/* * Send arbitary IR codes via a web server or MQTT. * Copyright David Conran 2016 * Version 0.3 Oct, 2017 * * NOTE: An IR LED circuit *MUST* be connected to ESP8266 pin 4 (D2). See IR_LED * * WARN: This is very advanced & complicated example code. Not for beginners. * You are strongly suggested to try & look at other example code first. * * # Instructions * * ## Before First Boot (i.e. Compile time) * - Set the MQTT_SERVER define below to the address of your MQTT server. * - Arduino IDE: * o Install the following libraries via Library Manager * - WiFiManager (https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager) * - PubSubClient (https://pubsubclient.knolleary.net/) * o You MUST change to have the following (or larger) value: * #define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 512 * - PlatformIO IDE: * If you are using PlatformIO, this should already been done for you in * the accompanying platformio.ini file. * * ## First Boot (Initial setup) * The ESP8266 board will boot into the WiFiManager's AP mode. * i.e. It will create a WiFi Access Point with a SSID like: "ESP123456" etc. * Connect to that SSID. Then point your browser to and * configure the ESP8266 to connect to your desired WiFi network. * It will remember the new WiFi connection details on next boot. * More information can be found here: * https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager#how-it-works * * If you need to reset the WiFi settings, visit: * http:///reset * * ## Normal Use (After setup) * Enter 'http:///ir?type=7&code=E0E09966 * http:///ir?type=4&code=0xf50&bits=12 * http:///ir?code=C1A2E21D&repeats=8&type=19 * http:///ir?type=31&code=40000,1,1,96,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,1058 * http:///ir?type=18&code=190B8050000000E0190B8070000010f0 * http:///ir?repeats=1&type=25&code=0000,006E,0022,0002,0155,00AA,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0640,0155,0055,0015,0E40 * * or * * Send a MQTT message to the topic 'ir_server/send' using the following * format (Order is important): * protocol_num,hexcode e.g. 7,E0E09966 which is Samsung(7), Power On code, * default bit size, default nr. of repeats. * protocol_num,hexcode,bits e.g. 4,f50,12 which is Sony(4), Power Off code, * 12 bits & default nr. of repeats. * protocol_num,hexcode,bits,repeats e.g. 19,C1A2E21D,0,8 which is * Sherwood(19), Vol Up, default bit size & * repeated 8 times. * 30,frequency,raw_string e.g. 30,38000,9000,4500,500,1500,500,750,500,750 * Raw (30) @ 38kHz with a raw code of "9000,4500,500,1500,500,750,500,750" * 31,code_string e.g. 31,40000,1,1,96,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,1058 * GlobalCache (31) & "40000,1,1,96,..." (Sony Vol Up) * 25,Rrepeats,hex_code_string e.g. 25,R1,0000,006E,0022,0002,0155,00AA,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0640,0155,0055,0015,0E40 * Pronto (25), 1 repeat, & "0000 006E 0022 0002 ..." (Sherwood Amp Tape Input) * 18,really_long_hexcode e.g. 18,190B8050000000E0190B8070000010f0 * Kelvinator (18) Air Con on, Low Fan, 25 deg etc. * In short: * No spaces after/before commas. * Values are comma separated. * The first value is always in Decimal. * For simple protocols, the next value (hexcode) is always hexidecimal. * The optional bit size is in decimal. * * Unix command line usage example: * # Install a MQTT client * $ sudo apt install mosquitto-clients * # Send a 32-bit NEC code of 0x1234abcd via MQTT. * $ mosquitto_pub -h -t ir_server/send -m '3,1234abcd,32' * * This server will send (back) what ever IR message it just transmitted to * the MQTT topic 'ir_server/sent' to confirm it has been performed. This works * for messages requested via MQTT or via HTTP. * Note: Other status messages are also sent to 'ir_server/sent' from time to * time. * Unix command line usage example: * # Listen to MQTT acknowledgements. * $ mosquitto_sub -h -t ir_server/sent * * If DEBUG is turned on, there is additional information printed on the Serial * Port. * * ## Updates * You can upload new firmware over the air (OTA) via the form on the device's * main page. No need to connect to the device again via USB. \o/ * Your WiFi settings should be remembered between updates. \o/ \o/ * * Copyright Notice: * Code for this has been borrowed from lots of other OpenSource projects & * resources. I'm *NOT* claiming complete Copyright ownership of all the code. * Likewise, feel free to borrow from this as much as you want. */ #define MQTT_ENABLE // Comment this out if you don't want to use MQTT at all. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // * * * IMPORTANT * * * // You must change to have the following value. // #define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 512 // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #endif // MQTT_ENABLE #include #include // Configuration paramters #define IR_LED 4 // GPIO the IR LED is connected to/controlled by. GPIO 4 = D2. #define HTTP_PORT 80 // The port the HTTP server is listening on. #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE // Address of your MQTT server. #define MQTT_SERVER "" // <=- CHANGE ME #define MQTT_PORT 1883 // Default port used by MQTT servers. // Set if your MQTT server requires a Username & Password to connect. const char* mqtt_user = ""; const char* mqtt_password = ""; #define MQTT_RECONNECT_TIME 5000 // Delay(ms) between reconnect tries. #define MQTTprefix "ir_server" #define MQTTack MQTTprefix "/sent" // Topic we send back acknowledgements on #define MQTTcommand MQTTprefix "/send" // Topic we get new commands from. #endif // MQTT_ENABLE // HTML arguments we will parse for IR code information. #define argType "type" #define argData "code" #define argBits "bits" #define argRepeat "repeats" #define DEBUG True // Globals ESP8266WebServer server(HTTP_PORT); IRsend irsend = IRsend(IR_LED); MDNSResponder mdns; WiFiClient espClient; WiFiManager wifiManager; uint16_t *codeArray; uint32_t lastReconnectAttempt = 0; // MQTT last attemps reconnection number bool boot = true; bool ir_lock = false; // Primative locking for gating the IR LED. #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE // MQTT client parameters void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length); PubSubClient mqtt_client(MQTT_SERVER, MQTT_PORT, callback, espClient); // Create a unique MQTT client id. const char* mqtt_clientid = String(MQTTprefix + String(ESP.getChipId(), HEX)).c_str(); #endif // MQTT_ENABLE // Debug messages get sent to the serial port. void debug(String str) { #ifdef DEBUG uint32_t now = millis(); Serial.printf("%07u.%03u: %s\n", now / 1000, now % 1000, str.c_str()); #endif // DEBUG } // Root web page with example usage etc. void handleRoot() { server.send(200, "text/html", "IR MQTT server" "" "

ESP8266 IR MQTT Server

" "

" "

Connection details

" "

IP address: " + WiFi.localIP().toString() + "

" #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE "

MQTT server: " MQTT_SERVER ":" + String(MQTT_PORT) + " ("+ (mqtt_client.connected() ? "Connected" : "Disconnected") + ")
" "Command topic: " MQTTcommand "
" "Acknowledgements topic: " MQTTack "

" #endif // MQTT_ENABLE "

" "

Hardcoded examples

" "

" "Sherwood Amp On (GlobalCache)

" "

" "Sherwood Amp Off (Raw)

" "

" "Sherwood Amp Input TAPE (Pronto)

" "

TV on (Samsung)

" "

Power Off (Sony 12bit)

" "

" "

Send a simple IR message

" "

" "Type: " "" " Code: 0x" " Bit size: " "" " Repeats: " " " "
" "

" "

Send an IRremote Raw IR message

" "

" "" "String: (freq,array data) " " " "
" "

" "

Send a GlobalCache" " IR message

" "

" "" "String: 1:1,1," " " "
" "

" "

Send a Pronto code IR message

" "

" "" "String (comma separated): " " Repeats: " " " "
" "

" "

Send a Kelvinator A/C IR message

" "

" "" "State code: 0x" " " "
" "

" "

Update IR Server firmware

" "Warning:
" "Updating your firmware may screw up your access to the device. " "If you are going to use this, know what you are doing first " "(and you probably do).
" "

" "Firmware to upload: " "" "
" ""); } // Reset web page void handleReset() { server.send(200, "text/html", "Reset Config" "" "

Resetting the WiFiManager config back to defaults.

" "

Device restarting. Try connecting in a few seconds.

" ""); // Do the reset. wifiManager.resetSettings(); delay(10); ESP.restart(); delay(1000); } // Parse a Kelvinator A/C Hex String/code and send it. void parseStringAndSendKelv(const String str) { // str should be a 32 digit hexidecimal string. uint8_t offset = 0; uint8_t codeArray[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; if (str.startsWith("0x") || str.startsWith("0X")) offset = 2; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { unsigned char c = tolower(str[i + offset]); uint8_t entry = 0; if (isxdigit(c)) { if (isdigit(c)) codeArray[i / 2] += c - '0'; else codeArray[i / 2] += c - 'a' + 10; } if (i % 2 == 0) codeArray[i / 2] <<= 4; } irsend.sendKelvinator(reinterpret_cast(codeArray)); } // Count how many values are in the String. // Args: // str: String containing the values. // sep: Character that separates the values. // Returns: // The number of values found in the String. uint16_t countValuesInStr(const String str, char sep) { int16_t index = -1; uint16_t count = 1; do { index = str.indexOf(sep, index + 1); count++; } while (index != -1); return count; } // Dynamically allocate an array of uint16_t's. // Args: // size: Nr. of uint16_t's need to be in the new array. // Returns: // A Ptr to the new array. Restarts the ESP8266 if it fails. uint16_t * newCodeArray(const uint16_t size) { uint16_t *result; result = reinterpret_cast(malloc(size * sizeof(uint16_t))); // Check we malloc'ed successfully. if (result == NULL) { // malloc failed, so give up. Serial.printf("\nCan't allocate %d bytes. (%d bytes free)\n", size * sizeof(uint16_t), ESP.getFreeHeap()); Serial.println("Giving up & forcing a reboot."); ESP.restart(); // Reboot. delay(500); // Wait for the restart to happen. return result; // Should never get here, but just in case. } return result; } // Parse a GlobalCache String/code and send it. // Args: // str: A GlobalCache formatted String of comma separated numbers. // e.g. "38000,1,1,170,170,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20, // 20,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,63, // 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,63,20,20,20,63,20,63,20, // 63,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,1798" // Note: The leading "1:1,1," of normal GC codes should be removed. void parseStringAndSendGC(const String str) { uint16_t count; uint16_t *code_array; String tmp_str; // Remove the leading "1:1,1," if present. if (str.startsWith("1:1,1,")) tmp_str = str.substring(6); else tmp_str = str; // Find out how many items there are in the string. count = countValuesInStr(tmp_str, ','); // Now we know how many there are, allocate the memory to store them all. code_array = newCodeArray(count); // Now convert the strings to integers and place them in code_array. count = 0; uint16_t start_from = 0; int16_t index = -1; do { index = tmp_str.indexOf(',', start_from); code_array[count] = tmp_str.substring(start_from, index).toInt(); start_from = index + 1; count++; } while (index != -1); irsend.sendGC(code_array, count); // All done. Send it. free(code_array); // Free up the memory allocated. } // Parse a Pronto Hex String/code and send it. // Args: // str: A comma-separated String of nr. of repeats, then hexidecimal numbers. // e.g. "R1,0000,0067,0000,0015,0060,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018,0030,0018, // 0030,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018,0018,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018, // 0018,0018,0030,0018,0030,0018,0030,0018,0018,0018,0018,0018, // 0030,0018,0018,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018,0018,03f6" // or // "0000,0067,0000,0015,0060,0018". i.e. without the Repeat value // Requires at least PRONTO_MIN_LENGTH comma-separated values. // sendPronto() only supports raw pronto code types, thus so does this. // repeats: Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. // This value is ignored if an embeddd repeat is found in str. void parseStringAndSendPronto(const String str, uint16_t repeats) { uint16_t count; uint16_t *code_array; int16_t index = -1; uint16_t start_from = 0; // Find out how many items there are in the string. count = countValuesInStr(str, ','); // Check if we have the optional embedded repeats value in the code string. if (str.startsWith("R") || str.startsWith("r")) { // Grab the first value from the string, as it is the nr. of repeats. index = str.indexOf(',', start_from); repeats = str.substring(start_from + 1, index).toInt(); // Skip the 'R'. start_from = index + 1; count--; // We don't count the repeats value as part of the code array. } // We need at least PRONTO_MIN_LENGTH values for the code part. if (count < PRONTO_MIN_LENGTH) return; // Now we know how many there are, allocate the memory to store them all. code_array = newCodeArray(count); // Rest of the string are values for the code array. // Now convert the hex strings to integers and place them in code_array. count = 0; do { index = str.indexOf(',', start_from); // Convert the hexidecimal value string to an unsigned integer. code_array[count] = strtoul(str.substring(start_from, index).c_str(), NULL, 16); start_from = index + 1; count++; } while (index != -1); irsend.sendPronto(code_array, count, repeats); // All done. Send it. free(code_array); // Free up the memory allocated. } // Parse a IRremote Raw Hex String/code and send it. // Args: // str: A comma-separated String containing the freq and raw IR data. // e.g. "38000,9000,4500,600,1450,600,900,650,1500,..." // Requires at least two comma-separated values. // First value is the transmission frequency in Hz or kHz. void parseStringAndSendRaw(const String str) { uint16_t count; uint16_t freq = 38000; // Default to 38kHz. uint16_t *raw_array; // Find out how many items there are in the string. count = countValuesInStr(str, ','); // We expect the frequency as the first comma separated value, so we need at // least two values. If not, bail out. if (count < 2) return; count--; // We don't count the frequency value as part of the raw array. // Now we know how many there are, allocate the memory to store them all. raw_array = newCodeArray(count); // Grab the first value from the string, as it is the frequency. int16_t index = str.indexOf(',', 0); freq = str.substring(0, index).toInt(); uint16_t start_from = index + 1; // Rest of the string are values for the raw array. // Now convert the strings to integers and place them in raw_array. count = 0; do { index = str.indexOf(',', start_from); raw_array[count] = str.substring(start_from, index).toInt(); start_from = index + 1; count++; } while (index != -1); irsend.sendRaw(raw_array, count, freq); // All done. Send it. free(raw_array); // Free up the memory allocated. } // Parse the URL args to find the IR code. void handleIr() { uint64_t data = 0; String data_str = ""; int ir_type = 3; // Default to NEC codes. uint16_t nbits = 0; uint16_t repeat = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) { if (server.argName(i) == argType) ir_type = atoi(server.arg(i).c_str()); if (server.argName(i) == argData) { data = getUInt64fromHex(server.arg(i).c_str()); data_str = server.arg(i); } if (server.argName(i) == argBits) nbits = atoi(server.arg(i).c_str()); if (server.argName(i) == argRepeat) repeat = atoi(server.arg(i).c_str()); } debug("New code received via HTTP"); sendIRCode(ir_type, data, data_str.c_str(), nbits, repeat); handleRoot(); } void handleNotFound() { String message = "File Not Found\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += server.uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET)?"GET":"POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += server.args(); message += "\n"; for (uint8_t i=0; i < server.args(); i++) message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n"; server.send(404, "text/plain", message); } void setup_wifi() { delay(10); // We start by connecting to a WiFi network wifiManager.setTimeout(300); // Time out after 5 mins. if (!wifiManager.autoConnect()) { debug("Wifi failed to connect and hit timeout."); delay(3000); // Reboot. A.k.a. "Have you tried turning it Off and On again?" ESP.reset(); delay(5000); } debug("WiFi connected. IP address: " + WiFi.localIP()); } void setup(void) { irsend.begin(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.begin(115200); #endif // DEBUG setup_wifi(); // Wait a bit for things to settle. delay(1500); lastReconnectAttempt = 0; if (mdns.begin(MQTTprefix, WiFi.localIP())) { debug("MDNS responder started"); } // Setup the root web page. server.on("/", handleRoot); // Setup the page to handle web-based IR codes. server.on("/ir", handleIr); // Setup a reset page to cause WiFiManager information to be reset. server.on("/reset", handleReset); // Setup the URL to allow Over-The-Air (OTA) firmware updates. server.on("/update", HTTP_POST, [](){ server.sendHeader("Connection", "close"); server.send(200, "text/plain", (Update.hasError())?"FAIL":"OK"); ESP.restart(); }, [](){ HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { WiFiUDP::stopAll(); debug("Update: " + upload.filename); uint32_t maxSketchSpace = (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; if (!Update.begin(maxSketchSpace)) { // start with max available size #ifdef DEBUG Update.printError(Serial); #endif // DEBUG } } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { if (Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) { #ifdef DEBUG Update.printError(Serial); #endif // DEBUG } } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { if (Update.end(true)) { // true to set the size to the current progress debug("Update Success: " + (String) upload.totalSize + "\nRebooting..."); } } yield(); }); // Set up an error page. server.onNotFound(handleNotFound); server.begin(); debug("HTTP server started"); } #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE // MQTT subscribing to topic void subscribing(const String topic_name) { // subscription to topic for receiving data if (mqtt_client.subscribe(topic_name.c_str())) { debug("Subscription OK to " + topic_name); } } bool reconnect() { // Loop a few times or until we're reconnected uint16_t tries = 1; while (!mqtt_client.connected() && tries <= 3) { int connected = false; // Attempt to connect debug("Attempting MQTT connection to " MQTT_SERVER ":" + String(MQTT_PORT) + "... "); if (mqtt_user && mqtt_password) connected = mqtt_client.connect(mqtt_clientid, mqtt_user, mqtt_password); else connected = mqtt_client.connect(mqtt_clientid); if (connected) { // Once connected, publish an announcement... mqtt_client.publish(MQTTack, "Connected"); debug("connected."); // Subscribing to topic(s) subscribing(MQTTcommand); } else { debug("failed, rc=" + String(mqtt_client.state()) + " Try again in a bit."); // Wait for a bit before retrying delay(tries << 7); // Linear increasing back-off (x128) } tries++; } return mqtt_client.connected(); } #endif // MQTT_ENABLE void loop(void) { server.handleClient(); #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE // MQTT client connection management if (!mqtt_client.connected()) { uint32_t now = millis(); // Reconnect if it's longer than MQTT_RECONNECT_TIME since we last tried. if (now - lastReconnectAttempt > MQTT_RECONNECT_TIME) { lastReconnectAttempt = now; debug("client mqtt not connected, trying to connect"); // Attempt to reconnect if (reconnect()) { lastReconnectAttempt = 0; if (boot) { mqtt_client.publish(MQTTack, "IR Server just booted"); boot = false; } else { mqtt_client.publish(MQTTack, "IR Server just (re)connected to MQTT"); } } } } else { // MQTT loop mqtt_client.loop(); } #endif // MQTT_ENABLE delay(100); } // Arduino framework doesn't support strtoull(), so make our own one. uint64_t getUInt64fromHex(char const *str) { uint64_t result = 0; uint16_t offset = 0; // Skip any leading '0x' or '0X' prefix. if (str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) offset = 2; for (; isxdigit((unsigned char)str[offset]); offset++) { char c = str[offset]; result *= 16; if (isdigit(c)) /* '0' .. '9' */ result += c - '0'; else if (isupper(c)) /* 'A' .. 'F' */ result += c - 'A' + 10; else /* 'a' .. 'f'*/ result += c - 'a' + 10; } return result; } // Transmit the given IR message. // // Args: // ir_type: enum of the protocol to be sent. // code: Numeric payload of the IR message. Most protocols use this. // code_str: The unparsed code to be sent. Used by complex protocol encodings. // bits: Nr. of bits in the protocol. 0 means use the protocol's default. // repeat: Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. (Not all protcols.) void sendIRCode(int const ir_type, uint64_t const code, char const * code_str, uint16_t bits, uint16_t repeat) { // Create a pseudo-lock so we don't try to send two codes at the same time. while (ir_lock) delay(20); ir_lock = true; // send the IR message. switch (ir_type) { case RC5: // 1 if (bits == 0) bits = RC5_BITS; irsend.sendRC5(code, bits, repeat); break; case RC6: // 2 if (bits == 0) bits = RC6_MODE0_BITS; irsend.sendRC6(code, bits, repeat); break; case NEC: // 3 if (bits == 0) bits = NEC_BITS; irsend.sendNEC(code, bits, repeat); break; case SONY: // 4 if (bits == 0) bits = SONY_12_BITS; repeat = std::max(repeat, (uint16_t) SONY_MIN_REPEAT); irsend.sendSony(code, bits, repeat); break; case PANASONIC: // 5 if (bits == 0) bits = PANASONIC_BITS; irsend.sendPanasonic64(code, bits, repeat); break; case JVC: // 6 if (bits == 0) bits = JVC_BITS; irsend.sendJVC(code, bits, repeat); break; case SAMSUNG: // 7 if (bits == 0) bits = SAMSUNG_BITS; irsend.sendSAMSUNG(code, bits, repeat); break; case WHYNTER: // 8 if (bits == 0) bits = WHYNTER_BITS; irsend.sendWhynter(code, bits, repeat); break; case AIWA_RC_T501: // 9 if (bits == 0) bits = AIWA_RC_T501_BITS; repeat = std::max(repeat, (uint16_t) AIWA_RC_T501_MIN_REPEAT); irsend.sendAiwaRCT501(code, bits, repeat); break; case LG: // 10 if (bits == 0) bits = LG_BITS; irsend.sendLG(code, bits, repeat); break; case MITSUBISHI: // 12 if (bits == 0) bits = MITSUBISHI_BITS; repeat = std::max(repeat, (uint16_t) MITSUBISHI_MIN_REPEAT); irsend.sendMitsubishi(code, bits, repeat); break; case DISH: // 13 if (bits == 0) bits = DISH_BITS; repeat = std::max(repeat, (uint16_t) DISH_MIN_REPEAT); irsend.sendDISH(code, bits, repeat); break; case SHARP: // 14 if (bits == 0) bits = SHARP_BITS; irsend.sendSharpRaw(code, bits, repeat); break; case COOLIX: // 15 if (bits == 0) bits = COOLIX_BITS; irsend.sendCOOLIX(code, bits, repeat); break; case DENON: // 17 if (bits == 0) bits = DENON_BITS; irsend.sendDenon(code, bits, repeat); break; case KELVINATOR: // 18 parseStringAndSendKelv(code_str); break; case SHERWOOD: // 19 if (bits == 0) bits = SHERWOOD_BITS; repeat = std::max(repeat, (uint16_t) SHERWOOD_MIN_REPEAT); irsend.sendSherwood(code, bits, repeat); break; case RCMM: // 21 if (bits == 0) bits == RCMM_BITS; irsend.sendRCMM(code, bits, repeat); break; case SANYO_LC7461: // 22 if (bits == 0) bits = SANYO_LC7461_BITS; irsend.sendSanyoLC7461(code, bits, repeat); break; case RC5X: // 23 if (bits == 0) bits = RC5X_BITS; irsend.sendRC5(code, bits, repeat); case PRONTO: // 25 parseStringAndSendPronto(code_str, repeat); break; case NIKAI: // 29 if (bits == 0) bits = NIKAI_BITS; irsend.sendNikai(code, bits, repeat); break; case RAW: // 30 parseStringAndSendRaw(code_str); break; case GLOBALCACHE: // 31 parseStringAndSendGC(code_str); break; } // Release the lock. ir_lock = false; // Indicate that we sent the message. debug("Sent the IR message."); debug("Type: " + String(ir_type)); switch (ir_type) { case KELVINATOR: case PRONTO: case RAW: case GLOBALCACHE: debug("Code: "); debug(code_str); debug("Repeats: " + String(repeat)); // Confirm what we were asked to send was sent. #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE if (ir_type == PRONTO && repeat > 0) mqtt_client.publish(MQTTack, (String(ir_type) + ",R" + String(repeat) + "," + String(code_str)).c_str()); else mqtt_client.publish(MQTTack, (String(ir_type) + "," + String(code_str)).c_str()); #endif // MQTT_ENABLE break; default: debug("Code: 0x" + uint64ToString(code, 16)); debug("Bits: " + String(bits)); debug("Repeats: " + String(repeat)); #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE mqtt_client.publish(MQTTack, (String(ir_type) + "," + uint64ToString(code, 16) + "," + String(bits) + "," + String(repeat)).c_str()); #endif // MQTT_ENABLE } } #ifdef MQTT_ENABLE void receivingMQTT(String const topic_name, String const callback_str) { char* tok_ptr; uint64_t code = 0; uint16_t nbits = 0; uint16_t repeat = 0; debug("Receiving data by MQTT topic " + topic_name); // Make a copy of the callback string as strtok destorys it. char* callback_c_str = strdup(callback_str.c_str()); debug("MQTT Payload (raw): " + callback_str); // Get the numeric protocol type. int ir_type = strtoul(strtok_r(callback_c_str, ",", &tok_ptr), NULL, 10); char* next = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &tok_ptr); // If there is unparsed string left, try to convert it assuming it's hex. if (next != NULL) { code = getUInt64fromHex(next); next = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &tok_ptr); } else { // We require at least two value in the string. Give up. return; } // If there is still string left, assume it is the bit size. if (next != NULL) { nbits = atoi(next); next = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &tok_ptr); } // If there is still string left, assume it is the repeat count. if (next != NULL) repeat = atoi(next); free(callback_c_str); // send received MQTT value by IR signal sendIRCode(ir_type, code, callback_str.substring(callback_str.indexOf(",") + 1).c_str(), nbits, repeat); } // Callback function, when the gateway receive an MQTT value on the topics // subscribed this function is called void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { // In order to republish this payload, a copy must be made // as the orignal payload buffer will be overwritten whilst // constructing the PUBLISH packet. // Allocate the correct amount of memory for the payload copy byte* payload_copy = reinterpret_cast(malloc(length + 1)); // Copy the payload to the new buffer memcpy(payload_copy, payload, length); // Conversion to a printable string payload_copy[length] = '\0'; String callback_string = String(reinterpret_cast(payload_copy)); String topic_name = String(reinterpret_cast(topic)); // launch the function to treat received data receivingMQTT(topic_name, callback_string); // Free the memory free(payload_copy); } #endif // MQTT_ENABLE