/* xdsp_09_SSD1351.ino - Display SSD1351 support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Gerhard Mutz and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_SPI #ifdef USE_DISPLAY #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_RA8876 #define XDSP_10 10 #define XI2C_39 39 // See I2CDEVICES.md #define COLORED 1 #define UNCOLORED 0 // using font 8 is opional (num=3) // very badly readable, but may be useful for graphs #define USE_TINY_FONT #include bool ra8876_init_done = false; uint8_t ra8876_ctouch_counter = 0; extern uint8_t color_type; RA8876 *ra8876; /*********************************************************************************************/ void RA8876_InitDriver(void) { if (PinUsed(GPIO_RA8876_CS) && (SPI_MOSI_MISO == TasmotaGlobal.spi_enabled)) { Settings->display_model = XDSP_10; if (Settings->display_width != RA8876_TFTWIDTH) { Settings->display_width = RA8876_TFTWIDTH; } if (Settings->display_height != RA8876_TFTHEIGHT) { Settings->display_height = RA8876_TFTHEIGHT; } // default colors fg_color = RA8876_WHITE; bg_color = RA8876_BLACK; // init renderer, must use hardware spi ra8876 = new RA8876(Pin(GPIO_RA8876_CS), Pin(GPIO_SPI_MOSI), Pin(GPIO_SPI_MISO), Pin(GPIO_SPI_CLK), Pin(GPIO_BACKLIGHT)); ra8876->begin(); renderer = ra8876; renderer->DisplayInit(DISPLAY_INIT_MODE,Settings->display_size,Settings->display_rotate,Settings->display_font); renderer->dim(GetDisplayDimmer16()); //testall(); #ifdef SHOW_SPLASH if (!Settings->flag5.display_no_splash) { // Welcome text renderer->setTextFont(2); renderer->setTextColor(RA8876_WHITE,RA8876_BLACK); renderer->DrawStringAt(600, 300, "RA8876", RA8876_RED,0); delay(1000); } #endif color_type = COLOR_COLOR; #ifdef USE_FT5206 FT5206_Touch_Init(Wire); #endif ra8876_init_done = true; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("DSP: RA8876")); } } #ifdef USE_FT5206 #ifdef USE_TOUCH_BUTTONS // no rotation support void RA8876_RotConvert(int16_t *x, int16_t *y) { int16_t temp; if (renderer) { *x=*x*renderer->width()/800; *y=*y*renderer->height()/480; *x = renderer->width() - *x; *y = renderer->height() - *y; } } // check digitizer hit void RA8876_CheckTouch(void) { ra8876_ctouch_counter++; if (2 == ra8876_ctouch_counter) { // every 100 ms should be enough ra8876_ctouch_counter = 0; Touch_Check(RA8876_RotConvert); } } #endif // USE_TOUCH_BUTTONS #endif // USE_FT5206 /* void testall() { ra8876->clearScreen(0); ra8876->colorBarTest(true); delay(1000); ra8876->colorBarTest(false); pixelTest(); delay(1000); triangleTest(); delay(1000); circleTest(); delay(1000); gradientTest(); delay(1000); textTest(); delay(1000); } void gradientTest() { Serial.println("Gradient test."); ra8876->clearScreen(0); int width = ra8876->getWidth(); int barHeight = ra8876->getHeight() / 4; uint32_t starttime = millis(); for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { ra8876->fillRect((width / 256.0) * i, 0, (width / 256.0) * (i + 1) - 1, barHeight, RGB565(i, 0, 0)); ra8876->fillRect((width / 256.0) * i, barHeight, (width / 256.0) * (i + 1) - 1, barHeight * 2, RGB565(0, i, 0)); ra8876->fillRect((width / 256.0) * i, barHeight * 2, (width / 256.0) * (i + 1) - 1, barHeight * 3, RGB565(0, 0, i)); ra8876->fillRect((width / 256.0) * i, barHeight * 3, (width / 256.0) * (i + 1) - 1, barHeight * 4, RGB565(i, i, i)); } uint32_t elapsedtime = millis() - starttime; Serial.print("Gradient test took "); Serial.print(elapsedtime); Serial.println(" ms"); } void pixelTest() { Serial.println("Pixel test."); int width = ra8876->getWidth(); int height = ra8876->getHeight(); uint16_t colors[] = {RGB565(255, 0, 0), RGB565(0, 255, 0), RGB565(0, 0, 255)}; uint32_t starttime = millis(); for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++) { int x = random(0, width); int y = random(0, height); ra8876->drawPixel(x, y, colors[c]); } delay(0); } uint32_t elapsedtime = millis() - starttime; Serial.print("Pixel test took "); Serial.print(elapsedtime); Serial.println(" ms"); } void triangleTest() { Serial.println("Triangle test."); int width = ra8876->getWidth(); int height = ra8876->getHeight(); uint32_t starttime = millis(); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { int x1 = random(0, width); int y1 = random(0, height); int x2 = random(0, width); int y2 = random(0, height); int x3 = random(0, width); int y3 = random(0, height); uint16_t color = RGB565(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255)); ra8876->fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color); delay(0); } uint32_t elapsedtime = millis() - starttime; Serial.print("Triangle test took "); Serial.print(elapsedtime); Serial.println(" ms"); } void circleTest() { Serial.println("Circle test."); int width = ra8876->getWidth(); int height = ra8876->getHeight(); uint32_t starttime = millis(); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { int x = random(0, width); int y = random(0, height); int r = random(0, 384); uint16_t color = RGB565(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255)); ra8876->fillCircle(x, y, r, color); delay(0); } uint32_t elapsedtime = millis() - starttime; Serial.print("Circle test took "); Serial.print(elapsedtime); Serial.println(" ms"); } void textTest() { Serial.println("Text test."); uint32_t starttime = millis(); for (int s = 1; s <= 4; s++) { ra8876->setTextScale(s); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ra8876->setCursor((ra8876->getWidth() / 3) * i, ra8876->getCursorY()); ra8876->selectInternalFont((enum FontSize) i); ra8876->print("Hello"); } ra8876->println(); delay(0); } ra8876->setCursor(0, 32 * 10); ra8876->setTextScale(1); ra8876->selectInternalFont(RA8876_FONT_SIZE_32, RA8876_FONT_ENCODING_8859_1); ra8876->println("Latin 1: na\xEFve"); // naïve ra8876->selectInternalFont(RA8876_FONT_SIZE_32, RA8876_FONT_ENCODING_8859_2); ra8876->println("Latin 2: \xE8" "a\xE8kalica"); ra8876->selectInternalFont(RA8876_FONT_SIZE_32, RA8876_FONT_ENCODING_8859_4); ra8876->println("Latin 4: gie\xF0" "at"); // gieđat ra8876->selectInternalFont(RA8876_FONT_SIZE_32, RA8876_FONT_ENCODING_8859_5); ra8876->println("Latin 5: \xD2\xD5\xD4\xD8"); // веди ra8876->selectInternalFont(RA8876_FONT_SIZE_32); ra8876->print("Symbols: "); ra8876->putChars("\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07", 8); ra8876->putChars("\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F", 8); ra8876->putChars("\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17", 8); ra8876->putChars("\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F", 8); uint32_t elapsedtime = millis() - starttime; Serial.print("Text test took "); Serial.print(elapsedtime); Serial.println(" ms"); } */ /*********************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdsp10(uint32_t function) { bool result = false; if (FUNC_DISPLAY_INIT_DRIVER == function) { RA8876_InitDriver(); } else if (ra8876_init_done && (XDSP_10 == Settings->display_model)) { switch (function) { case FUNC_DISPLAY_MODEL: result = true; break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_EVERY_50_MSECOND: #ifdef USE_FT5206 if (FT5206_found) RA8876_CheckTouch(); #endif break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_DISPLAY_RA8876 #endif // USE_DISPLAY #endif // USE_SPI