/* xsns_72_hp303b.ino - HP303B digital barometric air pressure sensor support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2020 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifdef USE_I2C #ifdef USE_HP303B /*********************************************************************************************\ * HP303B - Pressure and temperature sensor * * Source: Lolin LOLIN_HP303B_Library * * I2C Address: 0x77 or 0x76 \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XSNS_73 73 #define XI2C_52 52 // See I2CDEVICES.md #define HP303B_MAX_SENSORS 2 #define HP303B_START_ADDRESS 0x76 #include <LOLIN_HP303B.h> // HP303B Object LOLIN_HP303B HP303BSensor = LOLIN_HP303B(); struct { int16_t oversampling = 7; char types[7] = "HP303B"; uint8_t count = 0; } hp303b_cfg; struct BHP303B { float temperature = NAN; float pressure = NAN; uint8_t address; uint8_t valid = 0; } hp303b_sensor[HP303B_MAX_SENSORS]; /*********************************************************************************************/ bool HP303B_Read(uint32_t hp303b_idx) { if (hp303b_sensor[hp303b_idx].valid) { hp303b_sensor[hp303b_idx].valid--; } float t; if (HP303BSensor.measureTempOnce(t, hp303b_sensor[hp303b_idx].address, hp303b_cfg.oversampling) != 0) { return false; } float p; if (HP303BSensor.measurePressureOnce(p, hp303b_sensor[hp303b_idx].address, hp303b_cfg.oversampling) != 0) { return false; } hp303b_sensor[hp303b_idx].temperature = (float)ConvertTemp(t); hp303b_sensor[hp303b_idx].pressure = (float)ConvertPressure(p / 100); // Conversion to hPa hp303b_sensor[hp303b_idx].valid = SENSOR_MAX_MISS; return true; } /********************************************************************************************/ void HP303B_Detect(void) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < HP303B_MAX_SENSORS; i++) { if (!I2cSetDevice(HP303B_START_ADDRESS + i)) { continue; } if (HP303BSensor.begin(HP303B_START_ADDRESS + i)) { hp303b_sensor[hp303b_cfg.count].address = HP303B_START_ADDRESS + i; I2cSetActiveFound(hp303b_sensor[hp303b_cfg.count].address, hp303b_cfg.types); hp303b_cfg.count++; } } } void HP303B_EverySecond(void) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hp303b_cfg.count; i++) { if (TasmotaGlobal.uptime &1) { if (!HP303B_Read(i)) { AddLogMissed(hp303b_cfg.types, hp303b_sensor[i].valid); } } } } void HP303B_Show(bool json) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hp303b_cfg.count; i++) { if (hp303b_sensor[i].valid) { char sensor_name[12]; strlcpy(sensor_name, hp303b_cfg.types, sizeof(sensor_name)); if (hp303b_cfg.count > 1) { snprintf_P(sensor_name, sizeof(sensor_name), PSTR("%s%c%02X"), sensor_name, IndexSeparator(), hp303b_sensor[i].address); // HP303B-76, HP303B-77 } float sealevel = 0.0; if (hp303b_sensor[i].pressure != 0.0) { sealevel = (hp303b_sensor[i].pressure / FastPrecisePow(1.0 - ((float)Settings.altitude / 44330.0), 5.255)) - 21.6; sealevel = ConvertPressure(sealevel); } char str_temperature[33]; dtostrfd(hp303b_sensor[i].temperature, Settings.flag2.temperature_resolution, str_temperature); char str_pressure[33]; dtostrfd(hp303b_sensor[i].pressure, Settings.flag2.pressure_resolution, str_pressure); char sea_pressure[33]; dtostrfd(sealevel, Settings.flag2.pressure_resolution, sea_pressure); if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"%s\":{\"" D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_PRESSURE "\":%s"), sensor_name, str_temperature, str_pressure); if (Settings.altitude != 0) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_PRESSUREATSEALEVEL "\":%s"), sea_pressure); } ResponseJsonEnd(); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ // Domoticz and knx only support one temp sensor if ((0 == tele_period) && (0 == i)) { DomoticzSensor(DZ_TEMP, hp303b_sensor[i].temperature); } #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_TEMP, sensor_name, str_temperature, TempUnit()); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_PRESSURE, sensor_name, str_pressure, PressureUnit().c_str()); if (Settings.altitude != 0) { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_SEAPRESSURE, sensor_name, sea_pressure, PressureUnit().c_str()); } #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xsns73(uint8_t function) { if (!I2cEnabled(XI2C_52)) { return false; } bool result = false; if (FUNC_INIT == function) { HP303B_Detect(); } else if (hp303b_cfg.count) { switch (function) { case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: HP303B_EverySecond(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: HP303B_Show(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: HP303B_Show(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_HP303B #endif // USE_I2C