/* Copyright (c) 2017 Theo Arends. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER /*********************************************************************************************\ * Web server and WiFi Manager * * Enables configuration and reconfiguration of WiFi credentials using a Captive Portal * Source by AlexT (https://github.com/tzapu) \*********************************************************************************************/ #define STR_HELPER(x) #x #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x) const char HTTP_HEAD[] PROGMEM = "" "" "" "" "{v}" "" "" "" "" "
" "

{ha} Module


"; const char HTTP_MSG_RSTRT[] PROGMEM = "
Device will restart in a few seconds

"; const char HTTP_BTN_MENU1[] PROGMEM = "
" "
" "
" "
"; const char HTTP_BTN_RSTRT[] PROGMEM = "
"; const char HTTP_BTN_MENU2[] PROGMEM = "
" "
"; const char HTTP_BTN_MENU3[] PROGMEM = "
" #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ "
" #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ ""; const char HTTP_BTN_MENU4[] PROGMEM = "
" "
" "
"; const char HTTP_BTN_MAIN[] PROGMEM = "

"; const char HTTP_BTN_CONF[] PROGMEM = "

"; const char HTTP_FORM_MODULE[] PROGMEM = "
 Module parameters 
" "" "
Module type ({mt})
" "
AP1 SSId (" STA_SSID1 ")

" "
AP1 Password

" "
AP2 SSId (" STA_SSID2 ")

" "
AP2 Password

" "
Hostname ({h0})

"; const char HTTP_FORM_MQTT[] PROGMEM = "
 MQTT parameters " "" "
Host (" MQTT_HOST ")

" "
Port (" STR(MQTT_PORT) ")

" "
Client Id ({m0})

" "
User (" MQTT_USER ")

" "

" "
Topic (" MQTT_TOPIC ")

"; const char HTTP_FORM_LOG1[] PROGMEM = "
 Logging parameters " ""; const char HTTP_FORM_LOG2[] PROGMEM = "
{b0} level ({b1})

"; const char HTTP_FORM_LOG3[] PROGMEM = "
Syslog host (" SYS_LOG_HOST ")

" "
Syslog port (" STR(SYS_LOG_PORT) ")

" "
Telemetric period (" STR(TELE_PERIOD) ")

"; const char HTTP_FORM_OTHER[] PROGMEM = "
 Other parameters " "" "
MQTT enable
"; const char HTTP_FORM_END[] PROGMEM = "
"; const char HTTP_FORM_UPG[] PROGMEM = "
" "
 Upgrade by web server " "
" "

" "
" "

" "
 Upgrade by file upload " "
" "

" // "
" "
" "
" "
" ""; const char HTTP_FORM_CMND[] PROGMEM = "

" "
" "
" // "
" "
"; const char HTTP_COUNTER[] PROGMEM = "
"; const char HTTP_END[] PROGMEM = "" "" ""; #ifdef USE_WEMO_EMULATION const char WEMO_EVENTSERVICE_XML[] PROGMEM = "" "" "" "SetBinaryState" "" "" "" "BinaryState" "BinaryState" "in" "" "" "" "" "BinaryState" "Boolean" "0" "" "" "level" "string" "0" "" "" "" "\r\n" "\r\n"; const char WEMO_SETUP_XML[] PROGMEM = "" "" "" "urn:Belkin:device:controllee:1" "{x1}" "Belkin International Inc." "Sonoff Socket" "3.1415" "uuid:{x2}" "{x3}" "0" "" "" "urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1" "urn:Belkin:serviceId:basicevent1" "/upnp/control/basicevent1" "/upnp/event/basicevent1" "/eventservice.xml" "" "" "" "\r\n" "\r\n"; #endif // USE_WEMO_EMULATION #ifdef USE_HUE_EMULATION const char HUE_DESCRIPTION_XML[] PROGMEM = "" "" "" "1" "0" "" "http://{x1}/" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1" "Amazon-Echo-HA-Bridge ({x1})" "Royal Philips Electronics" "Philips hue bridge 2012" "929000226503" "uuid:{x2}" "" "\r\n" "\r\n"; const char HUE_LIGHT_STATUS_JSON[] PROGMEM = "{\"state\":" "{\"on\":{state}," "\"bri\":{b}," "\"hue\":{h}," "\"sat\":{s}," "\"effect\":\"none\"," "\"ct\":0," "\"alert\":\"none\"," "\"reachable\":true" "}," "\"type\":\"Dimmable light\"," "\"name\":\"{j1}\"," "\"modelid\":\"LWB004\"," "\"manufacturername\":\"Philips\"," "\"uniqueid\":\"{j2}\"," "\"swversion\":\"66012040\"" "}"; const char HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON[] PROGMEM = "{\"success\":{\"{api}/{id}/{cmd}\":{res}}}"; #endif // USE_HUE_EMULATION #define DNS_PORT 53 enum http_t {HTTP_OFF, HTTP_USER, HTTP_ADMIN, HTTP_MANAGER}; DNSServer *dnsServer; ESP8266WebServer *webServer; boolean _removeDuplicateAPs = true; int _minimumQuality = -1, _httpflag = HTTP_OFF, _uploaderror = 0, _colcount; void startWebserver(int type, IPAddress ipweb) { char log[LOGSZ]; if (!_httpflag) { if (!webServer) { webServer = new ESP8266WebServer(80); webServer->on("/", handleRoot); webServer->on("/cn", handleConfig); webServer->on("/md", handleModule); webServer->on("/w1", handleWifi1); webServer->on("/w0", handleWifi0); if (sysCfg.mqtt_enabled) { webServer->on("/mq", handleMqtt); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ webServer->on("/dm", handleDomoticz); #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ } webServer->on("/lg", handleLog); webServer->on("/co", handleOther); webServer->on("/sv", handleSave); webServer->on("/rt", handleReset); webServer->on("/up", handleUpgrade); webServer->on("/u1", handleUpgradeStart); webServer->on("/u2", HTTP_POST, handleUploadDone, handleUploadLoop); webServer->on("/cm", handleCmnd); webServer->on("/cs", handleConsole); webServer->on("/ax", handleAjax); webServer->on("/in", handleInfo); webServer->on("/rb", handleRestart); webServer->on("/fwlink", handleRoot); // Microsoft captive portal. Maybe not needed. Might be handled by notFound handler. #ifdef USE_WEMO_EMULATION webServer->on("/upnp/control/basicevent1", HTTP_POST, handleUPnPevent); webServer->on("/eventservice.xml", handleUPnPservice); webServer->on("/setup.xml", handleUPnPsetup); #endif // USE_WEMO_EMULATION #ifdef USE_HUE_EMULATION webServer->on("/description.xml", handleUPnPsetup); #endif // USE_HUE_EMULATION webServer->onNotFound(handleNotFound); } webServer->begin(); // Web server start } if (_httpflag != type) { snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: Webserver active on %s%s with IP address %s"), Hostname, (mDNSbegun)?".local":"", ipweb.toString().c_str()); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); } if (type) _httpflag = type; } void stopWebserver() { if (_httpflag) { webServer->close(); _httpflag = HTTP_OFF; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("HTTP: Webserver stopped")); } } void beginWifiManager() { // setup AP if ((WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) && (static_cast(WiFi.localIP()) != 0)) { WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Wifimanager: Set AccessPoint and keep Station")); } else { WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Wifimanager: Set AccessPoint")); } stopWebserver(); dnsServer = new DNSServer(); WiFi.softAP(Hostname); delay(500); // Without delay I've seen the IP address blank /* Setup the DNS server redirecting all the domains to the apIP */ dnsServer->setErrorReplyCode(DNSReplyCode::NoError); dnsServer->start(DNS_PORT, "*", WiFi.softAPIP()); startWebserver(HTTP_MANAGER, WiFi.softAPIP()); } void pollDnsWeb() { if (dnsServer) dnsServer->processNextRequest(); if (webServer) webServer->handleClient(); } void showPage(String &page) { page.replace("{ha}", my_module.name); page.replace("{h}", String(sysCfg.friendlyname[0])); // page.replace("{ha}", Hostname); if (_httpflag == HTTP_MANAGER) { if (WIFI_configCounter()) { page.replace("", ""); page += FPSTR(HTTP_COUNTER); } } page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); webServer->sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); webServer->sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); webServer->sendHeader("Expires", "-1"); webServer->send(200, "text/html", page); } void handleRoot() { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle root")); if (captivePortal()) { // If captive portal redirect instead of displaying the page. return; } if (_httpflag == HTTP_MANAGER) { handleWifi0(); } else { String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); // page.replace("", "setTimeout(function(){window.location.reload(1);},4000);"); // Repeats POST on All page.replace("", "setTimeout(function(){window.location.replace(\"/\");},4000);"); // OK on All page.replace("{v}", "Main menu"); if (Maxdevice) { if (strlen(webServer->arg("o").c_str())) { do_cmnd_power(atoi(webServer->arg("o").c_str()), 2); } page += F(""); for (byte idx = 1; idx <= Maxdevice; idx++) { page += F(""); } page += F("
"); page += (power & (0x01 << (idx -1))) ? "ON" : "OFF"; page += F("

"); } String tpage = ""; if (hlw_flg) tpage += hlw_webPresent(); #ifdef USE_DS18B20 if (pin[GPIO_DSB] < 99) tpage += dsb_webPresent(); #endif // USE_DS18B20 #ifdef USE_DS18x20 if (pin[GPIO_DSB] < 99) page += ds18x20_webPresent(); #endif // USE_DS18x20 #if defined(USE_DHT) || defined(USE_DHT2) if (dht_type) tpage += dht_webPresent(); #endif // USE_DHT/2 #ifdef USE_I2C if (i2c_flg) { tpage += htu_webPresent(); tpage += bmp_webPresent(); tpage += bh1750_webPresent(); } #endif // USE_I2C if (tpage.length() > 0) { page += F(""); page += tpage; page += F("

"); } if (_httpflag == HTTP_ADMIN) { page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MENU1); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_RSTRT); } showPage(page); #ifdef USE_DS18x20 ds18x20_search(); // Check for changes in sensors number ds18x20_convert(); // Start Conversion, takes up to one second #endif // USE_DS18x20 } } void handleConfig() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle config")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Configuration"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MENU2); if (sysCfg.mqtt_enabled) page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MENU3); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MENU4); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); showPage(page); } void handleModule() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } char stemp[20]; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle Module config")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Config module"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_MODULE); snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), modules[MODULE].name); page.replace("{mt}", stemp); for (byte i = 0; i < MAXMODULE; i++) { page += F(""); } page += F("
"); mytmplt cmodule; memcpy_P(&cmodule, &modules[sysCfg.module], sizeof(cmodule)); for (byte i = 0; i < MAX_GPIO_PIN; i++) { if (cmodule.gp.io[i] == GPIO_USER) { page += F("
GPIO"); page += String(i); page += F("
"); } } page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_CONF); showPage(page); } void handleWifi1() { handleWifi(true); } void handleWifi0() { handleWifi(false); } void handleWifi(boolean scan) { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } char log[LOGSZ]; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle Wifi config")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Configure Wifi"); if (scan) { #if defined(USE_WEMO_EMULATION) || defined(USE_HUE_EMULATION) UDP_Disconnect(); #endif // USE_WEMO_EMULATION || USE_HUE_EMULATION int n = WiFi.scanNetworks(); addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Wifi: Scan done")); if (n == 0) { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Wifi: No networks found")); page += F("No networks found. Refresh to scan again."); } else { //sort networks int indices[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { indices[i] = i; } // RSSI SORT for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (WiFi.RSSI(indices[j]) > WiFi.RSSI(indices[i])) { std::swap(indices[i], indices[j]); } } } // remove duplicates ( must be RSSI sorted ) if (_removeDuplicateAPs) { String cssid; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (indices[i] == -1) continue; cssid = WiFi.SSID(indices[i]); for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (cssid == WiFi.SSID(indices[j])) { snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("Wifi: Duplicate AccessPoint %s"), WiFi.SSID(indices[j]).c_str()); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log); indices[j] = -1; // set dup aps to index -1 } } } } //display networks in page for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (indices[i] == -1) continue; // skip dups snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("Wifi: SSID %s, RSSI %d"), WiFi.SSID(indices[i]).c_str(), WiFi.RSSI(indices[i])); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log); int quality = WIFI_getRSSIasQuality(WiFi.RSSI(indices[i])); if (_minimumQuality == -1 || _minimumQuality < quality) { String item = FPSTR(HTTP_LNK_ITEM); String rssiQ; rssiQ += quality; item.replace("{v}", WiFi.SSID(indices[i])); item.replace("{r}", rssiQ); if (WiFi.encryptionType(indices[i]) != ENC_TYPE_NONE) { item.replace("{i}", "l"); } else { item.replace("{i}", ""); } page += item; delay(0); } else { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Wifi: Skipping due to low quality")); } } page += "
"; } } else { page += FPSTR(HTTP_LNK_SCAN); } page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_WIFI); char str[33]; if (!strcmp(WIFI_HOSTNAME, DEF_WIFI_HOSTNAME)) { snprintf_P(str, sizeof(str), PSTR(DEF_WIFI_HOSTNAME), sysCfg.mqtt_topic, ESP.getChipId() & 0x1FFF); } else { snprintf_P(str, sizeof(str), PSTR(WIFI_HOSTNAME)); } page.replace("{h0}", str); page.replace("{h1}", String(sysCfg.hostname)); page.replace("{s1}", String(sysCfg.sta_ssid[0])); page.replace("{p1}", String(sysCfg.sta_pwd[0])); page.replace("{s2}", String(sysCfg.sta_ssid[1])); page.replace("{p2}", String(sysCfg.sta_pwd[1])); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); if (_httpflag == HTTP_MANAGER) { page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_RSTRT); } else { page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_CONF); } showPage(page); } void handleMqtt() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle MQTT config")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Configure MQTT"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_MQTT); char str[sizeof(sysCfg.mqtt_client)]; getClient(str, MQTT_CLIENT_ID, sizeof(sysCfg.mqtt_client)); page.replace("{m0}", str); page.replace("{m1}", String(sysCfg.mqtt_host)); page.replace("{m2}", String(sysCfg.mqtt_port)); page.replace("{m3}", String(sysCfg.mqtt_client)); page.replace("{m4}", String(sysCfg.mqtt_user)); page.replace("{m5}", String(sysCfg.mqtt_pwd)); page.replace("{m6}", String(sysCfg.mqtt_topic)); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_CONF); showPage(page); } void handleLog() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle Log config")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Config logging"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_LOG1); for (byte idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++) { page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_LOG2); switch (idx) { case 0: page.replace("{b0}", "Serial log"); page.replace("{b1}", STR(SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL)); page.replace("{b2}", "ls"); for (byte i = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; i < LOG_LEVEL_ALL; i++) { page.replace("{a" + String(i), (i == sysCfg.seriallog_level) ? " selected " : " "); } break; case 1: page.replace("{b0}", "Web log"); page.replace("{b1}", STR(WEB_LOG_LEVEL)); page.replace("{b2}", "lw"); for (byte i = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; i < LOG_LEVEL_ALL; i++) { page.replace("{a" + String(i), (i == sysCfg.weblog_level) ? " selected " : " "); } break; case 2: page.replace("{b0}", "Syslog"); page.replace("{b1}", STR(SYS_LOG_LEVEL)); page.replace("{b2}", "ll"); for (byte i = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; i < LOG_LEVEL_ALL; i++) { page.replace("{a" + String(i), (i == sysCfg.syslog_level) ? " selected " : " "); } break; } } page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_LOG3); page.replace("{l2}", String(sysCfg.syslog_host)); page.replace("{l3}", String(sysCfg.syslog_port)); page.replace("{l4}", String(sysCfg.tele_period)); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_CONF); showPage(page); } void handleOther() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle other config")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Configure Other"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_OTHER); page.replace("{r1}", (sysCfg.mqtt_enabled) ? " checked" : ""); for (int i = 0; i < Maxdevice; i++) { page += F("
Friendly Name {1 ({2)

"); page.replace("{1", String(i +1)); if (i == 0) page.replace("{2", FRIENDLY_NAME1); else if (i == 1) page.replace("{2", FRIENDLY_NAME2); else if (i == 2) page.replace("{2", FRIENDLY_NAME3); else if (i == 3) page.replace("{2", FRIENDLY_NAME4); page.replace("{3", String(sysCfg.friendlyname[i])); } page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_CONF); showPage(page); } void handleSave() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } char log[LOGSZ], stemp[20]; byte what = 0, restart; String result = ""; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Parameter save")); if (strlen(webServer->arg("w").c_str())) what = atoi(webServer->arg("w").c_str()); switch (what) { case 1: strlcpy(sysCfg.hostname, (!strlen(webServer->arg("h").c_str())) ? WIFI_HOSTNAME : webServer->arg("h").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.hostname)); if (strstr(sysCfg.hostname,"%")) strlcpy(sysCfg.hostname, DEF_WIFI_HOSTNAME, sizeof(sysCfg.hostname)); strlcpy(sysCfg.sta_ssid[0], (!strlen(webServer->arg("s1").c_str())) ? STA_SSID1 : webServer->arg("s1").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.sta_ssid[0])); strlcpy(sysCfg.sta_pwd[0], (!strlen(webServer->arg("p1").c_str())) ? STA_PASS1 : webServer->arg("p1").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.sta_pwd[0])); strlcpy(sysCfg.sta_ssid[1], (!strlen(webServer->arg("s2").c_str())) ? STA_SSID2 : webServer->arg("s2").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.sta_ssid[1])); strlcpy(sysCfg.sta_pwd[1], (!strlen(webServer->arg("p2").c_str())) ? STA_PASS2 : webServer->arg("p2").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.sta_pwd[1])); snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: Wifi Hostname %s, SSID1 %s, Password1 %s, SSID2 %s, Password2 %s"), sysCfg.hostname, sysCfg.sta_ssid[0], sysCfg.sta_pwd[0], sysCfg.sta_ssid[1], sysCfg.sta_pwd[1]); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); result += F("
Trying to connect device to network
If it fails reconnect to try again"); break; case 2: strlcpy(sysCfg.mqtt_host, (!strlen(webServer->arg("mh").c_str())) ? MQTT_HOST : webServer->arg("mh").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.mqtt_host)); sysCfg.mqtt_port = (!strlen(webServer->arg("ml").c_str())) ? MQTT_PORT : atoi(webServer->arg("ml").c_str()); strlcpy(sysCfg.mqtt_client, (!strlen(webServer->arg("mc").c_str())) ? MQTT_CLIENT_ID : webServer->arg("mc").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.mqtt_client)); strlcpy(sysCfg.mqtt_user, (!strlen(webServer->arg("mu").c_str())) ? MQTT_USER : webServer->arg("mu").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.mqtt_user)); strlcpy(sysCfg.mqtt_pwd, (!strlen(webServer->arg("mp").c_str())) ? MQTT_PASS : webServer->arg("mp").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.mqtt_pwd)); strlcpy(sysCfg.mqtt_topic, (!strlen(webServer->arg("mt").c_str())) ? MQTT_TOPIC : webServer->arg("mt").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.mqtt_topic)); snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: MQTT Host %s, Port %d, Client %s, User %s, Password %s, Topic %s"), sysCfg.mqtt_host, sysCfg.mqtt_port, sysCfg.mqtt_client, sysCfg.mqtt_user, sysCfg.mqtt_pwd, sysCfg.mqtt_topic); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); break; case 3: sysCfg.seriallog_level = (!strlen(webServer->arg("ls").c_str())) ? SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL : atoi(webServer->arg("ls").c_str()); sysCfg.weblog_level = (!strlen(webServer->arg("lw").c_str())) ? WEB_LOG_LEVEL : atoi(webServer->arg("lw").c_str()); sysCfg.syslog_level = (!strlen(webServer->arg("ll").c_str())) ? SYS_LOG_LEVEL : atoi(webServer->arg("ll").c_str()); syslog_level = sysCfg.syslog_level; syslog_timer = 0; strlcpy(sysCfg.syslog_host, (!strlen(webServer->arg("lh").c_str())) ? SYS_LOG_HOST : webServer->arg("lh").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.syslog_host)); sysCfg.syslog_port = (!strlen(webServer->arg("lp").c_str())) ? SYS_LOG_PORT : atoi(webServer->arg("lp").c_str()); sysCfg.tele_period = (!strlen(webServer->arg("lt").c_str())) ? TELE_PERIOD : atoi(webServer->arg("lt").c_str()); snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: Logging Seriallog %d, Weblog %d, Syslog %d, Host %s, Port %d, TelePeriod %d"), sysCfg.seriallog_level, sysCfg.weblog_level, sysCfg.syslog_level, sysCfg.syslog_host, sysCfg.syslog_port, sysCfg.tele_period); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); break; #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ case 4: domoticz_saveSettings(); break; #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ case 5: sysCfg.mqtt_enabled = webServer->hasArg("r1"); strlcpy(sysCfg.friendlyname[0], (!strlen(webServer->arg("a1").c_str())) ? FRIENDLY_NAME1 : webServer->arg("a1").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.friendlyname[0])); strlcpy(sysCfg.friendlyname[1], (!strlen(webServer->arg("a2").c_str())) ? FRIENDLY_NAME2 : webServer->arg("a2").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.friendlyname[1])); strlcpy(sysCfg.friendlyname[2], (!strlen(webServer->arg("a3").c_str())) ? FRIENDLY_NAME3 : webServer->arg("a3").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.friendlyname[2])); strlcpy(sysCfg.friendlyname[3], (!strlen(webServer->arg("a4").c_str())) ? FRIENDLY_NAME4 : webServer->arg("a4").c_str(), sizeof(sysCfg.friendlyname[3])); snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: Other MQTT Enable %s, Friendly Names %s, %s, %s and %s"), (sysCfg.mqtt_enabled) ? MQTT_STATUS_ON : MQTT_STATUS_OFF, sysCfg.friendlyname[0], sysCfg.friendlyname[1], sysCfg.friendlyname[2], sysCfg.friendlyname[3]); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); break; case 6: sysCfg.module = (!strlen(webServer->arg("mt").c_str())) ? MODULE : atoi(webServer->arg("mt").c_str()); mytmplt cmodule; memcpy_P(&cmodule, &modules[sysCfg.module], sizeof(cmodule)); String gpios = ""; for (byte i = 0; i < MAX_GPIO_PIN; i++) { if (cmodule.gp.io[i] == GPIO_USER) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("g%d"), i); sysCfg.my_module.gp.io[i] = (!strlen(webServer->arg(stemp).c_str())) ? 0 : atoi(webServer->arg(stemp).c_str()); gpios += F(", GPIO"); gpios += String(i); gpios += F(" "); gpios += String(sysCfg.my_module.gp.io[i]); } } snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), modules[sysCfg.module].name); snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: %s Module%s"), stemp, gpios.c_str()); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); break; } restart = (!strlen(webServer->arg("r").c_str())) ? 1 : atoi(webServer->arg("r").c_str()); if (restart) { String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Save parameters"); page += F("
Parameters saved
"); page += result; page += F("
"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_MSG_RSTRT); if (_httpflag == HTTP_MANAGER) { _httpflag = HTTP_ADMIN; } else { page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); } showPage(page); restartflag = 2; } else { handleConfig(); } } void handleReset() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } char svalue[MESSZ]; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Reset parameters")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Default parameters"); page += F("
Parameters reset to default
"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_MSG_RSTRT); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); showPage(page); snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("reset 1")); do_cmnd(svalue); } void handleUpgrade() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle upgrade")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Firmware upgrade"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_UPG); page.replace("{o1}", String(sysCfg.otaUrl)); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); showPage(page); _uploaderror = 0; } void handleUpgradeStart() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } char svalue[MESSZ]; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Firmware upgrade start")); WIFI_configCounter(); if (strlen(webServer->arg("o").c_str())) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("otaurl %s"), webServer->arg("o").c_str()); do_cmnd(svalue); } String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Info"); page += F("
Upgrade started ...
"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_MSG_RSTRT); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); showPage(page); snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("upgrade 1")); do_cmnd(svalue); } void handleUploadDone() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Firmware upload done")); WIFI_configCounter(); restartflag = 0; mqttcounter = 0; String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Info"); page += F("
Upload "); if (_uploaderror) { page += F("failed"); if (_uploaderror == 1) { page += F("

No file selected"); } else if (_uploaderror == 2) { page += F("

File size is larger than available free space"); } else if (_uploaderror == 3) { page += F("

File magic header does not start with 0xE9"); } else if (_uploaderror == 4) { page += F("

File flash size is larger than device flash size"); } else if (_uploaderror == 5) { page += F("

File upload buffer miscompare"); } else if (_uploaderror == 6) { page += F("

Upload failed. Enable logging option 3 for more information"); } else if (_uploaderror == 7) { page += F("

Upload aborted"); } else { page += F("

Upload error code "); page += String(_uploaderror); } if (Update.hasError()) { page += F("

Update error code (see Updater.cpp) "); page += String(Update.getError()); } } else { page += F("successful

Device will restart in a few seconds"); restartflag = 2; } page += F("

"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); showPage(page); } void handleUploadLoop() { // Based on ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.cpp uses ESP8266WebServer Parsing.cpp and Cores Updater.cpp (Update) char log[LOGSZ]; boolean _serialoutput = (LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG <= seriallog_level); if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) return; if (_uploaderror) { Update.end(); return; } HTTPUpload& upload = webServer->upload(); if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { restartflag = 60; mqttcounter = 60; if (upload.filename.c_str()[0] == 0) { _uploaderror = 1; return; } #if defined(USE_WEMO_EMULATION) || defined(USE_HUE_EMULATION) UDP_Disconnect(); #endif // USE_WEMO_EMULATION || USE_HUE_EMULATION if (sysCfg.mqtt_enabled) mqttClient.disconnect(); snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("Upload: File %s ..."), upload.filename.c_str()); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); uint32_t maxSketchSpace = (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; if (!Update.begin(maxSketchSpace)) { //start with max available size if (_serialoutput) Update.printError(Serial); _uploaderror = 2; return; } _colcount = 0; } else if (!_uploaderror && (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE)) { if (upload.totalSize == 0) { if (upload.buf[0] != 0xE9) { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Upload: File magic header does not start with 0xE9")); _uploaderror = 3; return; } uint32_t bin_flash_size = ESP.magicFlashChipSize((upload.buf[3] & 0xf0) >> 4); if(bin_flash_size > ESP.getFlashChipRealSize()) { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Upload: File flash size is larger than device flash size")); _uploaderror = 4; return; } if ((sysCfg.module == SONOFF_TOUCH) || (sysCfg.module == SONOFF_4CH) || (ESP.getFlashChipMode() == 3)) { upload.buf[2] = 3; // DOUT - ESP8285 } else { upload.buf[2] = 2; // DIO - ESP8266 } // snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("Upload: Flash Chip Mode %02X"), upload.buf[2]); // addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, log); } if (!_uploaderror && (Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize)) { if (_serialoutput) Update.printError(Serial); _uploaderror = 5; return; } if (_serialoutput) { Serial.printf("."); _colcount++; if (!(_colcount % 80)) Serial.println(); } } else if(!_uploaderror && (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END)){ if (_serialoutput && (_colcount % 80)) Serial.println(); if (Update.end(true)) { // true to set the size to the current progress snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("Upload: Successful %u bytes. Restarting"), upload.totalSize); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, log); } else { if (_serialoutput) Update.printError(Serial); _uploaderror = 6; return; } } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED) { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Upload: Update was aborted")); restartflag = 0; mqttcounter = 0; _uploaderror = 7; Update.end(); } delay(0); } void handleCmnd() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } char svalue[MESSZ]; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle cmnd")); byte curridx = logidx; if (strlen(webServer->arg(0).c_str())) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), webServer->arg(0).c_str()); do_cmnd(svalue); } String message = ""; if (logidx != curridx) { byte counter = curridx; do { if (Log[counter].length()) { if (message.length()) message += F("\n"); if (sysCfg.mqtt_enabled) { // [14:49:36 MQTT: stat/wemos5/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}] > [RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}] // message += Log[counter].substring(17 + strlen(PUB_PREFIX) + strlen(sysCfg.mqtt_topic)); message += Log[counter].substring(Log[counter].lastIndexOf("/",Log[counter].indexOf("="))+1); } else { // [14:49:36 RSLT: RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}] > [RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}] message += Log[counter].substring(Log[counter].indexOf(": ")+2); } } counter++; if (counter > MAX_LOG_LINES -1) counter = 0; } while (counter != logidx); } else { message = F("Enable weblog 2 if response expected\n"); } webServer->sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); webServer->sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); webServer->sendHeader("Expires", "-1"); webServer->send(200, "text/plain", message); } void handleConsole() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } char svalue[MESSZ]; addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle console")); if (strlen(webServer->arg("c1").c_str())) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), webServer->arg("c1").c_str()); do_cmnd(svalue); } String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Console"); page.replace("", ""); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_CMND); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); showPage(page); } void handleAjax() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } String message = ""; uint16_t size = 0; int maxSize = ESP.getFreeHeap() - 6000; byte counter = logidx; do { counter--; if (counter == 255) counter = MAX_LOG_LINES -1; size += Log[counter].length(); } while ((counter != logidx) && (size < maxSize)); do { if (Log[counter].length()) { if (message.length()) message += F("\n"); message += Log[counter]; } counter++; if (counter > MAX_LOG_LINES -1) counter = 0; } while (counter != logidx); webServer->sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); webServer->sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); webServer->sendHeader("Expires", "-1"); webServer->send(200, "text/plain", message); } void handleInfo() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle info")); int freeMem = ESP.getFreeHeap(); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Information"); // page += F("
 Information "); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); // page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); for (byte i = 0; i < Maxdevice; i++) { page += F(""); } page += F(""); // page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); if (static_cast(WiFi.localIP()) != 0) { page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); } if (static_cast(WiFi.softAPIP()) != 0) { page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); } page += F(""); if (sysCfg.mqtt_enabled) { page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); // page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); } else { page += F(""); } page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F(""); page += F("
Program version"); page += Version; page += F("
Core/SDK version"); page += ESP.getCoreVersion(); page += F("/"); page += String(ESP.getSdkVersion()); page += F("
Boot version"); page += String(ESP.getBootVersion()); page += F("
Uptime"); page += String(uptime); page += F(" Hours
Flash write count"); page += String(sysCfg.saveFlag); page += F("
Boot count"); page += String(sysCfg.bootcount); page += F("
Reset reason"); page += ESP.getResetReason(); page += F("
Friendly name "); page += i +1; page += F(""); page += String(sysCfg.friendlyname[i]); page += F("
SSId (RSSI)"); page += (sysCfg.sta_active)? sysCfg.sta_ssid2 : sysCfg.sta_ssid1; page += F(" ("); page += WIFI_getRSSIasQuality(WiFi.RSSI()); page += F("%)
AP"); page += String(sysCfg.sta_active +1); page += F(" SSId (RSSI)"); page += sysCfg.sta_ssid[sysCfg.sta_active]; page += F(" ("); page += WIFI_getRSSIasQuality(WiFi.RSSI()); page += F("%)
Hostname"); page += Hostname; page += F("
IP address"); page += WiFi.localIP().toString(); page += F("
Gateway"); page += WiFi.gatewayIP().toString(); page += F("
MAC address"); page += WiFi.macAddress(); page += F("
AP IP address"); page += WiFi.softAPIP().toString(); page += F("
AP Gateway"); page += WiFi.softAPIP().toString(); page += F("
AP MAC address"); page += WiFi.softAPmacAddress(); page += F("
MQTT Host"); page += sysCfg.mqtt_host; page += F("
MQTT Port"); page += String(sysCfg.mqtt_port); page += F("
MQTT Client and
 Fallback Topic
"); page += MQTTClient; page += F("
MQTT User"); page += sysCfg.mqtt_user; page += F("
MQTT Password"); page += sysCfg.mqtt_pwd; page += F("
MQTT Topic"); page += sysCfg.mqtt_topic; page += F("
MQTT Group Topic"); page += sysCfg.mqtt_grptopic; page += F("
ESP Chip id"); page += String(ESP.getChipId()); page += F("
Flash Chip id"); page += String(ESP.getFlashChipId()); page += F("
Flash size"); page += String(ESP.getFlashChipRealSize() / 1024); page += F("kB
Program flash size"); page += String(ESP.getFlashChipSize() / 1024); page += F("kB
Program size"); page += String(ESP.getSketchSize() / 1024); page += F("kB
Free program space"); page += String(ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() / 1024); page += F("kB
Free memory"); page += String(freeMem / 1024); page += F("kB
"); // page += F("
"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); showPage(page); } void handleRestart() { if (_httpflag == HTTP_USER) { handleRoot(); return; } addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Restarting")); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace("{v}", "Info"); page += FPSTR(HTTP_MSG_RSTRT); if (_httpflag == HTTP_MANAGER) { _httpflag = HTTP_ADMIN; } else { page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_MAIN); } showPage(page); restartflag = 2; } /********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_WEMO_EMULATION void handleUPnPevent() { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle WeMo basic event")); String request = webServer->arg(0); if(request.indexOf("State>1 0) do_cmnd_power(1, 1); if(request.indexOf("State>0 0) do_cmnd_power(1, 0); webServer->send(200, "text/plain", ""); } void handleUPnPservice() { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle WeMo event service")); String eventservice_xml = FPSTR(WEMO_EVENTSERVICE_XML); webServer->send(200, "text/plain", eventservice_xml); } void handleUPnPsetup() { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle WeMo setup")); String setup_xml = FPSTR(WEMO_SETUP_XML); // setup_xml.replace("{x1}", String(MQTTClient)); setup_xml.replace("{x1}", String(sysCfg.friendlyname[0])); setup_xml.replace("{x2}", wemo_UUID()); setup_xml.replace("{x3}", wemo_serial()); webServer->send(200, "text/xml", setup_xml); } #endif // USE_WEMO_EMULATION /********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_HUE_EMULATION String hue_deviceId(uint8_t id) { char deviceid[16]; snprintf_P(deviceid, sizeof(deviceid), PSTR("5CCF7F%03X-%0d"), ESP.getChipId(), id); return String(deviceid); } void handleUPnPsetup() { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Handle Hue Bridge setup")); String description_xml = FPSTR(HUE_DESCRIPTION_XML); description_xml.replace("{x1}", WiFi.localIP().toString()); description_xml.replace("{x2}", hue_UUID()); webServer->send(200, "text/xml", description_xml); } void hue_todo(String *path) { char log[LOGSZ]; snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: HUE API not implemented (%s)"),path->c_str()); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log); } void hue_lights(String *path) { String response; uint8_t device = 1; int16_t pos = 0; uint8_t bri = 0; char id[4]; path->remove(0,path->indexOf("/lights")); // Remove until /lights if (path->endsWith("/lights")) // Got /lights { response = "{\""; for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= Maxdevice; i++) { response += i; response += "\":"; response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_STATUS_JSON); if (i < Maxdevice) response += ",\""; response.replace("{state}", (power & (0x01 << (i-1))) ? "true" : "false"); response.replace("{j1}", sysCfg.friendlyname[i-1]); response.replace("{j2}", hue_deviceId(i)); #ifdef USE_WS2812 ws2812_replaceHSB(&response); #else response.replace("{h}", "0"); response.replace("{s}", "0"); response.replace("{b}", "0"); #endif // USE_WS2812 } response += "}"; webServer->send(200, "application/json", response); } else if (path->endsWith("/state")) // Got ID/state { path->remove(0,8); // Remove /lights/ path->remove(path->indexOf("/state")); // Remove /state device = atoi(path->c_str()); if ((device < 1) || (device > Maxdevice)) device = 1; response = "["; response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{api}", "/lights"); response.replace("{id}", String(device)); response.replace("{cmd}", "state/on"); if (webServer->args() == 1) { String json = webServer->arg(0); // Serial.print("HUE API: POST "); Serial.println(json.c_str()); if (json.indexOf("\"on\":") >= 0) // Got "on" command { if (json.indexOf("false") >= 0) // false -> turn device off { do_cmnd_power(device, 0); response.replace("{res}", "false"); } else if(json.indexOf("true") >= 0) // true -> Turn device on { do_cmnd_power(device, 1); response.replace("{res}", "true"); } else { response.replace("{res}", (power & (0x01 << (device-1))) ? "true" : "false"); } } #ifdef USE_WS2812 if ((pos=json.indexOf("\"bri\":")) >= 0) { bri=atoi(json.substring(pos+6).c_str()); ws2812_changeBrightness(bri); response += ","; response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{api}", "/lights"); response.replace("{id}", String(device)); response.replace("{cmd}", "state/bri"); response.replace("{res}", String(bri)); } #endif // USE_WS2812 response += "]"; webServer->send(200, "application/json", response); } else webServer->send(406, "application/json", "{}"); } else if(path->indexOf("/lights/") >= 0) // Got /lights/ID { path->remove(0,8); // Remove /lights/ device = atoi(path->c_str()); if ((device < 1) || (device > Maxdevice)) device = 1; response = FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_STATUS_JSON); response.replace("{state}", (power & (0x01 << (device -1))) ? "true" : "false"); response.replace("{j1}", sysCfg.friendlyname[device -1]); response.replace("{j2}", hue_deviceId(device)); #ifdef USE_WS2812 ws2812_replaceHSB(&response); #else response.replace("{h}", "0"); response.replace("{s}", "0"); response.replace("{b}", "0"); #endif // USE_WS2812 webServer->send(200, "application/json", response); } else webServer->send(406, "application/json", "{}"); } void handle_hue_api(String *path) { /* HUE API uses /api// syntax. The userid is created by the echo device and * on original HUE the pressed button allows for creation of this user. We simply ignore the * user part and allow every caller as with Web or WeMo. * * (c) Heiko Krupp, 2017 */ char log[LOGSZ]; path->remove(0, 4); // remove /api if (path->endsWith("/invalid/")) {} // Just ignore else if (path->endsWith("/config")) hue_todo(path); else if(path->indexOf("/lights") >= 0) hue_lights(path); else if(path->endsWith("/groups")) hue_todo(path); else if(path->endsWith("/schedules")) hue_todo(path); else if(path->endsWith("/sensors")) hue_todo(path); else if(path->endsWith("/scenes")) hue_todo(path); else if(path->endsWith("/rules")) hue_todo(path); else { snprintf_P(log, sizeof(log), PSTR("HTTP: Handle Hue API (%s)"),path->c_str()); addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log); webServer->send(406, "application/json", "{}"); } } #endif // USE_HUE_EMULATION /********************************************************************************************/ void handleNotFound() { if (captivePortal()) { // If captive portal redirect instead of displaying the error page. return; } #ifdef USE_HUE_EMULATION String path = webServer->uri(); if (path.startsWith("/api")) handle_hue_api(&path); else { #endif // USE_HUE_EMULATION String message = "File Not Found\n\n"; message += "URI: "; message += webServer->uri(); message += "\nMethod: "; message += ( webServer->method() == HTTP_GET ) ? "GET" : "POST"; message += "\nArguments: "; message += webServer->args(); message += "\n"; for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < webServer->args(); i++ ) { message += " " + webServer->argName ( i ) + ": " + webServer->arg ( i ) + "\n"; } webServer->sendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); webServer->sendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); webServer->sendHeader("Expires", "-1"); webServer->send(404, "text/plain", message); #ifdef USE_HUE_EMULATION addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, message.c_str()); } #endif // USE_HUE_EMULATION } /* Redirect to captive portal if we got a request for another domain. Return true in that case so the page handler do not try to handle the request again. */ boolean captivePortal() { if (!isIp(webServer->hostHeader())) { addLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("HTTP: Request redirected to captive portal")); webServer->sendHeader("Location", String("http://") + webServer->client().localIP().toString(), true); webServer->send(302, "text/plain", ""); // Empty content inhibits Content-length header so we have to close the socket ourselves. webServer->client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length return true; } return false; } /** Is this an IP? */ boolean isIp(String str) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { int c = str.charAt(i); if (c != '.' && (c < '0' || c > '9')) { return false; } } return true; } #endif // USE_WEBSERVER