; *** Example PlatformIO Project Configuration Override File *** ; *** Changes done here override settings in platformio.ini *** ; ; ***************************************************************** ; *** to activate rename this file to platformio_override.ini *** ; ***************************************************************** ; ; Please visit documentation for the options and examples ; http://docs.platformio.org/en/stable/projectconf.html ; [platformio] extra_configs = platformio_tasmota_env32.ini platformio_tasmota_cenv.ini ; *** Build/upload environment default_envs = ; *** Uncomment the line(s) below to select version(s) tasmota ; tasmota-debug ; tasmota-ircustom ; tasmota-minimal ; tasmota-lite ; tasmota-knx ; tasmota-sensors ; tasmota-display ; tasmota-ir ; tasmota32 ; tasmota32-minimal ; tasmota32-lite ; tasmota32-knx ; tasmota32-sensors ; tasmota32-display ; tasmota32-ir ; tasmota32-ircustom [common] platform = ${core_active.platform} platform_packages = ${core_active.platform_packages} build_flags = ${core_active.build_flags} ; *** Use settings from file user_config_override.h -DUSE_CONFIG_OVERRIDE ; *** Optional Debug messages ; -DDEBUG_TASMOTA_CORE ; -DDEBUG_TASMOTA_DRIVER ; -DDEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR ; set CPU frequency to 80MHz (default) or 160MHz ;board_build.f_cpu = 160000000L ; *** Upload Serial reset method for Wemos and NodeMCU upload_port = COM5 extra_scripts = ${scripts_defaults.extra_scripts} ; pio/obj-dump.py ; *** Upload file to OTA server using SCP ;upload_port = user@host:/path ;extra_scripts = ${scripts_defaults.extra_scripts} ; pio/strip-floats.py ; pio/sftp-uploader.py ; *** Upload file to OTA server in folder api/arduino using HTTP ;upload_port = domus1:80/api/upload-arduino.php ;extra_scripts = ${scripts_defaults.extra_scripts} ; pio/strip-floats.py ; pio/http-uploader.py [core_active] ; Select one core set for platform and build_flags ;platform = ${core_2_6_3.platform} ;platform_packages = ${core_2_6_3.platform_packages} ;build_flags = ${core_2_6_3.build_flags} platform = ${tasmota_feature_stage.platform} platform_packages = ${tasmota_feature_stage.platform_packages} build_flags = ${tasmota_feature_stage.build_flags} ;platform = ${core_stage.platform} ;platform_packages = ${core_stage.platform_packages} ;build_flags = ${core_stage.build_flags} [core_2_6_3] ; *** Esp8266 core for Arduino version 2.6.3 platform = espressif8266@2.4.0 platform_packages = build_flags = ${esp82xx_defaults.build_flags} -DBEARSSL_SSL_BASIC ; NONOSDK221 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK221 ; NONOSDK22x_190313 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190313 ; NONOSDK22x_190703 = 2.2.1+100-dev(38a443e) (Tasmota default) (Firmware 2K smaller than NONOSDK22x_191105) -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190703 ; NONOSDK22x_191024 = 2.2.1+111-dev(5ab15d1) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191024 ; NONOSDK22x_191105 = 2.2.1+113-dev(bb83b9b) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191105 ; NONOSDK3V0 (known issues) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK3 ; lwIP 1.4 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH ; lwIP 2 - Low Memory ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth Low Memory no Features ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY_LOW_FLASH ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth no Features (Tasmota default) -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH_LOW_FLASH ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth IPv6 (use ONLY if you need IPv6, experimental!) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_IPV6_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH ; VTABLES in Flash (Tasmota default) -DVTABLES_IN_FLASH ; VTABLES in Heap ; -DVTABLES_IN_DRAM ; VTABLES in IRAM ; -DVTABLES_IN_IRAM ; enable one option set -> No exception recommended ; No exception code in firmware -fno-exceptions -lstdc++ ; Exception code in firmware /needs much space! 90k ; -fexceptions ; -lstdc++-exc [tasmota_feature_stage] ; *** Esp8266 core for Arduino version Tasmota feature stage platform = espressif8266@2.4.0 platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif8266 @ https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino.git#d600cc7fa6c3fc5c31ed903ec12fd2e2da2c3678 build_flags = ${esp82xx_defaults.build_flags} -DBEARSSL_SSL_BASIC ; NONOSDK221 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK221 ; NONOSDK22x_190313 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190313 ; NONOSDK22x_190703 = 2.2.1+100-dev(38a443e) (Tasmota default) (Firmware 2K smaller than NONOSDK22x_191105) -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190703 ; NONOSDK22x_191024 = 2.2.1+111-dev(5ab15d1) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191024 ; NONOSDK22x_191105 = 2.2.1+113-dev(bb83b9b) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191105 ; NONOSDK22x_191122 = 2.2.1+119-dev(a58da79) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191122 ; NONOSDK3V0 (known issues) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK3 ; lwIP 1.4 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH ; lwIP 2 - Low Memory ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth Low Memory no Features ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY_LOW_FLASH ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth no Features (Tasmota default) -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH_LOW_FLASH ; VTABLES in Flash (Tasmota default) -DVTABLES_IN_FLASH ; VTABLES in Heap ; -DVTABLES_IN_DRAM ; VTABLES in IRAM ; -DVTABLES_IN_IRAM ; enable one option set -> No exception recommended ; No exception code in firmware -fno-exceptions -lstdc++ ; Exception code in firmware /needs much space! 90k ; -fexceptions ; -lstdc++-exc [core_stage] ; *** Esp8266 core for Arduino version latest beta platform = espressif8266@2.4.0 platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif8266 @ https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino.git build_flags = ${esp82xx_defaults.build_flags} -DBEARSSL_SSL_BASIC ; NONOSDK221 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK221 ; NONOSDK22x_190313 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190313 ; NONOSDK22x_190703 = 2.2.1+100-dev(38a443e) (Tasmota default) (Firmware 2K smaller than NONOSDK22x_191105) -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190703 ; NONOSDK22x_191024 = 2.2.1+111-dev(5ab15d1) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191024 ; NONOSDK22x_191105 = 2.2.1+113-dev(bb83b9b) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191105 ; NONOSDK22x_191122 = 2.2.1+119-dev(a58da79) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_191122 ; NONOSDK3V0 (known issues) ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK3 ; lwIP 1.4 ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH ; lwIP 2 - Low Memory ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth Low Memory no Features ; -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY_LOW_FLASH ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth no Features (Tasmota default) -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH_LOW_FLASH ; VTABLES in Flash (Tasmota default) -DVTABLES_IN_FLASH ; VTABLES in Heap ; -DVTABLES_IN_DRAM ; VTABLES in IRAM ; -DVTABLES_IN_IRAM ; enable one option set -> No exception recommended ; No exception code in firmware -fno-exceptions -lstdc++ ; Exception code in firmware /needs much space! 90k ; -fexceptions ; -lstdc++-exc ; *** Debug version used for PlatformIO Home Project Inspection [env:tasmota-debug] build_type = debug ; *** Experimental ESP32 Tasmota version *** ; *** expect the unexpected. Many features not working!!! *** [common32] platform = espressif32@1.12.0 platform_packages = tool-esptoolpy@1.20800.0 board = wemos_d1_mini32 board_build.ldscript = esp32_out.ld board_build.partitions = esp32_partition_app1984k_spiffs64k.csv board_build.flash_mode = ${common.board_build.flash_mode} board_build.f_cpu = ${common.board_build.f_cpu} build_unflags = ${common.build_unflags} monitor_speed = ${common.monitor_speed} upload_port = ${common.upload_port} upload_resetmethod = ${common.upload_resetmethod} upload_speed = 921600 extra_scripts = ${common.extra_scripts} build_flags = ${esp_defaults.build_flags} -D BUFFER_LENGTH=128 -D MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE=1200 -D uint32=uint32_t -D uint16=uint16_t -D uint8=uint8_t -D sint8_t=int8_t -D sint32_t=int32_t -D sint16_t=int16_t -D memcpy_P=memcpy -D memcmp_P=memcmp ; -D USE_CONFIG_OVERRIDE lib_extra_dirs = libesp32 lib_ignore = ILI9488 SSD3115 cc1101