/* xdrv_12_home_assistant.ino - home assistant support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT #define XDRV_12 12 const char HASS_DISCOVER_RELAY[] PROGMEM = "{\"name\":\"%s\"," // dualr2 1 "\"cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/dualr2/POWER2 "\"stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/dualr2/RESULT (implies "\"optimistic\":\"false\",") "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json.%s}}\"," // POWER2 "\"pl_off\":\"%s\"," // OFF "\"pl_on\":\"%s\"," // ON // "\"optimistic\":\"false\"," // false is Hass default when state_topic is set "\"avty_t\":\"%s\"," // tele/dualr2/LWT "\"pl_avail\":\"" D_ONLINE "\"," // Online "\"pl_not_avail\":\"" D_OFFLINE "\""; // Offline const char HASS_DISCOVER_BUTTON_SWITCH[] PROGMEM = "{\"name\":\"%s\"," // dualr2 1 BTN "\"stat_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/dualr2/POWER (implies "\"optimistic\":\"false\",") // "\"value_template\":\"{{value_json.%s}}\"," // POWER2 "\"pl_on\":\"%s\"," // TOGGLE // "\"optimistic\":\"false\"," // false is Hass default when state_topic is set "\"avty_t\":\"%s\"," // tele/dualr2/LWT "\"pl_avail\":\"" D_ONLINE "\"," // Online "\"pl_not_avail\":\"" D_OFFLINE "\""; // Offline const char HASS_DISCOVER_BUTTON_SWITCH_TOGGLE[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"off_delay\":1"; // Hass has no support for TOGGLE, fake it by resetting to OFF after 1s const char HASS_DISCOVER_BUTTON_SWITCH_ONOFF[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"frc_upd\":true," // In ON/OFF case, enable force_update to make automations work "\"pl_off\":\"%s\""; // OFF const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_DIMMER[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"bri_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/Dimmer "\"bri_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"bri_scl\":100," // 100% "\"on_cmd_type\":\"brightness\"," // power on (first), power on (last), no power on (brightness) "\"bri_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_DIMMER "}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_COLOR[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"rgb_cmd_t\":\"%s2\"," // cmnd/led2/Color2 "\"rgb_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"rgb_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_COLOR ".split(',')[0:3]|join(',')}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_WHITE[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"whit_val_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/White "\"whit_val_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"white_value_scale\":100," // (No abbreviation defined) "\"whit_val_tpl\":\"{{ value_json.Channel[3] }}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_CT[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"clr_temp_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/CT "\"clr_temp_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"clr_temp_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_COLORTEMPERATURE "}}\""; const char HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_SCHEME[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"fx_cmd_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/led2/Scheme "\"fx_stat_t\":\"%s\"," // stat/led2/RESULT "\"fx_val_tpl\":\"{{value_json." D_CMND_SCHEME "}}\"," "\"fx_list\":[\"0\",\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\"]"; // string list with reference to scheme parameter. const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR[] PROGMEM = "{\"name\":\"%s\"," // dualr2 1 BTN "\"stat_t\":\"%s\"," // cmnd/dualr2/POWER (implies "\"optimistic\":\"false\",") "\"avty_t\":\"%s\"," // tele/dualr2/LWT "\"pl_avail\":\"" D_ONLINE "\"," // Online "\"pl_not_avail\":\"" D_OFFLINE "\""; // Offline const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_TEMP[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\"°%c\"," // °C / °F "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].Temperature}}\""; // "SI7021-14":{"Temperature":null,"Humidity":null} -> {{ value_json['SI7021-14'].Temperature }} const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_HUM[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\"%%\"," // % "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].Humidity}}\"," // "SI7021-14":{"Temperature":null,"Humidity":null} -> {{ value_json['SI7021-14'].Humidity }} "\"dev_cla\":\"humidity\""; // humidity const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_PRESS[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\"%s\"," // PressureUnit() setting "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].Pressure}}\"," // "BME280":{"Temperature":19.7,"Humidity":27.8,"Pressure":990.1} -> {{ value_json['BME280'].Pressure }} "\"dev_cla\":\"pressure\""; // pressure //ENERGY const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_KWH[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\"kWh\"," // kWh "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].%s}}\""; // "ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":null,"Total":null,"Yesterday":null,"Today":null,"Power":null,"ApparentPower":null,"ReactivePower":null,"Factor":null,"Voltage":null,"Current":null} -> {{ value_json['ENERGY'].Total/Yesterday/Today }} const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_WATT[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\"W\"," // W "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].%s}}\""; // "ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":null,"Total":null,"Yesterday":null,"Today":null,"Power":null,"ApparentPower":null,"ReactivePower":null,"Factor":null,"Voltage":null,"Current":null} -> {{ value_json['ENERGY'].POWER }} const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_VOLTAGE[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\"V\"," // V "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].%s}}\""; // "ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":null,"Total":null,"Yesterday":null,"Today":null,"Power":null,"ApparentPower":null,"ReactivePower":null,"Factor":null,"Voltage":null,"Current":null} -> {{ value_json['ENERGY'].Voltage }} const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_AMPERE[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\"A\"," // A "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].%s}}\""; // "ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":null,"Total":null,"Yesterday":null,"Today":null,"Power":null,"ApparentPower":null,"ReactivePower":null,"Factor":null,"Voltage":null,"Current":null} -> {{ value_json['ENERGY'].Current }} const char HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_ANY[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"unit_of_meas\":\" \"," // " " As unit of measurement to get a value graph in Hass "\"val_tpl\":\"{{value_json['%s'].%s}}\""; // "COUNTER":{"C1":0} -> {{ value_json['COUNTER'].C1 }} const char HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO[] PROGMEM = "%s,\"uniq_id\":\"%s\"," "\"device\":{\"identifiers\":[\"%06X\"]," "\"name\":\"%s\"," "\"model\":\"%s\"," "\"sw_version\":\"%s%s\"," "\"manufacturer\":\"%s\"}"; const char HASS_DISCOVER_TOPIC_PREFIX[] PROGMEM = "%s, \"~\":\"%s\""; static void FindPrefix(char* s1, char* s2, char* out) { int prefixlen = 0; while (s1[prefixlen] != '\0' && s2[prefixlen] != '\0' && s1[prefixlen] == s2[prefixlen]) { prefixlen++; } strlcpy(out, s1, prefixlen+1); } static void Shorten(char** s, char *prefix) { size_t len = strlen(*s); size_t prefixlen = strlen(prefix); if (len > prefixlen && !strncmp(*s, prefix, prefixlen)) { *s += prefixlen-1; *s[0] = '~'; } } void HAssAnnounceRelayLight(void) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char stemp3[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; bool is_light = false; bool is_topic_light = false; for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_RELAYS; i++) { is_light = ((i == devices_present) && (light_type)); is_topic_light = Settings.flag.hass_light || is_light; mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; // Clear retained message // Clear "other" topic first in case the device has been reconfigured from ligth to switch or vice versa snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%d"), ESP.getChipId(), (is_topic_light) ? "RL" : "LI", i); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/%s/%s/config"), (is_topic_light) ? "switch" : "light", unique_id); MqttPublish(stopic, true); // Clear or Set topic snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%d"), ESP.getChipId(), (is_topic_light) ? "LI" : "RL", i); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/%s/%s/config"), (is_topic_light) ? "light" : "switch", unique_id); if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && (i <= devices_present)) { char name[33]; char value_template[33]; char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *command_topic = stemp1; char *state_topic = stemp2; char *availability_topic = stemp3; if (i > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s %d"), Settings.friendlyname[0], i); } else { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), Settings.friendlyname[i -1]); } GetPowerDevice(value_template, i, sizeof(value_template), Settings.flag.device_index_enable); GetTopic_P(command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, value_template); //GetTopic_P(state_topic, STAT, mqtt_topic, S_RSLT_RESULT); GetTopic_P(state_topic, TELE, mqtt_topic, D_RSLT_STATE); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, mqtt_topic, S_LWT); FindPrefix(command_topic, state_topic, prefix); Shorten(&command_topic, prefix); Shorten(&state_topic, prefix); Shorten(&availability_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_RELAY, name, command_topic, state_topic, value_template, Settings.state_text[0], Settings.state_text[1], availability_topic); if (is_light) { char *brightness_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(brightness_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_DIMMER); Shorten(&brightness_command_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_DIMMER, mqtt_data, brightness_command_topic, state_topic); if (light_subtype >= LST_RGB) { char *rgb_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(rgb_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_COLOR); Shorten(&rgb_command_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_COLOR, mqtt_data, rgb_command_topic, state_topic); char *effect_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(effect_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_SCHEME); Shorten(&effect_command_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_SCHEME, mqtt_data, effect_command_topic, state_topic); } if (LST_RGBW == light_subtype) { char *white_temp_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(white_temp_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_WHITE); Shorten(&white_temp_command_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_WHITE, mqtt_data, white_temp_command_topic, state_topic); } if ((LST_COLDWARM == light_subtype) || (LST_RGBWC == light_subtype)) { char *color_temp_command_topic = stemp1; GetTopic_P(color_temp_command_topic, CMND, mqtt_topic, D_CMND_COLORTEMPERATURE); Shorten(&color_temp_command_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_LIGHT_CT, mqtt_data, color_temp_command_topic, state_topic); } } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO, mqtt_data, unique_id, ESP.getChipId(), Settings.friendlyname[0], ModuleName().c_str(), my_version, my_image, "Tasmota"); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_TOPIC_PREFIX, mqtt_data, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data); } MqttPublish(stopic, true); } } void HAssAnnounceButtonSwitch(byte device, char* topic, byte present, byte key, byte toggle) { // key 0 = button // key 1 = switch char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; // Clear retained message // Clear or Set topic snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%d"), ESP.getChipId(), key?"SW":"BTN", device+1); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/binary_sensor/%s/config"), unique_id); if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery && present) { char name[33]; char value_template[33]; char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *state_topic = stemp1; char *availability_topic = stemp2; if (device+1 > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s %s %d"), Settings.friendlyname[0], key?"SW":"BTN", device+1); } else { snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s %s"), Settings.friendlyname[device], key?"SW":"BTN"); } GetPowerDevice(value_template, device+1, sizeof(value_template), key + Settings.flag.device_index_enable); // Force index for Switch 1, Index on Button1 is controlled by Settings.flag.device_index_enable GetTopic_P(state_topic, CMND, topic, value_template); // State of button is sent as CMND TOGGLE, state of switch is sent as ON/OFF GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, mqtt_topic, S_LWT); FindPrefix(state_topic, availability_topic, prefix); Shorten(&state_topic, prefix); Shorten(&availability_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_BUTTON_SWITCH, name, state_topic, Settings.state_text[toggle?2:1], availability_topic); if (toggle) snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_BUTTON_SWITCH_TOGGLE, mqtt_data); else snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_BUTTON_SWITCH_ONOFF, mqtt_data, Settings.state_text[0]); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO, mqtt_data, unique_id, ESP.getChipId(), Settings.friendlyname[0], ModuleName().c_str(), my_version, my_image, "Tasmota"); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_TOPIC_PREFIX, mqtt_data, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data); } MqttPublish(stopic, true); } void HAssAnnounceSwitches(void) { char sw_topic[sizeof(Settings.switch_topic)]; // Send info about buttons char *tmp = Settings.switch_topic; Format(sw_topic, tmp, sizeof(sw_topic)); if ((strlen(sw_topic) != 0) && strcmp(sw_topic, "0")) { for (byte switch_index = 0; switch_index < MAX_SWITCHES; switch_index++) { byte switch_present = 0; byte toggle = 1; if ((pin[GPIO_SWT1 + switch_index] < 99) || (pin[GPIO_SWT1_NP + switch_index] < 99)) { switch_present = 1; } // Check if MQTT message will be ON/OFF or TOGGLE if (Settings.switchmode[switch_index] == FOLLOW || Settings.switchmode[switch_index] == FOLLOW_INV || Settings.flag3.button_switch_force_local || !strcmp(mqtt_topic, sw_topic) || !strcmp(Settings.mqtt_grptopic, sw_topic)) { toggle = 0; // MQTT message will be ON/OFF } HAssAnnounceButtonSwitch(switch_index, sw_topic, switch_present, 1, toggle); } } } void HAssAnnounceButtons(void) { char key_topic[sizeof(Settings.button_topic)]; // Send info about buttons char *tmp = Settings.button_topic; Format(key_topic, tmp, sizeof(key_topic)); if ((strlen(key_topic) != 0) && strcmp(key_topic, "0")) { for (byte button_index = 0; button_index < MAX_KEYS; button_index++) { byte button_present = 0; byte toggle = 1; if (!button_index && ((SONOFF_DUAL == Settings.module) || (CH4 == Settings.module))) { button_present = 1; } else { if ((pin[GPIO_KEY1 + button_index] < 99) || (pin[GPIO_KEY1_NP + button_index] < 99)) { button_present = 1; } } // Check if MQTT message will be ON/OFF or TOGGLE if (Settings.flag3.button_switch_force_local || !strcmp(mqtt_topic, key_topic) || !strcmp(Settings.mqtt_grptopic, key_topic)) { toggle = 0; // MQTT message will be ON/OFF } HAssAnnounceButtonSwitch(button_index, key_topic, button_present, 0, toggle); } } } void HAssAnnounceSensor(const char* sensorname, const char* subsensortype) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char stemp1[TOPSZ]; char stemp2[TOPSZ]; char unique_id[30]; // Announce sensor, special handling of temperature and humidity sensors mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; // Clear retained message // Clear or Set topic snprintf_P(unique_id, sizeof(unique_id), PSTR("%06X_%s_%s"), ESP.getChipId(), sensorname, subsensortype); snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic), PSTR(HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "/sensor/%s/config"), unique_id); if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { char name[33]; char prefix[TOPSZ]; char *state_topic = stemp1; char *availability_topic = stemp2; snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("%s %s %s"), Settings.friendlyname[0], sensorname, subsensortype); GetTopic_P(state_topic, TELE, mqtt_topic, PSTR(D_RSLT_SENSOR)); GetTopic_P(availability_topic, TELE, mqtt_topic, S_LWT); FindPrefix(state_topic, availability_topic, prefix); Shorten(&state_topic, prefix); Shorten(&availability_topic, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR, name, state_topic, availability_topic); if (!strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_TEMPERATURE))) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_TEMP, mqtt_data, TempUnit(), sensorname); } else if (!strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_HUMIDITY))) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_HUM, mqtt_data, sensorname); } else if (!strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_PRESSURE))) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_PRESS, mqtt_data, PressureUnit().c_str(), sensorname); } else if (!strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_TOTAL)) || !strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_TODAY)) || !strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_YESTERDAY))){ snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_KWH, mqtt_data, sensorname, subsensortype); } else if (!strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_POWERUSAGE))){ snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_WATT, mqtt_data, sensorname, subsensortype); } else if (!strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_VOLTAGE))){ snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_VOLTAGE, mqtt_data, sensorname, subsensortype); } else if (!strcmp_P(subsensortype, PSTR(D_JSON_CURRENT))){ snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_AMPERE, mqtt_data, sensorname, subsensortype); } else { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_SENSOR_ANY, mqtt_data, sensorname, subsensortype); } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_DEVICE_INFO, mqtt_data, unique_id, ESP.getChipId(), Settings.friendlyname[0], ModuleName().c_str(), my_version, my_image, "Tasmota"); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HASS_DISCOVER_TOPIC_PREFIX, mqtt_data, prefix); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data); } MqttPublish(stopic, true); } void HAssAnnounceSensors(void) { uint8_t hass_xsns_index = 0; do { mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; int tele_period_save = tele_period; tele_period = 2; // Do not allow HA updates during next function call XsnsNextCall(FUNC_JSON_APPEND, hass_xsns_index); // ,"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089} tele_period = tele_period_save; char sensordata[256]; // Copy because we need to write to mqtt_data strlcpy(sensordata, mqtt_data, sizeof(sensordata)); if (strlen(sensordata)) { sensordata[0] = '{'; // {"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089} snprintf_P(sensordata, sizeof(sensordata), PSTR("%s}"), sensordata); StaticJsonBuffer<256> jsonBuffer; JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(sensordata); if (!root.success()) { snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("HASS: failed to parse '%s'"), sensordata); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); continue; } for (auto sensor : root) { const char* sensorname = sensor.key; JsonObject& sensors = sensor.value.as(); if (!sensors.success()) { snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("HASS: failed to parse '%s'"), sensordata); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); continue; } for (auto subsensor : sensors) { HAssAnnounceSensor(sensorname, subsensor.key); } } } } while (hass_xsns_index != 0); } static int string_ends_with(const char * str, const char * suffix) { int str_len = strlen(str); int suffix_len = strlen(suffix); return (str_len >= suffix_len) && (0 == strcmp(str + (str_len-suffix_len), suffix)); } void HAssDiscovery(uint8_t mode) { // Configure Tasmota for default Home Assistant parameters to keep discovery message as short as possible if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery) { Settings.flag.mqtt_response = 0; // Response always as RESULT and not as uppercase command Settings.flag.decimal_text = 1; // Respond with decimal color values Settings.flag3.hass_tele_on_power = 1; // send tele/STATE message as stat/RESULT // Settings.light_scheme = 0; // To just control color it needs to be Scheme 0 if (!string_ends_with(Settings.mqtt_fulltopic, "%prefix%/")) { strncpy_P(Settings.mqtt_fulltopic, PSTR("%topic%/%prefix%/"), sizeof(Settings.mqtt_fulltopic)); restart_flag = 2; } } if (Settings.flag.hass_discovery || (1 == mode)) { // Send info about relays and lights HAssAnnounceRelayLight(); // Send info about buttons HAssAnnounceButtons(); // Send info about switches HAssAnnounceSwitches(); // Send info about sensors HAssAnnounceSensors(); } } /* #define D_CMND_HASSDISCOVER "HassDiscover" enum HassCommands { CMND_HASSDISCOVER }; const char kHassCommands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_HASSDISCOVER ; boolean HassCommand(void) { char command[CMDSZ]; boolean serviced = true; int command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic, kHassCommands); if (-1 == command_code) { serviced = false; // Unknown command } else if (CMND_HASSDISCOVER == command_code) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { switch (XdrvMailbox.payload) { case 0: // Off case 1: // On Settings.flag.hass_discovery = XdrvMailbox.payload; break; case 2: // Toggle Settings.flag.hass_discovery ^= 1; break; case 4: // Off case 5: // On Settings.flag.hass_light = XdrvMailbox.payload &1; break; case 6: // Toggle Settings.flag.hass_light ^= 1; break; } HAssDiscovery(1); } snprintf_P (mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"%s\":\"%s\",\"Force light\":\"%s\"}"), command, GetStateText(Settings.flag.hass_discovery), GetStateText(Settings.flag.hass_light)); } else serviced = false; // Unknown command return serviced; } */ /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ boolean Xdrv12(byte function) { boolean result = false; if (Settings.flag.mqtt_enabled) { switch (function) { case FUNC_MQTT_INIT: HAssDiscovery(0); break; /* case FUNC_COMMAND: result = HassCommand(); break; */ } } return result; } #endif // USE_HOME_ASSISTANT