/** * esp-knx-ip library for KNX/IP communication on an ESP8266 * Author: Nico Weichbrodt * License: MIT */ #include "esp-knx-ip.h" /** * Send functions */ void ESPKNXIP::send(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t data_len, uint8_t *data) { if (receiver.value == 0) return; #if SEND_CHECKSUM uint32_t len = 6 + 2 + 8 + data_len + 1; // knx_pkt + cemi_msg + cemi_service + data + checksum #else uint32_t len = 6 + 2 + 8 + data_len; // knx_pkt + cemi_msg + cemi_service + data #endif DEBUG_PRINT(F("Creating packet with len ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(len) uint8_t buf[len]; knx_ip_pkt_t *knx_pkt = (knx_ip_pkt_t *)buf; knx_pkt->header_len = 0x06; knx_pkt->protocol_version = 0x10; knx_pkt->service_type = __ntohs(KNX_ST_ROUTING_INDICATION); knx_pkt->total_len.len = __ntohs(len); cemi_msg_t *cemi_msg = (cemi_msg_t *)knx_pkt->pkt_data; cemi_msg->message_code = KNX_MT_L_DATA_IND; cemi_msg->additional_info_len = 0; cemi_service_t *cemi_data = &cemi_msg->data.service_information; cemi_data->control_1.bits.confirm = 0; cemi_data->control_1.bits.ack = 0; cemi_data->control_1.bits.priority = B11; cemi_data->control_1.bits.system_broadcast = 0x01; cemi_data->control_1.bits.repeat = 0x01; cemi_data->control_1.bits.reserved = 0; cemi_data->control_1.bits.frame_type = 0x01; cemi_data->control_2.bits.extended_frame_format = 0x00; cemi_data->control_2.bits.hop_count = 0x06; cemi_data->control_2.bits.dest_addr_type = 0x01; cemi_data->source = physaddr; cemi_data->destination = receiver; //cemi_data->destination.bytes.high = (area << 3) | line; //cemi_data->destination.bytes.low = member; cemi_data->data_len = data_len; cemi_data->pci.apci = (ct & 0x0C) >> 2; cemi_data->pci.tpci_seq_number = 0x00; // ??? cemi_data->pci.tpci_comm_type = KNX_COT_UDP; // ??? memcpy(cemi_data->data, data, data_len); cemi_data->data[0] = (cemi_data->data[0] & 0x3F) | ((ct & 0x03) << 6); #if SEND_CHECKSUM // Calculate checksum, which is just XOR of all bytes uint8_t cs = buf[0] ^ buf[1]; for (uint32_t i = 2; i < len - 1; ++i) { cs ^= buf[i]; } buf[len - 1] = cs; #endif #ifdef ESP_KNX_DEBUG DEBUG_PRINT(F("Sending packet:")); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { DEBUG_PRINT(F(" 0x")); DEBUG_PRINT(buf[i], 16); } DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("")); #endif udp.writeTo(buf, len, MULTICAST_IP, MULTICAST_PORT); } void ESPKNXIP::send_1bit(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t bit) { uint8_t buf[] = {(uint8_t)(bit & 0b00000001)}; send(receiver, ct, 1, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_2bit(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t twobit) { uint8_t buf[] = {(uint8_t)(twobit & 0b00000011)}; send(receiver, ct, 1, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_4bit(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t fourbit) { uint8_t buf[] = {(uint8_t)(fourbit & 0b00001111)}; send(receiver, ct, 1, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_1byte_int(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, int8_t val) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)val}; send(receiver, ct, 2, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_1byte_uint(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t val) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, val}; send(receiver, ct, 2, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_2byte_int(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, int16_t val) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)(val >> 8), (uint8_t)(val & 0x00FF)}; send(receiver, ct, 3, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_2byte_uint(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint16_t val) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)(val >> 8), (uint8_t)(val & 0x00FF)}; send(receiver, ct, 3, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_2byte_float(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, float val) { float v = val * 100.0f; int e = 0; for (; v < -2048.0f; v /= 2) ++e; for (; v > 2047.0f; v /= 2) ++e; long m = round(v) & 0x7FF; short msb = (short) (e << 3 | m >> 8); if (val < 0.0f) msb |= 0x80; uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)msb, (uint8_t)m}; send(receiver, ct, 3, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_3byte_time(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t weekday, uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes, uint8_t seconds) { weekday <<= 5; uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)(((weekday << 5) & 0xE0) | (hours & 0x1F)), (uint8_t)(minutes & 0x3F), (uint8_t)(seconds & 0x3F)}; send(receiver, ct, 4, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_3byte_date(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t day, uint8_t month, uint8_t year) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)(day & 0x1F), (uint8_t)(month & 0x0F), year}; send(receiver, ct, 4, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_3byte_color(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, red, green, blue}; send(receiver, ct, 4, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_4byte_int(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, int32_t val) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)((val & 0xFF000000) >> 24), (uint8_t)((val & 0x00FF0000) >> 16), (uint8_t)((val & 0x0000FF00) >> 8), (uint8_t)((val & 0x000000FF) >> 0)}; send(receiver, ct, 5, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_4byte_uint(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, uint32_t val) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, (uint8_t)((val & 0xFF000000) >> 24), (uint8_t)((val & 0x00FF0000) >> 16), (uint8_t)((val & 0x0000FF00) >> 8), (uint8_t)((val & 0x000000FF) >> 0)}; send(receiver, ct, 5, buf); } void ESPKNXIP::send_4byte_float(address_t const &receiver, knx_command_type_t ct, float val) { uint8_t buf[] = {0x00, ((uint8_t *)&val)[3], ((uint8_t *)&val)[2], ((uint8_t *)&val)[1], ((uint8_t *)&val)[0]}; send(receiver, ct, 5, buf); }