/* xdrv_85_BLE_EQ3_TRV.ino - EQ3 radiator valve sense and control via BLE_ESP32 support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2020 Simon Hailes This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version yyyymmdd Action Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20210910 publish - renamed to xdrv_85, and checked with TAS latest dev branch 20201213 created - initial version */ /* Commands: e.g. trv 001A22092EE0 settemp 22.5 trvperiod n - set polling period in seconds (default teleperiod at boot) trvonlyaliased *0/1 - only hear devices with BLEAlias set trvMatchPrefix 0/*1 - if set, then it will add trvs to the seen list which have mac starting with : macs in macprefixes, currently only 001a22 Note: anything with BLEAlias starting "EQ3" will be added to the seen list. trvHideFailedPoll 0/*1 - if set, then failed polls will not be sent to EQ3 trvMinRSSI -n - the minimum RSSI value at which to attempt to poll trv reset - clear device list trv devlist - report seen devices. Active scanning required, not passive, as it looks for names trv scan - same as devlist trv state - report general state (see below for MQTT) trv raw - send a raw command trv on - set temp to 30 -> display ON on EQ3 trv off - set temp to 4.5 -> display OFF on EQ3 trv boost - set boost trv unboost - turn off boost trv lock - manual lock of physical buttons trv unlock - manual unlock of physical buttons trv auto - set EQ3 to auto mode trv manual - set EQ3 to manual mode trv mode auto|manual - set EQ3 to mode auto|manual? trv day - set EQ3 to day temp trv night - set EQ3 to night temp trv settemp 20.5 - set EQ3 to temp trv settime - set time to Tasmota time (untested) trv settime - set time trv offset 1.5 - set offset temp trv setdaynight 22 17.5 - set day and night mode temps trv setwindowtempdur 12.5 30 - set window open temp and duration in mins trv reqprofile <0-6> - request a profile for a day fo the week. trv setprofile <0-6> 20.5-07:30,17-17:00,22.5-22:00,17-24:00 (up to 7 temp-HH:MM) - set a profile for a day fo the week. Responses: normal: stat/EQ3/001A22092C9A = { "cmd":"state", "result":"ok", "RSSI":-83, "stattime":1613814193, "temp":21.0, "posn":0, "mode":"auto", "boost":"inactive", "dst":"set", "window":"closed", "state":"unlocked", "battery":"GOOD" } holiday: as above, but adds ,"holidayend":"YY-MM-DD HH:MM" when trv reqprofile is used, adds: "profiledayN":"20.5-07:30,17.0-17:00,22.5-22:00,17.0-24:00" where N is the day (0-6) (0 = saturday?). when trv setprofile is used, adds: "profiledayset":N where N is the day (0-6) (0 = saturday?). on error: "result":"fail", The driver will try a command three times before reporting 4 digit pin calculation: (just for info) serialno = "REQ0123456" pin = [] x = str((ord(serialno[3]) ^ ord(serialno[7])) % 10) pin.append(x) x = str((ord(serialno[4]) ^ ord(serialno[8])) % 10) pin.append(x) x = str((ord(serialno[5]) ^ ord(serialno[9])) % 10) pin.append(x) x = str((ord(serialno[0]) - ord('A') ^ ord(serialno[6]) - ord('0')) % 10) pin.append(x) print("".join(pin)) */ //#define VSCODE_DEV #ifdef VSCODE_DEV #define ESP32 #define USE_BLE_ESP32 #define USE_EQ3_ESP32 #endif // for testing of BLE_ESP32, we remove xsns_62_MI_ESP32.ino completely, and instead add this modified xsns_52_ibeacon_BLE_ESP32.ino #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #ifdef USE_EQ3_ESP32 #ifdef ESP32 // ESP32 only. Use define USE_HM10 for ESP8266 support #ifdef USE_BLE_ESP32 #define XDRV_85 85 #define D_CMND_EQ3 "trv" // uncomment for more debug messages //#define EQ3_DEBUG namespace EQ3_ESP32 { void CmndTrv(void); void CmndTrvPeriod(void); void CmndTrvOnlyAliased(void); void CmndTrvMatchPrefix(void); void CmndTrvMinRSSI(void); void CmndTrvHideFailedPoll(void); const char kEQ3_Commands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_EQ3"|" "|" "period|" "onlyaliased|" "MatchPrefix|" "MinRSSI|" "HideFailedPoll"; void (*const EQ3_Commands[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CmndTrv, &CmndTrvPeriod, &CmndTrvOnlyAliased, &CmndTrvMatchPrefix, &CmndTrvMinRSSI, &CmndTrvHideFailedPoll }; const char *cmdnames[] = { "poll", "raw", "state", "settime", "settemp", "offset", "setdaynight", "setwindowtempdur", "setholiday", "boost", "unboost", "unlock", "auto", "manual", "eco", "on", "off", "valve", "mode", "day", "night", "reqprofile", "setprofile" }; const uint8_t *macprefixes[1] = { (uint8_t *)"\x00\x1a\x22" }; int EQ3GenericOpCompleteFn(BLE_ESP32::generic_sensor_t *pStruct); const char EQ3_Svc[] PROGMEM = "3e135142-654f-9090-134a-a6ff5bb77046"; const char EQ3_rw_Char[] PROGMEM = "3fa4585a-ce4a-3bad-db4b-b8df8179ea09"; const char EQ3_notify_Char[] PROGMEM = "d0e8434d-cd29-0996-af41-6c90f4e0eb2a"; struct eq3_device_tag{ uint8_t addr[7]; int8_t RSSI; uint64_t timeoutTime; uint8_t pairing; uint8_t lastStatus[10]; // last received 02 stat uint8_t lastStatusLen; uint32_t lastStatusTime; // in utc uint8_t nextDiscoveryData; } eq3_device_t; /*********************************************************************************************\ * variables to control operation \*********************************************************************************************/ int retries = 0; // allow 240s before timeout of sa device - based on that we restart BLE if we don't see adverts for 120s #define EQ3_TIMEOUT 240L uint8_t pairingaddr[7] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; char pairingserial[20]; uint8_t pairing = 0; #define EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS 16 eq3_device_tag EQ3Devices[EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS]; void *EQ3mutex = nullptr; int EQ3Period = 300; uint8_t EQ3OnlyAliased = 0; uint8_t EQ3MatchPrefix = 1; uint8_t opInProgress = 0; int seconds = 20; int EQ3CurrentSingleSlot = 0; uint8_t EQ3TopicStyle = 1; uint8_t EQ3HideFailedPoll = 1; int8_t trvMinRSSI = -99; // control of timing of sending polling. // we leave an interval between polls to allow scans to take place int intervalSeconds = 10; // min seconds between operations int intervalSecondsCounter = 0; // set when an operation is over to intervalSeconds int nextEQ3Poll = EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS; // set to zero to start a poll cycle #pragma pack( push, 1 ) // aligned structures for size struct op_t { uint8_t addr[7]; uint8_t towrite[16]; uint8_t writelen; uint8_t cmdtype; }; #pragma pack(pop) std::deque opQueue; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Functions \*********************************************************************************************/ const char *addrStr(const uint8_t *addr, int useAlias = 0){ static char addrstr[32]; const char *id = nullptr; if (useAlias){ id = BLE_ESP32::getAlias(addr); } if (!id || !(*id)){ id = addrstr; BLE_ESP32::dump(addrstr, 13, addr, 6); } else { } return id; } char *topicPrefix(int prefix, const uint8_t *addr, int useAlias){ static char stopic[TOPSZ]; const char *id = addrStr(addr, useAlias); if (!EQ3TopicStyle){ GetTopic_P(stopic, prefix, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, PSTR("")); strcat(stopic, PSTR("EQ3/")); strcat(stopic, id); } else { char p[] = "EQ3"; GetTopic_P(stopic, prefix, p, id); } return stopic; } // return 0+ if we find the addr has one of our listed prefixes // return -1 if we don't recognise the mac int matchPrefix(const uint8_t *addr){ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(macprefixes)/sizeof(*macprefixes); i++){ if (!memcmp(addr, macprefixes[i], 3)){ return i; } } return -1; } bool EQ3Operation(const uint8_t *MAC, const uint8_t *data, int datalen, int cmdtype, int retries_in = 0) { BLE_ESP32::generic_sensor_t *op = nullptr; // ALWAYS use this function to create a new one. int res = BLE_ESP32::newOperation(&op); if (!res){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 %s:Can't get a newOperation from BLE"), addrStr(MAC, cmdtype & 0x80)); retries = 0; return 0; } else { #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3 %s:got a newOperation from BLE"), addrStr(MAC, cmdtype & 0x80)); #endif } NimBLEAddress addr((uint8_t *)MAC); op->addr = addr; bool havechar = false; op->serviceUUID = NimBLEUUID(EQ3_Svc); op->characteristicUUID = NimBLEUUID(EQ3_rw_Char); op->notificationCharacteristicUUID = NimBLEUUID(EQ3_notify_Char); if (data && datalen) { op->writelen = datalen; memcpy(op->dataToWrite, data, datalen); } else { op->writelen = 1; op->dataToWrite[0] = 0x03; // just request status } // this op will call us back on complete or failure. op->completecallback = (void *)EQ3GenericOpCompleteFn; // store this away for later op->context = (void *)cmdtype; res = BLE_ESP32::extQueueOperation(&op); if (!res){ // if it fails to add to the queue, do please delete it BLE_ESP32::freeOperation(&op); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 %s:Failed to queue new operation - deleted"), addrStr(MAC, cmdtype & 0x80)); retries = 0; } else { if (retries_in){ retries = retries_in; } } return res; } int EQ3DoOp(){ if (!opInProgress){ if (opQueue.size()){ op_t* op = opQueue[0]; if (EQ3Operation(op->addr, op->towrite, op->writelen, op->cmdtype, 4)){ opQueue.pop_front(); opInProgress = 1; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("EQ3 %s:Op dequeued len now %d"), addrStr(op->addr, (op->cmdtype & 0x80)), opQueue.size()); delete op; return 1; } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("EQ3 %s:Op BLE could not start op queue len %d"), addrStr(op->addr, (op->cmdtype & 0x80)), opQueue.size()); } } } return 0; } int EQ3QueueOp(const uint8_t *MAC, const uint8_t *data, int datalen, int cmdtype, int useAlias) { op_t* newop = new op_t; memcpy(newop->addr, MAC, 6); memcpy(newop->towrite, data, datalen); newop->writelen = datalen; newop->cmdtype = cmdtype | (useAlias?0x80:0); opQueue.push_back(newop); int qlen = opQueue.size(); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("EQ3 %s: Op queued len now %d"), addrStr(newop->addr, (newop->cmdtype & 0x80)), qlen); EQ3DoOp(); return qlen; } int EQ3ParseOp(BLE_ESP32::generic_sensor_t *op, bool success, int retries){ int res = 0; opInProgress = 0; ResponseClear(); uint8_t addrev[7]; const uint8_t *native = op->addr.getNative(); memcpy(addrev, native, 6); BLE_ESP32::ReverseMAC(addrev); eq3_device_tag *eq3 = nullptr; int free = -1; for (int i = 0; i < EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS; i++){ if (!memcmp(EQ3Devices[i].addr, addrev, 6)){ eq3 = &EQ3Devices[i]; break; } } int cmdtype = (((uint32_t)op->context) & 0xff); const char *cmdType = PSTR("invalid"); int useAlias = cmdtype & 0x80; cmdtype &= 0x7f; if ((cmdtype >= 0) && (cmdtype < sizeof(cmdnames)/sizeof(*cmdnames))){ cmdType = cmdnames[cmdtype]; } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("{")); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"cmd\":\"%s\""), cmdType); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"result\":\"%s\""), success? "ok":"fail"); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"MAC\":\"%s\""), addrStr(addrev)); const char *host = NetworkHostname(); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"tas\":\"%s\""), host); if (cmdtype == 1){ char raw[40]; BLE_ESP32::dump(raw, 40, op->dataNotify, op->notifylen); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"raw\":\"%s\""), raw); } uint8_t *status = {0}; uint8_t statlen = 0; uint32_t stattime = 0; if (success){ if ((op->notifylen >= 6) && (op->dataNotify[0] == 2) && (op->dataNotify[1] == 1)){ if (eq3){ memcpy(eq3->lastStatus, op->dataNotify, (op->notifylen <= 10)?op->notifylen:10); eq3->lastStatusLen = (op->notifylen <= 10)?op->notifylen:10; eq3->lastStatusTime = UtcTime(); } } status = op->dataNotify; statlen = op->notifylen; stattime = UtcTime(); } if (eq3){ status = eq3->lastStatus; statlen = eq3->lastStatusLen; stattime = eq3->lastStatusTime; ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"RSSI\":%d"), eq3->RSSI); } if ((statlen >= 6) && (status[0] == 2) && (status[1] == 1)){ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"stattime\":%u"), stattime); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"temp\":%2.1f"), ((float)status[5])/2); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"posn\":%d"), status[3]); int stat = status[2]; ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"mode\":")); switch (stat & 3){ case 0: ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"auto\"")); break; case 1: ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"manual\"")); break; case 2: ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"holiday\"")); break; case 3: ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"manualholiday\"")); break; } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"hassmode\":")); do { //0201283B042A // its in auto if ((stat & 3) == 0) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"auto\"")); break; } // it's set to 'OFF' if (((stat & 3) == 1) && (status[5] == 9)) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"off\"")); break; } // it's actively heating (valve open) if (((stat & 3) == 1) && (status[5] > 9) && (status[3] > 0)) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"heat\"")); break; } // it's achieved temp (valve closed) if (((stat & 3) == 1) && (status[5] > 9)) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"idle\"")); break; } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"idle\"")); break; } while (0); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"boost\":\"%s\""), (stat & 4)?"active":"inactive"); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"dst\":\"%s\""), (stat & 8)?"set":"unset"); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"window\":\"%s\""), (stat & 16)?"open":"closed"); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"state\":\"%s\""), (stat & 32)?"locked":"unlocked"); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"battery\":\"%s\""), (stat & 128)?"LOW":"GOOD"); } if ((statlen >= 10) && (status[0] == 2) && (status[1] == 1)){ int mm = status[8] * 30; int hh = mm/60; mm = mm % 60; ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"holidayend\":\"%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\""), status[7], status[9], status[6], hh, mm ); } if (success) { // now to parse other data - this may not have been a stat message if ((op->notifylen >= 3) && (op->dataNotify[0] == 2) && (op->dataNotify[1] == 2)){ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"profiledayset\":%d"), op->dataNotify[2]); } if ((op->notifylen >= 16) && (op->dataNotify[0] == 0x21)){ //YY is the time, coded as (minutes/10), up to which to maintain the temperature declared in XX //XX represents the temperature to be maintained until then, codified as (temperature*2) // byte 0: 21 (default value) // byte 1: 02 (Monday = 0x02) // byte (2,3): 22 24 (17°C up to 06:00) // byte (4,5): 2A 36 (21°C up to 09:00) // byte (6,7): 22 66 (17°C up to 17:00) // byte (8,9): 2A 8A (21°C up to 23:00) // byte (10,11): 22 90 (17°C up to 24:00) // byte (12,13): 22 90 (unused) // byte (14,15): 22 90 (unused) ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"profileday%d\":\""), op->dataNotify[1]); uint8_t *data = op->dataNotify + 2; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ float t = *(data++); t /= 2; int mm = *(data++); mm *= 10; int hh = mm / 60; mm = mm % 60; ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("%2.1f-%02d:%02d"), t, hh, mm); // stop if the last one is 24. if (hh == 24){ break; } if (i < 6){ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"")); } res = 1; } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); int type = STAT; if (cmdtype){ type = STAT; } else { // it IS a poll command if (EQ3HideFailedPoll){ if (!success){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("EQ3 %s poll fail not sent because EQ3HideFailedPoll"), addrStr(addrev)); return res; } } } char *topic = topicPrefix(type, addrev, useAlias); MqttPublish(topic, false); return res; } int EQ3GenericOpCompleteFn(BLE_ESP32::generic_sensor_t *op){ uint32_t context = (uint32_t) op->context; opInProgress = 0; if (op->state <= GEN_STATE_FAILED){ uint8_t addrev[7]; const uint8_t *native = op->addr.getNative(); memcpy(addrev, native, 6); BLE_ESP32::ReverseMAC(addrev); if (retries > 1){ retries--; if (EQ3Operation(addrev, op->dataToWrite, op->writelen, (int)op->context)){ //EQ3ParseOp(op, false, retries); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 %s: trv operation failed - retrying %d"), addrStr(addrev), op->state); opInProgress = 1; } else { retries = 0; EQ3ParseOp(op, false, 0); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 %s: trv operation failed to send op %d"), addrStr(addrev), op->state); } } else { retries = 0; EQ3ParseOp(op, false, 0); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 %s: trv operation failed - no more retries %d"), addrStr(addrev), op->state); } return 0; } retries = 0; EQ3ParseOp(op, true, 0); return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Functons actualy called from within the BLE task \*********************************************************************************************/ int ispairing2(const uint8_t *payload, int len, char *name, int namelen, char *serial, int seriallen ){ while (len){ int l = *payload; //BLE_ESP32::dump(temp, 40, payload, l+1); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3: %s"), temp); payload++; len--; if (len < l){ //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3: part len er %d<%d"),len, l); return 0; } switch (*payload){ case 0xff: {// parse the EQ3 advert payload looking for nnFF01ssssssss payload++; len--; l--; if (*payload == 1){ payload++; len--; l--; //char serialstr[20]; //strncpy(serialstr, (const char *)payload, l); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3: adv part FF01 detected %s"), serialstr); // we don;t use these, but that's what they seem to be.... uint8_t copylen = (l > seriallen)?seriallen:l; strncpy(serial, (const char *)payload, copylen); serial[seriallen-1] = 0; payload += l; len -= l; return 1; } else { payload += l; len -= l; } } break; case 0x09: { payload++; len--; l--; if (*payload == 1){ payload++; len--; l--; //char serialstr[20]; //strncpy(serialstr, (const char *)payload, l); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3: adv part FF01 detected %s"), serialstr); // we don;t use these, but that's what they seem to be.... uint8_t copylen = (l > namelen)?namelen:l; strncpy(name, (const char *)payload, copylen); name[namelen-1] = 0; payload += l; len -= l; //return 1; } else { payload += l; len -= l; } } break; default:{ payload += l; len -= l; } break; } } return 0; } int ispairing(const uint8_t *payload, int len){ //char temp[40]; //BLE_ESP32::dump(temp, 40, payload, len); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3: pair%d %s"), len, temp); while (len){ int l = *payload; //BLE_ESP32::dump(temp, 40, payload, l+1); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3: %s"), temp); payload++; len--; if (len < l){ //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3: part len er %d<%d"),len, l); return 0; } if (*payload == 0xff){ payload++; len--; l--; if (*payload == 1){ payload++; len--; l--; //char serialstr[20]; //strncpy(serialstr, (const char *)payload, l); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3: adv part FF01 detected %s"), serialstr); // we don;t use these, but that's what they seem to be.... const uint8_t *serial = payload; uint8_t seriallen = l; payload += l; len -= l; return 1; } else { payload += l; len -= l; } } else { payload += l; len -= l; } } return 0; } int TaskEQ3AddDevice(int8_t RSSI, const uint8_t* addr, char *serial){ int free = -1; int i = 0; uint64_t now = esp_timer_get_time(); if (serial && serial[0] && !pairing){ memcpy(pairingaddr, addr, 6); strncpy(pairingserial, serial, sizeof(pairingserial)); pairingserial[sizeof(pairingserial)-1] = 0; pairing = 1; } for(i = 0; i < EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS; i++){ if(memcmp(addr,EQ3Devices[i].addr,6)==0){ break; } if (EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime && (EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime < now)) { #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3 %s timeout at %d"), addrStr(EQ3Devices[i].addr), i); #endif EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime = 0L; } if (!EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime){ if (free == -1){ free = i; } } } if (i == EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS){ if (free >= 0){ i = free; } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 lost %s: > %d devices"), addrStr(addr), EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS); return 0; } } #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG if (!EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("EQ3 %s: added at %d"), addrStr(addr), i); #endif EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime = now + (1000L*1000L)*EQ3_TIMEOUT; memcpy(EQ3Devices[i].addr, addr, 6); EQ3Devices[i].RSSI = RSSI; EQ3Devices[i].pairing = (serial && serial[0])?1:0; return 1; } const char *EQ3Names[] = { "CC-RT-BLE", "CC-RT-BLE-EQ", "CC-RT-M-BLE" }; int TaskEQ3advertismentCallback(BLE_ESP32::ble_advertisment_t *pStruct) { // we will try not to use this... BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice = pStruct->advertisedDevice; std::string sname = advertisedDevice->getName(); bool found = false; const char *nameStr = sname.c_str(); int8_t RSSI = pStruct->RSSI; const uint8_t *addr = pStruct->addr; const char *alias = BLE_ESP32::getAlias(addr); if (EQ3OnlyAliased){ // ignore unless we have an alias. if (!alias || !(*alias)){ return 0; } } if (!alias) alias = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(EQ3Names)/sizeof(*EQ3Names); i++){ if (!strcmp(nameStr, EQ3Names[i])){ found = true; break; } } if (!found && !strncmp(alias, "EQ3", 3)){ found = true; } // if the addr matches the EQ2 mfg prefix, add it? if (!found && EQ3MatchPrefix && (matchPrefix(addr) >= 0)){ found = true; } if (!found) return 0; #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG if (BLE_ESP32::BLEDebugMode > 0) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3Device: saw %s"),advertisedDevice->getAddress().toString().c_str()); #endif uint8_t* payload = advertisedDevice->getPayload(); size_t payloadlen = advertisedDevice->getPayloadLength(); char name[20] = {0}; char serial[20] = {0}; int pairing = 0; ispairing2(payload, payloadlen, name, 20, serial, 20); // this will take and keep the mutex until the function is over TasAutoMutex localmutex(&EQ3mutex); TaskEQ3AddDevice(RSSI, addr, serial); return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Helper functions \*********************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************\ * init \*********************************************************************************************/ void EQ3Init(void) { memset(&EQ3Devices, 0, sizeof(EQ3Devices)); BLE_ESP32::registerForAdvertismentCallbacks((const char *)"EQ3", TaskEQ3advertismentCallback); #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("EQ3: init: request callbacks")); #endif EQ3Period = Settings->tele_period; return; } /***********************************************************************\ * Regular \***********************************************************************/ void EQ3Every50mSecond(){ } /** * @brief Main loop of the driver, "high level"-loop * */ int EQ3Send(const uint8_t* addr, const char *cmd, char* param, char* param2, int useAlias); void EQ3EverySecond(bool restart){ if (pairing){ char p[40]; // used in dump BLE_ESP32::dump(p, 20, pairingaddr, 6); Response_P(PSTR("{\"pairing\":\"%s\",\"serial\":\"%s\"}"), p, pairingserial); char addrstr[4+8*2+2] = "EQ3/"; BLE_ESP32::dump(&addrstr[4], 8*2+2, pairingaddr, 6); char *topic = topicPrefix(STAT, pairingaddr, 1); MqttPublish(topic, false); pairing = 0; } seconds --; if (seconds <= 0){ if (EQ3Period){ if (nextEQ3Poll >= EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("EQ3 poll cycle starting")); nextEQ3Poll = 0; } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("EQ3 poll overrun, deferred - last loop only got to %d, not %d"), nextEQ3Poll, EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS); } } seconds = EQ3Period; } if (EQ3Period){ int qlen = opQueue.size(); if ((nextEQ3Poll < EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS) && (qlen == 0) && (!opInProgress)){ if (intervalSecondsCounter){ intervalSecondsCounter--; } else { // queue a EQ3Status op against each known EQ3. // mark it as a regular stat rather than a use cmd. for(int i = nextEQ3Poll; i < EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS; i++){ if (!EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime){ nextEQ3Poll = i+1; continue; } // trvMinRSSI // find the device in BLE to get RSSI if (EQ3Devices[i].RSSI < trvMinRSSI){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("EQ3 %s RSSI %d < min %d, poll suppressed"), addrStr(EQ3Devices[i].addr), EQ3Devices[i].RSSI, trvMinRSSI); nextEQ3Poll = i+1; continue; } EQ3Send(EQ3Devices[i].addr, PSTR("poll"), nullptr, nullptr, 1); nextEQ3Poll = i+1; intervalSecondsCounter = intervalSeconds; break; } } } } // start next op now, if we have any queued EQ3DoOp(); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Presentation \*********************************************************************************************/ int EQ3SendCurrentDevices(){ // send the active devices ResponseClear(); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("{\"devices\":{")); int added = 0; for(int i = 0; i < EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS; i++){ char p[40]; if (!EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime) continue; if (added){ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } BLE_ESP32::dump(p, 20, EQ3Devices[i].addr, 6); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"%s\":%d"), p, EQ3Devices[i].RSSI); added = 1; } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}}")); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(STAT, PSTR("EQ3"), false); return 0; } int EQ3SendResult(char *requested, const char *result){ // send the result Response_P(PSTR("{\"result\":\"%s\"}"), result); static char stopic[TOPSZ]; GetTopic_P(stopic, STAT, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, PSTR("")); strcat(stopic, PSTR("EQ3/")); strcat(stopic, requested); MqttPublish(stopic, false); return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ void simpletolower(char *p){ if (!p) return; while (*p){ *p = *p | 0x20; p++; } } // // great description here: // https://reverse-engineering-ble-devices.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol_description/00_protocol_description.html // not all implemented yet. // int EQ3Send(const uint8_t* addr, const char *cmd, char* param, char* param2, int useAlias){ char p[] = ""; if (!param) param = p; if (!param2) param2 = p; uint8_t d[20]; memset(d, 0, sizeof(d)); int dlen = 0; #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("EQ3 %s: cmd: [%s] [%s] [%s]"), addrStr(addr), cmd, param, param2); #endif /* done on whole string before here. simpletolower(cmd); simpletolower(param); simpletolower(param2); */ int cmdtype = 0; do { if (!strcmp(cmd, "raw")){ cmdtype = 1; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } int len = strlen(param) / 2; if (len > 20){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 raw len of %s = %d > 20"), param, len); return -1; } BLE_ESP32::fromHex(d, param, len); dlen = len; break; } /* if (!strcmp(cmd, "state")){ d[0] = 0x03; dlen = 1; break; } */ if (!strcmp(cmd, "settime") || !strcmp(cmd, "state") || !strcmp(cmd, "poll")){ if (!strcmp(cmd, "poll")){ cmdtype = 0; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "state")){ cmdtype = 2; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "settime")){ cmdtype = 3; } if (!param || param[0] == 0){ if (RtcTime.valid) { d[0] = 0x03; d[1] = (RtcTime.year % 100); d[2] = RtcTime.month; d[3] = RtcTime.day_of_month; d[4] = RtcTime.hour; d[5] = RtcTime.minute; d[6] = RtcTime.second; } else { return -1; } // time_t now = 0; // struct tm timeinfo = { 0 }; // time(&now); // localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo); // d[0] = 0x03; // d[1] = timeinfo.tm_year % 100; // d[2] = timeinfo.tm_mon + 1; // d[3] = timeinfo.tm_mday; // d[4] = timeinfo.tm_hour; // d[5] = timeinfo.tm_min; // d[6] = timeinfo.tm_sec; } else { d[0] = 0x03; BLE_ESP32::fromHex(d+1, param, 6); } dlen = 7; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "settemp")){ cmdtype = 4; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } float ftemp = 20; sscanf(param, "%f", &ftemp); if (ftemp < 4.5) ftemp = 4.5; if (ftemp > 30) ftemp = 30; ftemp *= 2; uint8_t ctemp = (uint8_t) ftemp; d[0] = 0x41; d[1] = ctemp; dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "offset")){ cmdtype = 5; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return 0; } float ftemp = 20; sscanf(param, "%f", &ftemp); ftemp *= 2; int8_t ctemp = (int8_t) ftemp; ctemp += 7; d[0] = 0x13; d[1] = ctemp; dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "setdaynight")){ cmdtype = 6; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } if (!param2 || param2[0] == 0){ return -1; } float ftemp = 15; sscanf(param, "%f", &ftemp); if (ftemp < 5) ftemp = 5; ftemp *= 2; uint8_t dtemp = (uint8_t) ftemp; ftemp = 20; sscanf(param2, "%f", &ftemp); if (ftemp < 5) ftemp = 5; ftemp *= 2; uint8_t ntemp = (uint8_t) ftemp; d[0] = 0x11; d[1] = dtemp; d[2] = ntemp; dlen = 3; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "setwindowtempdur")){ cmdtype = 7; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } if (!param2 || param2[0] == 0){ return -1; } float ftemp = 15; sscanf(param, "%f", &ftemp); if (ftemp < 5) ftemp = 5; ftemp *= 2; uint8_t temp = (uint8_t) ftemp; int dur = 0; sscanf(param2, "%d", &dur); d[0] = 0x14; d[1] = temp; d[2] = (dur/5); dlen = 3; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "setholiday")){ cmdtype = 8; //40941C152402 // 40 94 if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } if (!param2 || param2[0] == 0){ return -1; } int yy = 0; int mm = 0; int dd = 0; int hour = 0; int min = 0; char *p = param; p = strtok(p, "-"); if (!p || p[0] == 0) return -1; sscanf(p, "%d", &yy); p = strtok(nullptr, "-"); if (!p || p[0] == 0) return -1; sscanf(p, "%d", &mm); p = strtok(nullptr, ","); if (!p || p[0] == 0) return -1; sscanf(p, "%d", &dd); p = strtok(nullptr, ":"); if (!p || p[0] == 0) return -1; sscanf(p, "%d", &hour); p = strtok(nullptr, ""); if (!p || p[0] == 0) return -1; sscanf(p, "%d", &min); min += hour*60; int tt = min / 30; float ftemp = 15; sscanf(param2, "%f", &ftemp); if (ftemp < 5) ftemp = 5; ftemp *= 2; uint8_t temp = (uint8_t) ftemp + 128; d[0] = 0x40; d[1] = temp; d[2] = dd; d[3] = yy; d[4] = tt; d[5] = mm; dlen = 6; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "boost")) { cmdtype = 9; d[0] = 0x45; d[1] = 0x01; if (param && (!strcmp(param, "off") || param[0] == '0')){ d[1] = 0x00; } dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "unboost")) { cmdtype = 10; d[0] = 0x45; d[1] = 0x00; dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "lock")) { d[0] = 0x80; d[1] = 0x01; if (param && (!strcmp(param, "off") || param[0] == '0')){ d[1] = 0x00; } dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "unlock")) { cmdtype = 11; d[0] = 0x80; d[1] = 0x00; dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "auto")) { cmdtype = 12; d[0] = 0x40; d[1] = 0x00; dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "manual")) { cmdtype = 13; d[0] = 0x40; d[1] = 0x40; dlen = 2; break; } // this is basically 'cancel holiday' - mode auto does that. //if (!strcmp(cmd, "eco")) { cmdtype = 14; d[0] = 0x40; d[1] = 0x80; dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "on")) { int res = EQ3Send(addr, "manual", nullptr, nullptr, useAlias); char tmp[] = "30"; int res2 = EQ3Send(addr, "settemp", tmp, nullptr, useAlias); return res2; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "off")) { int res = EQ3Send(addr, "manual", nullptr, nullptr, useAlias); char tmp[] = "4.5"; int res2 = EQ3Send(addr, "settemp", tmp, nullptr, useAlias); return res2; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "valve")) { cmdtype = 17; d[0] = 0x41; d[1] = 0x3c; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } if ((!strcmp(param, "off") || param[0] == '0')){ d[1] = 0x09; } dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "mode")) { cmdtype = 18; d[0] = 0x40; d[1] = 0xff;// invlaid if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } if (!strcmp(param, "auto")){ d[1] = 0x00; } if (!strcmp(param, "manual")){ d[1] = 0x40; } if (!strcmp(param, "on") || !strcmp(param, "heat")) { int res = EQ3Send(addr, "manual", nullptr, nullptr, useAlias); char tmp[] = "30"; int res2 = EQ3Send(addr, "settemp", tmp, nullptr, useAlias); return res2; } if (!strcmp(param, "off") || !strcmp(param, "cool")) { int res = EQ3Send(addr, "manual", nullptr, nullptr, useAlias); char tmp[] = "4.5"; int res2 = EQ3Send(addr, "settemp", tmp, nullptr, useAlias); return res2; } if (d[1] == 0xff){ // no valid mode selection found return -1; } // this is basically 'cancel holiday' - mode auto does that. //if (!strcmp(param, "eco")){ // d[1] = 0x80; //} dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "day")) { cmdtype = 19; d[0] = 0x43; dlen = 1; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "night")) { cmdtype = 20; d[0] = 0x44; dlen = 1; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "reqprofile")) { cmdtype = 21; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } d[0] = 0x20; d[1] = atoi(param); dlen = 2; break; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "setprofile")) { cmdtype = 22; if (!param || param[0] == 0){ return -1; } if (!param2 || param2[0] == 0){ return -1; } d[0] = 0x10; d[1] = atoi(param); // default uint8_t temps[7] = {0x22,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x22,0x22}; uint8_t times[7] = {0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90,0x90}; // 20.5-17:30, const char *p = strtok(param2, ","); int i = 0; while (p){ float t = 17; int mm = 0; int hh = 24; sscanf(p, "%f-%d:%d", &t, &hh, &mm); t *= 2; temps[i] = (uint8_t) t; int time = hh*60+mm; time = time / 10; times[i] = time; p = strtok(nullptr, ","); i++; if (i >= 7) break; } // remaining left at 00 00 for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++){ d[2+j*2] = temps[j]; d[2+j*2+1] = times[j]; } dlen = 2+14; break; } break; } while(0); if (dlen){ dlen = 16; return EQ3QueueOp(addr, d, dlen, cmdtype, useAlias); //return EQ3Operation(addr, d, dlen, 4); } return -1; } const char *responses[] = { PSTR("Done"), PSTR("queued"), PSTR("ignoredbusy"), PSTR("invcmd"), PSTR("cmdfail"), PSTR("invidx"), PSTR("invaddr") }; int CmndTrvNext(int index, char *data){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3 cmd index: %d"), index); //simpletolower(data); switch(index){ case 0: case 1: { char *p = strtok(data, " "); bool trigger = false; if (!strcmp(p, "reset")){ retries = 0; for (int i = 0; i < EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS; i++){ EQ3Devices[i].timeoutTime = 0L; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(p, "scan")){ #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3 cmd: %s"), p); #endif EQ3SendCurrentDevices(); return 0; } if (!strcmp(p, "devlist")){ #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3 cmd: %s"), p); #endif EQ3SendCurrentDevices(); return 0; } // only allow one command in progress if (retries){ //return 2; } int useAlias = 0; uint8_t addrbin[7]; int addrres = BLE_ESP32::getAddr(addrbin, p); if (addrres){ if (addrres == 2){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3 addr used alias: %s"), p); useAlias = 1; } NimBLEAddress addr(addrbin, addrbin[6]); #ifdef EQ3_DEBUG //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("EQ3 cmd addr: %s -> %s"), p, addr.toString().c_str()); #endif } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 addr invalid: %s"), p); return 3; } // get next part of cmd char *cmd = strtok(nullptr, " "); if (!cmd){ return 3; } char *param = strtok(nullptr, " "); char *param2 = nullptr; if (param){ param2 = strtok(nullptr, " "); } int res = EQ3Send(addrbin, cmd, param, param2, useAlias); if (res > 0) { // succeeded to queue AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 queued")); return 1; } if (res < 0) { // invalid in some way AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 invalid")); return 3; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,PSTR("EQ3 failed to queue")); // failed to queue return 4; } break; case 2: retries = 0; return 0; break; } return 4; } void CmndTrv(void) { int res = CmndTrvNext(XdrvMailbox.index, XdrvMailbox.data); ResponseCmndChar(responses[res]); } void CmndTrvPeriod(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if (1 == XdrvMailbox.payload){ seconds = 0; } else { EQ3Period = XdrvMailbox.payload; if (seconds > EQ3Period){ seconds = EQ3Period; } } } ResponseCmndNumber(EQ3Period); } void CmndTrvOnlyAliased(void){ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { EQ3OnlyAliased = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(EQ3OnlyAliased); } void CmndTrvMatchPrefix(void){ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { EQ3MatchPrefix = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(EQ3MatchPrefix); } void CmndTrvMinRSSI(void){ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { trvMinRSSI = atoi(XdrvMailbox.data); } // signed number Response_P(PSTR("{\"%s\":%d}"), XdrvMailbox.command, trvMinRSSI); } void CmndTrvHideFailedPoll(void){ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { EQ3HideFailedPoll = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(EQ3HideFailedPoll); } #define EQ3_TOPIC "EQ3" static char tmp[120]; bool mqtt_direct(){ char stopic[TOPSZ]; strncpy(stopic, XdrvMailbox.topic, TOPSZ); XdrvMailbox.topic[TOPSZ-1] = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3 mqtt: %s:%s"), stopic, XdrvMailbox.data); char *items[10]; char *p = stopic; int cnt = 0; do { items[cnt] = strtok(p, "/"); cnt++; p = nullptr; } while (items[cnt-1]); cnt--; // repreents the number of items if (cnt < 4){ // not for us? //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("cnt: %d < 4"), cnt); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++){ //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("cnt %d:%s"), i, items[i]); } int EQ3index = 0; int MACindex = 0; int CMDindex = 0; if (strcasecmp_P(items[cnt-3], PSTR(EQ3_TOPIC)) != 0) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("cnt-3 not %s"), PSTR(EQ3_TOPIC)); if (strcasecmp_P(items[cnt-2], PSTR(EQ3_TOPIC)) != 0) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("cnt-2 not %s"), PSTR(EQ3_TOPIC)); return false; // not for us } else { EQ3index = cnt-2; MACindex = cnt-1; } } else { EQ3index = cnt-3; MACindex = cnt-2; CMDindex = cnt-1; } int remains = 120; memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); p = tmp; uint8_t addr[7]; int useAlias = BLE_ESP32::getAddr(addr, items[MACindex]); int res = 6; // invalid address/alias // if address or alias valid if (useAlias){ strncpy(p, items[MACindex], remains-6); p += strlen(p); *(p++) = 0x20; remains = 120 - (p-tmp); if (CMDindex){ strncpy(p, items[CMDindex], remains-6); p += strlen(p); *(p++) = 0x20; remains = 120 - (p-tmp); } strncpy(p, XdrvMailbox.data, remains-6); p += strlen(p); *(p++) = 0x20; remains = 120 - (p-tmp); *(p++) = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("EQ3:mqtt->cmdstr %s"), tmp); res = CmndTrvNext(1, tmp); } // post result to stat/tas/EQ3/ {"result":""} EQ3SendResult(items[MACindex], responses[res]); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // starts a completely fresh MQTT message. // sends ONE sensor's worth of HA discovery msg const char EQ3_HA_DISCOVERY_TEMPLATE[] PROGMEM = "{\"availability\":[],\"device\":" "{\"identifiers\":[\"BLE%s\"]," "\"name\":\"%s\"," "\"manufacturer\":\"tas\"," "\"model\":\"%s\"," "\"via_device\":\"%s\"" "}," "\"dev_cla\":\"%s\"," "\"expire_after\":600," "\"json_attr_t\":\"%s\"," "\"name\":\"%s_%s\"," "\"state_topic\":\"%s\"," "\"uniq_id\":\"%s_%s\"," "\"unit_of_meas\":\"%s\"," "\"val_tpl\":\"{{ value_json.%s }}\"}"; ///////////TODO - unfinished..... void EQ3DiscoveryOneEQ3(){ // don't detect half-added ones here if (EQ3CurrentSingleSlot >= EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS){ // if we got to the end of the sensors, then don't send more return; } #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT if(Settings->flag.hass_discovery){ eq3_device_tag *p; do { p = &EQ3Devices[EQ3CurrentSingleSlot]; if (0 == p->timeoutTime){ EQ3CurrentSingleSlot++; } } while ((0 == p->timeoutTime) && (EQ3CurrentSingleSlot <= EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS)); if (EQ3CurrentSingleSlot >= EQ3_NUM_DEVICESLOTS){ return; } // careful - a missing comma causes a crash!!!! // because of the way we loop? const char *classes[] = { "temperature", "temp", "°C", "signal_strength", "RSSI", "dB" }; int datacount = (sizeof(classes)/sizeof(*classes))/3; if (p->nextDiscoveryData >= datacount){ p->nextDiscoveryData = 0; } char DiscoveryTopic[80]; const char *host = NetworkHostname(); const char *devtype = PSTR("EQ3"); char idstr[32]; const char *alias = BLE_ESP32::getAlias(p->addr); const char *id = idstr; if (alias && *alias){ id = alias; } else { sprintf(idstr, PSTR("%s%02x%02x%02x"), devtype, p->addr[3], p->addr[4], p->addr[5]); } char SensorTopic[60]; sprintf(SensorTopic, "stat/%s/EQ3/%s", host, id); //int i = p->nextDiscoveryData*3; for (int i = 0; i < datacount*3; i += 3){ if (!classes[i] || !classes[i+1] || !classes[i+2]){ return; } ResponseClear(); /* {"availability":[],"device":{"identifiers":["TasmotaBLEa4c1387fc1e1"],"manufacturer":"simon","model":"someBLEsensor","name":"TASBLEa4c1387fc1e1","sw_version":"0.0.0"},"dev_cla":"temperature","json_attr_t":"stat/tasmota_esp32/SENSOR","name":"TASLYWSD037fc1e1Temp","state_topic":"tele/tasmota_esp32/SENSOR","uniq_id":"Tasmotaa4c1387fc1e1temp","unit_of_meas":"°C","val_tpl":"{{ value_json.LYWSD037fc1e1.Temperature }}"} {"availability":[],"device":{"identifiers":["TasmotaBLEa4c1387fc1e1"], "name":"TASBLEa4c1387fc1e1"},"dev_cla":"temperature", "json_attr_t":"tele/tasmota_esp32/SENSOR", "name":"TASLYWSD037fc1e1Temp","state_topic": "tele/tasmota_esp32/SENSOR", "uniq_id":"Tasmotaa4c1387fc1e1temp","unit_of_meas":"°C", "val_tpl":"{{ value_json.LYWSD037fc1e1.Temperature }}"} */ ResponseAppend_P(EQ3_HA_DISCOVERY_TEMPLATE, //"{\"identifiers\":[\"BLE%s\"]," id, //"\"name\":\"%s\"}," id, //\"model\":\"%s\", devtype, //\"via_device\":\"%s\" host, //"\"dev_cla\":\"%s\"," classes[i], //"\"json_attr_t\":\"%s\"," - the topic the sensor publishes on SensorTopic, //"\"name\":\"%s_%s\"," - the name of this DATA id, classes[i+1], //"\"state_topic\":\"%s\"," - the topic the sensor publishes on? SensorTopic, //"\"uniq_id\":\"%s_%s\"," - unique for this data, id, classes[i+1], //"\"unit_of_meas\":\"%s\"," - the measure of this type of data classes[i+2], //"\"val_tpl\":\"{{ value_json.%s }}") // e.g. Temperature classes[i+1] // ); sprintf(DiscoveryTopic, "homeassistant/sensor/%s/%s/config", id, classes[i+1]); MqttPublish(DiscoveryTopic); p->nextDiscoveryData++; //vTaskDelay(100/ portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } } // end if hass discovery //AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("M32: %s: show some %d %s"),D_CMND_MI32, MI32.mqttCurrentSlot, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_data); #endif //USE_HOME_ASSISTANT } } // end namespace EQ3_ESP32 /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv85(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; switch (function) { case FUNC_INIT: EQ3_ESP32::EQ3Init(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: EQ3_ESP32::EQ3Every50mSecond(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: EQ3_ESP32::EQ3EverySecond(false); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = DecodeCommand(EQ3_ESP32::kEQ3_Commands, EQ3_ESP32::EQ3_Commands); break; case FUNC_MQTT_DATA: //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("topic %s"), XdrvMailbox.topic); result = EQ3_ESP32::mqtt_direct(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } return result; } #endif // #endif // ESP32 #endif #endif // CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32