/* xdrv_07_home_assistant.ino - home assistant support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT const char HASS_DISCOVER_SWITCH[] PROGMEM = "{\"name\":\"%s\"," // dualr2 1 "\"command_topic\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/dualr2/POWER2 "\"state_topic\":\"%s\"," // stat/dualr2/RESULT (implies "\"optimistic\":\"false\",") "\"value_template\":\"{{value_json.%s}}\"," // POWER2 "\"payload_off\":\"%s\"," // OFF "\"payload_on\":\"%s\"," // ON // "\"optimistic\":\"false\"," // false is Hass default when state_topic is set "\"availability_topic\":\"%s\"," // tele/dualr2/LWT "\"payload_available\":\"" D_ONLINE "\"," // Online "\"payload_not_available\":\"" D_OFFLINE "\""; // Offline const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_DIMMER[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"brightness_command_topic\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/Dimmer "\"brightness_state_topic\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"brightness_scale\":100," // 100% "\"on_command_type\":\"brightness\"," // power on (first), power on (last), no power on (brightness) "\"brightness_value_template\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_DIMMER "}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_COLOR[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"rgb_command_topic\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/Color "\"rgb_state_topic\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"rgb_value_template\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_COLOR "}}\""; // "\"rgb_value_template\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_COLOR " | join(',')}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_CT[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"color_temp_command_topic\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/CT "\"color_temp_state_topic\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"color_temp_value_template\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_COLORTEMPERATURE "}}\""; /* const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_SCHEME[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"effect_command_topic\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/Scheme "\"effect_state_topic\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"effect_value_template\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_SCHEME "}}\"," "\"effect_list\":[\"0\",\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\"]"; // string list with reference to scheme parameter. Currently only supports numbers 0 to 11 as it make the mqtt string too long */ void HAssDiscovery() { char sidx[8]; char stopic[TOPSZ]; bool is_light = false; // Configure Tasmota for default Home Assistant parameters to keep discovery message as short as possible if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { Settings.flag.mqtt_response = 0; // Response always as RESULT and not as uppercase command Settings.flag.decimal_text = 1; // Respond with decimal color values // Settings.light_scheme = 0; // To just control color it needs to be Scheme 0 // strncpy_P(Settings.mqtt_fulltopic, PSTR("%prefix%/%topic%/"), sizeof(Settings.mqtt_fulltopic)); // Make MQTT topic as short as possible to make this process posible within MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE } for (int i = 1; i <= devices_present; i++) { is_light = ((i == devices_present) && (light_type)); mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; snprintf_P(sidx, sizeof(sidx), PSTR("_%d"), i); // Clear "other" topic first in case the device has been reconfigured snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/%s/%s%s/config"), (is_light) ? "switch" : "light", mqtt_topic, sidx); MqttPublish(stopic, true); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/%s/%s%s/config"), (is_light) ? "light" : "switch", mqtt_topic, sidx); if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { char name[33]; char value_template[33]; char command_topic[TOPSZ]; char state_topic[TOPSZ]; char availability_topic[TOPSZ]; if (i > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s %d"), Settings.friendlyname[0], i); } else { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), Settings.friendlyname[i -1]); } GetPowerDevice(value_template, i, sizeof(value_template)); GetTopic_P(command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, value_template); GetTopic_P(state_topic, STAT, mqtt_topic, S_RSLT_RESULT); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, mqtt_topic, S_LWT); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SWITCH, name, command_topic, state_topic, value_template, Settings.state_text[0], Settings.state_text[1], availability_topic); if (is_light) { char brightness_command_topic[TOPSZ]; GetTopic_P(brightness_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_DIMMER); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_DIMMER, mqtt_data, brightness_command_topic, state_topic); if (light_subtype >= LST_RGB) { char rgb_command_topic[TOPSZ]; GetTopic_P(rgb_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_COLOR); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_COLOR, mqtt_data, rgb_command_topic, state_topic); /* char effect_command_topic[TOPSZ]; GetTopic_P(effect_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_SCHEME); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_SCHEME, mqtt_data, effect_command_topic, state_topic); */ } if ((LST_COLDWARM == light_subtype) || (LST_RGBWC == light_subtype)) { char color_temp_command_topic[TOPSZ]; GetTopic_P(color_temp_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_COLORTEMPERATURE); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_CT, mqtt_data, color_temp_command_topic, state_topic); } } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data); } MqttPublish(stopic, true); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_07 boolean Xdrv07(byte function) { boolean result = false; if (Settings.flag.mqtt_enabled) { switch (function) { case FUNC_MQTT_INIT: HAssDiscovery(); break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_HOME_ASSISTANT