# From: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/blob/mega/tools/pio/post_esp32.py # Thanks TD-er :) # Combines separate bin files with their respective offsets into a single file # This single file must then be flashed to an ESP32 node with 0 offset. # # Original implementation: Bartłomiej Zimoń (@uzi18) # # Special thanks to @Jason2866 for helping debug flashing to >4MB flash # Thanks @jesserockz (esphome) for adapting to use esptool.py with merge_bin # # Typical layout of the generated file: # Offset | File # - 0x1000 | ~\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif32\tools\sdk\esp32\bin\bootloader_dout_40m.bin # - 0x8000 | ~\Tasmota\.pio\build\\partitions.bin # - 0xe000 | ~\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif32\tools\partitions\boot_app0.bin # - 0x10000 | ~\Tasmota\.pio\build\/firmware.bin Import("env") env = DefaultEnvironment() platform = env.PioPlatform() from genericpath import exists import os import sys from os.path import join import csv import requests import shutil sys.path.append(join(platform.get_package_dir("tool-esptoolpy"))) import esptool FRAMEWORK_DIR = platform.get_package_dir("framework-arduinoespressif32") variants_dir = join(FRAMEWORK_DIR, "variants", "tasmota") def esp32_fetch_safeboot_bin(chip): safeboot_fw_url = "https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota-firmware/raw/main/firmware/tasmota32/tasmota" + ("32solo1" if "solo1" in env.subst("$BUILD_DIR") else chip[3:]) + "-safeboot.bin" safeboot_fw_name = join(variants_dir,"tasmota" + ("32solo1" if "solo1" in env.subst("$BUILD_DIR") else chip[3:]) + "-safeboot.bin") if(exists(safeboot_fw_name)): print("safeboot binary already in place.") return print("Will download safeboot binary from URL:") print(safeboot_fw_url) response = requests.get(safeboot_fw_url) open(safeboot_fw_name, "wb").write(response.content) print("safeboot binary written to variants dir.") def esp32_copy_new_safeboot_bin(chip,new_local_safeboot_fw): print("Copy new local safeboot firmware to variants dir -> using it for further flashing operations") safeboot_fw_name = join(variants_dir,"tasmota" + ("32solo1" if "solo1" in env.subst("$BUILD_DIR") else chip[3:]) + "-safeboot.bin") if os.path.exists(variants_dir): shutil.copy(new_local_safeboot_fw, safeboot_fw_name) def esp32_create_combined_bin(source, target, env): #print("Generating combined binary for serial flashing") # The offset from begin of the file where the app0 partition starts # This is defined in the partition .csv file factory_offset = -1 # error code value app_offset = 0x10000 # default value for "old" scheme spiffs_offset = -1 # error code value with open(env.BoardConfig().get("build.partitions")) as csv_file: print("Read partitions from ",env.BoardConfig().get("build.partitions")) csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 for row in csv_reader: if line_count == 0: print(f'{", ".join(row)}') line_count += 1 else: print(f'{row[0]} {row[1]} {row[2]} {row[3]} {row[4]}') line_count += 1 if(row[0] == 'app0'): app_offset = int(row[3],base=16) # elif(row[0] == 'factory'): # factory_offset = int(row[3],base=16) # elif(row[0] == 'spiffs'): # spiffs_offset = int(row[3],base=16) new_file_name = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.factory.bin") sections = env.subst(env.get("FLASH_EXTRA_IMAGES")) firmware_name = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin") chip = env.get("BOARD_MCU") if not os.path.exists(variants_dir): os.makedirs(variants_dir) if("safeboot" in firmware_name): esp32_copy_new_safeboot_bin(chip,firmware_name) else: esp32_fetch_safeboot_bin(chip) flash_size = env.BoardConfig().get("upload.flash_size", "4MB") cmd = [ "--chip", chip, "merge_bin", "-o", new_file_name, "--flash_size", flash_size, ] print(" Offset | File") for section in sections: sect_adr, sect_file = section.split(" ", 1) print(f" - {sect_adr} | {sect_file}") cmd += [sect_adr, sect_file] # "main" firmware to app0 - mandatory, except we just built a new safeboot bin locally if("safeboot" not in firmware_name): print(f" - {hex(app_offset)} | {firmware_name}") cmd += [hex(app_offset), firmware_name] else: print("Upload new safeboot binary only") #print('Using esptool.py arguments: %s' % ' '.join(cmd)) esptool.main(cmd) env.AddPostAction("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin", esp32_create_combined_bin)