/* xsns_52_esp32_ibeacon_ble.ino - Support for BLE_ESP32 ibeacon reader on Tasmota Copyright (C) 2020 Gerhard Mutz and Theo Arends and Simon Hailes This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ //////////////////////////////////////// // Commands: // iBeacon 0/1 - Enable // iBeaconOnlyAliased 0/1/2 - // 0 = all BLE devices, // 1 = only devices with any BLEAlias // 2 = only devices which have BLEAlias starting "iB" // iBeaconClear - clear list NOW // iBeaconPeriod (sec) - update period - default 10s // iBeaconTimeout (sec) - timeout period - default 30s // // posts MQTT about each beacon every iBeaconPeriod (default 10s) // MQTT like // tele/tasmota_E89E98/SENSOR = {"Time":"2021-02-04T23:20:22","IBEACON":{"MAC":"FFFFA0003B19","NAME":"iB1","RSSI":-81,"STATE":"ON","PERSEC":10}} // Always present: // Time: time of MQTT send // IBEACON.MAC // IBEACON.RSSI // IBEACON.STATE - ON - present, OFF - last MQTT you will get for now (device removed) // Optional: // IBEACON.NAME - name if in scan, or BLEAlias if set - only present if NAME present // IBEACON.PERSEC - count of adverts per sec. USeful for detecting button press? // IBEACON.MAJOR - some iBeacon related term? - only present for some // IBEACON.MINOR - some iBeacon related term? - only present for some // // Note for Apple iBeacons with UUID,MAJOR,MINOR: // iBeacons are compared using UUID+MAJOR+MINOR as the unique id rather than MAC address. // so each of your beacons should have unique MAJOR+MINOR. // it would be 'normal' for UUID to be identical for a set of iBeacons. //////////////////////////////////////// // for testing of BLE_ESP32, we remove xsns_52_ibeacon.ino completely, and instead add this modified xsns_52_ibeacon_BLE_ESP32.ino // in the future this may be more fine-grained, e.g. to allow hm17 for this, and BLE-ESP32 for other #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 || CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 #ifdef USE_BLE_ESP32 #define XSNS_52 52 // keyfob expires after N seconds #define IB_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL 30 // does a passive scan every N seconds #define IB_UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL 10 // should be in Settings //#if 1 uint8_t ib_upd_interval,ib_tout_interval; //#undef IB_UPDATE_TIME //#undef IB_TIMEOUT_TIME #define IB_UPDATE_TIME ib_upd_interval #define IB_TIMEOUT_TIME ib_tout_interval //#else //#undef IB_UPDATE_TIME //#undef IB_TIMEOUT_TIME //#define IB_UPDATE_TIME Settings->ib_upd_interval //#define IB_TIMEOUT_TIME Settings->ib_tout_interval //#endif #define ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(x) ((((x)&0xFF00) >> 8) + (((x)&0xFF) << 8)) struct IBEACON { char FACID[8]; char UID[32]; char MAJOR[4]; char MINOR[4]; char PWR[2]; char MAC[12]; char RSSI[4]; char NAME[16]; }; #define MAX_IBEACONS 32 struct IBEACON_UID { char MAC[12]; char RSSI[4]; ////////////////////////////// // DON'T CHANGE THE ORDER HERE // we reference these as a single field in comparing for 'same' beacon char UID[32]; char MAJOR[4]; char MINOR[4]; ////////////////////////////// uint8_t FLAGS; uint8_t TIME; uint8_t REPORTED; uint8_t REPTIME; uint8_t count; // count of adverts in REPTIME (reptime default = 10s) uint32_t lastmqtt; // last time we sent something char NAME[16]; } ibeacons[MAX_IBEACONS]; void CmndiBeacon(void); void CmndiBeaconOnlyAliased(void); void CmndiBeaconClear(void); void CmndiBeaconPeriod(void); void CmndiBeaconTimeout(void); #define D_CMND_IBEACON "IBEACON" const char kiBeacon_Commands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_IBEACON "|" "|" "onlyaliased|" "clear|" "period|" "timeout"; void (*const iBeacon_Commands[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CmndiBeacon, &CmndiBeaconOnlyAliased, &CmndiBeaconClear, &CmndiBeaconPeriod, &CmndiBeaconTimeout }; uint8_t iBeaconOnlyAliased = 0; uint8_t iBeaconEnable = 0; void CmndiBeacon(void){ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { iBeaconEnable = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(iBeaconEnable); } void CmndiBeaconOnlyAliased(void){ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { iBeaconOnlyAliased = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(iBeaconOnlyAliased); } void CmndiBeaconClear(void){ uint32_t count = 0; for (uint32_t cnt=0; cnt 0) { IB_UPDATE_TIME = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(IB_UPDATE_TIME); } void CmndiBeaconTimeout(void){ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { IB_TIMEOUT_TIME = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(IB_TIMEOUT_TIME); } uint32_t ibeacon_add(struct IBEACON *ib); void ESP32BLE_ReverseStr(uint8_t _mac[], uint8_t len=6){ uint8_t _reversedMAC[len]; for (uint8_t i=0; i>4) & 0xF]; pout[1] = hex[ pgm_read_byte(pin) & 0xF]; } } int advertismentCallback(BLE_ESP32::ble_advertisment_t *pStruct) { struct IBEACON ib; if (!iBeaconEnable) return 0; BLEAdvertisedDevice *advertisedDevice = pStruct->advertisedDevice; char sRSSI[6]; itoa(pStruct->RSSI,sRSSI,10); const uint8_t *MAC = pStruct->addr; const char *alias = BLE_ESP32::getAlias(MAC); if (iBeaconOnlyAliased){ // ignore unless we have an alias. if (!alias || !(*alias)){ return 0; } } if (!alias) alias = ""; if (iBeaconOnlyAliased == 2){ if (strncmp(alias, "iB", 2)){ return 0; } } int manufacturerDataLen = 0; std::string data; if (advertisedDevice->haveManufacturerData()){ data = advertisedDevice->getManufacturerData(); manufacturerDataLen = data.length(); } if (manufacturerDataLen){ const uint8_t *manufacturerData = (const uint8_t *)data.data(); DumpHex(manufacturerData, 2, ib.FACID); if (manufacturerDataLen == 25 && manufacturerData[0] == 0x4C && manufacturerData[1] == 0x00) { BLEBeacon oBeacon = BLEBeacon(); oBeacon.setData(std::string((char *)manufacturerData, manufacturerDataLen)); uint8_t UUID[16]; memcpy(UUID,oBeacon.getProximityUUID().getNative()->u128.value,16); ESP32BLE_ReverseStr(UUID,16); // uint16_t Major = ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(oBeacon.getMajor()); // uint16_t Minor = ENDIAN_CHANGE_U16(oBeacon.getMinor()); uint16_t Major = oBeacon.getMajor(); uint16_t Minor = oBeacon.getMinor(); uint8_t PWR = oBeacon.getSignalPower(); DumpHex((const unsigned char*)&UUID,16,ib.UID); DumpHex((const unsigned char*)&Major,2,ib.MAJOR); DumpHex((const unsigned char*)&Minor,2,ib.MINOR); DumpHex((const unsigned char*)&PWR,1,ib.PWR); DumpHex((const unsigned char*)MAC,6,ib.MAC); memcpy(ib.RSSI,sRSSI,4); memset(ib.NAME,0x0,16); if (*alias){ strncpy(ib.NAME, alias, 16); } // if we added it if (ibeacon_add(&ib) == 1){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("%s: MAC: %s Major: %d Minor: %d UUID: %s Power: %d RSSI: %d"), "iBeacon", advertisedDevice->getAddress().toString().c_str(), Major, Minor, oBeacon.getProximityUUID().toString().c_str(), PWR, pStruct->RSSI); } return 0; } } // no manufacturer data, or not recognised. // still have an RSSi.... memset(ib.UID,'0',32); memset(ib.MAJOR,'0',4); memset(ib.MINOR,'0',4); memset(ib.PWR,'0',2); DumpHex((const unsigned char*)MAC,6,ib.MAC); memcpy(ib.RSSI,sRSSI,4); if (advertisedDevice->haveName()) { strncpy(ib.NAME,advertisedDevice->getName().c_str(),16); } else { memset(ib.NAME,0x0,16); } if (*alias){ strncpy(ib.NAME, alias,16); } ibeacon_add(&ib); return 0; } void IBEACON_Init() { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("iBeacon register for advert callbacks")); BLE_ESP32::registerForAdvertismentCallbacks((const char *)"iBeacon", advertismentCallback); IB_UPDATE_TIME=IB_UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL; IB_TIMEOUT_TIME=IB_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; } void esp32_every_second(void) { for (uint32_t cnt=0; cnt < MAX_IBEACONS; cnt++) { if (ibeacons[cnt].FLAGS) { uint8_t mac[6]; char tmp[13]; memcpy(tmp, ibeacons[cnt].MAC, 12); tmp[12] = 0; BLE_ESP32::fromHex(mac, tmp, 6); // use global device timeouts from BLE_ESP32. uint32_t ageS = BLE_ESP32::devicePresent(mac); // if device not present at all or past local timeout. if (!ageS || (ageS > IB_TIMEOUT_TIME)){ //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("iBeacon no device %s %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"),tmp, mac[0],mac[1], mac[2],mac[3], mac[4],mac[5]); ibeacons[cnt].FLAGS=0; uint64_t now = esp_timer_get_time(); uint32_t nowms = now/1000; float countspermssec = ((float)ibeacons[cnt].count)/(((float)(nowms - ibeacons[cnt].lastmqtt))/1000.0); ibeacon_mqtt(ibeacons[cnt].MAC,"0000",ibeacons[cnt].UID,ibeacons[cnt].MAJOR,ibeacons[cnt].MINOR,ibeacons[cnt].NAME, (int)(countspermssec)); ibeacons[cnt].count = 0; ibeacons[cnt].lastmqtt = nowms; } else { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("iBeacon device %s %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"),tmp, mac[0],mac[1], mac[2],mac[3], mac[4],mac[5]); } //ibeacons[cnt].TIME++; ibeacons[cnt].REPTIME++; // counter used to send mqtt for a dev regularly } } } uint32_t ibeacon_add(struct IBEACON *ib) { /* if (!strncmp(ib->MAJOR,"4B1C",4)) { return 0; } */ if (!strncmp(ib->RSSI,"0",1)) { return 0; } // keyfob starts with ffff, ibeacon has valid facid if (!strncmp(ib->MAC,"FFFF",4) || strncmp(ib->FACID,"00000000",8)) { for (uint32_t cnt=0;cntUID,PSTR("00000000000000000000000000000000"),32)) { if (!strncmp(ibeacons[cnt].MAC,ib->MAC,12)) { // exists memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].NAME,ib->NAME,sizeof(ibeacons[cnt].NAME)); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].RSSI,ib->RSSI,4); ibeacons[cnt].TIME=0; if (ibeacons[cnt].REPTIME >= IB_UPDATE_TIME) { ibeacons[cnt].REPTIME = 0; ibeacons[cnt].REPORTED = 0; } ibeacons[cnt].count++; return 2; } } else { // iBeacons from a phone can change thier MAC frequently. // but it is intended that UUID+MAJOR+MINOR are unique. // so if we find the SAME UUID+MAJOR+MINOR, then update the MAC and assume the same device. // NOT: THIS RELIES ON THE STRUCTURE ORDER if (!strncmp(ibeacons[cnt].UID,ib->UID,sizeof(ib->UID)+sizeof(ib->MAJOR)+sizeof(ib->MINOR))) { // exists memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].NAME,ib->NAME,sizeof(ibeacons[cnt].NAME)); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].MAC,ib->MAC,12); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].RSSI,ib->RSSI,4); ibeacons[cnt].TIME=0; if (ibeacons[cnt].REPTIME >= IB_UPDATE_TIME) { ibeacons[cnt].REPTIME = 0; ibeacons[cnt].REPORTED = 0; } ibeacons[cnt].count++; return 2; } } } } for (uint32_t cnt=0;cntNAME,sizeof(ibeacons[cnt].NAME)); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].MAC,ib->MAC,12); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].RSSI,ib->RSSI,4); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].UID,ib->UID,32); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].MAJOR,ib->MAJOR,4); memcpy(ibeacons[cnt].MINOR,ib->MINOR,4); ibeacons[cnt].FLAGS=1; ibeacons[cnt].TIME=0; ibeacons[cnt].REPTIME = 0; ibeacons[cnt].REPORTED = 0; ibeacons[cnt].count = 0; uint64_t now = esp_timer_get_time(); uint32_t nowms = now/1000; ibeacons[cnt].lastmqtt = nowms; return 1; } } } return 0; } void IBEACON_loop() { //TasAutoMutex localmutex(&beaconmutex, "iBeacLoop"); for (uint32_t cnt=0; cnt 10)) { uint64_t now = esp_timer_get_time(); uint32_t nowms = now/1000; float countspermssec = ((float)ibeacons[cnt].count)/(((float)(nowms - ibeacons[cnt].lastmqtt))/1000.0); // squash if it only just appeared if (ibeacons[cnt].count < 2) countspermssec = 0.0; ibeacon_mqtt(ibeacons[cnt].MAC,ibeacons[cnt].RSSI,ibeacons[cnt].UID,ibeacons[cnt].MAJOR,ibeacons[cnt].MINOR,ibeacons[cnt].NAME, (int)(countspermssec)); ibeacons[cnt].count = 0; ibeacons[cnt].lastmqtt = nowms; ibeacons[cnt].REPORTED=1; ibeacons[cnt].REPTIME = 0; } } } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER const char HTTP_IBEACON_HL[] PROGMEM = "{s}
{e}"; const char HTTP_IBEACON_mac[] PROGMEM = "{s}IBEACON-MAC : %s" " {m} RSSI : %s" "{e}"; const char HTTP_IBEACON_uid[] PROGMEM = "{s}IBEACON-UID : %s:%s:%s" " {m} RSSI : %s" "{e}"; const char HTTP_IBEACON_name[] PROGMEM = "{s}IBEACON-NAME : %s (%s)" " {m} RSSI : %s" "{e}"; void IBEACON_Show(void) { char mac[14]; char rssi[6]; char uid[34]; char major[6]; char minor[6]; char name[18]; //TasAutoMutex localmutex(&beaconmutex, "iBeacShow"); int total = 0; for (uint32_t cnt=0;cnt 0) { char *cp=XdrvMailbox.data; if (*cp=='u') { cp++; if (*cp) IB_UPDATE_TIME=atoi(cp); Response_P(S_JSON_IBEACON, XSNS_52,"uintv",IB_UPDATE_TIME); } else if (*cp=='c') { for (uint32_t cnt=0;cnt