language: c addons: apt: packages: - jq - doxygen - graphviz - python3 - python3-pip - pylint3 - python3-setuptools env: - PLATFORMIO_BUILD_CACHE_DIR="../../.pio/buildcache" IRRECVDUMP_RE=".*IRrecvDumpV.*" IRMQTTSERVER_RE=".*IRMQTTServer.*" MAKEFLAGS="-j 2" cache: directories: - "~/.platformio" before_install: - wget - python --version && pip --version - python3 --version && pip3 --version - sudo pip3 install -U platformio - pio update script: echo Running checks notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: change jobs: include: - name: "Compile the trivial examples" script: # Check that everything compiles but some heavy tasks e.g. IRMQTTServer & IRrecvDumpV2+ # i.e. We are splitting the work load in to parallel tasks. - find . -regextype egrep -name platformio.ini -type f \! -regex "${IRRECVDUMP_RE}|${IRMQTTSERVER_RE}" | sed 's,/platformio.ini$,,' | xargs --verbose -n 1 pio run --jobs 2 --project-dir - name: "Compile the IRrecvDumpV2+ examples" script: # Check that IRrecvDumpV2+ compiles. # i.e. We are splitting the work load in to parallel tasks. - find . -regextype egrep -name platformio.ini -type f -regex "${IRRECVDUMP_RE}" | sed 's,/platformio.ini$,,' | xargs --verbose -n 1 pio run --jobs 2 --project-dir - name: "Unit tests, Linter, Doc checks, & Compile IRMQTTServer" script: # Run all the Tests & check the code linters have no issues, and that # IRMQTTServer compiles. # i.e. We are splitting the work load in to parallel tasks. # Check the version numbers match. - LIB_VERSION=$(egrep "^#define\s+_IRREMOTEESP8266_VERSION_\s+" src/IRremoteESP8266.h | cut -d\" -f2) - test ${LIB_VERSION} == "$(jq -r .version library.json)" - grep -q "^version=${LIB_VERSION}$" # Check the tools programs compile. - (cd tools; make all) # Check for lint issues. - shopt -s nullglob - python --extensions=c,cc,cpp,ino --headers=h,hpp {src,src/locale,test,tools}/*.{h,c,cc,cpp,hpp,ino} examples/*/*.{h,c,cc,cpp,hpp,ino} - pylint3 -d F0001 {src,test,tools}/*.py - shopt -u nullglob # Build and run the unit tests. - (cd test; make run) - (cd tools; make run_tests) # Check that every example directory has a platformio.ini file. - (status=0; for dir in examples/*; do if [[ ! -f "${dir}/platformio.ini" ]]; then echo "${dir} has no 'platform.ini' file!"; status=1; fi; done; exit ${status}) # Check that doxygen completes without errors or warnings. - (DOXYGEN_OUTPUT=$(doxygen 2>&1); if [[ $? -ne 0 || -n "${DOXYGEN_OUTPUT}" ]]; then echo "${DOXYGEN_OUTPUT}"; exit 1; fi) # Check that all files has supported sections. - (SUPPORTED_OUTPUT=$(python3 tools/ --noout --alert 2>&1); if [[ $? -ne 0 || -n "${SUPPORTED_OUTPUT}" ]]; then echo "${SUPPORTED_OUTPUT}"; exit 1; fi) # Check that IRMQTTServer compiles. - find . -regextype egrep -name platformio.ini -type f -regex "${IRMQTTSERVER_RE}" | sed 's,/platformio.ini$,,' | xargs --verbose -n 1 pio run --jobs 2 --project-dir