/* sonoff.h - Master header file for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _SONOFF_H_ #define _SONOFF_H_ #define USE_DHT // Default DHT11 sensor needs no external library #define USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Use energy sensors (+14k code) #define USE_HLW8012 // Use energy sensor for Sonoff Pow and WolfBlitz #define USE_CSE7766 // Use energy sensor for Sonoff S31 and Pow R2 /*********************************************************************************************\ * Power Type \*********************************************************************************************/ typedef unsigned long power_t; // Power (Relay) type #define POWER_MASK 0xffffffffUL // Power (Relay) full mask /*********************************************************************************************\ * Defines \*********************************************************************************************/ // Changes to the following MAX_ defines will impact settings layout #define MAX_SWITCHES 8 // Max number of switches #define MAX_RELAYS 8 // Max number of relays #define MAX_LEDS 4 // Max number of leds #define MAX_KEYS 4 // Max number of keys or buttons #define MAX_PWMS 5 // Max number of PWM channels #define MAX_COUNTERS 4 // Max number of counter sensors #define MAX_TIMERS 16 // Max number of Timers #define MAX_PULSETIMERS 8 // Max number of supported pulse timers #define MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES 4 // Max number of Friendly names #define MAX_DOMOTICZ_IDX 4 // Max number of Domoticz device, key and switch indices #define MAX_DOMOTICZ_SNS_IDX 12 // Max number of Domoticz sensors indices #define MAX_KNX_GA 10 // Max number of KNX Group Addresses to read that can be set #define MAX_KNX_CB 10 // Max number of KNX Group Addresses to write that can be set #define MAX_RULE_MEMS 5 // Max number of saved vars #define MAX_RULE_SETS 3 // Max number of rule sets of size 512 characters #define MAX_RULE_SIZE 512 // Max number of characters in rules // Changes to the following defines have no impact on settings layout #define MAX_RULE_TIMERS 8 // Max number of rule timers (4 bytes / timer) #define MAX_RULE_VARS 5 // Max number of rule variables (10 bytes / variable) #define MQTT_TOKEN_PREFIX "%prefix%" // To be substituted by mqtt_prefix[x] #define MQTT_TOKEN_TOPIC "%topic%" // To be substituted by mqtt_topic, mqtt_grptopic, mqtt_buttontopic, mqtt_switchtopic #define MQTT_TOKEN_HOSTNAME "%hostname%" // To be substituted by mqtt_topic, mqtt_grptopic, mqtt_buttontopic, mqtt_switchtopic #define MQTT_TOKEN_ID "%id%" // To be substituted by mqtt_topic, mqtt_grptopic, mqtt_buttontopic, mqtt_switchtopic #define WIFI_HOSTNAME "%s-%04d" // Expands to - #define CONFIG_FILE_SIGN 0xA5 // Configuration file signature #define CONFIG_FILE_XOR 0x5A // Configuration file xor (0 = No Xor) #define HLW_PREF_PULSE 12530 // was 4975us = 201Hz = 1000W #define HLW_UREF_PULSE 1950 // was 1666us = 600Hz = 220V #define HLW_IREF_PULSE 3500 // was 1666us = 600Hz = 4.545A #define MQTT_RETRY_SECS 10 // Minimum seconds to retry MQTT connection #define GLOBAL_VALUES_VALID 300 // Max number of seconds to keep last received values #define APP_POWER 0 // Default saved power state Off #define WS2812_MAX_LEDS 512 // Max number of LEDs #define PWM_RANGE 1023 // 255..1023 needs to be devisible by 256 //#define PWM_FREQ 1000 // 100..1000 Hz led refresh //#define PWM_FREQ 910 // 100..1000 Hz led refresh (iTead value) #define PWM_FREQ 880 // 100..1000 Hz led refresh (BN-SZ01 value) #define PWM_MAX 4000 // [PWM_MAX] Maximum frequency - Default: 4000 #define PWM_MIN 100 // [PWM_MIN] Minimum frequency - Default: 100 // For Dimmers use double of your mains AC frequecy (100 for 50Hz and 120 for 60Hz) // For Controlling Servos use 50 and also set PWM_FREQ as 50 (DO NOT USE THESE VALUES FOR DIMMERS) #define DEFAULT_POWER_DELTA 80 // Power change percentage #define MAX_POWER_HOLD 10 // Time in SECONDS to allow max agreed power #define MAX_POWER_WINDOW 30 // Time in SECONDS to disable allow max agreed power #define SAFE_POWER_HOLD 10 // Time in SECONDS to allow max unit safe power #define SAFE_POWER_WINDOW 30 // Time in MINUTES to disable allow max unit safe power #define MAX_POWER_RETRY 5 // Retry count allowing agreed power limit overflow #define STATES 20 // Number of states per second using 50 mSec interval #define IMMINENT_RESET_FACTOR 10 // Factor to extent button hold time for imminent Reset to default 40 seconds using KEY_HOLD_TIME of 40 #define BOOT_LOOP_TIME 10 // Number of seconds to stop detecting boot loops #define SYSLOG_TIMER 600 // Seconds to restore syslog_level #define SERIALLOG_TIMER 600 // Seconds to disable SerialLog #define OTA_ATTEMPTS 5 // Number of times to try fetching the new firmware #define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 520 // Max number of characters in (serial and http) command buffer #define CMDSZ 24 // Max number of characters in command #define TOPSZ 100 // Max number of characters in topic string #define LOGSZ 512 // Max number of characters in log #define MIN_MESSZ 893 // Min number of characters in MQTT message #define SENSOR_MAX_MISS 5 // Max number of missed sensor reads before deciding it's offline #ifdef USE_MQTT_TLS #define WEB_LOG_SIZE 2000 // Max number of characters in weblog #else #define WEB_LOG_SIZE 4000 // Max number of characters in weblog #endif #define MAX_BACKLOG 30 // Max number of commands in backlog #define MIN_BACKLOG_DELAY 2 // Minimal backlog delay in 0.1 seconds #define SOFT_BAUDRATE 9600 // Default software serial baudrate #define APP_BAUDRATE 115200 // Default serial baudrate #define SERIAL_POLLING 100 // Serial receive polling in ms #define MAX_STATUS 11 // Max number of status lines #define NO_EXTRA_4K_HEAP // Allocate 4k heap for WPS in ESP8166/Arduino core v2.4.2 (was always allocated in previous versions) /* // Removed from esp8266 core since 20171105 #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) */ #define tmin(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define tmax(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define STR_HELPER(x) #x #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x) //enum ws2812NeopixelbusFeature { NEO_RGB, NEO_GRB, NEO_BRG, NEO_RBG, NEO_3LED, NEO_RGBW, NEO_GRBW }; // Doesn't work #define NEO_RGB 0 // Neopixel RGB leds #define NEO_GRB 1 // Neopixel GRB leds #define NEO_BRG 2 // Neopixel BRG leds #define NEO_RBG 3 // Neopixel RBG leds #define NEO_3LED 4 // Placeholder to test for 4 led types #define NEO_RGBW 5 // Neopixel RGBW leds #define NEO_GRBW 6 // Neopixel GRBW leds #define MQTT_PUBSUBCLIENT 1 // Mqtt PubSubClient library #define MQTT_TASMOTAMQTT 2 // Mqtt TasmotaMqtt library based on esp-mqtt-arduino - soon obsolete #define MQTT_ESPMQTTARDUINO 3 // Mqtt esp-mqtt-arduino library by Ingo Randolf - obsolete but define is present for debugging purposes #define MQTT_ARDUINOMQTT 4 // Mqtt arduino-mqtt library by Joel Gaehwiler (https://github.com/256dpi/arduino-mqtt) // Sunrise and Sunset DawnType #define DAWN_NORMAL -0.8333 #define DAWN_CIVIL -6.0 #define DAWN_NAUTIC -12.0 #define DAWN_ASTRONOMIC -18.0 // Sensor and Commands definition for KNX Driver #define KNX_TEMPERATURE 17 #define KNX_HUMIDITY 18 #define KNX_ENERGY_VOLTAGE 19 #define KNX_ENERGY_CURRENT 20 #define KNX_ENERGY_POWER 21 #define KNX_ENERGY_POWERFACTOR 22 #define KNX_ENERGY_DAILY 23 #define KNX_ENERGY_START 24 #define KNX_ENERGY_TOTAL 25 #define KNX_SLOT1 26 #define KNX_SLOT2 27 #define KNX_SLOT3 28 #define KNX_SLOT4 29 #define KNX_SLOT5 30 #define KNX_MAX_device_param 30 #define MAX_KNXTX_CMNDS 5 #define DRIVER_BOOT_DELAY 1 // Number of milliseconds to retard driver cycles during boot-up time to reduce overall CPU load whilst Wifi is connecting /*********************************************************************************************\ * Enumeration \*********************************************************************************************/ enum WeekInMonthOptions {Last, First, Second, Third, Fourth}; enum DayOfTheWeekOptions {Sun=1, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat}; enum MonthNamesOptions {Jan=1, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec}; enum HemisphereOptions {North, South}; enum GetDateAndTimeOptions { DT_LOCAL, DT_UTC, DT_RESTART, DT_ENERGY }; enum LoggingLevels {LOG_LEVEL_NONE, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, LOG_LEVEL_ALL}; enum WifiConfigOptions {WIFI_RESTART, WIFI_SMARTCONFIG, WIFI_MANAGER, WIFI_WPSCONFIG, WIFI_RETRY, WIFI_WAIT, WIFI_SERIAL, MAX_WIFI_OPTION}; enum SwitchModeOptions {TOGGLE, FOLLOW, FOLLOW_INV, PUSHBUTTON, PUSHBUTTON_INV, PUSHBUTTONHOLD, PUSHBUTTONHOLD_INV, PUSHBUTTON_TOGGLE, MAX_SWITCH_OPTION}; enum LedStateOptions {LED_OFF, LED_POWER, LED_MQTTSUB, LED_POWER_MQTTSUB, LED_MQTTPUB, LED_POWER_MQTTPUB, LED_MQTT, LED_POWER_MQTT, MAX_LED_OPTION}; enum EmulationOptions {EMUL_NONE, EMUL_WEMO, EMUL_HUE, EMUL_MAX}; enum TopicOptions { CMND, STAT, TELE, nu1, RESULT_OR_CMND, RESULT_OR_STAT, RESULT_OR_TELE }; enum ExecuteCommandPowerOptions { POWER_OFF, POWER_ON, POWER_TOGGLE, POWER_BLINK, POWER_BLINK_STOP, power_nu1, POWER_OFF_NO_STATE, POWER_ON_NO_STATE, power_nu2, POWER_SHOW_STATE }; enum PowerOnStateOptions { POWER_ALL_OFF, POWER_ALL_ON, POWER_ALL_SAVED_TOGGLE, POWER_ALL_SAVED, POWER_ALL_ALWAYS_ON, POWER_ALL_OFF_PULSETIME_ON }; enum ButtonStates { PRESSED, NOT_PRESSED }; enum Shortcuts { SC_CLEAR, SC_DEFAULT, SC_USER }; enum SettingsParmaIndex {P_HOLD_TIME, P_MAX_POWER_RETRY, P_TUYA_DIMMER_ID, P_MDNS_DELAYED_START, P_MAX_PARAM8}; // Max is PARAM8_SIZE (18) enum DomoticzSensors {DZ_TEMP, DZ_TEMP_HUM, DZ_TEMP_HUM_BARO, DZ_POWER_ENERGY, DZ_ILLUMINANCE, DZ_COUNT, DZ_VOLTAGE, DZ_CURRENT, DZ_AIRQUALITY, DZ_MAX_SENSORS}; enum Ws2812ClockIndex { WS_SECOND, WS_MINUTE, WS_HOUR, WS_MARKER }; enum Ws2812Color { WS_RED, WS_GREEN, WS_BLUE }; enum LightTypes {LT_BASIC, LT_PWM1, LT_PWM2, LT_PWM3, LT_PWM4, LT_PWM5, LT_PWM6, LT_PWM7, LT_SERIAL, LT_NU9, LT_NU10, LT_WS2812, LT_RGBW, LT_RGBWC}; enum LichtSubtypes {LST_NONE, LST_SINGLE, LST_COLDWARM, LST_RGB, LST_RGBW, LST_RGBWC}; enum LichtSchemes {LS_POWER, LS_WAKEUP, LS_CYCLEUP, LS_CYCLEDN, LS_RANDOM, LS_MAX}; enum XsnsFunctions {FUNC_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE, FUNC_MODULE_INIT, FUNC_PRE_INIT, FUNC_INIT, FUNC_LOOP, FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND, FUNC_EVERY_100_MSECOND, FUNC_EVERY_200_MSECOND, FUNC_EVERY_250_MSECOND, FUNC_EVERY_SECOND, FUNC_PREP_BEFORE_TELEPERIOD, FUNC_JSON_APPEND, FUNC_WEB_APPEND, FUNC_SAVE_BEFORE_RESTART, FUNC_COMMAND, FUNC_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE, FUNC_MQTT_INIT, FUNC_MQTT_DATA, FUNC_SET_POWER, FUNC_SET_DEVICE_POWER, FUNC_SHOW_SENSOR, FUNC_RULES_PROCESS, FUNC_SERIAL, FUNC_FREE_MEM, FUNC_BUTTON_PRESSED, FUNC_WEB_ADD_BUTTON, FUNC_WEB_ADD_MAIN_BUTTON, FUNC_WEB_ADD_HANDLER}; const uint8_t kDefaultRfCode[9] PROGMEM = { 0x21, 0x16, 0x01, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x48, 0x2E, 0x1A, 0x00 }; enum CommandSource { SRC_IGNORE, SRC_MQTT, SRC_RESTART, SRC_BUTTON, SRC_SWITCH, SRC_BACKLOG, SRC_SERIAL, SRC_WEBGUI, SRC_WEBCOMMAND, SRC_WEBCONSOLE, SRC_PULSETIMER, SRC_TIMER, SRC_RULE, SRC_MAXPOWER, SRC_MAXENERGY, SRC_LIGHT, SRC_KNX, SRC_DISPLAY, SRC_WEMO, SRC_HUE, SRC_RETRY, SRC_MAX }; const char kCommandSource[] PROGMEM = "I|MQTT|Restart|Button|Switch|Backlog|Serial|WebGui|WebCommand|WebConsole|PulseTimer|Timer|Rule|MaxPower|MaxEnergy|Light|Knx|Display|Wemo|Hue|Retry"; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Extern global variables \*********************************************************************************************/ extern uint8_t light_device; // Light device number #endif // _SONOFF_H_