/* xsns_62_MI_ESP32.ino - MI-BLE-sensors via ESP32 support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2020 Christian Baars and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version yyyymmdd Action Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20200413 started - initial development by Christian Baars forked - from arendst/tasmota - https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota */ #ifdef ESP32 // ESP32 only. Use define USE_HM10 for ESP8266 support #ifdef USE_MI_ESP32 #define XSNS_62 62 #include #include void MI32scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results); void MI32notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t* pData, size_t length, bool isNotify); struct { uint16_t perPage = 4; uint32_t period; // set manually in addition to TELE-period, is set to TELE-period after start struct { uint32_t init:1; uint32_t connected:1; uint32_t autoScan:1; uint32_t canScan:1; uint32_t runningScan:1; uint32_t canConnect:1; uint32_t willConnect:1; uint32_t readingDone:1; uint32_t shallSetTime:1; uint32_t willSetTime:1; uint32_t shallReadBatt:1; uint32_t willReadBatt:1; } mode; struct { uint8_t sensor; // points to to the number 0...255 } state; } MI32; #pragma pack(1) // byte-aligned structures to read the sensor data struct { uint16_t temp; uint8_t hum; uint16_t volt; // LYWSD03 only } LYWSD0x_HT; struct { uint8_t spare; uint16_t temp; uint16_t hum; } CGD1_HT; struct { uint16_t temp; uint8_t spare; uint32_t lux; uint8_t moist; uint16_t fert; } Flora_TLMF; // temperature, lux, moisture, fertility struct mi_beacon_t{ uint16_t frame; uint16_t productID; uint8_t counter; uint8_t Mac[6]; uint8_t spare; uint8_t type; uint8_t ten; uint8_t size; union { struct{ //0d uint16_t temp; uint16_t hum; }HT; uint8_t bat; //0a uint16_t temp; //04 uint16_t hum; //06 uint32_t lux; //07 uint8_t moist; //08 uint16_t fert; //09 }; }; struct cg_packet_t { uint16_t frameID; uint8_t serial[6]; uint16_t mode; union { struct { int16_t temp; // -9 - 59 °C uint16_t hum; }; uint8_t bat; }; }; #pragma pack(0) struct mi_sensor_t{ uint8_t type; //Flora = 1; MI-HT_V1=2; LYWSD02=3; LYWSD03=4; CGG1=5; CGD1=6 uint8_t serial[6]; uint8_t showedUp; float temp; //Flora, MJ_HT_V1, LYWSD0x, CGx union { struct { float moisture; float fertility; uint32_t lux; }; // Flora struct { float hum; }; // MJ_HT_V1, LYWSD0x }; union { uint8_t bat; // many values seem to be hard-coded garbage (LYWSD0x, GCD1) uint16_t volt; // LYWSD03MMC }; }; std::vector MIBLEsensors; BLEScan* MI32Scan; BLEScanResults MI32foundDevices; /*********************************************************************************************\ * constants \*********************************************************************************************/ #define D_CMND_MI32 "MI32" const char S_JSON_MI32_COMMAND_NVALUE[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_CMND_MI32 "%s\":%d}"; const char S_JSON_MI32_COMMAND[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_CMND_MI32 "%s%s\"}"; const char kMI32_Commands[] PROGMEM = "Period|Time|Page|Battery"; #define FLORA 1 #define MJ_HT_V1 2 #define LYWSD02 3 #define LYWSD03MMC 4 #define CGG1 5 #define CGD1 6 const uint16_t kMI32SlaveID[6]={ 0x0098, // Flora 0x01aa, // MJ_HT_V1 0x045b, // LYWSD02 0x055b, // LYWSD03 0x0347, // CGG1 0x0576 // CGD1 }; const char kMI32SlaveType1[] PROGMEM = "Flora"; const char kMI32SlaveType2[] PROGMEM = "MJ_HT_V1"; const char kMI32SlaveType3[] PROGMEM = "LYWSD02"; const char kMI32SlaveType4[] PROGMEM = "LYWSD03"; const char kMI32SlaveType5[] PROGMEM = "CGG1"; const char kMI32SlaveType6[] PROGMEM = "CGD1"; const char * kMI32SlaveType[] PROGMEM = {kMI32SlaveType1,kMI32SlaveType2,kMI32SlaveType3,kMI32SlaveType4,kMI32SlaveType5,kMI32SlaveType6}; /*********************************************************************************************\ * enumerations \*********************************************************************************************/ enum MI32_Commands { // commands useable in console or rules CMND_MI32_PERIOD, // set period like TELE-period in seconds between read-cycles CMND_MI32_TIME, // set LYWSD02-Time from ESP8266-time CMND_MI32_PAGE, // sensor entries per web page, which will be shown alternated CMND_MI32_BATTERY // read all battery levels }; enum MI32_TASK { MI32_TASK_SCAN = 0, MI32_TASK_CONN = 1, MI32_TASK_TIME = 2, MI32_TASK_BATT = 3, }; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Classes \*********************************************************************************************/ class MI32SensorCallback : public NimBLEClientCallbacks { void onConnect(NimBLEClient* pclient) { AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("connected %s"), kMI32SlaveType[(MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type)-1]); MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; MI32.mode.connected = 1; } void onDisconnect(NimBLEClient* pclient) { MI32.mode.connected = 0; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("disconnected %s"), kMI32SlaveType[(MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type)-1]); } bool onConnParamsUpdateRequest(NimBLEClient* MI32Client, const ble_gap_upd_params* params) { if(params->itvl_min < 24) { /** 1.25ms units */ return false; } else if(params->itvl_max > 40) { /** 1.25ms units */ return false; } else if(params->latency > 2) { /** Number of intervals allowed to skip */ return false; } else if(params->supervision_timeout > 100) { /** 10ms units */ return false; } return true; } }; class MI32AdvCallbacks: public NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks { void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* advertisedDevice) { // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("Advertised Device: %s Buffer: %u"),advertisedDevice.getAddress().toString().c_str(),advertisedDevice.getServiceData().length()); if (advertisedDevice->getServiceData().length() == 0) return; uint16_t uuid = advertisedDevice->getServiceDataUUID().getNative()->u16.value; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%x"),uuid); uint8_t addr[6]; memcpy(addr,advertisedDevice->getAddress().getNative(),6); MI32_ReverseMAC(addr); if(uuid==0xfe95) { MI32ParseResponse((char*)advertisedDevice->getServiceData().c_str(),advertisedDevice->getServiceData().length(), addr); } else if(uuid==0xfdcd) { MI32parseCGD1Packet((char*)advertisedDevice->getServiceData().c_str(),advertisedDevice->getServiceData().length(), addr); } }; }; static MI32AdvCallbacks MI32ScanCallbacks; static MI32SensorCallback MI32SensorCB; static NimBLEClient* MI32Client; /*********************************************************************************************\ * BLE callback functions \*********************************************************************************************/ void MI32scanEndedCB(NimBLEScanResults results){ AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("Scan ended")); MI32.mode.runningScan = 0; } void MI32notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t* pData, size_t length, bool isNotify){ AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("Notified length: %u"),length); switch(MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type){ case LYWSD03MMC: case LYWSD02: MI32readHT_LY((char*)pData); MI32.mode.readingDone = 1; break; default: MI32.mode.readingDone = 1; break; } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Helper functions \*********************************************************************************************/ void MI32_ReverseMAC(uint8_t _mac[]){ uint8_t _reversedMAC[6]; for (uint8_t i=0; i<6; i++){ _reversedMAC[5-i] = _mac[i]; } memcpy(_mac,_reversedMAC, sizeof(_reversedMAC)); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * common functions \*********************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief Return the slot number of a known sensor or return create new sensor slot * * @param _serial BLE address of the sensor * @param _type Type number of the sensor * @return uint32_t Known or new slot in the sensors-vector */ uint32_t MIBLEgetSensorSlot(uint8_t (&_serial)[6], uint16_t _type){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("%s: will test ID-type: %x"),D_CMND_MI32, _type); bool _success = false; for (uint32_t i=0;i<6;i++){ // i < sizeof(kMI32SlaveID) gives compiler warning if(_type == kMI32SlaveID[i]){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MI32: ID is type %u"), i); _type = i+1; _success = true; } else { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("%s: ID-type is not: %x"),D_CMND_MI32,kMI32SlaveID[i]); } } if(!_success) return 0xff; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("%s: vector size %u"),D_CMND_MI32, MIBLEsensors.size()); for(uint32_t i=0; iconnect(NimBLEAddress(address), 0,false)) { MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); } } else { MI32Client = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient(); } } if(!MI32Client) { if(NimBLEDevice::getClientListSize() >= NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS) { MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); } MI32Client = NimBLEDevice::createClient(); MI32Client->setClientCallbacks(&MI32SensorCB , false); MI32Client->setConnectionParams(12,12,0,51); MI32Client->setConnectTimeout(10); if (!MI32Client->connect(NimBLEAddress(address),0,false)) { MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; NimBLEDevice::deleteClient(MI32Client); vTaskDelete( NULL ); } } } void MI32StartScanTask(){ if (MI32.mode.connected) return; MI32.mode.runningScan = 1; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( MI32ScanTask, /* Function to implement the task */ "MI32ScanTask", /* Name of the task */ 4096, /* Stack size in words */ NULL, /* Task input parameter */ 0, /* Priority of the task */ NULL, /* Task handle. */ 0); /* Core where the task should run */ AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: Start scanning"),D_CMND_MI32); } void MI32ScanTask(void *pvParameters){ NimBLEScan* pScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan(); pScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(&MI32ScanCallbacks); pScan->setActiveScan(false); pScan->start(5, MI32scanEndedCB); // hard coded duration uint32_t timer = 0; while (MI32.mode.runningScan){ if (timer>15){ vTaskDelete( NULL ); } timer++; vTaskDelay(1000); } vTaskDelete( NULL ); } void MI32StartSensorTask(){ MI32.mode.willConnect = 1; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( MI32SensorTask, /* Function to implement the task */ "MI32SensorTask", /* Name of the task */ 8192, /* Stack size in words */ NULL, /* Task input parameter */ 15, /* Priority of the task */ NULL, /* Task handle. */ 0); /* Core where the task should run */ AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: Start sensor connections"),D_CMND_MI32); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: with sensor: %u"),D_CMND_MI32, MI32.state.sensor); } void MI32SensorTask(void *pvParameters){ if (MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type != LYWSD03MMC) { MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); } MI32ConnectActiveSensor(); MI32.mode.readingDone = 1; switch(MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type){ case LYWSD03MMC: MI32.mode.readingDone = 0; MI32connectLYWSD03(); break; default: break; } uint32_t timer = 0; while (!MI32.mode.readingDone){ if (timer>150){ break; } timer++; vTaskDelay(100); } MI32Client->disconnect(); NimBLEDevice::deleteClient(MI32Client); vTaskDelay(500); MI32.mode.connected = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); } void MI32connectLYWSD03(){ NimBLERemoteService* pSvc = nullptr; NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChr = nullptr; static BLEUUID serviceUUID("ebe0ccb0-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6"); static BLEUUID charUUID("ebe0ccc1-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6"); pSvc = MI32Client->getService(serviceUUID); if(pSvc) { pChr = pSvc->getCharacteristic(charUUID); } if(pChr->canNotify()) { if(!pChr->registerForNotify(MI32notifyCB)) { MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; MI32Client->disconnect(); return; } } } void MI32StartTimeTask(){ MI32.mode.willConnect = 1; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( MI32TimeTask, /* Function to implement the task */ "MI32TimeTask", /* Name of the task */ 8912, /* Stack size in words */ NULL, /* Task input parameter */ 15, /* Priority of the task */ NULL, /* Task handle. */ 0); /* Core where the task should run */ // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: Start time set"),D_CMND_MI32); // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: with sensor: %u"),D_CMND_MI32, MI32.state.sensor); } void MI32TimeTask(void *pvParameters){ if (MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type != LYWSD02) { MI32.mode.shallSetTime = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); } MI32ConnectActiveSensor(); uint32_t timer = 0; while (MI32.mode.connected == 0){ if (timer>1000){ break; } timer++; vTaskDelay(10); } NimBLERemoteService* pSvc = nullptr; NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChr = nullptr; static BLEUUID serviceUUID("EBE0CCB0-7A0A-4B0C-8A1A-6FF2997DA3A6"); static BLEUUID charUUID("EBE0CCB7-7A0A-4B0C-8A1A-6FF2997DA3A6"); pSvc = MI32Client->getService(serviceUUID); if(pSvc) { pChr = pSvc->getCharacteristic(charUUID); } if(pChr->canWrite()) { union { uint8_t buf[5]; uint32_t time; } _utc; _utc.time = Rtc.utc_time; _utc.buf[4] = Rtc.time_timezone / 60; if(!pChr->writeValue(_utc.buf,sizeof(_utc.buf),true)) { // true is important ! MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; MI32Client->disconnect(); } else { MI32.mode.shallSetTime = 0; MI32.mode.willSetTime = 0; } } MI32Client->disconnect(); NimBLEDevice::deleteClient(MI32Client); vTaskDelay(500); MI32.mode.connected = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); } void MI32StartBatteryTask(){ if (MI32.mode.connected) return; MI32.mode.willReadBatt = 1; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( MI32BatteryTask, /* Function to implement the task */ "MI32BatteryTask", /* Name of the task */ 8192, /* Stack size in words */ NULL, /* Task input parameter */ 15, /* Priority of the task */ NULL, /* Task handle. */ 0); /* Core where the task should run */ } void MI32BatteryTask(void *pvParameters){ // all reported battery values are probably crap, but we allow the reading on demand switch (MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type){ case LYWSD03MMC: case MJ_HT_V1: case CGG1: MI32.mode.willConnect = 0; MI32.mode.willReadBatt = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); break; default: break; } MI32.mode.connected = 0; MI32ConnectActiveSensor(); uint32_t timer = 0; while (MI32.mode.connected == 0){ if (timer>1000){ break; } timer++; vTaskDelay(10); } switch(MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type){ case FLORA: MI32batteryFLORA(); break; case LYWSD02: MI32batteryLYWSD02(); break; case CGD1: MI32batteryCGD1(); break; } MI32Client->disconnect(); MI32.mode.willReadBatt = 0; NimBLEDevice::deleteClient(MI32Client); vTaskDelay(500); MI32.mode.connected = 0; vTaskDelete( NULL ); } void MI32batteryFLORA(){ uint32_t timer = 0; while (!MI32.mode.connected){ if (timer>1000){ break; } timer++; vTaskDelay(10); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("%s connected for battery"),kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type-1] ); NimBLERemoteService* pSvc = nullptr; NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChr = nullptr; static BLEUUID FLserviceUUID("00001204-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); static BLEUUID FLcharUUID("00001a02-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); pSvc = MI32Client->getService(FLserviceUUID); if(pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */ pChr = pSvc->getCharacteristic(FLcharUUID); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("%s: got Flora char %s"),D_CMND_MI32, pChr->getUUID().toString().c_str()); } else { MI32.mode.readingDone = 1; return; } if(pChr->canRead()) { const char *buf = pChr->readValue().c_str(); MI32readBat((char*)buf); } } void MI32batteryLYWSD02(){ uint32_t timer = 0; while (!MI32.mode.connected){ if (timer>1000){ break; } timer++; vTaskDelay(10); } NimBLERemoteService* pSvc = nullptr; NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChr = nullptr; static BLEUUID LY2serviceUUID("EBE0CCB0-7A0A-4B0C-8A1A-6FF2997DA3A6"); static BLEUUID LY2charUUID("EBE0CCC4-7A0A-4B0C-8A1A-6FF2997DA3A6"); pSvc = MI32Client->getService(LY2serviceUUID); if(pSvc) { pChr = pSvc->getCharacteristic(LY2charUUID); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("%s: got LYWSD02 char %s"),D_CMND_MI32, pChr->getUUID().toString().c_str()); } else { return; } if(pChr->canRead()) { AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("LYWSD02 char")); const char *buf = pChr->readValue().c_str(); MI32readBat((char*)buf); } } void MI32batteryCGD1(){ uint32_t timer = 0; while (!MI32.mode.connected){ if (timer>1000){ break; } timer++; vTaskDelay(10); } NimBLERemoteService* pSvc = nullptr; NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChr = nullptr; static BLEUUID CGD1serviceUUID("180F"); static BLEUUID CGD1charUUID("2A19"); pSvc = MI32Client->getService(CGD1serviceUUID); if(pSvc) { pChr = pSvc->getCharacteristic(CGD1charUUID); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("%s: got CGD1 char %s"),D_CMND_MI32, pChr->getUUID().toString().c_str()); } else { return; } if(pChr->canRead()) { const char *buf = pChr->readValue().c_str(); MI32readBat((char*)buf); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * parse the response from advertisements \*********************************************************************************************/ void MI32parseMiBeacon(char * _buf, uint32_t _slot){ float _tempFloat; mi_beacon_t _beacon; if (MIBLEsensors[_slot].type==MJ_HT_V1 || MIBLEsensors[_slot].type==CGG1){ memcpy((uint8_t*)&_beacon+1,(uint8_t*)_buf, sizeof(_beacon)); // shift by one byte for the MJ_HT_V1 memcpy((uint8_t*)&_beacon.Mac,(uint8_t*)&_beacon.Mac+1,6); // but shift back the MAC } else{ memcpy((void*)&_beacon,(void*)_buf, sizeof(_beacon)); } MI32_ReverseMAC(_beacon.Mac); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MiBeacon type:%02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"),_beacon.type, (uint8_t)_buf[0],(uint8_t)_buf[1],(uint8_t)_buf[2],(uint8_t)_buf[3],(uint8_t)_buf[4],(uint8_t)_buf[5],(uint8_t)_buf[6],(uint8_t)_buf[7]); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR(" type:%02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x"),_beacon.type, (uint8_t)_buf[8],(uint8_t)_buf[9],(uint8_t)_buf[10],(uint8_t)_buf[11],(uint8_t)_buf[12],(uint8_t)_buf[13],(uint8_t)_buf[14],(uint8_t)_buf[15]); if(MIBLEsensors[_slot].type==4 || MIBLEsensors[_slot].type==6){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("LYWSD03 and CGD1 no support for MiBeacon, type %u"),MIBLEsensors[_slot].type); return; } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("%s at slot %u"), kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[_slot].type-1],_slot); switch(_beacon.type){ case 0x04: _tempFloat=(float)(_beacon.temp)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<60){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].temp=_tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 4: temp updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 4: U16: %u Temp"), _beacon.temp ); break; case 0x06: _tempFloat=(float)(_beacon.hum)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<101){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].hum=_tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 6: hum updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 6: U16: %u Hum"), _beacon.hum); break; case 0x07: MIBLEsensors[_slot].lux=_beacon.lux & 0x00ffffff; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 7: U24: %u Lux"), _beacon.lux & 0x00ffffff); break; case 0x08: _tempFloat =(float)_beacon.moist; if(_tempFloat<100){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].moisture=_tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 8: moisture updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 8: U8: %u Moisture"), _beacon.moist); break; case 0x09: _tempFloat=(float)(_beacon.fert); if(_tempFloat<65535){ // ??? MIBLEsensors[_slot].fertility=_tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 9: fertility updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode 9: U16: %u Fertility"), _beacon.fert); break; case 0x0a: if(_beacon.bat<101){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].bat = _beacon.bat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode a: bat updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode a: U8: %u %%"), _beacon.bat); break; case 0x0d: _tempFloat=(float)(_beacon.HT.temp)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<60){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].temp = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode d: temp updated")); } _tempFloat=(float)(_beacon.HT.hum)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<100){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].hum = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode d: hum updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode d: U16: %x Temp U16: %x Hum"), _beacon.HT.temp, _beacon.HT.hum); break; } } void MI32parseCGD1Packet(char * _buf, uint32_t length, uint8_t addr[6]){ // no MiBeacon uint8_t _addr[6]; memcpy(_addr,addr,6); uint32_t _slot = MIBLEgetSensorSlot(_addr, 0x0576); // This must be hard-coded, no object-id in Cleargrass-packet DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MI32: Sensor slot: %u"), _slot); if(_slot==0xff) return; cg_packet_t _packet; memcpy((char*)&_packet,_buf,sizeof(_packet)); switch (_packet.mode){ case 0x0401: float _tempFloat; _tempFloat=(float)(_packet.temp)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<60){ MIBLEsensors.at(_slot).temp = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("CGD1: temp updated")); } _tempFloat=(float)(_packet.hum)/10.0f; if(_tempFloat<100){ MIBLEsensors.at(_slot).hum = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("CGD1: hum updated")); } DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("CGD1: U16: %x Temp U16: %x Hum"), _packet.temp, _packet.hum); break; case 0x0102: if(_packet.bat<101){ MIBLEsensors.at(_slot).bat = _packet.bat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Mode a: bat updated")); } break; default: DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MI32: unexpected CGD1-packet")); } } void MI32ParseResponse(char *buf, uint16_t bufsize, uint8_t addr[6]) { if(bufsize<10) { return; } char * _pos = buf; uint16_t _type= _pos[3]*256 + _pos[2]; // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("%02x %02x %02x %02x"),(uint8_t)buf[0], (uint8_t)buf[1],(uint8_t)buf[2],(uint8_t)buf[3]); uint8_t _addr[6]; memcpy(_addr,addr,6); uint16_t _slot = MIBLEgetSensorSlot(_addr, _type); if(_slot!=0xff) MI32parseMiBeacon(_pos,_slot); } /***********************************************************************\ * Read data from connections \***********************************************************************/ void MI32readHT_LY(char *_buf){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("%s: raw data: %x%x%x%x%x%x%x"),D_CMND_MI32,_buf[0],_buf[1],_buf[2],_buf[3],_buf[4],_buf[5],_buf[6]); if(_buf[0] != 0 && _buf[1] != 0){ memcpy(&LYWSD0x_HT,(void *)_buf,sizeof(LYWSD0x_HT)); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("%s: T * 100: %u, H: %u, V: %u"),D_CMND_MI32,LYWSD0x_HT.temp,LYWSD0x_HT.hum, LYWSD0x_HT.volt); uint32_t _slot = MI32.state.sensor; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MIBLE: Sensor slot: %u"), _slot); static float _tempFloat; _tempFloat=(float)(LYWSD0x_HT.temp)/100.0f; if(_tempFloat<60){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].temp=_tempFloat; MIBLEsensors[_slot].showedUp=255; // this sensor is real } _tempFloat=(float)LYWSD0x_HT.hum; if(_tempFloat<100){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].hum = _tempFloat; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("LYWSD0x: hum updated")); } if (MIBLEsensors[_slot].type == LYWSD03MMC){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].volt = LYWSD0x_HT.volt; } } } bool MI32readBat(char *_buf){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("%s: raw data: %x%x%x%x%x%x%x"),D_CMND_MI32,_buf[0],_buf[1],_buf[2],_buf[3],_buf[4],_buf[5],_buf[6]); if(_buf[0] != 0){ AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: Battery: %u"),D_CMND_MI32,_buf[0]); uint32_t _slot = MI32.state.sensor; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MIBLE: Sensor slot: %u"), _slot); if(_buf[0]<101){ MIBLEsensors[_slot].bat=_buf[0]; return true; } } return false; } /** * @brief Main loop of the driver, "high level"-loop * */ void MI32EverySecond(bool restart){ static uint32_t _counter = MI32.period - 15; static uint32_t _nextSensorSlot = 0; if(restart){ _counter = 0; MI32.mode.canScan = 0; MI32.mode.canConnect = 1; return; } if (MI32.mode.shallSetTime) { MI32.mode.canScan = 0; MI32.mode.canConnect = 0; if (MI32.mode.willSetTime == 0){ MI32.mode.willSetTime = 1; MI32StartTask(MI32_TASK_TIME); } } if (MI32.mode.willReadBatt) return; if (_counter>MI32.period) { _counter = 0; MI32.mode.canScan = 0; MI32.mode.canConnect = 1; } if(MI32.mode.connected == 1 || MI32.mode.willConnect == 1) return; if(MIBLEsensors.size()==0) { if (MI32.mode.runningScan == 0 && MI32.mode.canScan == 1) MI32StartTask(MI32_TASK_SCAN); return; } if(_counter==0) { MI32.state.sensor = _nextSensorSlot; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: active sensor now: %u"),D_CMND_MI32, MI32.state.sensor); MI32.mode.canScan = 0; if (MI32.mode.runningScan == 1 || MI32.mode.connected == 1) return; _nextSensorSlot++; MI32.mode.canConnect = 1; if(MI32.mode.connected == 0) { AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("will connect to %s"),kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[MI32.state.sensor].type-1] ); if (MI32.mode.shallReadBatt) { MI32StartTask(MI32_TASK_BATT); } else{ MI32StartTask(MI32_TASK_CONN); } } if (MI32.state.sensor==MIBLEsensors.size()-1) { _nextSensorSlot= 0; _counter++; if (MI32.mode.shallReadBatt){ MI32.mode.shallReadBatt = 0; } MI32.mode.canConnect = 0; MI32.mode.canScan = 1; } } else _counter++; if (MI32.state.sensor>MIBLEsensors.size()-1) { _nextSensorSlot = 0; MI32.mode.canScan = 1; } MI32StartTask(MI32_TASK_SCAN); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ bool MI32Cmd(void) { char command[CMDSZ]; bool serviced = true; uint8_t disp_len = strlen(D_CMND_MI32); if (!strncasecmp_P(XdrvMailbox.topic, PSTR(D_CMND_MI32), disp_len)) { // prefix uint32_t command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic + disp_len, kMI32_Commands); switch (command_code) { case CMND_MI32_PERIOD: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if (XdrvMailbox.payload==1) { MI32EverySecond(true); XdrvMailbox.payload = MI32.period; } else { MI32.period = XdrvMailbox.payload; } } else { XdrvMailbox.payload = MI32.period; } Response_P(S_JSON_MI32_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.payload); break; case CMND_MI32_TIME: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if(MIBLEsensors.size()>XdrvMailbox.payload){ if(MIBLEsensors[XdrvMailbox.payload].type == LYWSD02){ AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("%s: will set Time"),D_CMND_MI32); MI32.state.sensor = XdrvMailbox.payload; MI32.mode.canScan = 0; MI32.mode.canConnect = 0; MI32.mode.shallSetTime = 1; MI32.mode.willSetTime = 0; } } } Response_P(S_JSON_MI32_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.payload); break; case CMND_MI32_PAGE: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 0) XdrvMailbox.payload = MI32.perPage; // ignore 0 MI32.perPage = XdrvMailbox.payload; } else XdrvMailbox.payload = MI32.perPage; Response_P(S_JSON_MI32_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.payload); break; case CMND_MI32_BATTERY: MI32EverySecond(true); MI32.mode.shallReadBatt = 1; MI32.mode.canConnect = 1; XdrvMailbox.payload = MI32.period; Response_P(S_JSON_MI32_COMMAND, command, ""); break; default: // else for Unknown command serviced = false; break; } } else { return false; } return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Presentation \*********************************************************************************************/ const char HTTP_MI32[] PROGMEM = "{s}MI ESP32 {m}%u%s / %u{e}"; const char HTTP_MI32_SERIAL[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s %s{m}%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x%{e}"; const char HTTP_BATTERY[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s" " Battery" "{m}%u%%{e}"; const char HTTP_VOLTAGE[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s " D_VOLTAGE "{m}%s V{e}"; const char HTTP_MI32_FLORA_DATA[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s" " Fertility" "{m}%uus/cm{e}"; const char HTTP_MI32_HL[] PROGMEM = "{s}
{e}"; void MI32Show(bool json) { if (json) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MIBLEsensors.size(); i++) { /* char slave[33]; snprintf_P(slave, sizeof(slave), PSTR("%s-%02x%02x%02x"), kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1],MIBLEsensors[i].serial[3],MIBLEsensors[i].serial[4],MIBLEsensors[i].serial[5]); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"%s\":{"), slave); */ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"%s-%02x%02x%02x\":{"), kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].serial[3], MIBLEsensors[i].serial[4], MIBLEsensors[i].serial[5]); if (MIBLEsensors[i].type == FLORA) { if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].temp)) { // this is the error code -> no temperature char temperature[FLOATSZ]; // all sensors have temperature dtostrfd(MIBLEsensors[i].temp, Settings.flag2.temperature_resolution, temperature); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "\":%s"), temperature); } else { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); continue; } if (MIBLEsensors[i].lux!=0x0ffffff) { // this is the error code -> no lux ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_ILLUMINANCE "\":%u"), MIBLEsensors[i].lux); } if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].moisture)) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_MOISTURE "\":%d"), MIBLEsensors[i].moisture); } if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].fertility)) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"Fertility\":%d"), MIBLEsensors[i].fertility); } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].type > FLORA){ if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].hum) && !isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].temp)) { ResponseAppendTHD(MIBLEsensors[i].temp, MIBLEsensors[i].hum); } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].bat != 0x00) { // this is the error code -> no battery if (MIBLEsensors[i].type != LYWSD03MMC) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"Battery\":%u"), MIBLEsensors[i].bat); } else { char voltage[FLOATSZ]; dtostrfd((MIBLEsensors[i].volt)/1000.0f, Settings.flag2.voltage_resolution, voltage); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_VOLTAGE "\":%s"), voltage); } } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { static uint16_t _page = 0; static uint16_t _counter = 0; int32_t i = _page * MI32.perPage; uint32_t j = i + MI32.perPage; if (j+1>MIBLEsensors.size()){ j = MIBLEsensors.size(); } char stemp[5] ={0}; if (MIBLEsensors.size()-(_page*MI32.perPage)>1 && MI32.perPage!=1) { sprintf_P(stemp,"-%u",j); } if (MIBLEsensors.size()==0) i=-1; // only for the GUI WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_MI32, i+1,stemp,MIBLEsensors.size()); for (i; i no valid value WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_ILLUMINANCE, kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].lux); } if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].moisture)) { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_MOISTURE, kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].moisture); } if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].fertility)) { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_MI32_FLORA_DATA, kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].fertility); } } if (MIBLEsensors[i].type>FLORA) { // everything "above" Flora if (!isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].hum) && !isnan(MIBLEsensors[i].temp)) { WSContentSend_THD(kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].temp, MIBLEsensors[i].hum); } } if(MIBLEsensors[i].bat!=0x00){ if (MIBLEsensors[i].type != LYWSD03MMC) { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_BATTERY, kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], MIBLEsensors[i].bat); } else { char voltage[FLOATSZ]; dtostrfd((MIBLEsensors[i].volt)/1000.0f, Settings.flag2.voltage_resolution, voltage); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_VOLTAGE, kMI32SlaveType[MIBLEsensors[i].type-1], voltage); } } } _counter++; if(_counter>3) { _page++; _counter=0; } if (MIBLEsensors.size()%MI32.perPage==0 && _page==MIBLEsensors.size()/MI32.perPage) { _page = 0; } if (_page>MIBLEsensors.size()/MI32.perPage) { _page = 0; } #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xsns62(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; if (FUNC_INIT == function){ MI32Init(); } if (MI32.mode.init) { switch (function) { case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: MI32EverySecond(false); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = MI32Cmd(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: MI32Show(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: MI32Show(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_MI_ESP32 #endif // ESP32