/* xnrg_23_ade7880.ino - ADE7880 energy sensor support for Tasmota SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Theo Arends and AndreKR SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ #ifdef USE_I2C #ifdef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR #ifdef USE_ADE7880 /*********************************************************************************************\ * ADE7880 - Energy used in Shelly 3EM * * {"NAME":"Shelly 3EM","GPIO":[1,1,288,1,32,8065,0,0,640,8064,608,224,8096,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18} * * Based on datasheet from https://www.analog.com/en/products/ade7880.html Rev.C * * I2C Address: 0x38 ********************************************************************************************* * - ATTENTION Before installing Tasmota retrieve the calibration data from the Shelly 3EM: * - Download file calib.dat from your configured shelly 3EM http:///calib.dat * - Search your Shelly 3EM firmware dump for calib.dat * - Edit the file to become a single line. Notice the removal of unneeded data to make the string as short as possible: * {"rms":{"current_a":3166385,"current_b":3125691,"current_c":3131983,"current_s":1756557,"voltage_a":-767262,"voltage_b":-763439,"voltage_c":-749854},"angles":{"angle0":180,"angle1":176,"angle2":176},"powers":{"totactive": {"a":-1345820,"b":-1347328,"c":-1351979}},"freq":0} * - Install Tasmota and use the above template. * - In addition to possible rules add a rule containing the calib.dat string from above like: * rule3 on file#calib.dat do {"rms":{"current_a":3166385,"current_b":3125691,"current_c":3131983,"current_s":1756557,"voltage_a":-767262,"voltage_b":-763439,"voltage_c":-749854},"angles":{"angle0":180,"angle1":176,"angle2":176},"powers":{"totactive": {"a":-1345820,"b":-1347328,"c":-1351979}},"freq":0} endon * - Restart Tasmota and obeserve that the results seem calibrated as Tasmota now uses the information from calib.dat \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XNRG_23 23 #define XI2C_65 65 // See I2CDEVICES.md #define ADE7880_ADDR 0x38 /*********************************************************************************************/ #define ADE7880_MORE_REGS // Add Neutral Current information //#define ADE7880_DEBUG //#define ADE7880_PROFILING #define ADE7880_WATCHDOG 5 // Allow x seconds of missed interrupts before reinit // Default calibration parameters can be overridden by a rule as documented above. #define ADE7880_FREQ_INIT 0 // Connected to networks with fundamental frequencies between 55 Hz and 66 Hz (1). Default 45 Hz to 55 Hz (0). #define ADE7880_AIGAIN_INIT 3166385 // rms, current_a #define ADE7880_BIGAIN_INIT 3125691 // rms, current_b #define ADE7880_CIGAIN_INIT 3131983 // rms, current_c #define ADE7880_NIGAIN_INIT 1756557 // rms, current_s !! #define ADE7880_AVGAIN_INIT -767262 // rms, voltage_a #define ADE7880_BVGAIN_INIT -763439 // rms, voltage_b #define ADE7880_CVGAIN_INIT -749854 // rms, voltage_c #define ADE7880_APHCAL_INIT 180 // angles, angle0 #define ADE7880_BPHCAL_INIT 176 // angles, angle1 #define ADE7880_CPHCAL_INIT 176 // angles, angle2 #define ADE7880_APGAIN_INIT -1345820 // powers, totactive, a #define ADE7880_BPGAIN_INIT -1347328 // powers, totactive, b #define ADE7880_CPGAIN_INIT -1351979 // powers, totactive, c enum Ade7880DspRegisters { // Register Name Addres R/W Bt CommBln Ty Default Description // ---------------------------- ------ --- -- ------- -- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADE7880_AIGAIN = 0x4380, // 0x4380 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A current gain adjust. ADE7880_AVGAIN, // 0x4381 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A voltage gain adjust. ADE7880_BIGAIN, // 0x4382 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B current gain adjust. ADE7880_BVGAIN, // 0x4383 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B voltage gain adjust. ADE7880_CIGAIN, // 0x4384 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C current gain adjust. ADE7880_CVGAIN, // 0x4385 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C voltage gain adjust. ADE7880_NIGAIN, // 0x4386 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Neutral current gain adjust. ADE7880_DICOEFF = 0x4388, // 0x4388 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x0000000 Register used in the digital integrator algorithm. If the integrator is turned on, it must be set at 0xFF8000. In practice, it is transmitted as 0xFFF8000. ADE7880_APGAIN, // 0x4389 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A power gain adjust. ADE7880_AWATTOS, // 0x438A R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A total active power offset adjust. ADE7880_BPGAIN, // 0x438B R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B power gain adjust. ADE7880_BWATTOS, // 0x438C R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B total active power offset adjust. ADE7880_CPGAIN, // 0x438D R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C power gain adjust. ADE7880_CWATTOS, // 0x438E R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C total active power offset adjust. ADE7880_AIRMSOS, // 0x438F R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A current rms offset. ADE7880_AVRMSOS, // 0x4390 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A voltage rms offset. ADE7880_BIRMSOS, // 0x4391 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B current rms offset. ADE7880_BVRMSOS, // 0x4392 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B voltage rms offset. ADE7880_CIRMSOS, // 0x4393 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C current rms offset. ADE7880_CVRMSOS, // 0x4394 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C voltage rms offset. ADE7880_NIRMSOS, // 0x4395 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Neutral current rms offset. ADE7880_HPGAIN = 0x4398, // 0x4398 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Harmonic powers gain adjust. ADE7880_ISUMLVL, // 0x4399 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Threshold used in comparison between the sum of phase currents and the neutral current. ADE7880_VLEVEL = 0x439F, // 0x439F R/W 28 32 ZP S 0x0000000 Register used in the algorithm that computes the fundamental active and reactive powers. Set this register according to Equation 22 for proper functioning of fundamental powers and harmonic computations. ADE7880_AFWATTOS = 0x43A2, // 0x43A2 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A fundamental active power offset adjust. ADE7880_BFWATTOS, // 0x43A3 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B fundamental active power offset adjust. ADE7880_CFWATTOS, // 0x43A4 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C fundamental active power offset adjust. ADE7880_AFVAROS, // 0x43A5 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A fundamental reactive power offset adjust. ADE7880_BFVAROS, // 0x43A6 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B fundamental reactive power offset adjust. ADE7880_CFVAROS, // 0x43A7 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C fundamental reactive power offset adjust. ADE7880_AFIRMSOS, // 0x43A8 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A fundamental current rms offset. ADE7880_BFIRMSOS, // 0x43A9 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B fundamental current rms offset. ADE7880_CFIRMSOS, // 0x43AA R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C fundamental current rms offset. ADE7880_AFVRMSOS, // 0x43AB R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase A fundamental voltage rms offset. ADE7880_BFVRMSOS, // 0x43AC R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase B fundamental voltage rms offset. ADE7880_CFVRMSOS, // 0x43AD R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Phase C fundamental voltage rms offset. ADE7880_HXWATTOS, // 0x43AE R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Active power offset adjust on harmonic X (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HYWATTOS, // 0x43AF R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Active power offset adjust on harmonic Y (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HZWATTOS, // 0x43B0 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Active power offset adjust on harmonic Z (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HXVAROS, // 0x43B1 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Active power offset adjust on harmonic X (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HYVAROS, // 0x43B2 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Active power offset adjust on harmonic Y (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HZVAROS, // 0x43B3 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Active power offset adjust on harmonic Z (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HXIRMSOS, // 0x43B4 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Current rms offset on harmonic X (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HYIRMSOS, // 0x43B5 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Current rms offset on harmonic Y (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HZIRMSOS, // 0x43B6 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Current rms offset on harmonic Z (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HXVRMSOS, // 0x43B7 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Voltage rms offset on harmonic X (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HYVRMSOS, // 0x43B8 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Voltage rms offset on harmonic Y (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_HZVRMSOS, // 0x43B9 R/W 24 32 ZPSE S 0x000000 Voltage rms offset on harmonic Z (see Harmonics Calculations section for details). ADE7880_AIRMS = 0x43C0, // 0x43C0 R 24 32 ZP S N/A Phase A current rms value. ADE7880_AVRMS, // 0x43C1 R 24 32 ZP S N/A Phase A voltage rms value. ADE7880_BIRMS, // 0x43C2 R 24 32 ZP S N/A Phase B current rms value. ADE7880_BVRMS, // 0x43C3 R 24 32 ZP S N/A Phase B voltage rms value. ADE7880_CIRMS, // 0x43C4 R 24 32 ZP S N/A Phase C current rms value. ADE7880_CVRMS, // 0x43C5 R 24 32 ZP S N/A Phase C voltage rms value. ADE7880_NIRMS, // 0x43C6 R 24 32 ZP S N/A Neutral current rms value. ADE7880_ISUM // 0x43C7 R 28 32 ZP S N/A Sum of IAWV, IBWV and ICWV registers. }; enum Ade7880InternalDspRegisters { ADE7880_Run = 0xE228 // 0xE228 R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 Run register starts and stops the DSP. See the Digital Signal Processor section for more details. }; enum Ade7880BillableRegisters { ADE7880_AWATTHR = 0xE400, // 0xE400 R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase A total active energy accumulation. ADE7880_BWATTHR, // 0xE401 R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase B total active energy accumulation. ADE7880_CWATTHR, // 0xE402 R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase C total active energy accumulation. ADE7880_AFWATTHR, // 0xE403 R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase A fundamental active energy accumulation. ADE7880_BFWATTHR, // 0xE404 R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase B fundamental active energy accumulation. ADE7880_CFWATTHR, // 0xE405 R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase C fundamental active energy accumulation. ADE7880_AFVARHR = 0xE409, // 0xE409 R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase A fundamental reactive energy accumulation. ADE7880_BFVARHR, // 0xE40A R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase B fundamental reactive energy accumulation. ADE7880_CFVARHR, // 0xE40B R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase C fundamental reactive energy accumulation. ADE7880_AVAHR, // 0xE40C R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase A apparent energy accumulation. ADE7880_BVAHR, // 0xE40D R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase B apparent energy accumulation. ADE7880_CVAHR // 0xE40E R 32 32 S 0x00000000 Phase C apparent energy accumulation. }; enum Ade7880PowerQualityRegisters { ADE7880_IPEAK = 0xE500, // 0xE500 R 32 32 U N/A Current peak register. See Figure 60 and Table 34 for details about its composition. ADE7880_VPEAK, // 0xE501 R 32 32 U N/A Voltage peak register. See Figure 60 and Table 35 for details about its composition. ADE7880_STATUS0, // 0xE502 R/W 32 32 U N/A Interrupt Status Register 0. See Table 36. ADE7880_STATUS1, // 0xE503 R/W 32 32 U N/A Interrupt Status Register 1. See Table 37. ADE7880_AIMAV, // 0xE504 R 20 32 ZP U N/A Phase A current mean absolute value computed during PSM0 and PSM1 modes. ADE7880_BIMAV, // 0xE505 R 20 32 ZP U N/A Phase B current mean absolute value computed during PSM0 and PSM1 modes. ADE7880_CIMAV, // 0xE506 R 20 32 ZP U N/A Phase C current mean absolute value computed during PSM0 and PSM1 modes. ADE7880_OILVL, // 0xE507 R/W 24 32 ZP U 0xFFFFFF Overcurrent threshold. ADE7880_OVLVL, // 0xE508 R/W 24 32 ZP U 0xFFFFFF Overvoltage threshold. ADE7880_SAGLVL, // 0xE509 R/W 24 32 ZP U 0x000000 Voltage SAG level threshold. ADE7880_MASK0, // 0xE50A R/W 32 32 U 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable Register 0. See Table 38. ADE7880_MASK1, // 0xE50B R/W 32 32 U 0x00000000 Interrupt Enable Register 1. See Table 39. ADE7880_IAWV, // 0xE50C R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase A current. ADE7880_IBWV, // 0xE50D R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase B current. ADE7880_ICWV, // 0xE50E R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase C current. ADE7880_INWV, // 0xE50F R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of neutral current. ADE7880_VAWV, // 0xE510 R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase A voltage. ADE7880_VBWV, // 0xE511 R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase B voltage. ADE7880_VCWV, // 0xE512 R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase C voltage. ADE7880_AWATT, // 0xE513 R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase A total active power. ADE7880_BWATT, // 0xE514 R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase B total active power. ADE7880_CWATT, // 0xE515 R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase C total active power. ADE7880_AVA = 0xE519, // 0xE519 R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase A apparent power. ADE7880_BVA, // 0xE51A R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase B apparent power. ADE7880_CVA, // 0xE51B R 24 32 SE S N/A Instantaneous value of Phase C apparent power. ADE7880_CHECKSUM = 0xE51F, // 0xE51F R 32 32 U 0xAFFA63B9 Checksum verification. See the Checksum Register section for details. ADE7880_VNOM, // 0xE520 R/W 24 32 ZP S 0x000000 Nominal phase voltage rms used in the alternative computation of the apparent power. When the VNOMxEN bit is set, the // applied voltage input in the corresponding phase is ignored and all corresponding rms voltage instances are replaced by the value in the VNOM register. ADE7880_LAST_RWDATA32 = 0xE5FF, // 0xE5FF R 32 32 U N/A Contains the data from the last successful 32-bit register communication. ADE7880_PHSTATUS, // 0xE600 R 16 16 U N/A Phase peak register. See Table 40. ADE7880_ANGLE0, // 0xE601 R 16 16 U N/A Time Delay 0. See the Time Interval Between Phases section for details. ADE7880_ANGLE1, // 0xE602 R 16 16 U N/A Time Delay 1. See the Time Interval Between Phases section for details. ADE7880_ANGLE2, // 0xE603 R 16 16 U N/A Time Delay 2. See the Time Interval Between Phases section for details. ADE7880_PHNOLOAD = 0xE608, // 0xE608 R 16 16 U N/A Phase no load register. See Table 41. ADE7880_LINECYC = 0xE60C, // 0xE60C R/W 16 16 U 0xFFFF Line cycle accumulation mode count. ADE7880_ZXTOUT, // 0xE60D R/W 16 16 U 0xFFFF Zero-crossing timeout count. ADE7880_COMPMODE, // 0xE60E R/W 16 16 U 0x01FF Computation-mode register. See Table 42. ADE7880_Gain, // 0xE60F R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 PGA gains at ADC inputs. See Table 43. ADE7880_CFMODE, // 0xE610 R/W 16 16 U 0x0EA0 CFx configuration register. See Table 44. ADE7880_CF1DEN, // 0xE611 R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 CF1 denominator. ADE7880_CF2DEN, // 0xE612 R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 CF2 denominator. ADE7880_CF3DEN, // 0xE613 R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 CF3 denominator. ADE7880_APHCAL, // 0xE614 R/W 10 16 ZP S 0x0000 Phase calibration of Phase A. See Table 45. ADE7880_BPHCAL, // 0xE615 R/W 10 16 ZP S 0x0000 Phase calibration of Phase B. See Table 45. ADE7880_CPHCAL, // 0xE616 R/W 10 16 ZP S 0x0000 Phase calibration Phase of C. See Table 45. ADE7880_PHSIGN, // 0xE617 R 16 16 U N/A Power sign register. See Table 46. ADE7880_CONFIG, // 0xE618 R/W 16 16 U 0x0002 ADE7880 configuration register. See Table 47. ADE7880_MMODE = 0xE700, // 0xE700 R/W 8 8 U 0x1C Measurement mode register. See Table 48. ADE7880_ACCMODE, // 0xE701 R/W 8 8 U 0x80 Accumulation mode register. See Table 49. ADE7880_LCYCMODE, // 0xE702 R/W 8 8 U 0x78 Line accumulation mode behavior. See Table 51. ADE7880_PEAKCYC, // 0xE703 R/W 8 8 U 0x00 Peak detection half line cycles. ADE7880_SAGCYC, // 0xE704 R/W 8 8 U 0x00 SAG detection half line cycles. ADE7880_CFCYC, // 0xE705 R/W 8 8 U 0x01 Number of CF pulses between two consecutive energy latches. See the Synchronizing Energy Registers with CFx Outputs section. ADE7880_HSDC_CFG, // 0xE706 R/W 8 8 U 0x00 HSDC configuration register. See Table 52. ADE7880_Version, // 0xE707 R 8 8 U Version of die. ADE7880_DSPWP_SET = 0xE7E3, // 0xE7E3 W 8 8 U 0x00 Write protect DSP (0x80) or enable write (0x00). See page 40. ADE7880_Reserved, // 0xE7E4 R 8 8 U 0x08 This register must remain at this value for checksum functionality to work. If this register shows a different value while being read, reset the chip before working with the checksum feature. ADE7880_LAST_RWDATA8 = 0xE7FD, // 0xE7FD R 8 8 U N/A Contains the data from the last successful 8-bit register communication. ADE7880_DSPWP_SEL, // 0xE7FE W 8 8 U 0xAD Select DSP writeprotect. See page 40. ADE7880_FVRMS = 0xE880, // 0xE880 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the fundamental component of the phase voltage. ADE7880_FIRMS, // 0xE881 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the fundamental component of the phase current ADE7880_FWATT, // 0xE882 R 24 32 S N/A The active power of the fundamental component. ADE7880_FVAR, // 0xE883 R 24 32 S N/A The reactive power of the fundamental component. ADE7880_FVA, // 0xE884 R 24 32 S N/A The apparent power of the fundamental component. ADE7880_FPF, // 0xE885 R 24 32 S N/A The power factor of the fundamental component. ADE7880_VTHD, // 0xE886 R 24 32 S N/A Total harmonic distortion of the phase voltage. ADE7880_ITHD, // 0xE887 R 24 32 S N/A Total harmonic distortion of the phase current. ADE7880_HXVRMS, // 0xE888 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the phase voltage harmonic X. ADE7880_HXIRMS, // 0xE889 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the phase current harmonic X. ADE7880_HXWATT, // 0xE88A R 24 32 S N/A The active power of the harmonic X. ADE7880_HXVAR, // 0xE88B R 24 32 S N/A The reactive power of the harmonic X. ADE7880_HXVA, // 0xE88C R 24 32 S N/A The apparent power of the harmonic X. ADE7880_HXPF, // 0xE88D R 24 32 S N/A The power factor of the harmonic X. ADE7880_HXVHD, // 0xE88E R 24 32 S N/A Harmonic distortion of the phase voltage harmonic X relative to the fundamental. ADE7880_HXIHD, // 0xE88F R 24 32 S N/A Harmonic distortion of the phase current harmonic X relative to the fundamental. ADE7880_HYVRMS, // 0xE890 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the phase voltage harmonic Y. ADE7880_HYIRMS, // 0xE891 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the phase current harmonic Y. ADE7880_HYWATT, // 0xE892 R 24 32 S N/A The active power of the harmonic Y. ADE7880_HYVAR, // 0xE893 R 24 32 S N/A The reactive power of the harmonic Y. ADE7880_HYVA, // 0xE894 R 24 32 S N/A The apparent power of the harmonic Y. ADE7880_HYPF, // 0xE895 R 24 32 S N/A The power factor of the harmonic Y. ADE7880_HYVHD, // 0xE896 R 24 32 S N/A Harmonic distortion of the phase voltage harmonic Y relative to the fundamental. ADE7880_HYIHD, // 0xE897 R 24 32 S N/A Harmonic distortion of the phase current harmonic Y relative to the fundamental. ADE7880_HZVRMS, // 0xE898 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the phase voltage harmonic Z. ADE7880_HZIRMS, // 0xE899 R 24 32 S N/A The rms value of the phase current harmonic Z. ADE7880_HZWATT, // 0xE89A R 24 32 S N/A The active power of the harmonic Z. ADE7880_HZVAR, // 0xE89B R 24 32 S N/A The reactive power of the harmonic Z. ADE7880_HZVA, // 0xE89C R 24 32 S N/A The apparent power of the harmonic Z. ADE7880_HZPF, // 0xE89D R 24 32 S N/A The power factor of the harmonic Z. ADE7880_HZVHD, // 0xE89E R 24 32 S N/A Harmonic distortion of the phase voltage harmonic Z relative to the fundamental. ADE7880_HZIHD, // 0xE89F R 24 32 S N/A Harmonic distortion of the phase current harmonic Z relative to the fundamental. ADE7880_HCONFIG = 0xE900, // 0xE900 R/W 16 16 U 0x08 Harmonic Calculations Configuration register. See Table 54. ADE7880_APF = 0xE902, // 0xE902 R 16 16 S N/A Phase A power factor. ADE7880_BPF, // 0xE903 R 16 16 S N/A Phase B power factor. ADE7880_CPF, // 0xE904 R 16 16 S N/A Phase C power factor. ADE7880_APERIOD, // 0xE905 R 16 16 U N/A Line period on Phase A voltage. ADE7880_BPERIOD, // 0xE906 R 16 16 U N/A Line period on Phase B voltage. ADE7880_CPERIOD, // 0xE907 R 16 16 U N/A Line period on Phase C voltage. ADE7880_APNOLOAD, // 0xE908 R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 No load threshold in the total/ fundamental active power data paths. Do not write 0xFFFF to this register. ADE7880_VARNOLOAD, // 0xE909 R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 No load threshold in the total/ fundamental reactive power data path. Do not write 0xFFFF to this register. ADE7880_VANOLOAD, // 0xE90A R/W 16 16 U 0x0000 No load threshold in the apparent power data path. Do not write 0xFFFF to this register. ADE7880_LAST_ADD = 0xE9FE, // 0xE9FE R 16 16 U N/A The address of the register successfully accessed during the last read/write operation. ADE7880_LAST_RWDATA16, // 0xE9FF R 16 16 U N/A Contains the data from the last successful 16-bit register communication. ADE7880_CONFIG3, // 0xEA00 R/W 8 8 U 0x01 Configuration register. See Table 53. ADE7880_LAST_OP, // 0xEA01 R 8 8 U N/A Indicates the type, read or write, of the last successful read/write operation. ADE7880_WTHR, // 0xEA02 R/W 8 8 U 0x03 Threshold used in phase total/fundamental active power data path. ADE7880_VARTHR, // 0xEA03 R/W 8 8 U 0x03 Threshold used in phase total/fundamental reactive power data path. ADE7880_VATHR, // 0xEA04 R/W 8 8 U 0x03 Threshold used in phase apparent power data path. ADE7880_HX = 0xEA08, // 0xEA08 R/W 8 8 U 3 Selects an index of the harmonic monitored by the harmonic computations. ADE7880_HY, // 0xEA09 R/W 8 8 U 5 Selects an index of the harmonic monitored by the harmonic computations. ADE7880_HZ, // 0xEA0A R/W 8 8 U 7 Selects an index of the harmonic monitored by the harmonic computations. ADE7880_LPOILVL = 0xEC00, // 0xEC00 R/W 8 8 U 0x07 Overcurrent threshold used during PSM2 mode. See Table 55 in which the register is detailed. ADE7880_CONFIG2 // 0xEC01 R/W 8 8 U 0x00 Configuration register used during PSM1 mode. See Table 56. }; struct Ade7880 { float neutral_current; int32_t calib_current[4]; int32_t calib_voltage[3]; int32_t calib_acpower[3]; uint16_t calib_angle[3]; bool calib_frequency; bool irq0_state; uint8_t cycle_count; uint8_t watchdog; } Ade7880; /*********************************************************************************************/ int Ade7880RegSize(uint16_t reg) { int size = 0; switch ((reg >> 8) & 0x0F) { case 0x03: // 32-bit case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x08: size++; size++; case 0x01: // 16-bit case 0x02: case 0x06: case 0x09: size++; case 0x00: // 8-bit case 0x07: case 0x0A: case 0x0B: case 0x0C: size++; } return size; } void Ade7880Write(uint16_t reg, uint32_t val) { int size = Ade7880RegSize(reg); if (size) { #ifdef ADE7880_DEBUG char log_format[100]; snprintf_P(log_format, sizeof(log_format), PSTR("A78: Wr 0x%%04X 0x%%0%dX (%%d)"), size << 1); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log_format, reg, val, val); #endif // ADE7880_DEBUG Wire.beginTransmission(ADE7880_ADDR); Wire.write((reg >> 8) & 0xFF); Wire.write(reg & 0xFF); while (size--) { Wire.write((val >> (8 * size)) & 0xFF); // Write data, MSB first } Wire.endTransmission(); delayMicroseconds(5); // Bus-free time minimum 4.7us } } bool Ade7880VerifyWrite(uint16_t reg) { uint32_t error = 0; error += (0xCA != Ade7880Read(ADE7880_LAST_OP)); // Indicates the type, read (0x35) or write (0xCA), of the last successful read/write operation. error += (reg != Ade7880Read(ADE7880_LAST_ADD)); // The address of the register successfully accessed during the last read/write operation. if (error) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Write verify error")); return false; } return true; } bool Ade7880WriteVerify(uint16_t reg, uint32_t val) { Ade7880Write(reg, val); return Ade7880VerifyWrite(reg); } int32_t Ade7880Read(uint16_t reg) { uint32_t response = 0; int size = Ade7880RegSize(reg); if (size) { Wire.beginTransmission(ADE7880_ADDR); Wire.write((reg >> 8) & 0xFF); Wire.write(reg & 0xFF); Wire.endTransmission(0); Wire.requestFrom(ADE7880_ADDR, size); if (size <= Wire.available()) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { response = response << 8 | Wire.read(); // receive DATA (MSB first) } } #ifdef ADE7880_DEBUG if ((reg != ADE7880_LAST_OP) && (reg != ADE7880_LAST_ADD)) { char log_format[100]; snprintf_P(log_format, sizeof(log_format), PSTR("A78: Rd 0x%%04X 0x%%0%dX (%%d)"), size << 1); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, log_format, reg, response, response); } #endif // ADE7880_DEBUG } return response; } int32_t Ade7880ReadVerify(uint16_t reg) { int32_t result = Ade7880Read(reg); uint32_t error = 0; error += (0x35 != Ade7880Read(ADE7880_LAST_OP)); // Indicates the type, read (0x35) or write (0xCA), of the last successful read/write operation. error += (reg != Ade7880Read(ADE7880_LAST_ADD)); // The address of the register successfully accessed during the last read/write operation. if (error) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Read verify error")); } return result; } /*********************************************************************************************/ bool Ade7880Init(void) { // Init sequence about 6mS after reset - See page 40 (takes 68ms) #ifdef ADE7880_PROFILING uint32_t start = millis(); #endif // ADE7880_PROFILING uint32_t status1 = Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_STATUS1); // 0xE503 - 0x01A08000 if (bitRead(status1, 15)) { // RSTDONE // Power on or Reset Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_CONFIG2, 0x02); // 0xEC01 - ADE7880_I2C_LOCK Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_STATUS1, 0x3FFE8930); // 0xE503 - Acknowledge RSTDONE - Reset IRQ1 line status1 = Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_STATUS1); // 0xE503 - 0x01A00007 } else { return false; } uint8_t version = Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_Version); // 0xE707 - 0x01 Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_Gain, 0x0000); // 0xE60F - Gain register set to 1 for current, and voltage if (Ade7880.calib_frequency) { Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_COMPMODE, 0x41FF); // 0xE60E - Connected to networks with fundamental frequencies between 55 Hz and 66 Hz. Default is 45 Hz and 55 Hz. } for (uint32_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) { Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_AVGAIN + (phase * 2), Ade7880.calib_voltage[phase]); // 0x4381 Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_AIGAIN + (phase * 2), Ade7880.calib_current[phase]); // 0x4380 Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_APGAIN + (phase * 2), Ade7880.calib_acpower[phase]); // 0x4389 Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_APHCAL + phase, Ade7880.calib_angle[phase]); // 0xE614 } Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_NIGAIN, Ade7880.calib_current[3]); // 0x4386 Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_NIGAIN, Ade7880.calib_current[3]); // 0x4386 - Write last data memory RAM three times (page 40) Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_NIGAIN, Ade7880.calib_current[3]); // 0x4386 bool error = false; for (uint32_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) { if (Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_AVGAIN + (phase * 2)) != (Ade7880.calib_voltage[phase] & 0x0FFFFFFF)) { error = true; } else if (Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_AIGAIN + (phase * 2)) != (Ade7880.calib_current[phase] & 0x0FFFFFFF)) { error = true; } else if (Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_APGAIN + (phase * 2)) != (Ade7880.calib_acpower[phase] & 0x0FFFFFFF)) { error = true; } else if (Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_APHCAL + phase) != (Ade7880.calib_angle[phase] & 0x00FF)) { error = true; } } if (Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_NIGAIN) != (Ade7880.calib_current[3] & 0x0FFFFFFF)) { error = true; } if (error) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Error initializing parameters")); return false; } if (!Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_LCYCMODE, 0x09)) { // 0xE702 - Line cycle accumulation mode // - Watt-hour accumulation registers (AWATTHR, BWATTHR, CWATTHR, AFWATTHR, BFWATTHR, and CFWATTHR) are placed into line cycle accumulation mode. // - Phase A is selected for zero-crossings counts in the line cycle accumulation mode. AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Error setting LCYCMODE register")); return false; } uint32_t line_cycle = (Ade7880.calib_frequency) ? 120 : 100; // Either 60Hz or 50Hz to have 1 second interrupts if (!Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_LINECYC, line_cycle)) { // 0xE60C - = 100 AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Error setting LINECYC register")); return false; } Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_MASK0, 0x00000020); // 0xE50A - IRQ0 at end of an integration over an integer number of half line cycles set in the LINECYC register. if (!Ade7880VerifyWrite(ADE7880_MASK0)) { // 0xE50A AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Error setting MASK0 register")); return false; } Ade7880Write(ADE7880_MASK0, 0x00000020); // 0xE50A Ade7880Write(ADE7880_DSPWP_SEL, 0xAD); // 0xE7FE - Select DSP write protection Ade7880Write(ADE7880_DSPWP_SET, 0x80); // 0xE7E3 - Write protect DSP area Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_Run, 0x0201); // 0xE228 - Start DSP #ifdef ADE7880_PROFILING AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Init done in %d ms"), millis() - start); #endif // ADE7880_PROFILING return true; } bool Ade7880SetCalibrate(void) { #ifdef ADE7880_PROFILING uint32_t start = millis(); #endif // ADE7880_PROFILING int reset = Pin(GPIO_RESET); if (-1 == reset) { reset = 16; } // Reset pin ADE7880 in Shelly 3EM pinMode(reset, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(reset, 0); delay(1); digitalWrite(reset, 1); pinMode(reset, INPUT); Ade7880.cycle_count = 2; // Skip first two cycles uint32_t timeout = millis() + 100; // Should be reset within 10 ms while (!TimeReached(timeout)) { // Wait up to 100 ms if (!digitalRead(Pin(GPIO_ADE7880_IRQ, 1))) { #ifdef ADE7880_PROFILING AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Reset in %d ms"), millis() - start); #endif // ADE7880_PROFILING if (Ade7880Init()) { Ade7880.watchdog = 0; return true; } } } return false; } /*********************************************************************************************/ void Ade7880Cycle(void) { // Cycle sequence (takes 55ms) #ifdef ADE7880_PROFILING uint32_t start = millis(); #endif // ADE7880_PROFILING uint32_t status0 = Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_STATUS0); // 0xE502 - 0x000FEFE0 /* if (!bitRead(status0, 5)) { // LENERGY AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Unexpected ISR0 0x%08X"), status0); return; } else { Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_STATUS0, 0x00000020); // 0xE502 - Acknowledge LENERGY - Reset IRQ0 line status0 = Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_STATUS0); // 0xE502 - 0x000FEFC0 } */ if (!bitRead(status0, 5)) { // LENERGY AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Unexpected ISR0 0x%08X"), status0); } Ade7880WriteVerify(ADE7880_STATUS0, 0x00000020); // 0xE502 - Acknowledge LENERGY - Reset IRQ0 line status0 = Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_STATUS0); // 0xE502 - 0x000FEFC0 if (Ade7880.cycle_count) { // Allow calibration stabilization Ade7880.cycle_count--; return; // Skip first cycles } Ade7880.neutral_current = (float)Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_NIRMS) / 100000; // 0x43C6 for (uint32_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) { Energy.data_valid[phase] = 0; Energy.voltage[phase] = (float)Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_AVRMS + (phase * 2)) / 10000; // 0x43C1 - 0x0024CC94 = 241.1668 V Energy.current[phase] = (float)Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_AIRMS + (phase * 2)) / 100000; // 0x43C0 - 0x00002D6D = 0.11629 A Energy.active_power[phase] = (float)Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_AWATT + phase) / 100; // 0xE513 - 0xFFFFF524 = -27.79 W Energy.apparent_power[phase] = (float)Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_AVA + phase) / 100; // 0xE519 - 0xFFFFF50D Energy.frequency[phase] = 256000.0f / Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_APERIOD + phase); // 0xE905 - Page 34 and based on ADE7880_FREQ_INIT // Suppose constant load during period of 100/120 periods as set by ADE7880_LINECYC disregards load change inbetween. // ADE7880_AWATT = 6713 = 67,13 W // 67,13 * 1000 / 36 = 1864 deca micro Wh (0.01864Wh) // Energy.kWhtoday_delta[phase] += Energy.active_power[phase] * 1000 / 36; // By measuring load 1024000 times/second load change in 100/120 periods can be accounted for. // ADE7880_AWATT = 6713 = 67,13 W // ADE7880_AWATTHR = 273 // AWATT multiplier is 16 (Figure 77) // ADE7880_WTHR = 3 (default) // Active power accumulation rate is 1.024MHz (Page 49) // 1024000 * 16 * ADE7880_AWATT / ADE7880_WTHR * 0x8000000 = ADE7880_AWATTHR // 1024000 * 16 * 6713 / 3 * 134217728 = 273 // 16384000 * 6713 / 402653184 = 273 // 273 * 402653184 / 16384000 = 6709 = 67,09W * 1000 / 36 = 1863 deca micro Wh (Tasmota needs deca micro Wh) // 273 * 402653184 / 16384 = 6709248 = 67092,48W / 3600 = 1863 deca micro Wh // 273 * 24576 = 6709248 / 3600 = 1863 deca micro Wh int32_t active_energy = Ade7880ReadVerify(ADE7880_AWATTHR + phase); // 0xE400 - 0xFFFFFF8F = -0.112 Energy.kWhtoday_delta[phase] += active_energy * 24576 / 3600; // Using int32_t allows loads up to 87kW (0x7FFFFFFF / 24576) } EnergyUpdateToday(); #ifdef ADE7880_PROFILING AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Cycle in %d ms"), millis() - start); #endif // ADE7880_PROFILING } void Ade7880Service0(void) { // Poll sequence Ade7880Cycle(); Ade7880.watchdog = 0; Ade7880.irq0_state = 0; } void IRAM_ATTR Ade7880Isr0(void) { // Poll sequence if (!Ade7880.irq0_state) { Ade7880.irq0_state = 1; } } void Ade7880Watchdog(void) { // Reinit if interrupt stopped Ade7880.watchdog++; if (Ade7880.watchdog > ADE7880_WATCHDOG) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Reinit")); Ade7880SetCalibrate(); } } /*********************************************************************************************/ bool Ade7880SetDefaults(const char* json) { // {"rms":{"current_a":3166385,"current_b":3125691,"current_c":3131983,"current_s":1756557,"voltage_a":-767262,"voltage_b":-763439,"voltage_c":-749854},"angles":{"angle0":180,"angle1":176,"angle2":176},"powers":{"totactive": {"a":-1345820,"b":-1347328,"c":-1351979}},"freq":0} uint32_t len = strlen(json) +1; if (len < 7) { return false; } // Too short char json_buffer[len]; memcpy(json_buffer, json, len); // Keep original safe JsonParser parser(json_buffer); JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject(); if (!root) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Invalid JSON")); return false; } // All parameters are optional allowing for partial changes JsonParserToken val = root[PSTR("freq")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_frequency = val.getUInt(); } JsonParserObject rms = root[PSTR("rms")].getObject(); if (rms) { val = rms[PSTR("current_a")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_current[0] = val.getInt(); } val = rms[PSTR("current_b")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_current[1] = val.getInt(); } val = rms[PSTR("current_c")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_current[2] = val.getInt(); } val = rms[PSTR("current_s")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_current[3] = val.getInt(); } val = rms[PSTR("voltage_a")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_voltage[0] = val.getInt(); } val = rms[PSTR("voltage_b")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_voltage[1] = val.getInt(); } val = rms[PSTR("voltage_c")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_voltage[2] = val.getInt(); } } JsonParserObject angles = root[PSTR("angles")].getObject(); if (angles) { val = angles[PSTR("angle0")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_angle[0] = val.getUInt(); } val = angles[PSTR("angle1")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_angle[1] = val.getUInt(); } val = angles[PSTR("angle2")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_angle[2] = val.getUInt(); } } JsonParserObject powers = root[PSTR("powers")].getObject(); if (powers) { JsonParserObject totactive = powers[PSTR("totactive")].getObject(); if (totactive) { val = totactive[PSTR("a")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_acpower[0] = val.getInt(); } val = totactive[PSTR("b")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_acpower[1] = val.getInt(); } val = totactive[PSTR("c")]; if (val) { Ade7880.calib_acpower[2] = val.getInt(); } } } return true; } void Ade7880Defaults(void) { Ade7880.calib_frequency = ADE7880_FREQ_INIT; Ade7880.calib_current[0] = ADE7880_AIGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_current[1] = ADE7880_BIGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_current[2] = ADE7880_CIGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_current[3] = ADE7880_NIGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_voltage[0] = ADE7880_AVGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_voltage[1] = ADE7880_BVGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_voltage[2] = ADE7880_CVGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_acpower[0] = ADE7880_APGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_acpower[1] = ADE7880_BPGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_acpower[2] = ADE7880_CPGAIN_INIT; Ade7880.calib_angle[0] = ADE7880_APHCAL_INIT; Ade7880.calib_angle[1] = ADE7880_BPHCAL_INIT; Ade7880.calib_angle[2] = ADE7880_CPHCAL_INIT; #ifdef USE_RULES // rule3 on file#calib.dat do {"rms":{"current_a":3166385,"current_b":3125691,"current_c":3131983,"current_s":1756557,"voltage_a":-767262,"voltage_b":-763439,"voltage_c":-749854},"angles":{"angle0":180,"angle1":176,"angle2":176},"powers":{"totactive": {"a":-1345820,"b":-1347328,"c":-1351979}},"freq":0} endon String calib = RuleLoadFile("CALIB.DAT"); if (calib.length()) { // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: File '%s'"), calib.c_str()); Ade7880SetDefaults(calib.c_str()); } #endif // USE_RULES } void Ade7880DrvInit(void) { if (PinUsed(GPIO_ADE7880_IRQ) && PinUsed(GPIO_ADE7880_IRQ, 1)) { if (I2cSetDevice(ADE7880_ADDR)) { I2cSetActiveFound(ADE7880_ADDR, "ADE7880"); pinMode(Pin(GPIO_ADE7880_IRQ), INPUT); attachInterrupt(Pin(GPIO_ADE7880_IRQ), Ade7880Isr0, FALLING); Ade7880.irq0_state = 0; pinMode(Pin(GPIO_ADE7880_IRQ, 1), INPUT); Ade7880Defaults(); if (Ade7880SetCalibrate()) { Energy.phase_count = 3; // Three phases // Settings->flag5.energy_phase = 1; // SetOption129 - (Energy) Show phase information // Energy.use_overtemp = true; // Use global temperature for overtemp detection Energy.local_energy_active_export = true; TasmotaGlobal.energy_driver = XNRG_23; } } } } bool Ade7880Command(void) { bool serviced = false; if (CMND_ENERGYCONFIG == Energy.command_code) { // Non-pesistent settings // EnergyConfig {"rms":{"current_a":3166385,"current_b":3125691,"current_c":3131983,"current_s":1756557,"voltage_a":-767262,"voltage_b":-763439,"voltage_c":-749854},"angles":{"angle0":180,"angle1":176,"angle2":176},"powers":{"totactive": {"a":-1345820,"b":-1347328,"c":-1351979}},"freq":0} // EnergyConfig {"rms":{"voltage_c":-549854}} // EnergyConfig {"freq":0} if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { #ifdef ADE7880_DEBUG if ('1' == XdrvMailbox.data[0]) { // EnergyConfig 1 - Dump DSP data memory (0x4380..0x43B9) char data[600] = { 0 }; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 57; i++) { int32_t value = Ade7880Read(ADE7880_AIGAIN + i); // snprintf_P(data, sizeof(data), PSTR("%s%s%08X"), data, (i)?",":"", value); if (bitRead(value, 27)) { value |= 0xF0000000; } // Make 24-bit negative (ZPSE) snprintf_P(data, sizeof(data), PSTR("%s%s%d"), data, (i)?",":"", value); } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: DSP Regs 0x4380..B9 '%s'"), data); return true; } if ('2' == XdrvMailbox.data[0]) { // EnergyConfig 2 - Dump DSP UI data memory (0x43C0..0x43C7) char data[600] = { 0 }; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { int32_t value = Ade7880Read(ADE7880_AIRMS + i); snprintf_P(data, sizeof(data), PSTR("%s%s%08X"), data, (i)?",":"", value); // if (7 == i) { // if (bitRead(value, 27)) { value |= 0xF0000000; } // Make 28-bit negative (ZP) // } else { // if (bitRead(value, 23)) { value |= 0xFF000000; } // Make 24-bit negative (ZP) // } // snprintf_P(data, sizeof(data), PSTR("%s%s%d"), data, (i)?",":"", value); } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: DSP Regs 0x43C0..C7 '%s'"), data); return true; } #endif // ADE7880_DEBUG Ade7880Defaults(); // Load defaults if (Ade7880SetDefaults(XdrvMailbox.data)) { bool status = Ade7880SetCalibrate(); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("A78: Re-init status %d"), status); } } Response_P(PSTR("{\"%s\":{" "\"rms\":{\"current_a\":%d,\"current_b\":%d,\"current_c\":%d,\"current_s\":%d,\"voltage_a\":%d,\"voltage_b\":%d,\"voltage_c\":%d}," "\"angles\":{\"angle0\":%d,\"angle1\":%d,\"angle2\":%d}," "\"powers\":{\"totactive\":{\"a\":%d,\"b\":%d,\"c\":%d}},\"freq\":%d}}"), XdrvMailbox.command, Ade7880.calib_current[0], Ade7880.calib_current[1], Ade7880.calib_current[2], Ade7880.calib_current[3], Ade7880.calib_voltage[0], Ade7880.calib_voltage[1], Ade7880.calib_voltage[2], Ade7880.calib_angle[0], Ade7880.calib_angle[1], Ade7880.calib_angle[2], Ade7880.calib_acpower[0], Ade7880.calib_acpower[1], Ade7880.calib_acpower[2], Ade7880.calib_frequency); serviced = true; } return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Show \*********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef ADE7880_MORE_REGS #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER const char HTTP_ADE7880_CURRENT[] PROGMEM = "{s}" D_CURRENT_NEUTRAL "{m}%s " D_UNIT_AMPERE "{e}"; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER void Ade7880Show(bool json) { char value_chr[GUISZ]; if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_CURRENT_NEUTRAL "\":%s"), EnergyFormat(value_chr, &Ade7880.neutral_current, Settings->flag2.current_resolution, 1)); #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_ADE7880_CURRENT, WebEnergyFormat(value_chr, &Ade7880.neutral_current, Settings->flag2.current_resolution, 1)); #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } #endif // ADE7880_MORE_REGS /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xnrg23(uint32_t function) { if (!I2cEnabled(XI2C_65)) { return false; } bool result = false; switch (function) { case FUNC_LOOP: if (Ade7880.irq0_state) { Ade7880Service0(); } break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: Ade7880Watchdog(); break; #ifdef ADE7880_MORE_REGS case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: Ade7880Show(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_ENERGY_COLUMN_GUI case FUNC_WEB_COL_SENSOR: #else // not USE_ENERGY_COLUMN_GUI case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: #endif // USE_ENERGY_COLUMN_GUI Ade7880Show(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER #endif // ADE7880_MORE_REGS case FUNC_COMMAND: result = Ade7880Command(); break; case FUNC_PRE_INIT: Ade7880DrvInit(); break; } return result; } #endif // USE_ADE7880 #endif // USE_ENERGY_SENSOR #endif // USE_I2C