#!/usr/bin/env python
decode-status.py - decode status for Sonoff-Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
- Python
- pip json pycurl
Execute command with option -d to retrieve status report from device or
get a copy of the status message with http command http://sonoff/cm?cmnd=status%200
and store it in file status.json
./decode-status.py -d [-u username] [-p password]
./decode-status.py -f
./decode-status.py -d sonoff1
./decode-status.py -d sonoff1 -p 12345678
./decode-status.py -f status.json
import io
import os.path
import json
import pycurl
import urllib2
from sys import exit
from optparse import OptionParser
from StringIO import StringIO
a_on_off = ["OFF","ON "]
a_setoption = [[
"Save power state and use after restart",
"Restrict button actions to single, double and hold",
"Show value units in JSON messages",
"MQTT enabled",
"Respond as Command topic instead of RESULT",
"MQTT retain on Power",
"MQTT retain on Button",
"MQTT retain on Switch",
"Convert temperature to Fahrenheit",
"MQTT retain on Sensor",
"MQTT retained LWT to OFFLINE when topic changes",
"Swap Single and Double press Button",
"Do not use flash page rotate",
"Button single press only",
"Power interlock mode",
"Do not allow PWM control",
"Reverse clock",
"Allow entry of decimal color values",
"CO2 color to light signal",
"HASS discovery",
"Do not control Power with Dimmer",
"Energy monitoring while powered off",
"MQTT serial",
"MQTT serial binary",
"Rules once mode until 5.14.0b",
"KNX enabled",
"Use Power device index on single relay devices",
"KNX enhancement",
"RF receive decimal",
"IR receive decimal",
"Enforce HASS light group",
"Do not show Wifi and Mqtt state using Led"
"Timers enabled",
"Generic ESP8285 GPIO enabled",
"Add UTC time offset to JSON message",
a_features = [[
usage = "usage: decode-status {-d | -f} arg"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-d", "--dev", action="store", type="string",
dest="device", help="device to retrieve status from")
parser.add_option("-u", "--username", action="store", type="string",
dest="username", help="username for login", default="admin")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", action="store", type="string",
dest="password", help="password for login", default=None)
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", metavar="FILE",
dest="jsonfile", default="status.json", help="status json file (default: status.json)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.device):
buffer = StringIO()
loginstr = ""
if options.password is not None:
loginstr = "user={}&password={}&".format(urllib2.quote(options.username), urllib2.quote(options.password))
url = str("http://{}/cm?{}cmnd=status%200".format(options.device, loginstr))
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, url)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
body = buffer.getvalue()
obj = json.loads(body)
jsonfile = options.jsonfile
fp = open(jsonfile, "r")
obj = json.load(fp)
def StartDecode():
print ("\n*** decode-status.py v20180730 by Theo Arends ***")
# print("Decoding\n{}".format(obj))
if ("StatusSNS" in obj):
if ("Time" in obj["StatusSNS"]):
time = str(" from status report taken at {}".format(obj["StatusSNS"]["Time"]))
if ("Status" in obj):
if ("FriendlyName" in obj["Status"]):
print("Decoding information for device {}{}".format(obj["Status"]["FriendlyName"][0], time))
if ("StatusLOG" in obj):
if ("SetOption" in obj["StatusLOG"]):
options = []
o = 0
p = 0
r = 1
if (len(obj["StatusLOG"]["SetOption"]) == 3):
r = 2
for f in range(r):
if (f == 1):
o = 2
p = 50
option = obj["StatusLOG"]["SetOption"][o]
i_option = int(option,16)
for i in range(len(a_setoption[f])):
if (a_setoption[f][i]):
state = (i_option >> i) & 1
options.append(str("{0:2d} ({1}) {2}".format(i + p, a_on_off[state], a_setoption[f][i])))
for i in range(len(options)):
print(" {}".format(options[i]))
if ("StatusMEM" in obj):
if ("Features" in obj["StatusMEM"]):
features = []
for f in range(5):
feature = obj["StatusMEM"]["Features"][f]
i_feature = int(feature,16)
if (f == 0):
features.append(str("Language LCID = {}".format(i_feature & 0xFFFF)))
for i in range(len(a_features[f -1])):
if ((i_feature >> i) & 1):
features.append(a_features[f -1][i])
for i in range(len(features)):
print(" {}".format(features[i]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
print("E: {}".format(e))