Logo # Template information Sonoff-Tasmota uses Device or Module information to control peripherals connected to GPIOs. This information is stored in the ``sonoff_template.h`` file as a device specific template. The template contains information about what GPIO should be connected to what peripheral and what GPIO may be configured online using the ``GPIO`` command or GUI Configure Module menu. In addition a device may need specific coding to process the data from these peripherals. The module number as provided by the ``Modules`` command is used to select this coding. Starting with version Sonoff-Tasmota Modules can be extended by users online using a template. To provide easy processing by Sonoff-Tasmota a user template is written as JSON text and could look like this: {"NAME":"UserModule1","GPIO":[17,148,29,149,7,255,255,255,138,255,139,255,255],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18} The four properties with UPPERCASE property names have the following functionality: Property name | Property value description --------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME | Up to 14 characters for the Module name GPIO | Up to 13 decimal numbers from 0 to 255 representing GPIO0 to GPIO5, GPIO09, GPIO10 and GPIO12 to GPIO16 FLAG | 8 bit mask flag register BASE | Module number of a hard-coded device to be used when device specific functionality is needed The above example, based on the Generic Module does not allow ADC0 input. ## GPIO functionality The GPIO functionality numbers are the same is shown by command ``GPIOs``. In addition code 255 is added to select a GPIO as user configurable via the GUI Configure Module menu. ## FLAG functionality The FLAG value is an 8-bit mask where each bit controls a features. Add FLAG values to set multiple bits. FLAG | Mask | Feature description -----|----------|------------------------------ 1 | xxxxxxx1 | Allowing to use Analog0 (ADC0) as input if define USE_ADC_VCC in ``my_user_config.h`` is disabled 2 | xxxxxx1x | Enable GUI pull-up control message 4 | xxxxx1xx | Not used 8 | xxxx1xxx | Not used 16 | xxx1xxxx | Not used 32 | xx1xxxxx | Not used 64 | x1xxxxxx | Not used 128 | 1xxxxxxx | Not used ## BASE functionality The following table lists hard-coded device specific functionality. Notice that not all device modules need special handling. BASE | Module | Description -----|----------------|---------------------------------------------- 4 | Sonoff Dual | Process relay and button via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process buttons as single press only 9 | Sonoff Touch | Invert ledstate 1 functionality 10 | Sonoff LED | Set light type to 2 PWM channels disregarding SetOption15. Fix device specific LED instabilities by disabling GPIO04, GPIO5 and GPIO14 12 | 4 Channel | See 4 13 | Motor C/AC | Force all relays ON at Power On and disable command ``PowerOnState`` 15 | EXS Relay(s) | Enable pulse latching using even/odd numbered relay pairs 18 | Generic | Show Wemos specific pin information in GUI 19 | H801 | Change hardware UART Tx from GPIO01 to GPIO02 20 | Sonoff SC | Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps 21 | Sonoff BN-SZ | Set light type to 1 PWM channel disregarding SetOption15 22 | Sonoff 4CH Pro | Button handling disregarding SetOption13 only allowing single press to enable RF learning while holding the button 24 | Sonoff Bridge | Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process 16 buttons in web GUI. Enable EFM8BB1 firmware upload 25 | Sonoff B1 | Set light type to RGBWC using MY92x1 26 | AiLight | Set light type to RGBW using MY92x1 27 | Sonoff T1 1CH | See 9 28 | Sonoff T1 2CH | See 9 29 | Sonoff T1 3CH | See 9 38 | Sonoff Dual R2 | Process buttons as single press only 43 | Sonoff iFan02 | Enable command ``Fanspeed``. Disable Interlock and PulseTime. Tune status information, MQTT data and GUI. Sync with microcontroller. Process Domoticz Fan state 47 | Xiaomi Philips | Process Color Temperature using PWM2 and Intensity using PWM1 53 | Tuya Dimmer | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149 or forced GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 9600 bps. Process all Buttons 55 | ARMTR Dimmer | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 115200 bps. 57 | PS-16-DZ | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. 61 | YTF IR Bridge | Disable serial interface to stop loopback 65 | Mi Desk Lamp | Process rotary and Button1 data specific to this device ## Usage A user provided template can be stored in Sonoff-Tasmota using the ``Template`` command. It has the following options. Command | Payload | Description ---------|----------|--------------------------------------- Template | | Show current user template Template | 0 | Copy active module template to user template Template | 1 .. 69 | Copy hard-coded module template to user template The following command will store a complete template based on the Generic module ``Template {"NAME":"UserModule1","GPIO":[17,148,29,149,7,255,255,255,138,255,139,255,255],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}`` The following command will update the name of a stored template ``Template {"NAME":"UserModule2"}`` The following command will update the flag of a stored template ``Template {"FLAG":1}`` The following command will update the base of a stored template to Generic ``Template {"BASE":0}``