/* xdrv_12_home_assistant.ino - home assistant support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2020 Erik Montnemery, Federico Leoni and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT #define XDRV_12 12 // List of sensors ready for discovery const char kHAssJsonSensorTypes[] PROGMEM = D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "|" D_JSON_DEWPOINT "|" D_JSON_PRESSURE "|" D_JSON_PRESSUREATSEALEVEL "|" D_JSON_APPARENT_POWERUSAGE "|Battery|" D_JSON_CURRENT "|" D_JSON_DISTANCE "|" D_JSON_FREQUENCY "|" D_JSON_HUMIDITY "|" D_JSON_ILLUMINANCE "|" D_JSON_MOISTURE "|PB0.3|PB0.5|PB1|PB2.5|PB5|PB10|PM1|PM2.5|PM10|" D_JSON_POWERFACTOR "|" D_JSON_POWERUSAGE "|" D_JSON_TOTAL_START_TIME "|" D_JSON_REACTIVE_POWERUSAGE "|" D_JSON_TODAY "|" D_JSON_TOTAL "|" D_JSON_VOLTAGE "|" D_JSON_WEIGHT "|" D_JSON_YESTERDAY "|" D_JSON_CO2 "|" D_JSON_ECO2 "|" D_JSON_TVOC "|Red|Green|Blue|CCT|" D_PROXIMITY "|"; const char kHAssJsonSensorUnits[] PROGMEM = "||||" "VA|%|A|cm|Hz|%|lux|" "%|ppd|ppd|ppd|ppd|ppd|ppd|µg/m³|µg/m³|µg/m³|Cos φ|W| |" "VAr|kWh|kWh|V|kg|kWh|" "ppm|ppm|ppb|R|G|B|" D_UNIT_KELVIN "| |"; const char kHAssJsonSensorDevCla[] PROGMEM = "dev_cla\":\"temperature|ic\":\"mdi:weather-rainy|dev_cla\":\"pressure|dev_cla\":\"pressure|" "dev_cla\":\"power|dev_cla\":\"battery|ic\":\"mdi:alpha-a-circle-outline|ic\":\"mdi:leak|ic\":\"mdi:current-ac|dev_cla\":\"humidity|dev_cla\":\"illuminance|" "ic\":\"mdi:cup-water|ic\":\"mdi:flask|ic\":\"mdi:flask|ic\":\"mdi:flask|ic\":\"mdi:flask|ic\":\"mdi:flask|ic\":\"mdi:flask|" "ic\":\"mdi:air-filter|ic\":\"mdi:air-filter|ic\":\"mdi:air-filter|ic\":\"mdi:alpha-f-circle-outline|dev_cla\":\"power|ic\":\"mdi:progress-clock|" "dev_cla\":\"power|dev_cla\":\"power|dev_cla\":\"power|ic\":\"mdi:alpha-v-circle-outline|ic\":\"mdi:scale|dev_cla\":\"power|" "ic\":\"mdi:molecule-co2|ic\":\"mdi:molecule-co2|ic\":\"mdi:air-filter|" "ic\":\"mdi:palette|ic\":\"mdi:palette|ic\":\"mdi:palette|ic\":\"mdi:temperature-kelvin|ic\":\"mdi:ruler|dev_cla\":\"illuminance|"; // List of sensors ready for discovery const char HASS_DISCOVER_BASE[] PROGMEM = "{\"name\":\"%s\"," // dualr2 1 "\"stat_t\":\"%s\""; // stat/dualr2/RESULT (implies "\"optimistic\":\"false\",") const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR[] PROGMEM = ",\"unit_of_meas\":\"%s\",\"%s\"," // unit of measure and class (or icon) "\"frc_upd\":true," // force update for better graph representation "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s']['%s']"; // "COUNTER":{"C1":0} -> {{ value_json['COUNTER']['C1'] const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT[] PROGMEM = ",\"avty_t\":\"%s\"," // tele/dualr2/LWT "\"pl_avail\":\"" MQTT_LWT_ONLINE "\"," // Online "\"pl_not_avail\":\"" MQTT_LWT_OFFLINE "\""; // Offline const char HASS_DISCOVER_RELAY[] PROGMEM = ",\"cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/dualr2/POWER2 "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json.%s}}\"," // POWER2 "\"pl_off\":\"%s\"," // OFF "\"pl_on\":\"%s\""; // ON const char HASS_DISCOVER_BIN_SWITCH[] PROGMEM = ",\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json.%s}}\"," // STATE "\"frc_upd\":true," // In ON/OFF case, enable force_update to make automations work "\"pl_on\":\"%s\"," // ON "\"pl_off\":\"%s\""; // OFF const char HASS_DISCOVER_BIN_PIR[] PROGMEM = ",\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json.%s}}\"," // STATE "\"frc_upd\":true," // In ON/OFF case, enable force_update to make automations work "\"pl_on\":\"%s\"," // ON "\"off_dly\":1"; // Switchmode13 and Switchmode14 doesn't transmit an OFF state. const char HASS_DISCOVER_BASE_LIGHT[] PROGMEM = ",\"bri_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/Dimmer "\"bri_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"bri_scl\":100," // 100% "\"on_cmd_type\":\"%s\"," // power on (first), power on (last), no power on (brightness) "\"bri_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json.%s}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_COLOR[] PROGMEM = ",\"rgb_cmd_t\":\"%s2\"," // cmnd/led2/Color2 "\"rgb_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"rgb_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_COLOR ".split(',')[0:3]|join(',')}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_WHITE[] PROGMEM = ",\"whit_val_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/White "\"whit_val_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"whit_val_scl\":100," "\"whit_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_WHITE "}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_CT[] PROGMEM = ",\"clr_temp_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/CT "\"clr_temp_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"clr_temp_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_COLORTEMPERATURE "}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_SCHEME[] PROGMEM = ",\"fx_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/Scheme "\"fx_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"fx_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_SCHEME "}}\"," "\"fx_list\":[\"0\",\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\"]"; // string list with reference to scheme parameter. const char HASS_DISCOVER_SHUTTER_BASE[] PROGMEM = ",\"cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/%topic%/Backlog "\"pl_open\":\"ShutterOpen%d\"," // 1 "\"pl_cls\":\"ShutterClose%d\"," // 1 "\"pl_stop\":\"ShutterStop%d\"," // 1 "\"opt\":false," "\"ret\":false," "\"qos\":1"; const char HASS_DISCOVER_SHUTTER_POS[] PROGMEM = ",\"pos_t\":\"%s%d\"," // stat/%topic%/SHUTTER1 "\"pos_clsd\":0," "\"pos_open\":100," "\"set_pos_t\":\"%s%d\""; // cmnd/%topic%/ShutterPosition1 const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_HASS_STATUS[] PROGMEM = ",\"json_attr_t\":\"%s\"," "\"unit_of_meas\":\"%%\"," "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['" D_JSON_RSSI "']}}\"," "\"ic\":\"mdi:information-outline\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO[] PROGMEM = ",\"uniq_id\":\"%s\"," "\"dev\":{\"ids\":[\"%06X\"]," "\"name\":\"%s\"," "\"mdl\":\"%s\"," "\"sw\":\"%s%s\"," "\"mf\":\"Tasmota\"}"; const char HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO_SHORT[] PROGMEM = ",\"uniq_id\":\"%s\"," "\"dev\":{\"ids\":[\"%06X\"]}"; const char HASS_TRIGGER_TYPE[] PROGMEM = "{\"atype\":\"trigger\"," "\"t\":\"%sT\"," "\"pl\":\"{\\\"TRIG\\\":\\\"%s\\\"}\"," "\"type\":\"%s\"," "\"stype\":\"%s\"," "\"dev\":{\"ids\":[\"%06X\"]}}"; const char kHAssTriggerType[] PROGMEM = "none|button_short_press|button_long_press|button_double_press"; const char kHAssTriggerTypeButtons[] PROGMEM = "|button_short_press|button_double_press|button_triple_press|button_quadruple_press|button_quintuple_press|button_long_press|"; const char kHAssTriggerStringButtons[] PROGMEM = "|SINGLE|DOUBLE|TRIPLE|QUAD|PENTA|HOLD|"; const char kHAssRelayType[] PROGMEM = "|RL|LI|SHT|FAN"; const char kHAssError1[] PROGMEM = "HASS: MQTT discovery failed due to too long topic or device/friendly name. Please shorten topic and/or device/friendly name. Failed to format"; const char kHAssError2[] PROGMEM = "HASS: The configuration of the Relays is wrong, there is a Light that is using an index higher than the number of the validated relay.\n " "The Relays have priority over the Lights, an incorrect order could lead to an erroneous Light control.\n " "Please update your configuration to avoid inconsistent results.\n " "Entities for Relays and Lights will not be available in Home Assistant until the configuration will be updated."; const char kHAssError3[] PROGMEM = "HASS: Unable to create one or more entities from Json data, please check your configuration. Failed to parse"; uint8_t hass_init_step = 0; uint8_t hass_mode = 0; int hass_tele_period = 0; // NEW DISCOVERY const char HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE[] PROGMEM = // Basic parameters for Discovery "{\"ip\":\"%s\"," // IP Address "\"dn\":\"%s\"," // Device Name "\"fn\":[%s]," // Friendly Names "\"hn\":\"%s\"," // Host Name "\"mac\":\"%s\"," // Full MAC as Device id "\"md\":\"%s\"," // Module or Template Name "\"ty\":%d,\"if\":%d," // Flag for TuyaMCU and Ifan devices "\"ofln\":\"" MQTT_LWT_OFFLINE "\"," // Payload Offline "\"onln\":\"" MQTT_LWT_ONLINE "\"," // Payload Online "\"state\":[\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"]," // State text for "OFF","ON","TOGGLE","HOLD" "\"sw\":\"%s\"," // Software Version "\"t\":\"%s\"," // Topic "\"ft\":\"%s\"," // Full Topic "\"tp\":[\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"]," // Topics for command, stat and tele "\"rl\":[%s],\"swc\":[%s],\"swn\":[%s],\"btn\":[%s]," // Inputs / Outputs "\"so\":{\"4\":%d,\"11\":%d,\"13\":%d,\"17\":%d,\"20\":%d," // SetOptions "\"30\":%d,\"68\":%d,\"73\":%d,\"82\":%d,\"114\":%d}," "\"lk\":%d,\"lt_st\":%d,\"sho\":[%s],\"ver\":1}"; // Light SubType, Shutter Options and Discovery version typedef struct HASS { uint16_t Relay[MAX_RELAYS]; // Base array to store the relay type char RelLst[MAX_RELAYS*2]; // Relay as a char list, "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" bool RelPst; // Needed for Switches. If Power devices are not present entities will be created even when switchtopic in not set. } HASS; void HassDiscoveryRelays(struct HASS &Hass) { Hass = {.Relay={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, .RelLst={'\0'}}; uint16_t Shutter[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // Array to store a temp list for shutters uint8_t lightidx = MAX_RELAYS + 1; // Will store the starting position of the lights bool iFan = false; Hass.RelPst = TasmotaGlobal.devices_present > 0; #ifdef ESP8266 if (SONOFF_IFAN02 == TasmotaGlobal.module_type || SONOFF_IFAN03 == TasmotaGlobal.module_type) { iFan = true;} #endif // ESP8266 if (Light.subtype > LST_NONE) { if (!light_controller.isCTRGBLinked()) { // One or two lights present lightidx = TasmotaGlobal.devices_present - 2; } else { lightidx = TasmotaGlobal.devices_present - 1; } } if (Light.device > 0 && Settings.flag3.pwm_multi_channels) { // How many relays are light devices? lightidx = TasmotaGlobal.devices_present - Light.subtype; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RELAYS; i++) { if (i < TasmotaGlobal.devices_present) { #ifdef USE_SHUTTER if (Settings.flag3.shutter_mode) { for (uint32_t k = 0; k < MAX_SHUTTERS; k++) { if (0 == Settings.shutter_startrelay[k]) { break; } else { if (Settings.shutter_startrelay[k] > 0 && Settings.shutter_startrelay[k] <= MAX_RELAYS) { Shutter[Settings.shutter_startrelay[k]-1] = Shutter[Settings.shutter_startrelay[k]] = 1; } } } } #endif // USE_SHUTTER if (Shutter[i] != 0) { // Check if there are shutters present Hass.Relay[i] = 3; // Relay is a shutter } else { if (i >= lightidx || (iFan && i == 0)) { // First relay on Ifan controls the light Hass.Relay[i] = 2; // Relay is a light } else { if (!iFan) { // Relays 2-4 for ifan are controlled by FANSPEED and don't need to be present if TasmotaGlobal.module_type = SONOFF_IFAN02 or SONOFF_IFAN03 Hass.Relay[i] = 1; // Simple Relay } } } } snprintf_P(Hass.RelLst, sizeof(Hass.RelLst), PSTR("%s%s%d"), Hass.RelLst, (i > 0 ? "," : ""), Hass.Relay[i]); // Vector for the Official Integration } } void NewHAssDiscovery(void) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[200]; char stemp3[TOPSZ]; char stemp4[TOPSZ]; char stemp5[TOPSZ]; char stemp6[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; char relays[TOPSZ]; char *state_topic = stemp1; bool SerialButton = false; bool TuyaMod = false; bool iFanMod = false; stemp2[0] = '\0'; struct HASS Hass; HassDiscoveryRelays(Hass); #ifdef ESP8266 if (TUYA_DIMMER == TasmotaGlobal.module_type || SK03_TUYA == TasmotaGlobal.module_type) { TuyaMod = true; } if (SONOFF_IFAN02 == TasmotaGlobal.module_type || SONOFF_IFAN03 == TasmotaGlobal.module_type) { iFanMod = true; } #endif // ESP8266 uint32_t maxfn = (TasmotaGlobal.devices_present > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) ? MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES : (!TasmotaGlobal.devices_present) ? 1 : TasmotaGlobal.devices_present; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES; i++) { char fname[TOPSZ]; snprintf_P(fname, sizeof(fname), PSTR("\"%s\""), EscapeJSONString(SettingsText(SET_FRIENDLYNAME1 +i)).c_str()); snprintf_P(stemp2, sizeof(stemp2), PSTR("%s%s%s"), stemp2, (i > 0 ? "," : ""), (i < maxfn) ? fname : "null"); } stemp3[0] = '\0'; stemp4[0] = '\0'; // Enable Discovery for Switches only if SetOption114 is enabled for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SWITCHES; i++) { char sname[TOPSZ]; snprintf_P(sname, sizeof(sname), PSTR("\"%s\""), GetSwitchText(i).c_str()); snprintf_P(stemp3, sizeof(stemp3), PSTR("%s%s%d"), stemp3, (i > 0 ? "," : ""), (PinUsed(GPIO_SWT1, i) & Settings.flag5.mqtt_switches) ? Settings.switchmode[i] : -1); snprintf_P(stemp4, sizeof(stemp4), PSTR("%s%s%s"), stemp4, (i > 0 ? "," : ""), (PinUsed(GPIO_SWT1, i) & Settings.flag5.mqtt_switches) ? sname : "null"); } stemp5[0] = '\0'; // Enable Discovery for Buttons only if SetOption73 is enabled for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_KEYS; i++) { #ifdef ESP8266 if (i == 0 && (SONOFF_DUAL == TasmotaGlobal.module_type )) { SerialButton = true; } #endif // ESP8266 snprintf_P(stemp5, sizeof(stemp5), PSTR("%s%s%d"), stemp5, (i > 0 ? "," : ""), (SerialButton ? 1 : (PinUsed(GPIO_KEY1, i)) & Settings.flag3.mqtt_buttons)); SerialButton = false; } stemp6[0] = '\0'; #ifdef USE_SHUTTER for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS; i++) { snprintf_P(stemp6, sizeof(stemp6), PSTR("%s%s%d"), stemp6, (i > 0 ? "," : ""), Settings.shutter_options[i]); } #else snprintf_P(stemp6, sizeof(stemp6), PSTR("0,0,0,0")); #endif // USE_SHUTTER ResponseClear(); // Clear retained message // Full 12 chars MAC address as ID String mac_address = WiFi.macAddress(); mac_address.replace(":", ""); snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%s"), mac_address.c_str()); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR("tasmota/discovery/%s/config"), unique_id); // Send empty message if new discovery is disabled TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = 4; // Hide topic on clean and remove use weblog 4 to show it if (!Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { // HassDiscoveryRelays(relays) Response_P(HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE, WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str(), SettingsText(SET_DEVICENAME), stemp2, TasmotaGlobal.hostname, unique_id, ModuleName().c_str(), TuyaMod, iFanMod, GetStateText(0), GetStateText(1), GetStateText(2), GetStateText(3), TasmotaGlobal.version, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, SettingsText(SET_MQTT_FULLTOPIC), SUB_PREFIX, PUB_PREFIX, PUB_PREFIX2, Hass.RelLst, stemp3, stemp4, stemp5, Settings.flag.mqtt_response, Settings.flag.button_swap, Settings.flag.button_single, Settings.flag.decimal_text, Settings.flag.not_power_linked, Settings.flag.hass_light, Settings.flag3.pwm_multi_channels, Settings.flag3.mqtt_buttons, Settings.flag4.alexa_ct_range, Settings.flag5.mqtt_switches, light_controller.isCTRGBLinked(), Light.subtype, stemp6); } MqttPublish(stopic, true); if (!Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR("tasmota/discovery/%s/sensors"), unique_id); Response_P(PSTR("{\"sn\":")); MqttShowSensor(); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"ver\":1}")); MqttPublish(stopic, true); } TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = 0; // Restore WebLog state } // NEW DISCOVERY void TryResponseAppend_P(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); char dummy[2]; int dlen = vsnprintf_P(dummy, 1, format, args); int mlen = strlen(TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_data); int slen = sizeof(TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_data) - 1 - mlen; if (dlen >= slen) { AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("%s (%u/%u):"), kHAssError1, dlen, slen); va_start(args, format); char log_data[LOGSZ]; vsnprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), format, args); AddLogData(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, log_data); } else { va_start(args, format); vsnprintf_P(TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_data + mlen, slen, format, args); } va_end(args); } void HAssAnnounceRelayLight(void) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char stemp3[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; bool LightControl = light_controller.isCTRGBLinked(); // SetOption37 - Color remapping for led channels, also provides an option for allowing independent handling of RGB and white channels bool PwmMulti = Settings.flag3.pwm_multi_channels; // SetOption68 - Multi-channel PWM instead of a single light bool is_topic_light = false; // Switch HAss domain between Lights and Relays bool ind_light = false; // Controls Separated Lights when SetOption37 is >= 128 bool ct_light = false; // Controls a CT Light when SetOption37 is >= 128 bool wt_light = false; // Controls a White Light when SetOption37 is >= 128 bool err_flag = false; // When true it blocks the creation of entities if the order of the Relays is not correct to avoid issue with Lights bool TuyaMod = false; // Controls Tuya MCU modules bool PwmMod = false; // Controls PWM_DIMMER module bool FanMod = false; // Controls SONOFF_IFAN0X modules uint8_t ShowTopic; // Used to hide/unhide a topic during Discovery to spare some cpu load uint8_t dimmer = 1; uint8_t valid_relay = 0; uint8_t max_lights = 1; uint8_t TuyaRel = 0; uint8_t TuyaRelInv = 0; uint8_t TuyaDim = 0; uint8_t shutter_mask = 0; #ifdef ESP8266 if (PWM_DIMMER == TasmotaGlobal.module_type ) { PwmMod = true; } // if (SONOFF_IFAN02 == TasmotaGlobal.module_type || SONOFF_IFAN03 == TasmotaGlobal.module_type) { FanMod = true; } if (SONOFF_DUAL == TasmotaGlobal.module_type) { valid_relay = 2; } if (TUYA_DIMMER == TasmotaGlobal.module_type || SK03_TUYA == TasmotaGlobal.module_type) { TuyaMod = true; } #endif //ESP8266 // If there is a special Light to be enabled and managed with SetOption68 or SetOption37 >= 128, Discovery calculates the maximum number of entities to be generated in advance if (PwmMulti) { max_lights = Light.subtype; } if (!LightControl) { ind_light = true; if (!PwmMulti) { max_lights = 2;} } #ifdef USE_SHUTTER if (Settings.flag3.shutter_mode) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS; i++) { if (Settings.shutter_startrelay[i] > 0 && Settings.shutter_startrelay[i] <= MAX_RELAYS) { bitSet(shutter_mask, Settings.shutter_startrelay[i] -1); bitSet(shutter_mask, Settings.shutter_startrelay[i]); } } } #endif for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RELAYS; i++) { #ifdef USE_TUYA_MCU TuyaRel = TuyaGetDpId((TUYA_MCU_FUNC_REL1+ i-1) + TasmotaGlobal.active_device - 1); TuyaRelInv = TuyaGetDpId((TUYA_MCU_FUNC_REL1_INV+ i-1) + TasmotaGlobal.active_device - 1); TuyaDim = TuyaGetDpId((TUYA_MCU_FUNC_DIMMER) + TasmotaGlobal.active_device - 1); #endif //USE_TUYA_MCU TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic = 4; // Hide topic on clean and remove use weblog 4 to see it bool RelayX = PinUsed(GPIO_REL1, i-1) || (valid_relay >= i) || (TuyaRel > 0 && TuyaMod) || (TuyaRelInv > 0 && TuyaMod); // Check if the gpio is configured as Relay or force it for Sonoff DUAL R1 with MCU and Tuya MCU is_topic_light = Settings.flag.hass_light && RelayX || TasmotaGlobal.light_type && !RelayX || PwmMod || (TuyaDim > 0 && TuyaMod); // SetOption30 - Enforce HAss autodiscovery as light ResponseClear(); // Clear retained message // Clear "other" topic first in case the device has been reconfigured from light to switch or vice versa snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%d"), ESP_getChipId(), (is_topic_light) ? "RL" : "LI", i); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/%s/%s/config"), (is_topic_light) ? "switch" : "light", unique_id); MqttPublish(stopic, true); // Clear or Set topic snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%d"), ESP_getChipId(), (is_topic_light) ? "LI" : "RL", i); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/%s/%s/config"), (is_topic_light) ? "light" : "switch", unique_id); if (bitRead(shutter_mask, i-1)) { // suppress shutter relays } else if ((i < Light.device) && !RelayX) { err_flag = true; AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("%s"), kHAssError2); } else { if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && (RelayX || (Light.device > 0) && (max_lights > 0)) && !err_flag ) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistant automatic discovery (See SetOption59) char name[TOPSZ]; // friendlyname(33) + " " + index char value_template[33]; char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *command_topic = stemp1; char *state_topic = stemp2; char *availability_topic = stemp3; ShowTopic = 0; if (i > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s %d"), SettingsText(SET_FRIENDLYNAME1), i-1); } else { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR ("%s"), SettingsText(SET_FRIENDLYNAME1 + i-1)); } GetPowerDevice(value_template, i, sizeof(value_template), Settings.flag.device_index_enable); // SetOption26 - Switch between POWER or POWER1 GetTopic_P(command_topic, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, value_template); GetTopic_P(state_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, D_RSLT_STATE); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, S_LWT); Response_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BASE, name, state_topic); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT, availability_topic); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_RELAY, command_topic, value_template, SettingsText(SET_STATE_TXT1), SettingsText(SET_STATE_TXT2)); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO_SHORT, unique_id, ESP_getChipId()); #ifdef USE_LIGHT if (i >= Light.device) { if (!RelayX || PwmMod || (TuyaDim > 0 && TuyaMod)) { char *brightness_command_topic = stemp1; strncpy_P(stemp3, Settings.flag.not_power_linked ? PSTR("last") : PSTR("brightness"), sizeof(stemp3)); // SetOption20 - Control power in relation to Dimmer/Color/Ct changes char channel_num[9]; if (PwmMulti) { // SetOption68 - Multi-channel PWM instead of a single light snprintf_P(channel_num, sizeof(channel_num), PSTR("Channel%d"), i); } else { if (!LightControl) { // SetOption37 >= 128 - Color remapping for led channels, also provides an option for allowing independent handling of RGB and white channels snprintf_P(channel_num, sizeof(channel_num), PSTR("" D_CMND_DIMMER "%d"), dimmer); dimmer ++; } else { snprintf_P(channel_num, sizeof(channel_num), PSTR("" D_CMND_DIMMER "")); } } GetTopic_P(brightness_command_topic, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, channel_num); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BASE_LIGHT, brightness_command_topic, state_topic, stemp3, channel_num); } if ((ind_light && !PwmMulti) || LightControl) { if (Light.subtype >= LST_RGB) { char *rgb_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(rgb_command_topic, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, D_CMND_COLOR); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_COLOR, rgb_command_topic, state_topic); char *effect_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(effect_command_topic, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, D_CMND_SCHEME); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_SCHEME, effect_command_topic, state_topic); } if (LST_RGBW <= Light.subtype) { wt_light = true; } if (LST_RGBCW == Light.subtype) { ct_light = true; } } if ((!ind_light && ct_light) || (LST_COLDWARM == Light.subtype && !PwmMulti && LightControl)) { char *color_temp_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(color_temp_command_topic, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, D_CMND_COLORTEMPERATURE); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_CT, color_temp_command_topic, state_topic); ct_light = false; } if ((!ind_light && wt_light) || (LST_RGBW <= Light.subtype && !PwmMulti && LightControl)) { char *white_temp_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(white_temp_command_topic, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, D_CMND_WHITE); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_WHITE, white_temp_command_topic, state_topic); wt_light = false; } ind_light = false; max_lights--; } #endif // USE_LIGHT TryResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); } } TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic; MqttPublish(stopic, true); } } void HAssAnnouncerTriggers(uint8_t device, uint8_t present, uint8_t key, uint8_t toggle, uint8_t hold, uint8_t single, uint8_t trg_start, uint8_t trg_end) { // key 0 = button // key 1 = switch char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; char trigger2[8]; uint8_t ShowTopic; // Used to hide/unhide a topic during Discovery to spare some cpu load ResponseClear(); // Clear retained message for (uint8_t i = trg_start; i <= trg_end; i++) { GetTextIndexed(trigger2, sizeof(trigger2), i, kHAssTriggerStringButtons); snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%d_%s"), ESP_getChipId(), key ? "SW" : "BTN", device + 1, key ? GetStateText(i) : trigger2); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/device_automation/%s/config"), unique_id); TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic = 4; // Hide topic on clean and remove use weblog 4 to see it if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && present) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistantautomatic discovery (See SetOption59) char name[TOPSZ]; // friendlyname(33) + " " + "BTN" + " " + index char value_template[33]; char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *state_topic = stemp1; char *availability_topic = stemp2; char jsoname[8]; ShowTopic = 0; // Show the new generated topic GetPowerDevice(value_template, device + 1, sizeof(value_template), key + Settings.flag.device_index_enable); // Force index for Switch 1, Index on Button1 is controlled by SetOption26 - Switch between POWER or POWER1 snprintf_P(jsoname, sizeof(jsoname), PSTR("%s%d"), key ? "SWITCH" : "BUTTON", device + 1); GetTopic_P(state_topic, STAT, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, jsoname); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, S_LWT); char param[21]; char subtype[9]; uint8_t pload = toggle; if (key) { if ((i == 2 && toggle != 0) || (i == 3 && hold != 0)) { if (i == 3) { pload = hold; } GetTextIndexed(param, sizeof(param), pload, kHAssTriggerType); snprintf_P(subtype, sizeof(subtype), PSTR("switch_%d"), device + 1); Response_P(HASS_TRIGGER_TYPE, state_topic, GetStateText(i), param, subtype, ESP_getChipId()); } else { ResponseClear(); } // Need to be cleaned again to avoid duplicate } else { char trigger1[24]; GetTextIndexed(trigger1, sizeof(trigger1), i, kHAssTriggerTypeButtons); snprintf_P(subtype, sizeof(subtype), PSTR("button_%d"), device + 1); if (i > 1 && single) { ResponseClear(); // Need to be cleaned again to avoid duplicate } else { Response_P(HASS_TRIGGER_TYPE, state_topic, trigger2, trigger1, subtype, ESP_getChipId()); } } } TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic; MqttPublish(stopic, true); } } void HAssAnnouncerBinSensors(uint8_t device, uint8_t present, uint8_t dual, uint8_t toggle, uint8_t pir) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; uint8_t ShowTopic; // Used to hide/unhide a topic during Discovery to spare some cpu load ResponseClear(); // Clear retained message TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = 4; // Hide topic on clean and remove use weblog 4 to see it snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_SW_%d"), ESP_getChipId(), device + 1); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/binary_sensor/%s/config"), unique_id); TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic = 4; // Hide topic on clean and remove use weblog 4 to see it if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && present ) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistantautomatic discovery (See SetOption59) if (!toggle || dual) { char name[TOPSZ]; // friendlyname(33) + " " + "BTN" + " " + index char value_template[33]; char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *state_topic = stemp1; char *availability_topic = stemp2; char jsoname[8]; ShowTopic = 0; GetPowerDevice(value_template, device + 1, sizeof(value_template), 1 + Settings.flag.device_index_enable); // Force index for Switch 1, Index on Button1 is controlled by SetOption26 - Switch between POWER or POWER1 snprintf_P(jsoname, sizeof(jsoname), PSTR("SWITCH%d"), device + 1); GetTopic_P(state_topic, STAT, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, jsoname); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, S_LWT); snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s Switch%d"), SettingsText(SET_DEVICENAME), device + 1); Response_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BASE, name, state_topic, availability_topic); if (!pir) { TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BIN_SWITCH, PSTR(D_RSLT_STATE), SettingsText(SET_STATE_TXT2), SettingsText(SET_STATE_TXT1)); } else { TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BIN_PIR, PSTR(D_RSLT_STATE), SettingsText(SET_STATE_TXT2)); } TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO_SHORT, unique_id, ESP_getChipId()); #ifdef DEEPSLEEP_LWT_HA_DISCOVERY TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT, availability_topic); #else if (Settings.deepsleep == 0) { TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT, availability_topic); } #endif //DEEPSLEEP_LWT_HA_DISCOVERY TryResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); } } TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic; MqttPublish(stopic, true); } void HAssAnnounceSwitches(void) { for (uint32_t switch_index = 0; switch_index < MAX_SWITCHES; switch_index++) { uint8_t switch_present = 0; uint8_t dual = 0; uint8_t toggle = 1; uint8_t hold = 0; uint8_t pir = 0; if (PinUsed(GPIO_SWT1, switch_index)) { switch_present = 1; } if (KeyTopicActive(1) && strcmp(SettingsText(SET_MQTT_SWITCH_TOPIC), TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic)) // Enable Discovery for Switches only if SwitchTopic is set to a custom name { // switch matrix for triggers and binary sensor generation when switchtopic is set as custom (default index is 0,0 - TOGGLE, TOGGLE): // SWITCHMODE INTERNAL BINARY PRESS DOUBLE PRESS HOLD T,H // 0 TOGGLE NO TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE NONE 1,0 // 1 FOLLOW YES NONE NONE NONE 0,0 // 2 FOLLOW_INV YES NONE NONE NONE 0,0 // 3 PUSHBUTTON YES TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE NONE 1,0 // 4 PUSHBUTTON_INV YES TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE NONE 1,0 // 5 PUSHBUTTONHOLD YES TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE HOLD (button_long_press) 1,2 // 6 PUSHBUTTONHOLD_INV YES TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE HOLD (button_long_press) 1,2 // 7 PUSHBUTTON_TOGGLE NO TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE NONE 1,0 // 8 TOGGLEMULTI NO TOGGLE (button_short_press) HOLD (button_double_press) NONE 1,3 // 9 FOLLOWMULTI YES NONE HOLD (button_double_press) NONE 0,3 // 10 FOLLOWMULTI_INV YES NONE HOLD (button_double_press) NONE 0,3 // 11 PUSHHOLDMULTI NO TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE INC_DEC (button_long_press) 1,0 // INV (not available) CLEAR (not available) // 12 PUSHHOLDMULTI_INV NO TOGGLE (button_short_press) NONE CLEAR (button_long_press) 1,0 // INV (not available) INC_DEC (not available) // 13 PUSHON YES NONE NONE NONE 0,0 // 14 PUSHON_INV YES NONE NONE NONE 0,0 // Please note: SwitchMode11 and 12 will register just TOGGLE (button_short_press) // Trigger types: "0 = none | 1 = button_short_press | 2 = button_long_press | 3 = button_double_press"; uint8_t swmode = Settings.switchmode[switch_index]; switch (swmode) { case FOLLOW: case FOLLOW_INV: toggle = 0; // Binary sensor and no triggers break; case PUSHBUTTON: case PUSHBUTTON_INV: dual = 1; // Binary sensor and TOGGLE (button_short_press) trigger break; case PUSHBUTTONHOLD: case PUSHBUTTONHOLD_INV: dual = 1; // Binary sensor, TOGGLE (button_short_press) and HOLD (button_long_press) triggers hold = 2; break; case TOGGLEMULTI: hold = 3; // TOGGLE (button_short_press) and HOLD (button_double_press) triggers break; case FOLLOWMULTI: case FOLLOWMULTI_INV: dual = 1; // Binary sensor and HOLD (button_long_press) trigger toggle = 0; hold = 3; break; case PUSHON: case PUSHON_INV: toggle = 0; pir = 1; // Binary sensor with only ON state and automatic OFF after 1 second } } else { switch_present = 0;} HAssAnnouncerTriggers(switch_index, switch_present, 1, toggle, hold, 0, 2, 3); HAssAnnouncerBinSensors(switch_index, switch_present, dual, toggle, pir); } } void HAssAnnounceButtons(void) { for (uint32_t button_index = 0; button_index < MAX_KEYS; button_index++) { uint8_t button_present = 0; uint8_t single = 0; #ifdef ESP8266 if (!button_index && ((SONOFF_DUAL == TasmotaGlobal.module_type) || (CH4 == TasmotaGlobal.module_type))) { button_present = 1; } else #endif // ESP8266 { if (PinUsed(GPIO_KEY1, button_index)) { button_present = 1; } } // Button matrix for triggers generation when SetOption73 is enabled: // N SetOption1 SetOption11 SetOption13 PRESS MULTI PRESS HOLD // 1 0 0 0 SINGLE (10 - button_short_press) DOUBLE to PENTA YES (button_long_press) // 2 1 0 0 SINGLE (10 - button_short_press) DOUBLE to PENTA YES (button_long_press) // 3 0 1 0 DOUBLE (11 - button_short_press) SINGLE then TRIPLE TO PENTA YES (button_long_press) // 4 1 1 0 DOUBLE (11 - button_short_press) SINGLE then TRIPLE TO PENTA YES (button_long_press) // 5 0 0 1 SINGLE (10 - button_short_press) NONE NONE // 6 1 0 1 SINGLE (10 - button_short_press) NONE NONE // 7 0 1 1 SINGLE (10 - button_short_press) NONE NONE // 8 1 1 1 SINGLE (10 - button_short_press) NONE NONE // Trigger types: 10 = button_short_press | 11 = button_double_press | 12 = button_triple_press | 13 = button_quadruple_press | 14 = button_quintuple_press | 3 = button_long_press if (!Settings.flag3.mqtt_buttons) { // Enable Buttons for discovery [SetOption73] - Decouple button from relay and send just mqtt topic button_present = 0; } else { if (Settings.flag.button_single) { // [SetOption13] Immediate action on button press, just SINGLE trigger single = 1; } } HAssAnnouncerTriggers(button_index, button_present, 0, 0, 0, single, 1, 6); } } void HAssAnnounceSensor(const char *sensorname, const char *subsensortype, const char *MultiSubName, uint8_t subqty, bool nested, const char* SubKey) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; char subname[20]; ResponseClear(); // Clear retained message // Clear or Set topic NoAlNumToUnderscore(subname, MultiSubName); //Replace all non alphaumeric characters to '_' to avoid topic name issues snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%s"), ESP_getChipId(), sensorname, subname); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/sensor/%s/config"), unique_id); if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistantautomatic discovery (See SetOption59) char name[TOPSZ]; // friendlyname(33) + " " + sensorname(20?) + " " + sensortype(20?) char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *state_topic = stemp1; char *availability_topic = stemp2; TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = 0; // Show the new generated topic GetTopic_P(state_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, PSTR(D_RSLT_SENSOR)); snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s %s %s"), SettingsText(SET_DEVICENAME), sensorname, MultiSubName); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, S_LWT); Response_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BASE, name, state_topic); #ifdef DEEPSLEEP_LWT_HA_DISCOVERY TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT, availability_topic); #else if (Settings.deepsleep == 0) { TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT, availability_topic); } #endif //DEEPSLEEP_LWT_HA_DISCOVERY TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO_SHORT, unique_id, ESP_getChipId()); char jname[32]; int sensor_index = GetCommandCode(jname, sizeof(jname), SubKey, kHAssJsonSensorTypes); if (sensor_index > -1) { char param1[20]; GetTextIndexed(param1, sizeof(param1), sensor_index, kHAssJsonSensorUnits); switch (sensor_index) { case 0: // Temperature and DewPoint case 1: snprintf_P(param1, sizeof(param1), PSTR("°%c"),TempUnit()); // C or F break; case 2: // Pressure and Sea Level Pressure case 3: snprintf_P(param1, sizeof(param1), PSTR("%s"), PressureUnit().c_str()); break; } char param2[50]; GetTextIndexed(param2, sizeof(param2), sensor_index, kHAssJsonSensorDevCla); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR, param1, param2, sensorname, subsensortype); } else { TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR, " ", "ic\":\"mdi:eye", sensorname, subsensortype); } if (nested) { TryResponseAppend_P(PSTR("['%s']"), SubKey); } if (subqty != 0) { TryResponseAppend_P(PSTR("[%d]"), subqty -1); } TryResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}}\"}")); } MqttPublish(stopic, true); } void HAssAnnounceSensors(void) { uint8_t hass_xsns_index = 0; do { ResponseClear(); int tele_period_save = TasmotaGlobal.tele_period; TasmotaGlobal.tele_period = 2; // Do not allow HA updates during next function call XsnsNextCall(FUNC_JSON_APPEND, hass_xsns_index); // ,"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089} TasmotaGlobal.tele_period = tele_period_save; size_t sensordata_len = strlen(TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_data); char sensordata[sensordata_len+2]; // dynamically adjust the size strcpy(sensordata, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_data); // we can use strcpy since the buffer has the right size // ******************* JSON TEST ******************* // char sensordata[512]; // snprintf_P(sensordata, sizeof(sensordata), PSTR("{\"ENERGY\":{\"TotalStartTime\":\"2018-11-23T15:33:47\",\"ExportTariff\":[0.000,0.017],\"Speed\":{\"Act\":\"NE\"}}}")); // size_t sensordata_len = strlen(sensordata); // ******************* JSON TEST ******************* if (sensordata_len > 0) { // // We replace the leader ',' with '{' sensordata[0] = '{'; // // and we add a trailing '}' after the last '}' sensordata[sensordata_len] = '}'; sensordata[sensordata_len+1] = '\0'; JsonParser parser(sensordata); JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject(); if (!root) { AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("%s '%s' (ERR1)"), kHAssError3, sensordata); continue; } for (auto sensor_key : root) { // sensor is of type JsonParserKey const char *sensorname = sensor_key.getStr(); JsonParserObject sensors = sensor_key.getValue().getObject(); if (!sensors) { AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("%s '%s' (ERR2)"), kHAssError3, sensorname); continue; } for (auto subsensor_key_token : sensors) { const char * subsensor_key = subsensor_key_token.getStr(); JsonParserToken subsensor = subsensor_key_token.getValue(); if (subsensor.isObject()) { // If there is a nested json on sensor data, second level entitites will be created JsonParserObject subsensors = subsensor.getObject(); char NewSensorName[20]; for (auto subsensor2_key : subsensors) { snprintf_P(NewSensorName, sizeof(NewSensorName), PSTR("%s %s"), subsensor_key, subsensor2_key.getStr()); HAssAnnounceSensor(sensorname, subsensor_key, NewSensorName, 0, 1, subsensor2_key.getStr()); } } else if (subsensor.isArray()) { // If there is more than a value on sensor data, 'n' entitites will be created JsonParserArray subsensors = subsensor.getArray(); uint8_t subqty = subsensors.size(); char MultiSubName[20]; for (int i = 1; i <= subqty; i++) { snprintf_P(MultiSubName, sizeof(MultiSubName), PSTR("%s %d"), subsensor_key, i); HAssAnnounceSensor(sensorname, subsensor_key, MultiSubName, i, 0, subsensor_key); } } else { HAssAnnounceSensor(sensorname, subsensor_key, subsensor_key, 0, 0, subsensor_key);} } } } yield(); } while (hass_xsns_index != 0); } void HAssAnnounceShutters(void) { #ifdef USE_SHUTTER char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; uint8_t ShowTopic; // Used to hide/unhide a topic during Discovery to spare some cpu load for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS; i++) { ResponseClear(); // Clear retained message TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic = 4; // Hide topic on clean and remove use weblog 4 to see it snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_SHT_%d"), ESP_getChipId(), i + 1); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/cover/%s/config"), unique_id); if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && Settings.flag3.shutter_mode && Settings.shutter_startrelay[i] > 0 && Settings.shutter_startrelay[i] <= MAX_RELAYS) { ShowTopic = 0; // Show the new generated topic if (i > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) { snprintf_P(stemp1, sizeof(stemp1), PSTR("%s Shutter %d"), SettingsText(SET_DEVICENAME), i + 1); } else { snprintf_P(stemp1, sizeof(stemp1), PSTR("%s"), SettingsText(SET_FRIENDLYNAME1 + i)); } GetTopic_P(stemp2, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, D_RSLT_STATE); Response_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BASE, stemp1, stemp2); GetTopic_P(stemp1, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, S_LWT); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT, stemp1); GetTopic_P(stemp1, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, PSTR("Backlog")); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SHUTTER_BASE, stemp1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1); GetTopic_P(stemp1, STAT, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, PSTR("SHUTTER")); GetTopic_P(stemp2, CMND, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, PSTR("ShutterPosition")); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SHUTTER_POS, stemp1, i + 1, stemp2, i + 1); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO_SHORT, unique_id, ESP_getChipId()); TryResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); } TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic; MqttPublish(stopic, true); } #endif } void HAssAnnounceDeviceInfoAndStatusSensor(void) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; uint8_t ShowTopic; // Used to hide/unhide a topic during Discovery to spare some cpu load // Announce sensor ResponseClear(); // Clear retained message TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic = 4; // Hide topic on clean and remove use weblog 4 to see it // Clear or Set topic snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_status"), ESP_getChipId()); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/sensor/%s/config"), unique_id); if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistantautomatic discovery (See SetOption59) char name[TOPSZ]; // friendlyname(33) + " " + "status" char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *state_topic = stemp1; char *availability_topic = stemp2; ShowTopic = 0; // Show the new generated topic snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s status"), SettingsText(SET_DEVICENAME)); GetTopic_P(state_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, PSTR(D_RSLT_HASS_STATE)); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, S_LWT); Response_P(HASS_DISCOVER_BASE, name, state_topic); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_LWT, availability_topic); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_HASS_STATUS, state_topic); TryResponseAppend_P(HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO, unique_id, ESP_getChipId(), SettingsText(SET_DEVICENAME), ModuleName().c_str(), TasmotaGlobal.version, TasmotaGlobal.image_name); TryResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); } TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = ShowTopic; MqttPublish(stopic, true); if (!Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = 0; AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_LOG "Home Assistant MQTT Discovery disabled.")); } } void HAssPublishStatus(void) { Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_VERSION "\":\"%s%s\",\"" D_JSON_BUILDDATETIME "\":\"%s\",\"" D_CMND_MODULE " or " D_CMND_TEMPLATE"\":\"%s\"," "\"" D_JSON_RESTARTREASON "\":\"%s\",\"" D_JSON_UPTIME "\":\"%s\",\"" D_CMND_HOSTNAME "\":\"%s\"," "\"" D_CMND_IPADDRESS "\":\"%s\",\"" D_JSON_RSSI "\":\"%d\",\"" D_JSON_SIGNAL " (dBm)""\":\"%d\"," "\"WiFi " D_JSON_LINK_COUNT "\":%d,\"WiFi " D_JSON_DOWNTIME "\":\"%s\",\"" D_JSON_MQTT_COUNT "\":%d,\"LoadAvg\":%lu}"), TasmotaGlobal.version, TasmotaGlobal.image_name, GetBuildDateAndTime().c_str(), ModuleName().c_str(), GetResetReason().c_str(), GetUptime().c_str(), TasmotaGlobal.hostname, WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str(), WifiGetRssiAsQuality(WiFi.RSSI()), WiFi.RSSI(), WifiLinkCount(), WifiDowntime().c_str(), MqttConnectCount(), TasmotaGlobal.loop_load_avg); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(TELE, PSTR(D_RSLT_HASS_STATE)); } void HAssDiscovery(void) { // Configure Tasmota for default Home Assistant parameters to keep discovery message as short as possible if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistant automatic discovery (See SetOption59) Settings.flag.mqtt_response = 0; // SetOption4 - Switch between MQTT RESULT or COMMAND - Response always as RESULT and not as uppercase command Settings.flag.decimal_text = 1; // SetOption17 - Switch between decimal or hexadecimal output - Respond with decimal color values Settings.flag3.hass_tele_on_power = 1; // SetOption59 - Send tele/%topic%/STATE in addition to stat/%topic%/RESULT - send tele/STATE message as stat/RESULT // the purpose of that is so that if HA is restarted, state in HA will be correct within one teleperiod otherwise state // will not be correct until the device state is changed this is why in the patterns for switch and light, we tell HA to trigger on STATE, not RESULT. //Settings.light_scheme = 0; // To just control color it needs to be Scheme 0 (on hold due to new light configuration) } if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery || (1 == hass_mode)) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistantautomatic discovery (See SetOption59) hass_mode = 2; // Needed for generating bluetooth entities for MI_ESP32 // Send info about buttons HAssAnnounceButtons(); // Send info about switches HAssAnnounceSwitches(); // Send info about sensors HAssAnnounceSensors(); // Send info about shutters HAssAnnounceShutters(); // Send info about relays and lights HAssAnnounceRelayLight(); // Send info about status sensor HAssAnnounceDeviceInfoAndStatusSensor(); TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = 0; // Restores weblog level hass_mode = 3; // Needed for generating bluetooth entities for MI_ESP32 } } void HAssDiscover(void) { hass_mode = 1; // Force discovery hass_init_step = 1; // Delayed discovery } void HAssAnyKey(void) { if (!Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { return; } // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistantautomatic discovery (See SetOption59) uint32_t key = (XdrvMailbox.payload >> 16) & 0xFF; // 0 = KEY_BUTTON, 1 = KEY_SWITCH uint32_t device = XdrvMailbox.payload & 0xFF; // Device number or 1 if more Buttons than Devices uint32_t state = (XdrvMailbox.payload >> 8) & 0xFF; // 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Toggle, 3 = Hold, 10,11,12,13 and 14 for Button Multipress if (!key && KeyTopicActive(0)) { // Button and ButtonTopic is active device = (XdrvMailbox.payload >> 24) & 0xFF; // Button number } char scommand[CMDSZ]; char sw_topic[TOPSZ]; char key_topic[TOPSZ]; char trg_state[8]; char *tmpbtn = SettingsText(SET_MQTT_BUTTON_TOPIC); char *tmpsw = SettingsText(SET_MQTT_SWITCH_TOPIC); uint8_t evkey = 0; // Flag to select the correct topic for a trigger or a binary_sensor Format(sw_topic, tmpsw, sizeof(sw_topic)); Format(key_topic, tmpbtn, sizeof(key_topic)); if (state >= 2) { evkey = 1;} snprintf_P(scommand, sizeof(scommand), PSTR("%s%d%s"), (key) ? "SWITCH" : "BUTTON", device, (evkey) ? "T" : ""); char stopic[TOPSZ]; if (!key) { if (state == 3) { snprintf_P(trg_state, sizeof(trg_state), GetStateText(3)); } else { if (state == 2) { state = 10; } GetTextIndexed(trg_state, sizeof(trg_state), state -9, kHAssTriggerStringButtons); } } GetTopic_P(stopic, STAT, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, scommand); Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, (evkey) ? "TRIG" : PSTR(D_RSLT_STATE), (key) ? GetStateText(state) : trg_state); MqttPublish(stopic); } bool HAssMqttLWT(void) { if (strncasecmp_P(XdrvMailbox.topic, PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_LWT_TOPIC), strlen(HOME_ASSISTANT_LWT_TOPIC)) != 0) { return false; } if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && (strncasecmp_P(XdrvMailbox.data, PSTR("online"), strlen("online")) == 0) && (XdrvMailbox.data_len == 6)) { MqttPublishTeleState(); return true; } else { return false; } } void HassLwtSubscribe(bool hasslwt) { char htopic[TOPSZ]; snprintf_P(htopic, sizeof(htopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_LWT_TOPIC)); if (hasslwt && (Settings.flag.hass_discovery)) { MqttSubscribe(htopic); } else { MqttUnsubscribe(htopic); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv12(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; bool hasslwt = HOME_ASSISTANT_LWT_SUBSCRIBE; if (Settings.flag.mqtt_enabled) { // SetOption3 - Enable MQTT switch (function) { case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: if (hass_init_step) { hass_init_step--; if (!hass_init_step) { HAssDiscovery(); // Scheduled discovery using available resources NewHAssDiscovery(); // Send the topics for Home Assistant Official Integration } } else if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && Settings.tele_period) { // SetOption19 - Control Home Assistantautomatic discovery (See SetOption59) hass_tele_period++; if (hass_tele_period >= Settings.tele_period) { hass_tele_period = 0; ResponseClear(); HAssPublishStatus(); } } break; case FUNC_ANY_KEY: HAssAnyKey(); break; case FUNC_MQTT_INIT: hass_mode = 0; // Discovery only if Settings.flag.hass_discovery is set hass_init_step = 10; // Delayed discovery // if (!Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { // NewHAssDiscovery(); // } break; case FUNC_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE: HassLwtSubscribe(hasslwt); break; case FUNC_MQTT_DATA: result = HAssMqttLWT(); break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_HOME_ASSISTANT