const char HTTP_SCRIPT_CONSOL[] PROGMEM = "var sn=0,id=0,ft,ltm=%d;" // Scroll position, Get most of weblog initially "function l(p){" // Console log and command service "var c,o='';" "clearTimeout(lt);" "clearTimeout(ft);" "t=eb('t1');" "if(p==1){" "c=eb('c1');" // Console command id "o='&c1='+encodeURIComponent(c.value);" "c.value='';" "t.scrollTop=99999;" "sn=t.scrollTop;" "}" "if(t.scrollTop>=sn){" // User scrolled back so no updates "if(x!=null){x.abort();}" // Abort if no response within 2 seconds (happens on restart 1) "x=new XMLHttpRequest();" "x.onreadystatechange=function(){" "if(x.readyState==4&&x.status==200){" "var z,d;" "d=x.responseText.split(/}1/);" // Field separator "id=d.shift();" "if(d.shift()==0){t.value='';}" "z=d.shift();" "if(z.length>0){t.value+=z;}" "t.scrollTop=99999;" "sn=t.scrollTop;" "clearTimeout(ft);" "lt=setTimeout(l,ltm);" // webrefresh timer.... "}" "};" "'GET','cs?c2='+id+o,true);" // Related to Webserver->hasArg("c2") and WebGetArg("c2", stmp, sizeof(stmp)) "x.send();" "ft=setTimeout(l,20000);" // fail timeout, triggered 20s after asking for XHR "}else{" "lt=setTimeout(l,ltm);" // webrefresh timer.... "}" "return false;" "}" "wl(l);" // Load initial console text // Console command history "var hc=[],cn=0;" // hc = History commands, cn = Number of history being shown "function h(){" // "if(!(navigator.maxTouchPoints||'ontouchstart'in document.documentElement)){eb('c1').autocomplete='off';}" // No touch so stop browser autocomplete "eb('c1').addEventListener('keydown',function(e){" "var b=eb('c1'),c=e.keyCode;" // c1 = Console command id "if(38==c||40==c){b.autocomplete='off';}" // ArrowUp or ArrowDown must be a keyboard so stop browser autocomplete "38==c?(++cn>hc.length&&(cn=hc.length),b.value=hc[cn-1]||''):" // ArrowUp "40==c?(0>--cn&&(cn=0),b.value=hc[cn-1]||''):" // ArrowDown "13==c&&(hc.length>19&&hc.pop(),hc.unshift(b.value),cn=0)" // Enter, 19 = Max number -1 of commands in history "});" "}" "wl(h);"; // Add console command key eventlistener after name has been synced with id (= wl(jd))