/* support_features.ino - feature support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************\ * Fill feature list \*********************************************************************************************/ void ResponseAppendFeatures(void) { static uint32_t feature1 = 0x00000000; if (!feature1) { // Only fill this once #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_ENERGY_MARGIN_DETECTION) feature1 |= 0x00000001; // xdrv_03_energy.ino #endif #ifdef USE_LIGHT feature1 |= 0x00000002; // tasmota.ino, xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #ifdef USE_I2C feature1 |= 0x00000004; // tasmota.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SPI feature1 |= 0x00000008; // tasmota.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISCOVERY feature1 |= 0x00000010; // tasmota.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ARDUINO_OTA feature1 |= 0x00000020; // tasmota.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MQTT_TLS feature1 |= 0x00000040; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER feature1 |= 0x00000080; // xdrv_01_webserver.ino #endif #if defined(USE_WEBSERVER) && defined(WEBSERVER_ADVERTISE) feature1 |= 0x00000100; // xdrv_01_webserver.ino #endif #if defined(USE_WEBSERVER) && defined(USE_EMULATION_HUE) feature1 |= 0x00000200; // xdrv_20_hue.ino #endif //#if (MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE == MQTT_PUBSUBCLIENT) feature1 |= 0x00000400; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino //#endif //#if (MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE == MQTT_TASMOTAMQTT) // feature1 |= 0x00000800; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino //#endif #ifdef USE_MODBUS_BRIDGE feature1 |= 0x00001000; // xdrv_63_modbus_bridge.ino #endif #if defined(USE_DISCOVERY) && defined(MQTT_HOST_DISCOVERY) feature1 |= 0x00002000; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_ARILUX_RF) feature1 |= 0x00004000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_WS2812) feature1 |= 0x00008000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_WS2812) && defined(USE_WS2812_DMA) feature1 |= 0x00010000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #if defined(USE_IR_REMOTE) || defined(USE_IR_REMOTE_FULL) feature1 |= 0x00020000; // xdrv_05_irremote.ino #endif #ifdef USE_IR_HVAC feature1 |= 0x00040000; // xdrv_05_irremote.ino #endif #if defined(USE_IR_REMOTE) && defined(USE_IR_RECEIVE) feature1 |= 0x00080000; // xdrv_05_irremote.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ feature1 |= 0x00100000; // xdrv_07_domoticz.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY feature1 |= 0x00200000; // xdrv_13_display.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT feature1 |= 0x00400000; // xdrv_12_home_assistant.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE feature1 |= 0x00800000; // xdrv_08_serial_bridge.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TIMERS feature1 |= 0x01000000; // xdrv_09_timers.ino #endif #if defined(USE_TIMERS) && defined(USE_SUNRISE) feature1 |= 0x02000000; // xdrv_09_timers.ino #endif #if defined(USE_TIMERS) && defined(USE_TIMERS_WEB) feature1 |= 0x04000000; // xdrv_09_timers.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RULES feature1 |= 0x08000000; // xdrv_10_rules.ino #endif #ifdef USE_KNX feature1 |= 0x10000000; // xdrv_11_knx.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WPS feature1 |= 0x20000000; // support.ino - removed with version #endif #ifdef USE_SMARTCONFIG feature1 |= 0x40000000; // support.ino - removed with version #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_ENERGY_POWER_LIMIT) feature1 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_03_energy.ino #endif } static uint32_t feature2 = 0x00000000; if (!feature2) { // Only fill this once #ifdef USE_CONFIG_OVERRIDE feature2 |= 0x00000001; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_MINIMAL feature2 |= 0x00000002; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_SENSORS feature2 |= 0x00000004; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_CLASSIC feature2 |= 0x00000008; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_KNX_NO_EMULATION feature2 |= 0x00000010; // user_config(_override).h #endif #if defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5) feature2 |= 0x00000020; // xdrv_13_display.ino #endif #if defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_GRAPH) feature2 |= 0x00000040; // xdrv_13_display.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_LCD) feature2 |= 0x00000080; // xdsp_01_lcd.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_SSD1306) feature2 |= 0x00000100; // xdsp_02_ssd1306.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_MATRIX) feature2 |= 0x00000200; // xdsp_03_matrix.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_ILI9341) feature2 |= 0x00000400; // xdsp_04_ili9341.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_EPAPER_29) feature2 |= 0x00000800; // xdsp_05_epaper.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_SH1106) feature2 |= 0x00001000; // xdsp_07_sh1106.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MP3_PLAYER feature2 |= 0x00002000; // xdrv_14_mp3.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && (defined(USE_PCA9685) || defined(USE_PCA9685_V2)) feature2 |= 0x00004000; // xdrv_15_pca9685.ino or xdrv_15_pca9685_v2.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_TUYA_MCU) feature2 |= 0x00008000; // xdrv_16_tuyadimmer.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RC_SWITCH feature2 |= 0x00010000; // xdrv_17_rcswitch.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS) feature2 |= 0x00020000; // xdrv_18_armtronixdimmer.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_SM16716) feature2 |= 0x00040000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SCRIPT feature2 |= 0x00080000; // xdrv_10_scripter.ino #endif #if defined(USE_WEBSERVER) && defined(USE_EMULATION_WEMO) feature2 |= 0x00100000; // xdrv_21_wemo.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SONOFF_IFAN feature2 |= 0x00200000; // xdrv_22_sonoff_ifan.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ZIGBEE feature2 |= 0x00400000; // xdrv_23_zigbee.ino #endif #ifdef NO_EXTRA_4K_HEAP feature2 |= 0x00800000; // sonoff_post.h #endif #ifdef VTABLES_IN_IRAM feature2 |= 0x01000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef VTABLES_IN_DRAM feature2 |= 0x02000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef VTABLES_IN_FLASH feature2 |= 0x04000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH feature2 |= 0x08000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY feature2 |= 0x10000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH feature2 |= 0x20000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef DEBUG_THEO feature2 |= 0x40000000; // xdrv_99_debug.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER feature2 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_99_debug.ino #endif } static uint32_t feature3 = 0x00000000; if (!feature3) { // Only fill this once #ifdef USE_COUNTER feature3 |= 0x00000001; // xsns_01_counter.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ADC_VCC) || defined(USE_ADC) feature3 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_02_analog.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR feature3 |= 0x00000004; // xdrv_03_energy.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_PZEM004T) feature3 |= 0x00000008; // xnrg_03_pzem004t.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DS18B20 feature3 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_05_ds18b20.ino - no more support since #endif #ifdef USE_DS18x20_LEGACY feature3 |= 0x00000020; // xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino - no more support since #endif #ifdef USE_DS18x20 feature3 |= 0x00000040; // xsns_05_ds18x20.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DHT feature3 |= 0x00000080; // xsns_06_dht.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SHT) feature3 |= 0x00000100; // xsns_07_sht1x.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HTU) feature3 |= 0x00000200; // xsns_08_htu21.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_BMP) feature3 |= 0x00000400; // xsns_09_bmp.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_BMP) && defined(USE_BME68X) feature3 |= 0x00000800; // xsns_09_bmp.ino - BME68x #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_BH1750) feature3 |= 0x00001000; // xsns_10_bh1750.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_VEML6070) feature3 |= 0x00002000; // xsns_11_veml6070.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_ADS1115_I2CDEV) feature3 |= 0x00004000; // xsns_12_ads1115_i2cdev.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_ADS1115) feature3 |= 0x00008000; // xsns_12_ads1115.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_INA219) feature3 |= 0x00010000; // xsns_13_ina219.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SHT3X) feature3 |= 0x00020000; // xsns_14_sht3x.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MHZ19 feature3 |= 0x00040000; // xsns_15_mhz19.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_TSL2561) feature3 |= 0x00080000; // xsns_16_tsl2561.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SENSEAIR feature3 |= 0x00100000; // xsns_17_senseair.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PMS5003 feature3 |= 0x00200000; // xsns_18_pms5003.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MGS) feature3 |= 0x00400000; // xsns_19_mgs.ino #endif #ifdef USE_NOVA_SDS feature3 |= 0x00800000; // xsns_20_novasds.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SGP30) feature3 |= 0x01000000; // xsns_21_sgp30.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SR04 feature3 |= 0x02000000; // xsns_22_sr04.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_SDM120) feature3 |= 0x04000000; // xnrg_08_sdm120.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SI1145) feature3 |= 0x08000000; // xsns_24_si1145.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_SDM630) feature3 |= 0x10000000; // xnrg_10_sdm630.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_LM75AD) feature3 |= 0x20000000; // xsns_26_lm75ad.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_APDS9960) feature3 |= 0x40000000; // xsns_27_apds9960.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TM1638 feature3 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_66_tm1638.ino #endif } static uint32_t feature4 = 0x00000000; if (!feature4) { // Only fill this once #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MCP230xx) feature4 |= 0x00000001; // xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MPR121) feature4 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_30_mpr121.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && (defined(USE_CCS811) || defined(USE_CCS811_V2)) feature4 |= 0x00000004; // xsns_31_ccs811.ino or xsns_31_ccs811_v2.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MPU6050) feature4 |= 0x00000008; // xsns_32_mpu6050.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MCP230xx) && defined(USE_MCP230xx_OUTPUT) feature4 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MCP230xx) && defined(USE_MCP230xx_DISPLAYOUTPUT) feature4 |= 0x00000020; // xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_HLW8012) feature4 |= 0x00000040; // xnrg_01_hlw8012.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_CSE7766) feature4 |= 0x00000080; // xnrg_02_cse7766.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_MCP39F501) feature4 |= 0x00000100; // xnrg_04_mcp39f501.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_PZEM_AC) feature4 |= 0x00000200; // xnrg_05_pzem_ac.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DS3231) feature4 |= 0x00000400; // xsns_33_ds3231.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HX711 feature4 |= 0x00000800; // xsns_34_hx711.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_PZEM_DC) feature4 |= 0x00001000; // xnrg_06_pzem_dc.ino #endif #if defined(USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR) || defined(USE_TX23_WIND_SENSOR) || defined(USE_WS2300_WIND_SENSOR) feature4 |= 0x00002000; // xsns_35_tx20.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MGC3130) feature4 |= 0x00004000; // xsns_36_mgc3130.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RF_SENSOR feature4 |= 0x00008000; // xsns_37_rfsensor.ino #endif #if defined(USE_RF_SENSOR) && defined(USE_THEO_V2) feature4 |= 0x00010000; // xsns_37_rfsensor.ino #endif #if defined(USE_RF_SENSOR) && defined(USE_ALECTO_V2) feature4 |= 0x00020000; // xsns_37_rfsensor.ino #endif #ifdef USE_AZ7798 feature4 |= 0x00040000; // xsns_38_az7798.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MAX31855 feature4 |= 0x00080000; // xsns_39_max31855.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PN532_HSU feature4 |= 0x00100000; // xsns_40_pn532.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MAX44009) feature4 |= 0x00200000; // xsns_41_max44009.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SCD30) feature4 |= 0x00400000; // xsns_42_scd30.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HRE feature4 |= 0x00800000; // xsns_43_hre.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_ADE7953) feature4 |= 0x01000000; // xnrg_07_ade7953.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SPS30) feature4 |= 0x02000000; // xsns_44_sps30.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_VL53L0X) feature4 |= 0x04000000; // xsns_45_vl53l0x.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MLX90614) feature4 |= 0x08000000; // xsns_46_MLX90614.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MAX31865 feature4 |= 0x10000000; // xsns_47-max31865.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_CHIRP) feature4 |= 0x20000000; // xsns_48_chirp.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_SOLAX_X1) feature4 |= 0x40000000; // xnrg_12_solaxX1.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_PAJ7620) feature4 |= 0x80000000; // xsns_50_paj7620.ino #endif } static uint32_t feature5 = 0x00000000; if (!feature5) { // Only fill this once #ifdef USE_BUZZER feature5 |= 0x00000001; // xdrv_24_buzzer.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RDM6300 feature5 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_51_rdm6300.ino #endif #ifdef USE_IBEACON feature5 |= 0x00000004; // xsns_52_ibeacon.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SML_M feature5 |= 0x00000008; // xsns_53_sml.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_INA226) feature5 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_54_ina226.ino #endif #ifdef USE_A4988_STEPPER feature5 |= 0x00000020; // xdrv_25_A4988.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_DDS2382) feature5 |= 0x00000040; // xnrg_09_dds2382.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_SM2135) feature5 |= 0x00000080; // xdrv_026_sm2135.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SHUTTER feature5 |= 0x00000100; // xdrv_027_shutter.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_PCF8574) feature5 |= 0x00000200; // xdrv_028_pcf8574.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_DDSU666) feature5 |= 0x00000400; // xnrg_11_ddsu666.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DEEPSLEEP feature5 |= 0x00000800; // xdrv_029_deepsleep.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SONOFF_SC feature5 |= 0x00001000; // xsns_04_snfsc.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SONOFF_RF feature5 |= 0x00002000; // xdrv_06_snfbridge.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_SONOFF_L1) feature5 |= 0x00004000; // xlgt_05_sonoff_l1.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_EXS_DIMMER) feature5 |= 0x00008000; // xdrv_30_exs_dimmer.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TASMOTA_CLIENT feature5 |= 0x00010000; // xdrv_31_tasmota_client.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HIH6) feature5 |= 0x00020000; // xsns_55_hih_series.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HPMA feature5 |= 0x00040000; // xsns_56_hpma.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_TSL2591) feature5 |= 0x00080000; // xsns_57_tsl2591.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DHT12) feature5 |= 0x00100000; // xsns_58_dht12.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DS1624) feature5 |= 0x00200000; // xsns_59_ds1624.ino #endif #ifdef USE_GPS feature5 |= 0x00400000; // xsns_60_GPS.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HOTPLUG) feature5 |= 0x00800000; // xdrv_32_hotplug.ino #endif #ifdef USE_NRF24 feature5 |= 0x01000000; // xsns_33_nrf24l01.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MIBLE feature5 |= 0x02000000; // xsns_61_MI_BLE.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HM10 feature5 |= 0x04000000; // xsns_62_MI_HM10.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_LE01MR) feature5 |= 0x08000000; // xnrg_13_fif_le01mr.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && (defined(USE_AHT1x) || defined(USE_AHT2x)) feature5 |= 0x10000000; // xsns_63_aht1x.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_WEMOS_MOTOR_V1) feature5 |= 0x20000000; // xdrv_34_wemos_motor_v1.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS feature5 |= 0x40000000; // support_device_groups.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PWM_DIMMER feature5 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_35_pwm_dimmer #endif } static uint32_t feature6 = 0x00000000; if (!feature6) { // Only fill this once #ifdef USE_KEELOQ feature6 |= 0x00000001; // xdrv_36_keeloq.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HRXL feature6 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_64_hrxl.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SONOFF_D1 feature6 |= 0x00000004; // xdrv_37_sonoff_d1.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HDC1080) feature6 |= 0x00000008; // xsns_65_hdc1080.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_IAQ) feature6 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_66_iAQ.ino #endif #if defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_SEVENSEG) feature6 |= 0x00000020; // xdsp_11_sevenseg.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_AS3935) feature6 |= 0x00000040; // xsns_67_as3935.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PING feature6 |= 0x00000080; // xdrv_38_ping.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WINDMETER feature6 |= 0x00000100; // xsns_68_windmeter.ino #endif #ifdef USE_OPENTHERM feature6 |= 0x00000200; // xsns_69_opentherm.ino #endif #ifdef USE_THERMOSTAT feature6 |= 0x00000400; // xdrv_39_heating.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_VEML6075) feature6 |= 0x00000800; // xsns_70_veml6075.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_VEML7700) feature6 |= 0x00001000; // xsns_71_veml7700.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MCP9808) feature6 |= 0x00002000; // xsns_72_mcp9808.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && (defined(USE_BL0940) || defined(USE_BL09XX)) feature6 |= 0x00004000; // xnrg_14_bl09xx.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TELEGRAM feature6 |= 0x00008000; // xdrv_40_telegram.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HP303B) feature6 |= 0x00010000; // xsns_73_hp303b.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TCP_BRIDGE feature6 |= 0x00020000; // xdrv_41_tcp_bridge.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_TELEINFO) feature6 |= 0x00040000; // xnrg_15_teleinfo.ino #endif #ifdef USE_LMT01 feature6 |= 0x00080000; // xsns_74_lmt01.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PROMETHEUS feature6 |= 0x00100000; // xsns_75_prometheus.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_IEM3000) feature6 |= 0x00200000; // xnrg_16_iem3000.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DYP feature6 |= 0x00400000; // xsns_76_dyp.ino #endif #ifdef USE_I2S_AUDIO feature6 |= 0x00800000; // xdrv_42_i2s_audio.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MLX90640 feature6 |= 0x01000000; // xdrv_43_mlx90640.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_VL53L1X) feature6 |= 0x02000000; // xsns_77_vl53l1x.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MIEL_HVAC feature6 |= 0x04000000; // xdrv_44_miel_hvac.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_WE517) feature6 |= 0x08000000; // xnrg_17_ornowe517.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOPH) feature6 |= 0x10000000; // xsns_78_ezoph.ino #endif #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_TTGO_WATCH) feature6 |= 0x20000000; // xdrv_83_esp32watch.ino #endif #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_ETHERNET) feature6 |= 0x40000000; // xdrv_82_ethernet.ino #endif #if defined(ESP32) && defined(USE_WEBCAM) feature6 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_81_webcam.ino #endif } static uint32_t feature7 = 0x00000000; if (!feature7) { // Only fill this once #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOORP) feature7 |= 0x00000001; // xsns_78_ezoorp.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZORTD) feature7 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_78_ezortd.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOHUM) feature7 |= 0x00000004; // xsns_78_ezohum.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOEC) feature7 |= 0x00000008; // xsns_78_ezoec.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOCO2) feature7 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_78_ezoco2.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOO2) feature7 |= 0x00000020; // xsns_78_ezoo2.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOPRS) feature7 |= 0x00000040; // xsns_78_ezoprs.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOFLO) feature7 |= 0x00000080; // xsns_78_ezoflo.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZODO) feature7 |= 0x00000100; // xsns_78_ezodo.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZORGB) feature7 |= 0x00000200; // xsns_78_ezorgb.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_EZOPMP) feature7 |= 0x00000400; // xsns_78_ezopmp.ino #endif #ifdef USE_AS608 feature7 |= 0x00000800; // xsns_79_as608.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SHELLY_DIMMER) feature7 |= 0x00001000; // xdrv_45_shelly_dimmer.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RC522 feature7 |= 0x00002000; // xsns_80_mfrc522.ino #endif #ifdef USE_FTC532 feature7 |= 0x00004000; // xdrv_47_ftc532.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_EPAPER_42) feature7 |= 0x00008000; // xdsp_06_epaper_42.ino #endif // #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_ILI9488) // feature7 |= 0x00010000; // xdsp_08_ILI9488.ino // #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_SSD1351) feature7 |= 0x00020000; // xdsp_09_SSD1351.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_RA8876) feature7 |= 0x00040000; // xdsp_10_RA8876.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_ST7789) feature7 |= 0x00080000; // xdsp_12_ST7789.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_SSD1331) feature7 |= 0x00100000; // xdsp_14_SSD1331.ino #endif #ifdef USE_UFILESYS feature7 |= 0x00200000; // xdrv_50_filesystem.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TIMEPROP feature7 |= 0x00400000; // xdrv_48_timeprop.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PID feature7 |= 0x00800000; // xdrv_49_pid.ino #endif #ifdef USE_BS814A2 feature7 |= 0x01000000; // xdrv_51_bs814a2.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SEESAW_SOIL) feature7 |= 0x02000000; // xsns_81_seesaw_soil.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WIEGAND feature7 |= 0x04000000; // xsns_82_wiegand.ino #endif #ifdef USE_NEOPOOL feature7 |= 0x08000000; // xsns_83_neopool.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_TOF10120) feature7 |= 0x10000000; // xsns_84_tof10120 #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_SDM72) feature7 |= 0x20000000; // xnrg_18_sdm72.ino #endif #if defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_TM1637) feature7 |= 0x40000000; #endif #ifdef USE_PROJECTOR_CTRL feature7 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_53_projector_ctrl.ino #endif } static uint32_t feature8 = 0x00000000; if (!feature8) { // Only fill this once #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MPU_ACCEL) feature8 |= 0x00000001; // xsns_85_mpu6886.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TFMINIPLUS feature8 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_86_tfminiplus.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_CSE7761) feature8 |= 0x00000004; // xnrg_19_cse7761.ino #endif #ifdef USE_BERRY feature8 |= 0x00000008; // xdrv_52_9_berry.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_BM8563) feature8 |= 0x00000010; // xdrv_56_BM8563_RTC.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_ENERGY_DUMMY) feature8 |= 0x00000020; // xnrg_30_dummy.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_AM2320) feature8 |= 0x00000040; // xsns_88_am2320.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_T67XX) feature8 |= 0x00000080; // xsns_89_t67xx.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_MCP2515) feature8 |= 0x00000100; // xsns_87_mcp2515.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TASMESH feature8 |= 0x00000200; // xdrv_57_9_tasmesh.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WIFI_RANGE_EXTENDER feature8 |= 0x00000400; // xdrv_58_range_extender.ino #endif #ifdef USE_INFLUXDB feature8 |= 0x00000800; // xdrv_59_influxdb.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HRG15 feature8 |= 0x00001000; // xsns_90_hrg15.ino #endif #ifdef USE_VINDRIKTNING feature8 |= 0x00002000; // xsns_91_vindriktning.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SCD40) feature8 |= 0x00004000; // xsns_92_scd40.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HM330X) feature8 |= 0x00008000; // xsns_93_hm330x.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HDC2010) feature8 |= 0x00010000; // xsns_94_hdc2010.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_LSC_MCSL) feature8 |= 0x00020000; // xlgt_07_lsc_mcsl.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SONOFF_SPM feature8 |= 0x00040000; // xdrv_86_esp32_sonoff_spm.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SHIFT595 feature8 |= 0x00080000; // xdrv_60_shift595.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SDM230 feature8 |= 0x00100000; // xnrg_21_sdm230.ino #endif #ifdef USE_CM110x feature8 |= 0x00200000; // xsns_95_cm110x.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_BL6523) feature8 |= 0x00400000; // xnrg_22_bl6523.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_ADE7880) feature8 |= 0x00800000; // xnrg_23_ade7880.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_PCF85363) feature8 |= 0x01000000; // xdrv_56_rtc_chips.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DS3502) feature8 |= 0x02000000; // xdrv_61_ds3502.ino #endif #ifdef USE_IMPROV feature8 |= 0x04000000; // xdrv_62_improv.ino #endif #ifdef USE_FLOWRATEMETER feature8 |= 0x08000000; // xsns_96_flowratemeter.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_BP5758D) feature8 |= 0x10000000; // xlgt_08_bp5758d.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HYT) feature8 |= 0x20000000; // xsns_97_hyt.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_SM2335) feature8 |= 0x40000000; // xlgt_09_sm2335.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_TM1621_SONOFF feature8 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_87_esp32_sonoff_tm1621.ino #endif } static uint32_t feature9 = 0x00000000; if (!feature9) { // Only fill this once #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SGP40) feature9 |= 0x00000001; // xsns_98_sgp40.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_LUXV30B) feature9 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_99_luxv30b.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_CANSNIFFER) feature9 |= 0x00000004; // xsns_87_can_sniffer.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_QMC5883L) feature9 |= 0x00000008; // xsns_33_qmc5882l.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_MODBUS_ENERGY) feature9 |= 0x00000010; // xnrg_29_modbus.ino #endif #if defined(USE_SPI) && defined(USE_SHELLY_PRO) feature9 |= 0x00000020; // xdrv_88_esp32_shelly_pro.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DALI feature9 |= 0x00000040; // xdrv_89_esp32_dali.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_BP1658CJ) feature9 |= 0x00000080; // xlgt_10_bp1658cj.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DINGTIAN_RELAY feature9 |= 0x00000100; // xdrv_90_dingtian_relay.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_HMC5883L) feature9 |= 0x00000200; // xsns_101_hmc5883l.ino #endif #ifdef USE_LD2410 feature9 |= 0x00000400; // xsns_102_ld2410.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ME007 feature9 |= 0x00000800; // xsns_23_me007.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_DISPLAY) && defined(USE_DISPLAY_TM1650) feature9 |= 0x00001000; // xdsp_20_tm1650.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_PCA9632) feature9 |= 0x00002000; // xdrv_64_pca9632.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TUYAMCUBR feature9 |= 0x00004000; // xdrv_65_tuyamcubr.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SEN5X) feature9 |= 0x00008000; // xsns_103_sen5x.ino #endif #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) && defined(USE_BIOPDU) feature9 |= 0x00010000; // xnrg_24_biopdu.ino #endif #if (defined(USE_I2C) || defined(USE_SPI)) && defined(USE_MCP23XXX_DRV) feature9 |= 0x00020000; // xdrv_67_mcp23xxx.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_PMSA003I) feature9 |= 0x00040000; // xsns_104_pmsa003i.ino #endif #ifdef USE_LOX_O2 feature9 |= 0x00080000; // xsns_105_lox_o2.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_GDK101) feature9 |= 0x00100000; // xsns_106_gdk101.ino #endif #ifdef USE_GM861 feature9 |= 0x00200000; // xsns_107_gm861.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_TC74) feature9 |= 0x00400000; // xsns_108_tc74.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_PCA9557) feature9 |= 0x00800000; // xdrv_69_pca9557.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_SGP4X) feature9 |= 0x01000000; // xdrv_109_sgp4x.ino #endif #if defined(USE_I2C) && defined(USE_MAX17043) feature9 |= 0x02000000; #endif // feature9 |= 0x04000000; // feature9 |= 0x08000000; // feature9 |= 0x10000000; // feature9 |= 0x20000000; // feature9 |= 0x40000000; // feature9 |= 0x80000000; } /*********************************************************************************************/ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_FEATURES "\":[\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\",\"%08X\"]"), LANGUAGE_LCID, feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4, feature5, feature6, feature7, feature8, feature9); }