/******************************************************************** * Berry class `Leds` * *******************************************************************/ #include "be_constobj.h" #ifdef USE_WS2812 /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixel_count ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_pixel_count, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(w), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(h), }), &be_const_str_pixel_count, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x88080101, // 0001 GETMBR R2 R0 K1 0x08040202, // 0002 MUL R1 R1 R2 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: set_alternate ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_set_alternate, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 2, /* nstack */ 2, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(alternate), }), &be_const_str_set_alternate, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 2]) { /* code */ 0x90020001, // 0000 SETMBR R0 K0 R1 0x80000000, // 0001 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixel_size ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_pixel_size, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(pixel_size), }), &be_const_str_pixel_size, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: set_pixel_color ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_set_pixel_color, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 9, /* nstack */ 4, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(set_pixel_color), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(offset), }), &be_const_str_set_pixel_color, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 8]) { /* code */ 0x88100100, // 0000 GETMBR R4 R0 K0 0x8C100901, // 0001 GETMET R4 R4 K1 0x88180102, // 0002 GETMBR R6 R0 K2 0x00180206, // 0003 ADD R6 R1 R6 0x5C1C0400, // 0004 MOVE R7 R2 0x5C200600, // 0005 MOVE R8 R3 0x7C100800, // 0006 CALL R4 4 0x80000000, // 0007 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: set_matrix_pixel_color ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_set_matrix_pixel_color, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 10, /* nstack */ 5, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 8]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(alternate), /* K1 */ be_const_int(2), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(set_pixel_color), /* K4 */ be_nested_str(w), /* K5 */ be_nested_str(h), /* K6 */ be_const_int(1), /* K7 */ be_nested_str(offset), }), &be_const_str_set_matrix_pixel_color, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[29]) { /* code */ 0x88140100, // 0000 GETMBR R5 R0 K0 0x7816000F, // 0001 JMPF R5 #0012 0x10140301, // 0002 MOD R5 R1 K1 0x7816000D, // 0003 JMPF R5 #0012 0x88140102, // 0004 GETMBR R5 R0 K2 0x8C140B03, // 0005 GETMET R5 R5 K3 0x881C0104, // 0006 GETMBR R7 R0 K4 0x081C0207, // 0007 MUL R7 R1 R7 0x88200105, // 0008 GETMBR R8 R0 K5 0x001C0E08, // 0009 ADD R7 R7 R8 0x041C0E02, // 000A SUB R7 R7 R2 0x041C0F06, // 000B SUB R7 R7 K6 0x88200107, // 000C GETMBR R8 R0 K7 0x001C0E08, // 000D ADD R7 R7 R8 0x5C200600, // 000E MOVE R8 R3 0x5C240800, // 000F MOVE R9 R4 0x7C140800, // 0010 CALL R5 4 0x70020009, // 0011 JMP #001C 0x88140102, // 0012 GETMBR R5 R0 K2 0x8C140B03, // 0013 GETMET R5 R5 K3 0x881C0104, // 0014 GETMBR R7 R0 K4 0x081C0207, // 0015 MUL R7 R1 R7 0x001C0E02, // 0016 ADD R7 R7 R2 0x88200107, // 0017 GETMBR R8 R0 K7 0x001C0E08, // 0018 ADD R7 R7 R8 0x5C200600, // 0019 MOVE R8 R3 0x5C240800, // 001A MOVE R9 R4 0x7C140800, // 001B CALL R5 4 0x80000000, // 001C RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: show ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_show, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 2, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 7]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(offset), /* K1 */ be_const_int(0), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(w), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(h), /* K4 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K5 */ be_nested_str(leds), /* K6 */ be_nested_str(show), }), &be_const_str_show, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[18]) { /* code */ 0x60080017, // 0000 GETGBL R2 G23 0x5C0C0200, // 0001 MOVE R3 R1 0x7C080200, // 0002 CALL R2 1 0x740A0009, // 0003 JMPT R2 #000E 0x88080100, // 0004 GETMBR R2 R0 K0 0x1C080501, // 0005 EQ R2 R2 K1 0x780A0009, // 0006 JMPF R2 #0011 0x88080102, // 0007 GETMBR R2 R0 K2 0x880C0103, // 0008 GETMBR R3 R0 K3 0x08080403, // 0009 MUL R2 R2 R3 0x880C0104, // 000A GETMBR R3 R0 K4 0x880C0705, // 000B GETMBR R3 R3 K5 0x1C080403, // 000C EQ R2 R2 R3 0x780A0002, // 000D JMPF R2 #0011 0x88080104, // 000E GETMBR R2 R0 K4 0x8C080506, // 000F GETMET R2 R2 K6 0x7C080200, // 0010 CALL R2 1 0x80000000, // 0011 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: is_dirty ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_is_dirty, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(is_dirty), }), &be_const_str_is_dirty, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: clear_to ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_clear_to, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 9, /* nstack */ 3, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 7]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_const_int(0), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(w), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(h), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K4 */ be_nested_str(set_pixel_color), /* K5 */ be_nested_str(offset), /* K6 */ be_const_int(1), }), &be_const_str_clear_to, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[16]) { /* code */ 0x580C0000, // 0000 LDCONST R3 K0 0x88100101, // 0001 GETMBR R4 R0 K1 0x88140102, // 0002 GETMBR R5 R0 K2 0x08100805, // 0003 MUL R4 R4 R5 0x14100604, // 0004 LT R4 R3 R4 0x78120008, // 0005 JMPF R4 #000F 0x88100103, // 0006 GETMBR R4 R0 K3 0x8C100904, // 0007 GETMET R4 R4 K4 0x88180105, // 0008 GETMBR R6 R0 K5 0x00180606, // 0009 ADD R6 R3 R6 0x5C1C0200, // 000A MOVE R7 R1 0x5C200400, // 000B MOVE R8 R2 0x7C100800, // 000C CALL R4 4 0x000C0706, // 000D ADD R3 R3 K6 0x7001FFF1, // 000E JMP #0001 0x80000000, // 000F RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: clear ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_clear, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(clear_to), /* K1 */ be_const_int(0), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(show), }), &be_const_str_clear, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x8C040102, // 0003 GETMET R1 R0 K2 0x7C040200, // 0004 CALL R1 1 0x80000000, // 0005 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixels_buffer ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_pixels_buffer, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 2, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 0, /* has constants */ NULL, /* no const */ &be_const_str_pixels_buffer, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 2]) { /* code */ 0x4C040000, // 0000 LDNIL R1 0x80040200, // 0001 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: init ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_init, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 6, /* nstack */ 5, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 5]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(offset), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(h), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(w), /* K4 */ be_nested_str(alternate), }), &be_const_str_init, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 7]) { /* code */ 0x90020001, // 0000 SETMBR R0 K0 R1 0x90020204, // 0001 SETMBR R0 K1 R4 0x90020403, // 0002 SETMBR R0 K2 R3 0x90020602, // 0003 SETMBR R0 K3 R2 0x50140000, // 0004 LDBOOL R5 0 0 0x90020805, // 0005 SETMBR R0 K4 R5 0x80000000, // 0006 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: dirty ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_dirty, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(dirty), }), &be_const_str_dirty, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: get_pixel_color ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_get_pixel_color, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 5, /* nstack */ 2, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(get_pixel_color), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(offseta), }), &be_const_str_get_pixel_color, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */ 0x88080100, // 0000 GETMBR R2 R0 K0 0x8C080501, // 0001 GETMET R2 R2 K1 0x88100102, // 0002 GETMBR R4 R0 K2 0x00100204, // 0003 ADD R4 R1 R4 0x7C080400, // 0004 CALL R2 2 0x80040400, // 0005 RET 1 R2 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: get_alternate ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_get_alternate, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 2, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(alternate), }), &be_const_str_get_alternate, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 2]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x80040200, // 0001 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: begin ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_begin, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 1, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 0, /* has constants */ NULL, /* no const */ &be_const_str_begin, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 1]) { /* code */ 0x80000000, // 0000 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: can_show ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix_can_show, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(can_show), }), &be_const_str_can_show, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified class: Leds_matrix ********************************************************************/ be_local_class(Leds_matrix, 5, NULL, be_nested_map(21, ( (struct bmapnode*) &(const bmapnode[]) { { be_const_key(pixel_count, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_pixel_count_closure) }, { be_const_key(h, 6), be_const_var(2) }, { be_const_key(set_alternate, 7), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_set_alternate_closure) }, { be_const_key(pixel_size, 16), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_pixel_size_closure) }, { be_const_key(set_pixel_color, 19), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_set_pixel_color_closure) }, { be_const_key(set_matrix_pixel_color, 10), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_set_matrix_pixel_color_closure) }, { be_const_key(show, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_show_closure) }, { be_const_key(alternate, -1), be_const_var(4) }, { be_const_key(strip, -1), be_const_var(0) }, { be_const_key(clear_to, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_clear_to_closure) }, { be_const_key(w, 15), be_const_var(3) }, { be_const_key(pixels_buffer, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_pixels_buffer_closure) }, { be_const_key(init, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_init_closure) }, { be_const_key(dirty, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_dirty_closure) }, { be_const_key(get_pixel_color, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_get_pixel_color_closure) }, { be_const_key(get_alternate, 17), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_get_alternate_closure) }, { be_const_key(offset, 8), be_const_var(1) }, { be_const_key(clear, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_clear_closure) }, { be_const_key(begin, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_begin_closure) }, { be_const_key(is_dirty, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_is_dirty_closure) }, { be_const_key(can_show, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_matrix_can_show_closure) }, })), be_str_literal("Leds_matrix") ); /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: create_matrix ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_create_matrix, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 10, /* nstack */ 4, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 5]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_const_int(0), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(leds), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(value_error), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(out_X20of_X20range), /* K4 */ be_const_class(be_class_Leds_matrix), }), &be_const_str_create_matrix, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[37]) { /* code */ 0x60100009, // 0000 GETGBL R4 G9 0x5C140600, // 0001 MOVE R5 R3 0x7C100200, // 0002 CALL R4 1 0x5C0C0800, // 0003 MOVE R3 R4 0x60100009, // 0004 GETGBL R4 G9 0x5C140200, // 0005 MOVE R5 R1 0x7C100200, // 0006 CALL R4 1 0x5C040800, // 0007 MOVE R1 R4 0x60100009, // 0008 GETGBL R4 G9 0x5C140400, // 0009 MOVE R5 R2 0x7C100200, // 000A CALL R4 1 0x5C080800, // 000B MOVE R2 R4 0x4C100000, // 000C LDNIL R4 0x1C100604, // 000D EQ R4 R3 R4 0x78120000, // 000E JMPF R4 #0010 0x580C0000, // 000F LDCONST R3 K0 0x08100202, // 0010 MUL R4 R1 R2 0x00100803, // 0011 ADD R4 R4 R3 0x88140101, // 0012 GETMBR R5 R0 K1 0x24100805, // 0013 GT R4 R4 R5 0x74120005, // 0014 JMPT R4 #001B 0x14100500, // 0015 LT R4 R2 K0 0x74120003, // 0016 JMPT R4 #001B 0x14100300, // 0017 LT R4 R1 K0 0x74120001, // 0018 JMPT R4 #001B 0x14100700, // 0019 LT R4 R3 K0 0x78120000, // 001A JMPF R4 #001C 0xB0060503, // 001B RAISE 1 K2 K3 0x58100004, // 001C LDCONST R4 K4 0xB4000004, // 001D CLASS K4 0x5C140800, // 001E MOVE R5 R4 0x5C180000, // 001F MOVE R6 R0 0x5C1C0200, // 0020 MOVE R7 R1 0x5C200400, // 0021 MOVE R8 R2 0x5C240600, // 0022 MOVE R9 R3 0x7C140800, // 0023 CALL R5 4 0x80040A00, // 0024 RET 1 R5 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: begin ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_begin, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), /* K1 */ be_const_int(1), }), &be_const_str_begin, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: to_gamma ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_to_gamma, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 12, /* nstack */ 3, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 7]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(tasmota), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(scale_uint), /* K2 */ be_const_int(0), /* K3 */ be_const_int(16711680), /* K4 */ be_nested_str(gamma), /* K5 */ be_nested_str(light), /* K6 */ be_nested_str(gamma8), }), &be_const_str_to_gamma, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[67]) { /* code */ 0x4C0C0000, // 0000 LDNIL R3 0x200C0403, // 0001 NE R3 R2 R3 0x780E0001, // 0002 JMPF R3 #0005 0x5C0C0400, // 0003 MOVE R3 R2 0x70020000, // 0004 JMP #0006 0x540E0063, // 0005 LDINT R3 100 0x5C080600, // 0006 MOVE R2 R3 0xB80E0000, // 0007 GETNGBL R3 K0 0x8C0C0701, // 0008 GETMET R3 R3 K1 0x5C140400, // 0009 MOVE R5 R2 0x58180002, // 000A LDCONST R6 K2 0x541E0063, // 000B LDINT R7 100 0x58200002, // 000C LDCONST R8 K2 0x2C240303, // 000D AND R9 R1 K3 0x542A000F, // 000E LDINT R10 16 0x3C24120A, // 000F SHR R9 R9 R10 0x7C0C0C00, // 0010 CALL R3 6 0xB8120000, // 0011 GETNGBL R4 K0 0x8C100901, // 0012 GETMET R4 R4 K1 0x5C180400, // 0013 MOVE R6 R2 0x581C0002, // 0014 LDCONST R7 K2 0x54220063, // 0015 LDINT R8 100 0x58240002, // 0016 LDCONST R9 K2 0x542AFEFF, // 0017 LDINT R10 65280 0x2C28020A, // 0018 AND R10 R1 R10 0x542E0007, // 0019 LDINT R11 8 0x3C28140B, // 001A SHR R10 R10 R11 0x7C100C00, // 001B CALL R4 6 0xB8160000, // 001C GETNGBL R5 K0 0x8C140B01, // 001D GETMET R5 R5 K1 0x5C1C0400, // 001E MOVE R7 R2 0x58200002, // 001F LDCONST R8 K2 0x54260063, // 0020 LDINT R9 100 0x58280002, // 0021 LDCONST R10 K2 0x542E00FE, // 0022 LDINT R11 255 0x2C2C020B, // 0023 AND R11 R1 R11 0x7C140C00, // 0024 CALL R5 6 0x88180104, // 0025 GETMBR R6 R0 K4 0x781A0013, // 0026 JMPF R6 #003B 0xB81A0A00, // 0027 GETNGBL R6 K5 0x8C180D06, // 0028 GETMET R6 R6 K6 0x5C200600, // 0029 MOVE R8 R3 0x7C180400, // 002A CALL R6 2 0x541E000F, // 002B LDINT R7 16 0x38180C07, // 002C SHL R6 R6 R7 0xB81E0A00, // 002D GETNGBL R7 K5 0x8C1C0F06, // 002E GETMET R7 R7 K6 0x5C240800, // 002F MOVE R9 R4 0x7C1C0400, // 0030 CALL R7 2 0x54220007, // 0031 LDINT R8 8 0x381C0E08, // 0032 SHL R7 R7 R8 0x30180C07, // 0033 OR R6 R6 R7 0xB81E0A00, // 0034 GETNGBL R7 K5 0x8C1C0F06, // 0035 GETMET R7 R7 K6 0x5C240A00, // 0036 MOVE R9 R5 0x7C1C0400, // 0037 CALL R7 2 0x30180C07, // 0038 OR R6 R6 R7 0x80040C00, // 0039 RET 1 R6 0x70020006, // 003A JMP #0042 0x541A000F, // 003B LDINT R6 16 0x38180606, // 003C SHL R6 R3 R6 0x541E0007, // 003D LDINT R7 8 0x381C0807, // 003E SHL R7 R4 R7 0x30180C07, // 003F OR R6 R6 R7 0x30180C05, // 0040 OR R6 R6 R5 0x80040C00, // 0041 RET 1 R6 0x80000000, // 0042 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixel_count ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_pixel_count, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), }), &be_const_str_pixel_count, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x540E0007, // 0001 LDINT R3 8 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: matrix ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_matrix, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 10, /* nstack */ 4, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(Leds), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(create_matrix), /* K2 */ be_const_int(0), }), &be_const_str_matrix, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[11]) { /* code */ 0xB8120000, // 0000 GETNGBL R4 K0 0x08140001, // 0001 MUL R5 R0 R1 0x5C180400, // 0002 MOVE R6 R2 0x5C1C0600, // 0003 MOVE R7 R3 0x7C100600, // 0004 CALL R4 3 0x8C140901, // 0005 GETMET R5 R4 K1 0x5C1C0000, // 0006 MOVE R7 R0 0x5C200200, // 0007 MOVE R8 R1 0x58240002, // 0008 LDCONST R9 K2 0x7C140800, // 0009 CALL R5 4 0x80040A00, // 000A RET 1 R5 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixel_size ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_pixel_size, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), }), &be_const_str_pixel_size, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x540E0006, // 0001 LDINT R3 7 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixels_buffer ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_pixels_buffer, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), }), &be_const_str_pixels_buffer, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x540E0005, // 0001 LDINT R3 6 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: get_pixel_color ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_get_pixel_color, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 6, /* nstack */ 2, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), }), &be_const_str_get_pixel_color, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 5]) { /* code */ 0x8C080100, // 0000 GETMET R2 R0 K0 0x5412000A, // 0001 LDINT R4 11 0x5C140200, // 0002 MOVE R5 R1 0x7C080600, // 0003 CALL R2 3 0x80040400, // 0004 RET 1 R2 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: set_pixel_color ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_set_pixel_color, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 12, /* nstack */ 4, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(to_gamma), }), &be_const_str_set_pixel_color, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 9]) { /* code */ 0x8C100100, // 0000 GETMET R4 R0 K0 0x541A0009, // 0001 LDINT R6 10 0x5C1C0200, // 0002 MOVE R7 R1 0x8C200101, // 0003 GETMET R8 R0 K1 0x5C280400, // 0004 MOVE R10 R2 0x5C2C0600, // 0005 MOVE R11 R3 0x7C200600, // 0006 CALL R8 3 0x7C100800, // 0007 CALL R4 4 0x80000000, // 0008 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: is_dirty ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_is_dirty, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), }), &be_const_str_is_dirty, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x540E0003, // 0001 LDINT R3 4 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: init ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_init, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 11, /* nstack */ 5, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[12]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(gamma), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(leds), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(pin), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(WS2812), /* K4 */ be_const_int(0), /* K5 */ be_nested_str(valuer_error), /* K6 */ be_nested_str(no_X20GPIO_X20specified_X20for_X20neopixelbus), /* K7 */ be_nested_str(ctor), /* K8 */ be_nested_str(_p), /* K9 */ be_nested_str(internal_error), /* K10 */ be_nested_str(couldn_X27t_X20not_X20initialize_X20noepixelbus), /* K11 */ be_nested_str(begin), }), &be_const_str_init, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[36]) { /* code */ 0x50140200, // 0000 LDBOOL R5 1 0 0x90020005, // 0001 SETMBR R0 K0 R5 0x60140009, // 0002 GETGBL R5 G9 0x5C180200, // 0003 MOVE R6 R1 0x7C140200, // 0004 CALL R5 1 0x90020205, // 0005 SETMBR R0 K1 R5 0x4C140000, // 0006 LDNIL R5 0x1C140405, // 0007 EQ R5 R2 R5 0x78160008, // 0008 JMPF R5 #0012 0x8C140502, // 0009 GETMET R5 R2 K2 0x881C0503, // 000A GETMBR R7 R2 K3 0x7C140400, // 000B CALL R5 2 0x28140B04, // 000C GE R5 R5 K4 0x78160003, // 000D JMPF R5 #0012 0x8C140502, // 000E GETMET R5 R2 K2 0x881C0503, // 000F GETMBR R7 R2 K3 0x7C140400, // 0010 CALL R5 2 0x5C080A00, // 0011 MOVE R2 R5 0x4C140000, // 0012 LDNIL R5 0x1C140405, // 0013 EQ R5 R2 R5 0x78160000, // 0014 JMPF R5 #0016 0xB0060B06, // 0015 RAISE 1 K5 K6 0x8C140107, // 0016 GETMET R5 R0 K7 0x881C0101, // 0017 GETMBR R7 R0 K1 0x5C200400, // 0018 MOVE R8 R2 0x5C240600, // 0019 MOVE R9 R3 0x5C280800, // 001A MOVE R10 R4 0x7C140A00, // 001B CALL R5 5 0x88140108, // 001C GETMBR R5 R0 K8 0x4C180000, // 001D LDNIL R6 0x1C140A06, // 001E EQ R5 R5 R6 0x78160000, // 001F JMPF R5 #0021 0xB006130A, // 0020 RAISE 1 K9 K10 0x8C14010B, // 0021 GETMET R5 R0 K11 0x7C140200, // 0022 CALL R5 1 0x80000000, // 0023 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: clear_to ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_clear_to, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 10, /* nstack */ 3, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(to_gamma), }), &be_const_str_clear_to, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 8]) { /* code */ 0x8C0C0100, // 0000 GETMET R3 R0 K0 0x54160008, // 0001 LDINT R5 9 0x8C180101, // 0002 GETMET R6 R0 K1 0x5C200200, // 0003 MOVE R8 R1 0x5C240400, // 0004 MOVE R9 R2 0x7C180600, // 0005 CALL R6 3 0x7C0C0600, // 0006 CALL R3 3 0x80000000, // 0007 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: can_show ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_can_show, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), /* K1 */ be_const_int(3), }), &be_const_str_can_show, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: clear ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_clear, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(clear_to), /* K1 */ be_const_int(0), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(show), }), &be_const_str_clear, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x8C040102, // 0003 GETMET R1 R0 K2 0x7C040200, // 0004 CALL R1 1 0x80000000, // 0005 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: show ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_show, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), /* K1 */ be_const_int(2), }), &be_const_str_show, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: ctor ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_ctor, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 10, /* nstack */ 4, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), /* K1 */ be_const_int(0), }), &be_const_str_ctor, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[16]) { /* code */ 0x4C100000, // 0000 LDNIL R4 0x1C100604, // 0001 EQ R4 R3 R4 0x78120005, // 0002 JMPF R4 #0009 0x8C100100, // 0003 GETMET R4 R0 K0 0x58180001, // 0004 LDCONST R6 K1 0x5C1C0200, // 0005 MOVE R7 R1 0x5C200400, // 0006 MOVE R8 R2 0x7C100800, // 0007 CALL R4 4 0x70020005, // 0008 JMP #000F 0x8C100100, // 0009 GETMET R4 R0 K0 0x58180001, // 000A LDCONST R6 K1 0x5C1C0200, // 000B MOVE R7 R1 0x5C200400, // 000C MOVE R8 R2 0x5C240600, // 000D MOVE R9 R3 0x7C100A00, // 000E CALL R4 5 0x80000000, // 000F RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: dirty ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_dirty, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(call_native), }), &be_const_str_dirty, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x540E0004, // 0001 LDINT R3 5 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: get_pixel_color ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_get_pixel_color, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 5, /* nstack */ 2, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(get_pixel_color), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(offseta), }), &be_const_str_get_pixel_color, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */ 0x88080100, // 0000 GETMBR R2 R0 K0 0x8C080501, // 0001 GETMET R2 R2 K1 0x88100102, // 0002 GETMBR R4 R0 K2 0x00100204, // 0003 ADD R4 R1 R4 0x7C080400, // 0004 CALL R2 2 0x80040400, // 0005 RET 1 R2 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: clear_to ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_clear_to, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 9, /* nstack */ 3, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 6]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_const_int(0), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(leds), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(set_pixel_color), /* K4 */ be_nested_str(offset), /* K5 */ be_const_int(1), }), &be_const_str_clear_to, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[14]) { /* code */ 0x580C0000, // 0000 LDCONST R3 K0 0x88100101, // 0001 GETMBR R4 R0 K1 0x14100604, // 0002 LT R4 R3 R4 0x78120008, // 0003 JMPF R4 #000D 0x88100102, // 0004 GETMBR R4 R0 K2 0x8C100903, // 0005 GETMET R4 R4 K3 0x88180104, // 0006 GETMBR R6 R0 K4 0x00180606, // 0007 ADD R6 R3 R6 0x5C1C0200, // 0008 MOVE R7 R1 0x5C200400, // 0009 MOVE R8 R2 0x7C100800, // 000A CALL R4 4 0x000C0705, // 000B ADD R3 R3 K5 0x7001FFF3, // 000C JMP #0001 0x80000000, // 000D RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: can_show ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_can_show, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(can_show), }), &be_const_str_can_show, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: set_pixel_color ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_set_pixel_color, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 9, /* nstack */ 4, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(set_pixel_color), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(offset), }), &be_const_str_set_pixel_color, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 8]) { /* code */ 0x88100100, // 0000 GETMBR R4 R0 K0 0x8C100901, // 0001 GETMET R4 R4 K1 0x88180102, // 0002 GETMBR R6 R0 K2 0x00180206, // 0003 ADD R6 R1 R6 0x5C1C0400, // 0004 MOVE R7 R2 0x5C200600, // 0005 MOVE R8 R3 0x7C100800, // 0006 CALL R4 4 0x80000000, // 0007 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: clear ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_clear, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(clear_to), /* K1 */ be_const_int(0), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(show), }), &be_const_str_clear, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */ 0x8C040100, // 0000 GETMET R1 R0 K0 0x580C0001, // 0001 LDCONST R3 K1 0x7C040400, // 0002 CALL R1 2 0x8C040102, // 0003 GETMET R1 R0 K2 0x7C040200, // 0004 CALL R1 1 0x80000000, // 0005 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: begin ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_begin, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 1, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 0, /* has constants */ NULL, /* no const */ &be_const_str_begin, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 1]) { /* code */ 0x80000000, // 0000 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixel_count ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_pixel_count, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 2, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 1]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(leds), }), &be_const_str_pixel_count, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 2]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x80040200, // 0001 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: init ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_init, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 6, /* nstack */ 4, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 3]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(offset), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(leds), }), &be_const_str_init, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[10]) { /* code */ 0x90020001, // 0000 SETMBR R0 K0 R1 0x60100009, // 0001 GETGBL R4 G9 0x5C140400, // 0002 MOVE R5 R2 0x7C100200, // 0003 CALL R4 1 0x90020204, // 0004 SETMBR R0 K1 R4 0x60100009, // 0005 GETGBL R4 G9 0x5C140600, // 0006 MOVE R5 R3 0x7C100200, // 0007 CALL R4 1 0x90020404, // 0008 SETMBR R0 K2 R4 0x80000000, // 0009 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixel_size ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_pixel_size, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(pixel_size), }), &be_const_str_pixel_size, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: dirty ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_dirty, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(dirty), }), &be_const_str_dirty, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80000000, // 0003 RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: show ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_show, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 4, /* nstack */ 2, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 5]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(offset), /* K1 */ be_const_int(0), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(leds), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K4 */ be_nested_str(show), }), &be_const_str_show, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[16]) { /* code */ 0x60080017, // 0000 GETGBL R2 G23 0x5C0C0200, // 0001 MOVE R3 R1 0x7C080200, // 0002 CALL R2 1 0x740A0007, // 0003 JMPT R2 #000C 0x88080100, // 0004 GETMBR R2 R0 K0 0x1C080501, // 0005 EQ R2 R2 K1 0x780A0007, // 0006 JMPF R2 #000F 0x88080102, // 0007 GETMBR R2 R0 K2 0x880C0103, // 0008 GETMBR R3 R0 K3 0x880C0702, // 0009 GETMBR R3 R3 K2 0x1C080403, // 000A EQ R2 R2 R3 0x780A0002, // 000B JMPF R2 #000F 0x88080103, // 000C GETMBR R2 R0 K3 0x8C080504, // 000D GETMET R2 R2 K4 0x7C080200, // 000E CALL R2 1 0x80000000, // 000F RET 0 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: is_dirty ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_is_dirty, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 3, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(strip), /* K1 */ be_nested_str(is_dirty), }), &be_const_str_is_dirty, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 4]) { /* code */ 0x88040100, // 0000 GETMBR R1 R0 K0 0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1 0x7C040200, // 0002 CALL R1 1 0x80040200, // 0003 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: pixels_buffer ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_segment_pixels_buffer, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 2, /* nstack */ 1, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 0, /* has constants */ NULL, /* no const */ &be_const_str_pixels_buffer, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[ 2]) { /* code */ 0x4C040000, // 0000 LDNIL R1 0x80040200, // 0001 RET 1 R1 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified class: Leds_segment ********************************************************************/ be_local_class(Leds_segment, 3, NULL, be_nested_map(16, ( (struct bmapnode*) &(const bmapnode[]) { { be_const_key(get_pixel_color, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_get_pixel_color_closure) }, { be_const_key(strip, -1), be_const_var(0) }, { be_const_key(clear_to, 5), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_clear_to_closure) }, { be_const_key(can_show, 13), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_can_show_closure) }, { be_const_key(set_pixel_color, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_set_pixel_color_closure) }, { be_const_key(clear, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_clear_closure) }, { be_const_key(is_dirty, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_is_dirty_closure) }, { be_const_key(pixel_count, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_pixel_count_closure) }, { be_const_key(leds, -1), be_const_var(2) }, { be_const_key(pixel_size, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_pixel_size_closure) }, { be_const_key(offset, -1), be_const_var(1) }, { be_const_key(dirty, 8), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_dirty_closure) }, { be_const_key(show, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_show_closure) }, { be_const_key(init, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_init_closure) }, { be_const_key(begin, 6), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_begin_closure) }, { be_const_key(pixels_buffer, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_segment_pixels_buffer_closure) }, })), be_str_literal("Leds_segment") ); /******************************************************************** ** Solidified function: create_segment ********************************************************************/ be_local_closure(Leds_create_segment, /* name */ be_nested_proto( 8, /* nstack */ 3, /* argc */ 0, /* varg */ 0, /* has upvals */ NULL, /* no upvals */ 0, /* has sup protos */ NULL, /* no sub protos */ 1, /* has constants */ ( &(const bvalue[ 5]) { /* constants */ /* K0 */ be_nested_str(leds), /* K1 */ be_const_int(0), /* K2 */ be_nested_str(value_error), /* K3 */ be_nested_str(out_X20of_X20range), /* K4 */ be_const_class(be_class_Leds_segment), }), &be_const_str_create_segment, &be_const_str_solidified, ( &(const binstruction[23]) { /* code */ 0x600C0009, // 0000 GETGBL R3 G9 0x5C100200, // 0001 MOVE R4 R1 0x7C0C0200, // 0002 CALL R3 1 0x60100009, // 0003 GETGBL R4 G9 0x5C140400, // 0004 MOVE R5 R2 0x7C100200, // 0005 CALL R4 1 0x000C0604, // 0006 ADD R3 R3 R4 0x88100100, // 0007 GETMBR R4 R0 K0 0x240C0604, // 0008 GT R3 R3 R4 0x740E0003, // 0009 JMPT R3 #000E 0x140C0301, // 000A LT R3 R1 K1 0x740E0001, // 000B JMPT R3 #000E 0x140C0501, // 000C LT R3 R2 K1 0x780E0000, // 000D JMPF R3 #000F 0xB0060503, // 000E RAISE 1 K2 K3 0x580C0004, // 000F LDCONST R3 K4 0xB4000004, // 0010 CLASS K4 0x5C100600, // 0011 MOVE R4 R3 0x5C140000, // 0012 MOVE R5 R0 0x5C180200, // 0013 MOVE R6 R1 0x5C1C0400, // 0014 MOVE R7 R2 0x7C100600, // 0015 CALL R4 3 0x80040800, // 0016 RET 1 R4 }) ) ); /*******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ** Solidified class: Leds ********************************************************************/ extern const bclass be_class_Leds_ntv; be_local_class(Leds, 2, &be_class_Leds_ntv, be_nested_map(20, ( (struct bmapnode*) &(const bmapnode[]) { { be_const_key(pixel_count, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_pixel_count_closure) }, { be_const_key(dirty, 6), be_const_closure(Leds_dirty_closure) }, { be_const_key(to_gamma, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_to_gamma_closure) }, { be_const_key(create_matrix, 1), be_const_closure(Leds_create_matrix_closure) }, { be_const_key(matrix, -1), be_const_static_closure(Leds_matrix_closure) }, { be_const_key(pixel_size, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_pixel_size_closure) }, { be_const_key(ctor, 0), be_const_closure(Leds_ctor_closure) }, { be_const_key(pixels_buffer, 13), be_const_closure(Leds_pixels_buffer_closure) }, { be_const_key(get_pixel_color, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_get_pixel_color_closure) }, { be_const_key(show, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_show_closure) }, { be_const_key(begin, 17), be_const_closure(Leds_begin_closure) }, { be_const_key(leds, -1), be_const_var(1) }, { be_const_key(clear, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_clear_closure) }, { be_const_key(can_show, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_can_show_closure) }, { be_const_key(gamma, 12), be_const_var(0) }, { be_const_key(init, 11), be_const_closure(Leds_init_closure) }, { be_const_key(set_pixel_color, 9), be_const_closure(Leds_set_pixel_color_closure) }, { be_const_key(clear_to, 18), be_const_closure(Leds_clear_to_closure) }, { be_const_key(is_dirty, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_is_dirty_closure) }, { be_const_key(create_segment, -1), be_const_closure(Leds_create_segment_closure) }, })), be_str_literal("Leds") ); /*******************************************************************/ void be_load_Leds_class(bvm *vm) { be_pushntvclass(vm, &be_class_Leds); be_setglobal(vm, "Leds"); be_pop(vm, 1); } #endif // USE_WS2812