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// Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2017
// MIT License
// Arduino JSON library
// https://bblanchon.github.io/ArduinoJson/
// If you like this project, please add a star!
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
// About
// -----
// This example shows the different ways you can use String with ArduinoJson.
// Please don't see this as an invitation to use String.
// On the contrary, you should always use char[] when possible, it's much more
// efficient in term of code size, speed and memory usage.
void setup() {
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
// You can use a String as your JSON input.
// WARNING: the content of the String will be duplicated in the JsonBuffer.
String input =
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(input);
// You can use a String to get an element of a JsonObject
// No duplication is done.
long time = root[String("time")];
// You can use a String to set an element of a JsonObject
// WARNING: the content of the String will be duplicated in the JsonBuffer.
root[String("time")] = time;
// You can get a String from a JsonObject or JsonArray:
// No duplication is done, at least not in the JsonBuffer.
String sensor = root["sensor"];
// Unfortunately, the following doesn't work (issue #118):
// sensor = root["sensor"]; // <- error "ambiguous overload for 'operator='"
// As a workaround, you need to replace by:
sensor = root["sensor"].as<String>();
// You can set a String to a JsonObject or JsonArray:
// WARNING: the content of the String will be duplicated in the JsonBuffer.
root["sensor"] = sensor;
// You can also concatenate strings
// WARNING: the content of the String will be duplicated in the JsonBuffer.
root[String("sen") + "sor"] = String("gp") + "s";
// You can compare the content of a JsonObject with a String
if (root["sensor"] == sensor) {
// ...
// Lastly, you can print the resulting JSON to a String
String output;
void loop() {
// not used in this example