// inspred by https://github.com/MoritzLerch/tesla-pv-display #ifndef Powerwall_h #define Powerwall_h // include libraries #ifdef ESP8266 #include "WiFiClientSecureLightBearSSL.h" #else #include #endif //ESP8266 class Powerwall { private: const char* powerwall_ip; String tesla_email; String tesla_password; String authCookie; public: Powerwall(); String getAuthCookie(); String GetRequest(String url, String authCookie); String GetRequest(String url); String AuthCookie(); void resetAuthCookie(); }; Powerwall::Powerwall() { powerwall_ip = POWERWALL_IP_CONFIG; tesla_email = TESLA_EMAIL; tesla_password = TESLA_PASSWORD; authCookie = ""; } String Powerwall::AuthCookie() { return authCookie; } void Powerwall::resetAuthCookie() { authCookie = ""; } /** * This function returns a string with the authToken based on the basic login endpoint of * the powerwall in combination with the credentials from the secrets.h * @returns authToken to be used in an authCookie */ String Powerwall::getAuthCookie() { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PWL: requesting new auth Cookie from %s"), powerwall_ip); String apiLoginURL = "/api/login/Basic"; #ifdef ESP32 WiFiClientSecure *httpsClient = new WiFiClientSecure; #else // BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure_light *httpsClient = new BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure_light(1024,1024); WiFiClientSecure *httpsClient = new WiFiClientSecure; #endif httpsClient->setInsecure(); httpsClient->setTimeout(10000); int retry = 0; #define PW_RETRIES 5 while ((!httpsClient->connect(powerwall_ip, 443)) && (retry < PW_RETRIES)) { delay(100); Serial.print("."); retry++; } if (retry >= PW_RETRIES) { delete httpsClient; return ("CONN-FAIL"); } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PWL: connected")); String dataString = "{\"username\":\"customer\",\"email\":\"" + tesla_email + "\",\"password\":\"" + tesla_password + "\",\"force_sm_off\":false}"; String payload = String("POST ") + apiLoginURL + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: " + powerwall_ip + "\r\n" + "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + "Content-Type: application/json" + "\r\n" + "Content-Length: " + dataString.length() + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + dataString + "\r\n\r\n"; httpsClient->println(payload); while (httpsClient->connected()) { String response = httpsClient->readStringUntil('\n'); if (response == "\r") { break; } } String jsonInput = httpsClient->readStringUntil('\n'); char str_value[128]; str_value[0] = 0; float fv; JsonParser parser((char*)jsonInput.c_str()); JsonParserObject obj = parser.getRootObject(); uint32_t res = JsonParsePath(&obj, "token", '#', &fv, str_value, sizeof(str_value)); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PWL: token: %s"), str_value); authCookie = str_value; delete httpsClient; return authCookie; } /** * This function does a GET-request on the local powerwall web server. * This is mainly used here to do API requests. * HTTP/1.0 is used because some responses are so big that this would encounter * chunked transfer encoding in HTTP/1.1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunked_transfer_encoding) * * @param url relative URL on the Powerwall * @param authCookie optional, but recommended * @returns content of request */ String Powerwall::GetRequest(String url, String authCookie) { #ifdef ESP32 WiFiClientSecure *httpsClient = new WiFiClientSecure; #else //BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure_light *httpsClient = new BearSSL::WiFiClientSecure_light(1024,1024); WiFiClientSecure *httpsClient = new WiFiClientSecure; #endif httpsClient->setInsecure(); httpsClient->setTimeout(10000); if (authCookie == "") { getAuthCookie(); } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PWL: doing GET-request to %s%s"), powerwall_ip, url.c_str()); int retry = 0; while ((!httpsClient->connect(powerwall_ip, 443)) && (retry < 15)) { delay(100); Serial.print("."); retry++; } if (retry >= 15) { delete httpsClient; return ("CONN-FAIL"); } // HTTP/1.0 is used because of Chunked transfer encoding httpsClient->print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.0" + "\r\n" + "Host: " + powerwall_ip + "\r\n" + "Cookie: " + "AuthCookie" + "=" + authCookie + "\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); while (httpsClient->connected()) { String response = httpsClient->readStringUntil('\n'); char *cp = (char*)response.c_str(); if (!strncmp_P(cp, PSTR("HTTP"), 4)) { char *sp = strchr(cp, ' '); if (sp) { sp++; uint16_t result = strtol(sp, 0, 10); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PWL: result %d"), result); // in case of error 401, get new cookie if (result == 401) { authCookie = ""; resetAuthCookie(); } } } if (response == "\r") { break; } } String result = httpsClient->readStringUntil('\n'); delete httpsClient; return result; } /** * this is getting called if there was no provided authCookie in powerwallGetRequest(String url, String authCookie) */ String Powerwall::GetRequest(String url) { return (GetRequest(url, getAuthCookie())); } #endif