") for path in nosupports: print("\t{}".format(path)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()