/* support_features.ino - feature support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************\ * Fill feature list \*********************************************************************************************/ void GetFeatures(void) { feature_drv1 = 0x00000000; #ifdef USE_ENERGY_MARGIN_DETECTION feature_drv1 |= 0x00000001; // xdrv_03_energy.ino #endif #ifdef USE_LIGHT feature_drv1 |= 0x00000002; // sonoff.ino, xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #ifdef USE_I2C feature_drv1 |= 0x00000004; // sonoff.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SPI feature_drv1 |= 0x00000008; // sonoff.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISCOVERY feature_drv1 |= 0x00000010; // sonoff.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ARDUINO_OTA feature_drv1 |= 0x00000020; // sonoff.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MQTT_TLS feature_drv1 |= 0x00000040; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER feature_drv1 |= 0x00000080; // xdrv_01_webserver.ino #endif #ifdef WEBSERVER_ADVERTISE feature_drv1 |= 0x00000100; // xdrv_01_webserver.ino #endif #ifdef USE_EMULATION_HUE feature_drv1 |= 0x00000200; // xdrv_20_hue.ino #endif #if (MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE == MQTT_PUBSUBCLIENT) feature_drv1 |= 0x00000400; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino #endif #if (MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE == MQTT_TASMOTAMQTT) // feature_drv1 |= 0x00000800; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino #endif #if (MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE == MQTT_ESPMQTTARDUINO) // Obsolete since // feature_drv1 |= 0x00001000; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino #endif #ifdef MQTT_HOST_DISCOVERY feature_drv1 |= 0x00002000; // xdrv_02_mqtt.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ARILUX_RF feature_drv1 |= 0x00004000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_WS2812) feature_drv1 |= 0x00008000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WS2812_DMA feature_drv1 |= 0x00010000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #if defined(USE_IR_REMOTE) || defined(USE_IR_REMOTE_FULL) feature_drv1 |= 0x00020000; // xdrv_05_irremote.ino #endif #ifdef USE_IR_HVAC feature_drv1 |= 0x00040000; // xdrv_05_irremote.ino #endif #ifdef USE_IR_RECEIVE feature_drv1 |= 0x00080000; // xdrv_05_irremote.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ feature_drv1 |= 0x00100000; // xdrv_07_domoticz.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY feature_drv1 |= 0x00200000; // xdrv_13_display.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT feature_drv1 |= 0x00400000; // xdrv_12_home_assistant.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE feature_drv1 |= 0x00800000; // xdrv_08_serial_bridge.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TIMERS feature_drv1 |= 0x01000000; // xdrv_09_timers.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SUNRISE feature_drv1 |= 0x02000000; // xdrv_09_timers.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TIMERS_WEB feature_drv1 |= 0x04000000; // xdrv_09_timers.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RULES feature_drv1 |= 0x08000000; // xdrv_10_rules.ino #endif #ifdef USE_KNX feature_drv1 |= 0x10000000; // xdrv_11_knx.ino #endif #ifdef USE_WPS feature_drv1 |= 0x20000000; // support.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SMARTCONFIG feature_drv1 |= 0x40000000; // support.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ENERGY_POWER_LIMIT feature_drv1 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_03_energy.ino #endif /*********************************************************************************************/ feature_drv2 = 0x00000000; #ifdef USE_CONFIG_OVERRIDE feature_drv2 |= 0x00000001; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_MINIMAL feature_drv2 |= 0x00000002; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_SENSORS feature_drv2 |= 0x00000004; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_CLASSIC feature_drv2 |= 0x00000008; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef FIRMWARE_KNX_NO_EMULATION feature_drv2 |= 0x00000010; // user_config(_override).h #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 feature_drv2 |= 0x00000020; // xdrv_13_display.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_GRAPH feature_drv2 |= 0x00000040; // xdrv_13_display.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_LCD feature_drv2 |= 0x00000080; // xdsp_01_lcd.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_SSD1306 feature_drv2 |= 0x00000100; // xdsp_02_ssd1306.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MATRIX feature_drv2 |= 0x00000200; // xdsp_03_matrix.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_ILI9341 feature_drv2 |= 0x00000400; // xdsp_04_ili9341.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_EPAPER_29 feature_drv2 |= 0x00000800; // xdsp_05_epaper.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_SH1106 feature_drv2 |= 0x00001000; // xdsp_06_sh1106.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MP3_PLAYER feature_drv2 |= 0x00002000; // xdrv_14_mp3.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PCA9685 feature_drv2 |= 0x00004000; // xdrv_15_pca9685.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_TUYA_MCU) feature_drv2 |= 0x00008000; // xdrv_16_tuyadimmer.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RC_SWITCH feature_drv2 |= 0x00010000; // xdrv_17_rcswitch.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS) feature_drv2 |= 0x00020000; // xdrv_18_armtronixdimmer.ino #endif #if defined(USE_LIGHT) && defined(USE_SM16716) feature_drv2 |= 0x00040000; // xdrv_04_light.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SCRIPT feature_drv2 |= 0x00080000; // xdrv_10_scripter.ino #endif #ifdef USE_EMULATION_WEMO feature_drv2 |= 0x00100000; // xdrv_21_wemo.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SONOFF_IFAN feature_drv2 |= 0x00200000; // xdrv_22_sonoff_ifan.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ZIGBEE feature_drv2 |= 0x00400000; // xdrv_23_zigbee.ino #endif #ifdef NO_EXTRA_4K_HEAP feature_drv2 |= 0x00800000; // sonoff_post.h #endif #ifdef VTABLES_IN_IRAM feature_drv2 |= 0x01000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef VTABLES_IN_DRAM feature_drv2 |= 0x02000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef VTABLES_IN_FLASH feature_drv2 |= 0x04000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH feature_drv2 |= 0x08000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY feature_drv2 |= 0x10000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH feature_drv2 |= 0x20000000; // platformio.ini #endif #ifdef DEBUG_THEO feature_drv2 |= 0x40000000; // xdrv_99_debug.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER feature_drv2 |= 0x80000000; // xdrv_99_debug.ino #endif /*********************************************************************************************/ feature_sns1 = 0x00000000; #ifdef USE_COUNTER feature_sns1 |= 0x00000001; // xsns_01_counter.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ADC_VCC feature_sns1 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_02_analog.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR feature_sns1 |= 0x00000004; // xdrv_03_energy.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PZEM004T feature_sns1 |= 0x00000008; // xnrg_03_pzem004t.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DS18B20 feature_sns1 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_05_ds18b20.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DS18x20_LEGACY feature_sns1 |= 0x00000020; // xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DS18x20 feature_sns1 |= 0x00000040; // xsns_05_ds18x20.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DHT feature_sns1 |= 0x00000080; // xsns_06_dht.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SHT feature_sns1 |= 0x00000100; // xsns_07_sht1x.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HTU feature_sns1 |= 0x00000200; // xsns_08_htu21.ino #endif #ifdef USE_BMP feature_sns1 |= 0x00000400; // xsns_09_bmp.ino #endif #ifdef USE_BME680 feature_sns1 |= 0x00000800; // xsns_09_bmp.ino - BME680 #endif #ifdef USE_BH1750 feature_sns1 |= 0x00001000; // xsns_10_bh1750.ino #endif #ifdef USE_VEML6070 feature_sns1 |= 0x00002000; // xsns_11_veml6070.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ADS1115_I2CDEV feature_sns1 |= 0x00004000; // xsns_12_ads1115_i2cdev.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ADS1115 feature_sns1 |= 0x00008000; // xsns_12_ads1115.ino #endif #ifdef USE_INA219 feature_sns1 |= 0x00010000; // xsns_13_ina219.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SHT3X feature_sns1 |= 0x00020000; // xsns_14_sht3x.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MHZ19 feature_sns1 |= 0x00040000; // xsns_15_mhz19.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TSL2561 feature_sns1 |= 0x00080000; // xsns_16_tsl2561.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SENSEAIR feature_sns1 |= 0x00100000; // xsns_17_senseair.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PMS5003 feature_sns1 |= 0x00200000; // xsns_18_pms5003.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MGS feature_sns1 |= 0x00400000; // xsns_19_mgs.ino #endif #ifdef USE_NOVA_SDS feature_sns1 |= 0x00800000; // xsns_20_novasds.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SGP30 feature_sns1 |= 0x01000000; // xsns_21_sgp30.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SR04 feature_sns1 |= 0x02000000; // xsns_22_sr04.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SDM120 feature_sns1 |= 0x04000000; // xsns_23_sdm120.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SI1145 feature_sns1 |= 0x08000000; // xsns_24_si1145.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SDM630 feature_sns1 |= 0x10000000; // xsns_25_sdm630.ino #endif #ifdef USE_LM75AD feature_sns1 |= 0x20000000; // xsns_26_lm75ad.ino #endif #ifdef USE_APDS9960 feature_sns1 |= 0x40000000; // xsns_27_apds9960.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TM1638 feature_sns1 |= 0x80000000; // xsns_28_tm1638.ino #endif /*********************************************************************************************/ feature_sns2 = 0x00000000; #ifdef USE_MCP230xx feature_sns2 |= 0x00000001; // xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MPR121 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_30_mpr121.ino #endif #ifdef USE_CCS811 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000004; // xsns_31_ccs811.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MPU6050 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000008; // xsns_32_mpu6050.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MCP230xx_OUTPUT feature_sns2 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MCP230xx_DISPLAYOUTPUT feature_sns2 |= 0x00000020; // xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HLW8012 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000040; // xnrg_01_hlw8012.ino #endif #ifdef USE_CSE7766 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000080; // xnrg_02_cse7766.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MCP39F501 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000100; // xnrg_04_mcp39f501.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PZEM_AC feature_sns2 |= 0x00000200; // xnrg_05_pzem_ac.ino #endif #ifdef USE_DS3231 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000400; // xsns_33_ds3231.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HX711 feature_sns2 |= 0x00000800; // xsns_34_hx711.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PZEM_DC feature_sns2 |= 0x00001000; // xnrg_06_pzem_dc.ino #endif #ifdef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR feature_sns2 |= 0x00002000; // xsns_35_tx20.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MGC3130 feature_sns2 |= 0x00004000; // xsns_36_mgc3130.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RF_SENSOR feature_sns2 |= 0x00008000; // xsns_37_rfsensor.ino #endif #ifdef USE_THEO_V2 feature_sns2 |= 0x00010000; // xsns_37_rfsensor.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ALECTO_V2 feature_sns2 |= 0x00020000; // xsns_37_rfsensor.ino #endif #ifdef USE_AZ7798 feature_sns2 |= 0x00040000; // xsns_38_az7798.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MAX31855 feature_sns2 |= 0x00080000; // xsns_39_max31855.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PN532_HSU feature_sns2 |= 0x00100000; // xsns_40_pn532.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MAX44009 feature_sns2 |= 0x00200000; // xsns_41_max44009.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SCD30 feature_sns2 |= 0x00400000; // xsns_42_scd30.ino #endif #ifdef USE_HRE feature_sns2 |= 0x00800000; // xsns_43_hre.ino #endif #ifdef USE_ADE7953 feature_sns2 |= 0x01000000; // xnrg_07_ade7953.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SPS30 feature_sns2 |= 0x02000000; // xsns_44_sps30.ino #endif #ifdef USE_VL53L0X feature_sns2 |= 0x04000000; // xsns_45_vl53l0x.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MLX90614 feature_sns2 |= 0x08000000; // xsns_46_MLX90614.ino #endif #ifdef USE_MAX31865 feature_sns2 |= 0x10000000; // xsns_47-max31865.ino #endif #ifdef USE_CHIRP feature_sns2 |= 0x20000000; // xsns_48_chirp.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SOLAX_X1 feature_sns2 |= 0x40000000; // xsns_49_solaxX1.ino #endif #ifdef USE_PAJ7620 feature_sns2 |= 0x80000000; // xsns_50_paj7620.ino #endif /*********************************************************************************************/ feature5 = 0x00000000; #ifdef USE_BUZZER feature5 |= 0x00000001; // xdrv_24_buzzer.ino #endif #ifdef USE_RDM6300 feature5 |= 0x00000002; // xsns_51_rdm6300.ino #endif #ifdef USE_IBEACON feature5 |= 0x00000004; // xsns_52_ibeacon.ino #endif #ifdef USE_SML_M feature5 |= 0x00000008; // xsns_53_sml.ino #endif #ifdef USE_INA226 feature5 |= 0x00000010; // xsns_54_ina226.ino #endif #ifdef USE_A4988_Stepper feature5 |= 0x00000020; // xdrv_25_A4988.ino #endif // feature5 |= 0x00000040; // feature5 |= 0x00000080; // feature5 |= 0x00000100; // feature5 |= 0x00000200; // feature5 |= 0x00000400; // feature5 |= 0x00000800; // feature5 |= 0x00001000; // feature5 |= 0x00002000; // feature5 |= 0x00004000; // feature5 |= 0x00008000; // feature5 |= 0x00010000; // feature5 |= 0x00020000; // feature5 |= 0x00040000; // feature5 |= 0x00080000; // feature5 |= 0x00100000; // feature5 |= 0x00200000; // feature5 |= 0x00400000; // feature5 |= 0x00800000; // feature5 |= 0x01000000; // feature5 |= 0x02000000; // feature5 |= 0x04000000; // feature5 |= 0x08000000; // feature5 |= 0x10000000; // feature5 |= 0x20000000; // feature5 |= 0x40000000; // feature5 |= 0x80000000; }