/* xdrv_59_influxdb.ino - Influxdb support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_INFLUXDB /*********************************************************************************************\ * Influxdb support * * To save over 80k not supporting https this driver uses a subset of library * https://github.com/tobiasschuerg/InfluxDB-Client-for-Arduino * * The text format for metrics, labels and values is documented at * https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.8/write_protocols/line_protocol_reference/ * * Supported commands: * Ifx - Set Influxdb state off (0) or on (1) and show current state * IfxHost - Set Influxdb host name or IP address * IfxPort - Set Influxdb port * IfxDatabase - Set Influxdb v1 and database name * IfxUser - Set Influxdb v1 and userid * IfxPassword - Set Influxdb v1 and password * IfxBucket - Set Influxdb v2 and bucket name * IfxOrg - Set Influxdb v2 and organization * IfxToken - Set Influxdb v2 and token * IfxPeriod - Set Influxdb period. If not set (or 0), use Teleperiod * IfxSensor - Set Influxdb sensor logging off (0) or on (1) * IfxRP - Set Influxdb retention policy * IfxLog - Set Influxdb logging level (4 = default) * IfxFeed - Feed Influxdb with JSON data * * The following triggers result in automatic influxdb numeric feeds without appended time: * - this driver initiated state message * - this driver initiated teleperiod data * - power commands \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_59 59 #ifndef INFLUXDB_INITIAL #define INFLUXDB_INITIAL 7 // Initial number of seconds after wifi connect keeping in mind sensor initialization #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_STATE #define INFLUXDB_STATE 0 // [Ifx] Influxdb initially Off (0) or On (1) #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_VERSION #define INFLUXDB_VERSION 1 // Version of Influxdb 1 or 2 #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_HOST #define INFLUXDB_HOST "influxdb" // [IfxHost] Influxdb hostname or IP address #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_PORT #define INFLUXDB_PORT 8086 // [IfxPort] Influxdb port number #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_ORG #define INFLUXDB_ORG "" // [IfxUser, IfxOrg] Influxdb v1 username or v2 organisation #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_TOKEN #define INFLUXDB_TOKEN "" // [IfxPassword, IfxToken] Influxdb v1 password or v2 token #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_BUCKET #define INFLUXDB_BUCKET "db" // [IfxDatabase, IfxBucket] Influxdb v1 database or v2 bucket #endif #ifndef INFLUXDB_RP #define INFLUXDB_RP "" // [IfxRP] Influxdb v1 retention policy (blank is default, usually autogen infinite) #endif static const char UninitializedMessage[] PROGMEM = "Unconfigured instance"; // This cannot be put to PROGMEM due to the way how it is used static const char RetryAfter[] = "Retry-After"; static const char TransferEncoding[] = "Transfer-Encoding"; #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_WEBCLIENT_HTTPS) HTTPClientLight *IFDBhttpClient = nullptr; #else WiFiClient *IFDBwifiClient = nullptr; HTTPClient *IFDBhttpClient = nullptr; #endif struct { String _serverUrl; // Connection info String _writeUrl; // Cached full write url String _lastErrorResponse; // Server reponse or library error message for last failed request uint32_t _lastRequestTime = 0; // Last time in ms we made a request to server int interval = 0; int _lastStatusCode = 0; // HTTP status code of last request to server int _lastRetryAfter = 0; // Store retry timeout suggested by server after last request uint8_t log_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE; bool _connectionReuse; // true if HTTP connection should be kept open. Usable for frequent writes. Default false bool init = false; } IFDB; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Influxdb library function \*********************************************************************************************/ String InfluxDbAuth(void) { String auth = ""; if (strlen(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG)) > 0 && strlen(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN)) > 0) { auth = "&u="; auth += UrlEncode(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG)); auth += "&p="; auth += UrlEncode(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN)); } return auth; } bool InfluxDbHostByName(void) { String host = SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_HOST); IFDB._serverUrl = ""; if (strncmp(host.c_str(),"http",4)) IFDB._serverUrl += "http://"; IFDB._serverUrl += host; if (Settings->influxdb_port) { IFDB._serverUrl += ":"; IFDB._serverUrl += Settings->influxdb_port; } return true; } bool InfluxDbParameterInit(void) { if (strlen(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET)) == 0 || (2 == Settings->influxdb_version && (strlen(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG)) == 0 || strlen(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN)) == 0))) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX: Invalid parameters")); return false; } if (!InfluxDbHostByName()) { return false; } IFDB._writeUrl = IFDB._serverUrl; if (2 == Settings->influxdb_version) { IFDB._writeUrl += "/api/v2/write?org="; IFDB._writeUrl += UrlEncode(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG)); IFDB._writeUrl += "&bucket="; IFDB._writeUrl += UrlEncode(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET)); } else { IFDB._writeUrl += "/write?db="; IFDB._writeUrl += UrlEncode(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET)); IFDB._writeUrl += InfluxDbAuth(); if (strlen(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_RP)) != 0) { IFDB._writeUrl += "&rp="; IFDB._writeUrl += UrlEncode(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_RP)); } } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX: Url %s"), IFDB._writeUrl.c_str()); return true; } bool InfluxDbInit(void) { #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_WEBCLIENT_HTTPS) if (!IFDBhttpClient) { IFDBhttpClient = new HTTPClientLight; } #else IFDBwifiClient = new WiFiClient; if (!IFDBhttpClient) { IFDBhttpClient = new HTTPClient; } #endif IFDBhttpClient->setReuse(IFDB._connectionReuse); char server[32]; snprintf_P(server, sizeof(server), PSTR("Tasmota/%s (%s)"), TasmotaGlobal.version, GetDeviceHardware().c_str()); IFDBhttpClient->setUserAgent(server); return true; } void InfluxDbBeforeRequest() { if (strlen(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN)) > 0) { String auth_token = SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN); IFDBhttpClient->addHeader(F("Authorization"), "Token " + auth_token); } const char *headerKeys[] = { RetryAfter, TransferEncoding }; IFDBhttpClient->collectHeaders(headerKeys, 2); } void InfluxDbAfterRequest(int expectedStatusCode, bool modifyLastConnStatus) { if (modifyLastConnStatus) { IFDB._lastRequestTime = millis(); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX: HTTP status code %d"), IFDB._lastStatusCode); IFDB._lastRetryAfter = 0; if (IFDB._lastStatusCode >= 429) { // Retryable server errors if (IFDBhttpClient->hasHeader(RetryAfter)) { IFDB._lastRetryAfter = IFDBhttpClient->header(RetryAfter).toInt(); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX: Reply after %d"), IFDB._lastRetryAfter); } } } IFDB._lastErrorResponse = ""; if (IFDB._lastStatusCode != expectedStatusCode) { if (IFDB._lastStatusCode > 0) { IFDB._lastErrorResponse = IFDBhttpClient->getString(); // {"error":"database not found: \"db\""}\n } else { IFDB._lastErrorResponse = IFDBhttpClient->errorToString(IFDB._lastStatusCode); } IFDB._lastErrorResponse.trim(); // Remove trailing \n AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("IFX: Error '%s'"), IFDB._lastErrorResponse.c_str()); } else { AddLog(IFDB.log_level, PSTR("IFX: Done")); } } bool InfluxDbValidateConnection(void) { #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_WEBCLIENT_HTTPS) if (!InfluxDbInit()) { #else if (!IFDBwifiClient && !InfluxDbInit()) { #endif IFDB._lastStatusCode = 0; IFDB._lastErrorResponse = FPSTR(UninitializedMessage); return false; } // on version 1.x /ping will by default return status code 204, without verbose if (!InfluxDbHostByName()) { return false; } String url = IFDB._serverUrl + (2 == Settings->influxdb_version ? "/health" : "/ping?verbose=true"); if (1 == Settings->influxdb_version) { url += InfluxDbAuth(); } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("IFX: Validating connection to %s"), url.c_str()); #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_WEBCLIENT_HTTPS) if (!IFDBhttpClient->begin(url)) { #else // HTTP only if (!IFDBhttpClient->begin(*IFDBwifiClient, url)) { #endif AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX: Begin failed")); return false; } IFDBhttpClient->addHeader(F("Accept"), F("application/json")); IFDB._lastStatusCode = IFDBhttpClient->GET(); IFDB._lastErrorResponse = ""; InfluxDbAfterRequest(200, false); IFDBhttpClient->end(); return IFDB._lastStatusCode == 200; } int InfluxDbPostData(const char *data) { #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_WEBCLIENT_HTTPS) if (!InfluxDbInit()) { #else if (!IFDBwifiClient && !InfluxDbInit()) { #endif IFDB._lastStatusCode = 0; IFDB._lastErrorResponse = FPSTR(UninitializedMessage); return 0; } if (data) { #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_WEBCLIENT_HTTPS) if (!IFDBhttpClient->begin(IFDB._writeUrl)) { #else if (!IFDBhttpClient->begin(*IFDBwifiClient, IFDB._writeUrl)) { #endif AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX: Begin failed")); return false; } Trim((char*)data); // Remove trailing \n AddLog(IFDB.log_level, PSTR("IFX: Sending\n%s"), data); IFDBhttpClient->addHeader(F("Content-Type"), F("text/plain")); InfluxDbBeforeRequest(); IFDB._lastStatusCode = IFDBhttpClient->POST((uint8_t*)data, strlen(data)); AddLog(IFDB.log_level, PSTR("IFX: POST statusCode %d"), IFDB._lastStatusCode); InfluxDbAfterRequest(204, true); IFDBhttpClient->end(); } return IFDB._lastStatusCode; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Data preparation \*********************************************************************************************/ char* InfluxDbNumber(char* alternative, JsonParserToken value) { if (value.isValid()) { char* source = (char*)value.getStr(); // Test for valid numeric data ('-.0123456789') or ON, OFF etc. as defined in kOptions if (source != nullptr) { char* out = source; // Convert special text as found in kOptions to a number // Like "OFF" -> 0, "ON" -> 1, "TOGGLE" -> 2 int number = GetStateNumber(source); if (number >= 0) { itoa(number, alternative, 10); out = alternative; } if (IsNumeric(out)) { return out; } } } return nullptr; } void InfluxDbProcessJson(bool use_copy = false) { if (!IFDB.init) { return; } char *json_data = ResponseData(); if (use_copy) { json_data = (char*)malloc(ResponseSize()+2); if (!json_data) { return; } strlcpy(json_data, ResponseData(), ResponseSize()); } AddLog(IFDB.log_level, PSTR("IFX: Process %s"), json_data); JsonParser parser(json_data); // Destroys json_data JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject(); if (root) { char number[12]; // '1' to '255' char linebuf[128]; // 'temperature,device=demo,sensor=ds18b20,id=01144A0CB2AA value=26.44\n' char sensor[64]; // 'ds18b20' char type[64]; // 'temperature' char sensor_id[32]; // ',id=01144A0CB2AA' sensor_id[0] = '\0'; String data = ""; // Multiple linebufs for (auto key1 : root) { JsonParserToken value1 = key1.getValue(); if (value1.isObject()) { JsonParserObject Object2 = value1.getObject(); for (auto key2 : Object2) { JsonParserToken value2 = key2.getValue(); if (value2.isObject()) { JsonParserObject Object3 = value2.getObject(); for (auto key3 : Object3) { char* value = InfluxDbNumber(number, key3.getValue()); if ((value != nullptr) && key2.isValid() && key3.isValid()) { // Level 3 LowerCase(sensor, key2.getStr()); LowerCase(type, key3.getStr()); // temperature,device=tasmota1,sensor=DS18B20 value=24.44 snprintf_P(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), PSTR("%s,device=%s,sensor=%s value=%s\n"), type, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, sensor, value); data += linebuf; } } } else { // Level 2 // { ... "ANALOG":{"Temperature":184.72},"DS18B20":{"Id":"01144A0CB2AA","Temperature":24.88},"HTU21":{"Temperature":25.32,"Humidity":49.2,"DewPoint":13.88},"Global":{"Temperature":24.88,"Humidity":49.2,"DewPoint":13.47}, ... } if (!key1.isValid() || !value2.isValid()) { continue; } LowerCase(type, key2.getStr()); bool is_id = (!strcmp_P(type, PSTR("id"))); // Index for DS18B20 bool is_array = value2.isArray(); char* value = nullptr; if (is_id && !is_array) { snprintf_P(sensor_id, sizeof(sensor_id), PSTR(",id=%s"), value2.getStr()); } else { value = InfluxDbNumber(number, (is_array) ? (value2.getArray())[0] : value2); } if ((value != nullptr) && key2.isValid()) { LowerCase(sensor, key1.getStr()); // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX2: sensor %s (%s), type %s (%s)"), key1.getStr(), sensor, key2.getStr(), type); if (is_array) { JsonParserArray arr = value2.getArray(); uint32_t i = 0; for (auto val : arr) { i++; // power1,device=shelly25,sensor=energy value=0.00 // power2,device=shelly25,sensor=energy value=4.12 snprintf_P(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), PSTR("%s%d,device=%s,sensor=%s%s value=%s\n"), type, i, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, sensor, sensor_id, val.getStr()); data += linebuf; } } else { // temperature,device=demo,sensor=ds18b20,id=01144A0CB2AA value=22.63 snprintf_P(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), PSTR("%s,device=%s,sensor=%s%s value=%s\n"), type, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, sensor, sensor_id, value); data += linebuf; } sensor_id[0] = '\0'; } } } } else { // Level 1 // {"Time":"2021-08-13T14:15:56","Switch1":"ON","Switch2":"OFF", ... "TempUnit":"C"} char* value = InfluxDbNumber(number, value1); if ((value != nullptr) && key1.isValid()) { LowerCase(type, key1.getStr()); // switch1,device=demo,sensor=device value=0 // power1,device=demo,sensor=device value=1 snprintf_P(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), PSTR("%s,device=%s,sensor=device value=%s\n"), type, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, value); data += linebuf; } } } if (data.length() > 0 ) { // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("IFX: Sensor data:\n%s"), data.c_str()); InfluxDbPostData(data.c_str()); } } if (use_copy) { free(json_data); } } void InfluxDbProcess(bool use_copy) { if (Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_sensor) { // IfxSensor InfluxDbProcessJson(use_copy); } } void InfluxDbPublishPowerState(uint32_t device) { Response_P(PSTR("{\"power%d\":\"%d\"}"), device, bitRead(TasmotaGlobal.power, device -1)); InfluxDbProcessJson(); } void InfluxDbLoop(void) { if (!TasmotaGlobal.global_state.network_down) { IFDB.interval--; uint16_t period = Settings->influxdb_period ? Settings->influxdb_period : Settings->tele_period; if (IFDB.interval <= 0 || IFDB.interval > period) { IFDB.interval = period; if (!IFDB.init) { if (InfluxDbParameterInit()) { IFDB.init = InfluxDbValidateConnection(); if (IFDB.init) { IFDB.interval = INFLUXDB_INITIAL; } } } else { // {"Time":"2021-08-14T17:19:33","Uptime":"0T00:24:09","UptimeSec":1449,"Heap":29,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"indebuurt_IoT","BSSId":"98:38:C9:CA:17:C1","Channel":11,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-44,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}} uint32_t backup = Settings->flag.device_index_enable; Settings->flag.device_index_enable = 1; // Force indexes to power ResponseClear(); MqttShowState(); // Pull state data Settings->flag.device_index_enable = backup; InfluxDbProcessJson(); // {"Time":"2021-08-14T17:19:33","Switch1":"ON","Switch2":"OFF","ANALOG":{"Temperature":184.72},"DS18B20":{"Id":"01144A0CB2AA","Temperature":27.50},"HTU21":{"Temperature":28.23,"Humidity":39.7,"DewPoint":13.20},"Global":{"Temperature":27.50,"Humidity":39.7,"DewPoint":12.55},"TempUnit":"C"} ResponseClear(); if (MqttShowSensor(true)) { // Pull sensor data InfluxDbProcessJson(); }; } } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ #define D_PRFX_INFLUXDB "Ifx" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBLOG "Log" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBHOST "Host" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBPORT "Port" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBUSER "User" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBORG "Org" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBPASSWORD "Password" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBTOKEN "Token" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBDATABASE "Database" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBBUCKET "Bucket" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBPERIOD "Period" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBSENSOR "Sensor" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBRP "RP" #define D_CMND_INFLUXDBFEED "Feed" const char kInfluxDbCommands[] PROGMEM = D_PRFX_INFLUXDB "|" // Prefix "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBLOG "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBHOST "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBPORT "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBUSER "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBORG "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBPASSWORD "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBTOKEN "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBDATABASE "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBBUCKET "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBPERIOD "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBSENSOR "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBRP "|" D_CMND_INFLUXDBFEED; void (* const InfluxCommand[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CmndInfluxDbState, &CmndInfluxDbLog, &CmndInfluxDbHost, &CmndInfluxDbPort, &CmndInfluxDbUser, &CmndInfluxDbUser, &CmndInfluxDbPassword, &CmndInfluxDbPassword, &CmndInfluxDbDatabase, &CmndInfluxDbDatabase, &CmndInfluxDbPeriod, &CmndInfluxDbSensor, &CmndInfluxDbRP, &CmndInfluxDbFeed }; void InfluxDbReinit(void) { IFDB.init = false; IFDB.interval = 2; } void CmndInfluxDbState(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 1)) { if (Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_state != XdrvMailbox.payload) { Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_state = XdrvMailbox.payload; InfluxDbReinit(); } } Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_PRFX_INFLUXDB "\":{\"State\":\"%s\",\"" D_CMND_INFLUXDBHOST "\":\"%s\",\"" D_CMND_INFLUXDBPORT "\":%d,\"Version\":%d"), GetStateText(Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_state), SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_HOST), Settings->influxdb_port, Settings->influxdb_version); if (1 == Settings->influxdb_version) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_CMND_INFLUXDBDATABASE "\":\"%s\",\"" D_CMND_INFLUXDBUSER "\":\"%s\"}}"), SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET), SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG)); } else { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_CMND_INFLUXDBBUCKET "\":\"%s\",\"" D_CMND_INFLUXDBORG "\":\"%s\"}}"), SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET), SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG)); } } void CmndInfluxDbSensor(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 1)) { Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_sensor = XdrvMailbox.payload; // IfxSensor } ResponseCmndStateText(Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_sensor); // IfxSensor } void CmndInfluxDbLog(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= LOG_LEVEL_NONE) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE)) { IFDB.log_level = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(IFDB.log_level); } void CmndInfluxDbHost(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_HOST, (SC_CLEAR == Shortcut()) ? "" : (SC_DEFAULT == Shortcut()) ? PSTR(INFLUXDB_HOST) : XdrvMailbox.data); InfluxDbReinit(); } ResponseCmndChar(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_HOST)); } void CmndInfluxDbPort(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload < 65536)) { Settings->influxdb_port = (1 == XdrvMailbox.payload) ? INFLUXDB_PORT : XdrvMailbox.payload; InfluxDbReinit(); } ResponseCmndNumber(Settings->influxdb_port); } void CmndInfluxDbUser(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { Settings->influxdb_version = (XdrvMailbox.command[3] == 'U') ? 1 : 2; // User or Org SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG, (SC_CLEAR == Shortcut()) ? "" : (SC_DEFAULT == Shortcut()) ? PSTR(INFLUXDB_ORG) : XdrvMailbox.data); InfluxDbReinit(); } ResponseCmndChar(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG)); } void CmndInfluxDbPassword(void) { bool show_asterisk = (2 == XdrvMailbox.index); if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { Settings->influxdb_version = (XdrvMailbox.command[3] == 'P') ? 1 : 2; // Password or Token SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN, (SC_CLEAR == Shortcut()) ? "" : (SC_DEFAULT == Shortcut()) ? PSTR(INFLUXDB_TOKEN) : XdrvMailbox.data); if (!show_asterisk) { ResponseCmndChar(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN)); } InfluxDbReinit(); } else { show_asterisk = true; } if (show_asterisk) { Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_ASTERISK, XdrvMailbox.command); } } void CmndInfluxDbDatabase(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { Settings->influxdb_version = (XdrvMailbox.command[3] == 'D') ? 1 : 2; // Database or Bucket SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET, (SC_CLEAR == Shortcut()) ? "" : (SC_DEFAULT == Shortcut()) ? PSTR(INFLUXDB_BUCKET) : XdrvMailbox.data); InfluxDbReinit(); } ResponseCmndChar(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET)); } void CmndInfluxDbRP(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_RP, (SC_CLEAR == Shortcut()) ? "" : (SC_DEFAULT == Shortcut()) ? PSTR(INFLUXDB_RP) : XdrvMailbox.data); InfluxDbReinit(); } ResponseCmndChar(SettingsText(SET_INFLUXDB_RP)); } void CmndInfluxDbPeriod(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload < 3601)) { Settings->influxdb_period = XdrvMailbox.payload; if(Settings->influxdb_period > 0 && Settings->influxdb_period < 10) { Settings->influxdb_period = 10; } } ResponseCmndNumber(Settings->influxdb_period); } void CmndInfluxDbFeed(void) { // IfxFeed {"Data":10} if ((XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) && ('{' == XdrvMailbox.data[0])) { Response_P(XdrvMailbox.data); InfluxDbProcessJson(); ResponseCmndDone(); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv59(uint32_t function) { bool result = false; if (FUNC_PRE_INIT == function) { // Initial persistent settings executed only once if (!Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_default) { Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_state = INFLUXDB_STATE; Settings->influxdb_version = INFLUXDB_VERSION; Settings->influxdb_port = INFLUXDB_PORT; SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_HOST, PSTR(INFLUXDB_HOST)); SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_ORG, PSTR(INFLUXDB_ORG)); SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_TOKEN, PSTR(INFLUXDB_TOKEN)); SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_BUCKET, PSTR(INFLUXDB_BUCKET)); SettingsUpdateText(SET_INFLUXDB_RP, PSTR(INFLUXDB_RP)); Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_default = 1; } } else if (FUNC_COMMAND == function) { result = DecodeCommand(kInfluxDbCommands, InfluxCommand); } else if (Settings->sbflag1.influxdb_state) { switch (function) { case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: InfluxDbLoop(); break; case FUNC_ACTIVE: result = true; break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_INFLUXDB