
152 lines
4.5 KiB

// Copyright 2019 David Conran
/// @file
/// @brief Support for TCL protocols.
// Supports:
// Brand: Leberg, Model: LBS-TOR07 A/C
#ifndef IR_TCL_H_
#define IR_TCL_H_
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "IRremoteESP8266.h"
#include "IRsend.h"
#include "IRrecv.h"
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#include "IRsend_test.h"
/// Native representation of a TCL 112 A/C message.
union Tcl112Protocol{
uint8_t raw[kTcl112AcStateLength]; ///< The State in IR code form.
struct {
// Byte 0~4
uint8_t pad0[5];
// Byte 5
uint8_t :2;
uint8_t Power :1;
uint8_t :3;
uint8_t Light :1;
uint8_t Econo :1;
// Byte 6
uint8_t Mode :4;
uint8_t Health :1;
uint8_t Turbo :1;
uint8_t :2;
// Byte 7
uint8_t Temp :4;
uint8_t :4;
// Byte 8
uint8_t Fan :3;
uint8_t SwingV :3;
uint8_t :2;
// Byte 9~11
uint8_t pad1[3];
// Byte 12
uint8_t :3;
uint8_t SwingH :1;
uint8_t :1;
uint8_t HalfDegree :1;
uint8_t :2;
// Byte 13
uint8_t Sum :8;
// Constants
const uint16_t kTcl112AcHdrMark = 3000;
const uint16_t kTcl112AcHdrSpace = 1650;
const uint16_t kTcl112AcBitMark = 500;
const uint16_t kTcl112AcOneSpace = 1050;
const uint16_t kTcl112AcZeroSpace = 325;
const uint32_t kTcl112AcGap = kDefaultMessageGap; // Just a guess.
// Total tolerance percentage to use for matching the header mark.
const uint8_t kTcl112AcHdrMarkTolerance = 6;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcTolerance = 5; // Extra Percentage for the rest.
const uint8_t kTcl112AcHeat = 1;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcDry = 2;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcCool = 3;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcFan = 7;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcAuto = 8;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcFanAuto = 0b000;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcFanLow = 0b010;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcFanMed = 0b011;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcFanHigh = 0b101;
const float kTcl112AcTempMax = 31.0;
const float kTcl112AcTempMin = 16.0;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcSwingVOn = 0b111;
const uint8_t kTcl112AcSwingVOff = 0b000;
// Classes
/// Class for handling detailed TCL A/C messages.
class IRTcl112Ac {
explicit IRTcl112Ac(const uint16_t pin, const bool inverted = false,
const bool use_modulation = true);
void send(const uint16_t repeat = kTcl112AcDefaultRepeat);
/// Run the calibration to calculate uSec timing offsets for this platform.
/// @return The uSec timing offset needed per modulation of the IR Led.
/// @note This will produce a 65ms IR signal pulse at 38kHz.
/// Only ever needs to be run once per object instantiation, if at all.
int8_t calibrate(void) { return _irsend.calibrate(); }
#endif // SEND_TCL
void begin(void);
void stateReset(void);
uint8_t* getRaw(void);
void setRaw(const uint8_t new_code[],
const uint16_t length = kTcl112AcStateLength);
void on(void);
void off(void);
void setPower(const bool on);
bool getPower(void) const;
void setTemp(const float celsius); // Celsius in 0.5 increments
float getTemp(void) const;
void setMode(const uint8_t mode);
uint8_t getMode(void) const;
static uint8_t calcChecksum(uint8_t state[],
const uint16_t length = kTcl112AcStateLength);
static bool validChecksum(uint8_t state[],
const uint16_t length = kTcl112AcStateLength);
void setFan(const uint8_t speed);
uint8_t getFan(void) const;
void setEcono(const bool on);
bool getEcono(void) const;
void setHealth(const bool on);
bool getHealth(void) const;
void setLight(const bool on);
bool getLight(void) const;
void setSwingHorizontal(const bool on);
bool getSwingHorizontal(void) const;
void setSwingVertical(const bool on);
bool getSwingVertical(void) const;
void setTurbo(const bool on);
bool getTurbo(void) const;
static uint8_t convertMode(const stdAc::opmode_t mode);
static uint8_t convertFan(const stdAc::fanspeed_t speed);
static stdAc::opmode_t toCommonMode(const uint8_t mode);
static stdAc::fanspeed_t toCommonFanSpeed(const uint8_t speed);
stdAc::state_t toCommon(void) const;
String toString(void) const;
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
IRsend _irsend; ///< Instance of the IR send class
#else // UNIT_TEST
/// @cond IGNORE
IRsendTest _irsend; ///< Instance of the testing IR send class
/// @endcond
#endif // UNIT_TEST
Tcl112Protocol _;
void checksum(const uint16_t length = kTcl112AcStateLength);
#endif // IR_TCL_H_