xdrv_10_rules.ino - rule support for Sonoff-Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2018 ESP Easy Group and Theo Arends
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#ifdef USE_RULES
* Rules based heavily on ESP Easy implementation
* Inspiration: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy
* Add rules using the following, case insensitive, format:
* on do endon on do endon ..
* Examples:
* on System#Boot do Color 001000 endon
* on INA219#Current>0.100 do Dimmer 10 endon
* on INA219#Current>0.100 do Backlog Dimmer 10;Color 10,0,0 endon
* on INA219#Current>0.100 do Backlog Dimmer 10;Color 100000 endon on System#Boot do color 001000 endon
* on ds18b20#temperature>23 do power off endon on ds18b20#temperature<22 do power on endon
* on mqtt#connected do color 000010 endon
* on mqtt#disconnected do color 00100C endon
* on time#initialized do color 001000 endon
* on time#set do color 001008 endon
* on clock#timer=3 do color 080800 endon
* on rules#timer=1 do color 080800 endon
* on mqtt#connected do color 000010 endon on mqtt#disconnected do color 001010 endon on time#initialized do color 001000 endon on time#set do backlog color 000810;ruletimer1 10 endon on rules#timer=1 do color 080800 endon
* on event#anyname do color 100000 endon
* on event#anyname do color %value% endon
* on power1#state=1 do color 001000 endon
* on button1#state do publish cmnd/ring2/power %value% endon on button2#state do publish cmnd/strip1/power %value% endon
* on switch1#state do power2 %value% endon
* on analog#a0div10 do publish cmnd/ring2/dimmer %value% endon
* Notes:
* Spaces after , around and before are mandatory
* System#Boot is initiated after MQTT is connected due to command handling preparation
* Control rule triggering with command:
* Rule 0 = Rules disabled (Off)
* Rule 1 = Rules enabled (On)
* Rule 2 = Toggle rules state
* Rule 4 = Perform commands as long as trigger is met (Once OFF)
* Rule 5 = Perform commands once until trigger is not met (Once ON)
* Rule 6 = Toggle Once state
* Execute an event like:
* Event anyname=001000
* Set a RuleTimer to 100 seconds like:
* RuleTimer2 100
#define RULES_MAX_VARS 5
#ifndef ULONG_MAX
#define ULONG_MAX 0xffffffffUL
#define D_CMND_RULE "Rule"
#define D_CMND_RULETIMER "RuleTimer"
#define D_CMND_EVENT "Event"
#define D_JSON_INITIATED "Initiated"
const char kRulesCommands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_RULE "|" D_CMND_RULETIMER "|" D_CMND_EVENT ;
String rules_event_value;
unsigned long rules_timer[MAX_RULE_TIMERS] = { 0 };
uint8_t rules_quota = 0;
long rules_new_power = -1;
long rules_old_power = -1;
uint32_t rules_triggers = 0;
uint8_t rules_trigger_count = 0;
uint8_t rules_teleperiod = 0;
long TimeDifference(unsigned long prev, unsigned long next)
// Return the time difference as a signed value, taking into account the timers may overflow.
// Returned timediff is between -24.9 days and +24.9 days.
// Returned value is positive when "next" is after "prev"
long signed_diff = 0;
// To cast a value to a signed long, the difference may not exceed half the ULONG_MAX
const unsigned long half_max_unsigned_long = 2147483647u; // = 2^31 -1
if (next >= prev) {
const unsigned long diff = next - prev;
if (diff <= half_max_unsigned_long) { // Normal situation, just return the difference.
signed_diff = static_cast(diff); // Difference is a positive value.
} else {
// prev has overflow, return a negative difference value
signed_diff = static_cast((ULONG_MAX - next) + prev + 1u);
signed_diff = -1 * signed_diff;
} else {
// next < prev
const unsigned long diff = prev - next;
if (diff <= half_max_unsigned_long) { // Normal situation, return a negative difference value
signed_diff = static_cast(diff);
signed_diff = -1 * signed_diff;
} else {
// next has overflow, return a positive difference value
signed_diff = static_cast((ULONG_MAX - prev) + next + 1u);
return signed_diff;
long TimePassedSince(unsigned long timestamp)
// Compute the number of milliSeconds passed since timestamp given.
// Note: value can be negative if the timestamp has not yet been reached.
return TimeDifference(timestamp, millis());
bool TimeReached(unsigned long timer)
// Check if a certain timeout has been reached.
const long passed = TimePassedSince(timer);
return (passed >= 0);
bool RulesRuleMatch(String &event, String &rule)
// event = {"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089}}
// event = {"System":{"Boot":1}}
// rule = "INA219#CURRENT>0.100"
bool match = false;
// Step1: Analyse rule
int pos = rule.indexOf('#');
if (pos == -1) { return false; } // No # sign in rule
String rule_task = rule.substring(0, pos); // "INA219" or "SYSTEM"
if (rules_teleperiod) {
int ppos = rule_task.indexOf("TELE-"); // "TELE-INA219" or "INA219"
if (ppos == -1) { return false; } // No pre-amble in rule
rule_task = rule.substring(5, pos); // "INA219" or "SYSTEM"
String rule_name = rule.substring(pos +1); // "CURRENT>0.100" or "BOOT"
char compare = ' ';
pos = rule_name.indexOf(">");
if (pos > 0) {
compare = '>';
} else {
pos = rule_name.indexOf("<");
if (pos > 0) {
compare = '<';
} else {
pos = rule_name.indexOf("=");
if (pos > 0) {
compare = '=';
char tmp_value[CMDSZ] = { 0 };
double rule_value = 0;
if (pos > 0) {
snprintf(tmp_value, sizeof(tmp_value), rule_name.substring(pos + 1).c_str());
int temp_value = GetStateNumber(tmp_value);
if (temp_value > -1) {
rule_value = temp_value;
} else {
rule_value = CharToDouble((char*)tmp_value); // 0.1 - This saves 9k code over toFLoat()!
rule_name = rule_name.substring(0, pos); // "CURRENT"
// Step2: Search rule_task and rule_name
StaticJsonBuffer<1024> jsonBuf;
JsonObject &root = jsonBuf.parseObject(event);
if (!root.success()) { return false; } // No valid JSON data
double value = 0;
const char* str_value = root[rule_task][rule_name];
//snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("RUL: Task %s, Name %s, Value |%s|, TrigCnt %d, TrigSt %d, Source %s, Json %s"),
// rule_task.c_str(), rule_name.c_str(), tmp_value, rules_trigger_count, bitRead(rules_triggers, rules_trigger_count), event.c_str(), (str_value) ? str_value : "none");
if (!root[rule_task][rule_name].success()) { return false; }
// No value but rule_name is ok
rules_event_value = str_value; // Prepare %value%
// Step 3: Compare rule (value)
if (str_value) {
value = CharToDouble((char*)str_value);
switch (compare) {
case '>':
if (value > rule_value) match = true;
case '<':
if (value < rule_value) match = true;
case '=':
if (value == rule_value) match = true;
case ' ':
match = true; // Json value but not needed
} else match = true;
if (Settings.flag.rules_once) {
if (match) { // Only allow match state changes
if (!bitRead(rules_triggers, rules_trigger_count)) {
bitSet(rules_triggers, rules_trigger_count);
} else {
match = false;
} else {
bitClear(rules_triggers, rules_trigger_count);
return match;
bool RulesProcess()
bool serviced = false;
char vars[RULES_MAX_VARS][10] = { 0 };
char stemp[10];
delay(0); // Prohibit possible loop software watchdog
if (!Settings.flag.rules_enabled) { return serviced; } // Not enabled
if (!strlen(Settings.rules)) { return serviced; } // No rules
String event_saved = mqtt_data;
String rules = Settings.rules;
rules_trigger_count = 0;
int plen = 0;
while (true) {
rules = rules.substring(plen); // Select relative to last rule
if (!rules.length()) { return serviced; } // No more rules
String rule = rules;
rule.toUpperCase(); // "ON INA219#CURRENT>0.100 DO BACKLOG DIMMER 10;COLOR 100000 ENDON"
if (!rule.startsWith("ON ")) { return serviced; } // Bad syntax - Nothing to start on
int pevt = rule.indexOf(" DO ");
if (pevt == -1) { return serviced; } // Bad syntax - Nothing to do
String event_trigger = rule.substring(3, pevt); // "INA219#CURRENT>0.100"
plen = rule.indexOf(" ENDON");
if (plen == -1) { return serviced; } // Bad syntax - No endon
String commands = rules.substring(pevt +4, plen); // "Backlog Dimmer 10;Color 100000"
plen += 6;
//snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("RUL: Trigger |%s|, Commands |%s|"), event_trigger.c_str(), commands.c_str());
rules_event_value = "";
String event = event_saved;
if (RulesRuleMatch(event, event_trigger)) {
String ucommand = commands;
if (ucommand.startsWith("VAR")) {
uint8_t idx = ucommand.charAt(3) - '1';
if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < RULES_MAX_VARS)) { snprintf(vars[idx], sizeof(vars[idx]), rules_event_value.c_str()); }
} else {
// if (!ucommand.startsWith("BACKLOG")) { commands = "backlog " + commands; } // Always use Backlog to prevent power race condition
commands.replace(F("%value%"), rules_event_value);
for (byte i = 0; i < RULES_MAX_VARS; i++) {
if (strlen(vars[i])) {
snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%var%d%%"), i +1);
commands.replace(stemp, vars[i]);
char command[commands.length() +1];
snprintf(command, sizeof(command), commands.c_str());
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("RUL: %s performs \"%s\""), event_trigger.c_str(), command);
// snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, D_CMND_RULE, D_JSON_INITIATED);
// MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_RULE));
serviced = true;
return serviced;
void RulesInit()
if (Settings.rules[0] == '\0') {
Settings.flag.rules_enabled = 0;
Settings.flag.rules_once = 0;
rules_teleperiod = 0;
void RulesEvery50ms()
if (Settings.flag.rules_enabled) {
if (rules_new_power != rules_old_power) {
if (rules_old_power != -1) {
for (byte i = 0; i < devices_present; i++) {
uint8_t new_state = (rules_new_power >> i) &1;
if (new_state != ((rules_old_power >> i) &1)) {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"Power%d\":{\"State\":%d}}"), i +1, new_state);
rules_old_power = rules_new_power;
} else {
if (rules_quota &1) { // Every 100 ms
mqtt_data[0] = '\0';
uint16_t tele_period_save = tele_period;
tele_period = 2; // Do not allow HA updates during next function call
XsnsNextCall(FUNC_JSON_APPEND); // ,"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089}
tele_period = tele_period_save;
if (strlen(mqtt_data)) {
mqtt_data[0] = '{'; // {"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089}
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data);
void RulesEverySecond()
if (Settings.flag.rules_enabled) {
for (byte i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_TIMERS; i++) {
if (rules_timer[i] != 0L) { // Timer active?
if (TimeReached(rules_timer[i])) { // Timer finished?
rules_timer[i] = 0L; // Turn off this timer
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"Rules\":{\"Timer\":%d}}"), i +1);
void RulesSetPower()
rules_new_power = XdrvMailbox.index;
void RulesTeleperiod()
rules_teleperiod = 1;
rules_teleperiod = 0;
boolean RulesCommand()
char command[CMDSZ];
boolean serviced = true;
uint8_t index = XdrvMailbox.index;
int command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic, kRulesCommands);
if (-1 == command_code) {
serviced = false; // Unknown command
else if (CMND_RULE == command_code) {
if ((XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.data_len < sizeof(Settings.rules))) {
if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 6)) {
switch (XdrvMailbox.payload) {
case 0: // Off
case 1: // On
Settings.flag.rules_enabled = XdrvMailbox.payload;
case 2: // Toggle
Settings.flag.rules_enabled ^= 1;
case 4: // Off
case 5: // On
Settings.flag.rules_once = XdrvMailbox.payload &1;
case 6: // Toggle
Settings.flag.rules_once ^= 1;
} else {
String uc_data = XdrvMailbox.data; // Do not allow Rule to be used within a rule
String uc_command = command;
uc_command += " "; // Distuingish from RuleTimer
if (!uc_data.indexOf(uc_command)) { strlcpy(Settings.rules, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(Settings.rules)); }
strlcpy(Settings.rules, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(Settings.rules));
rules_triggers = 0; // Reset once flag
snprintf_P (mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"%s\":\"%s\",\"Once\":\"%s\",\"Rules\":\"%s\"}"), command, GetStateText(Settings.flag.rules_enabled), GetStateText(Settings.flag.rules_once), Settings.rules);
else if ((CMND_RULETIMER == command_code) && (index > 0) && (index <= MAX_RULE_TIMERS)) {
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) {
rules_timer[index -1] = (XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) ? millis() + (1000 * XdrvMailbox.payload) : 0;
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_LVALUE, command, index, (rules_timer[index -1]) ? (rules_timer[index -1] - millis()) / 1000 : 0);
else if (CMND_EVENT == command_code) {
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) {
String event = XdrvMailbox.data;
String parameter = "";
int pos = event.indexOf('=');
if (pos > 0) {
parameter = event.substring(pos +1);
event = event.substring(0, pos);
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"Event\":{\"%s\":\"%s\"}}"), event.c_str(), parameter.c_str());
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, D_JSON_DONE);
else serviced = false; // Unknown command
return serviced;
* Interface
#define XDRV_10
boolean Xdrv10(byte function)
boolean result = false;
switch (function) {
result = RulesCommand();
return result;
#endif // USE_RULES