
134 lines
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* IRremoteESP8266: DumbIRRepeater.ino - Record and playback IR codes.
* Copyright 2019 David Conran (crankyoldgit)
* This program will try to capture incoming IR messages and replay them back.
* It doesn't use any of the advanced detection features, thus it will just
* replay the messages at fixed modulated frequency (kFrequency) and a 50% duty
* cycle.
* Note:
* This might NOT be the frequency of the incoming message, so some replayed
* messages may not work. The frequency of incoming messages & duty cycle is
* lost at the point of the Hardware IR demodulator. The ESP can't see it.
* W A R N I N G
* This code is just for educational/example use only. No help will be given
* to you to make it do something else, or to make it work with some
* weird device or circuit, or to make it more usable or practical.
* If it works for you. Great. If not, Congratulations on changing/fixing it.
* An IR detector/demodulator must be connected to the input, kRecvPin.
* An IR LED circuit must be connected to the output, kIrLedPin.
* Example circuit diagrams (both are needed):
* https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/wiki#ir-receiving
* https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/wiki#ir-sending
* Common mistakes & tips:
* * Don't just connect the IR LED directly to the pin, it won't
* have enough current to drive the IR LED effectively.
* * Make sure you have the IR LED polarity correct.
* See: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/polarity/diode-and-led-polarity
* * Some digital camera/phones can be used to see if the IR LED is flashed.
* Replace the IR LED with a normal LED if you don't have a digital camera
* when debugging.
* * Avoid using the following pins unless you really know what you are doing:
* * Pin 0/D3: Can interfere with the boot/program mode & support circuits.
* * Pin 1/TX/TXD0: Any serial transmissions from the ESP will interfere.
* * Pin 3/RX/RXD0: Any serial transmissions to the ESP will interfere.
* * Pin 16/D0: Has no interrupts on the ESP8266, so can't be used for IR
* receiving with this library.
* * ESP-01 modules are tricky. We suggest you use a module with more GPIOs
* for your first time. e.g. ESP-12 etc.
* Changes:
* Version 1.0: June, 2019
* - Initial version.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <IRrecv.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
// ==================== start of TUNEABLE PARAMETERS ====================
// The GPIO an IR detector/demodulator is connected to. Recommended: 14 (D5)
// Note: GPIO 16 won't work on the ESP8266 as it does not have interrupts.
const uint16_t kRecvPin = 14;
// GPIO to use to control the IR LED circuit. Recommended: 4 (D2).
const uint16_t kIrLedPin = 4;
// The Serial connection baud rate.
// NOTE: Make sure you set your Serial Monitor to the same speed.
const uint32_t kBaudRate = 115200;
// As this program is a special purpose capture/resender, let's use a larger
// than expected buffer so we can handle very large IR messages.
// i.e. Up to 512 bits.
const uint16_t kCaptureBufferSize = 1024;
// kTimeout is the Nr. of milli-Seconds of no-more-data before we consider a
// message ended.
const uint8_t kTimeout = 50; // Milli-Seconds
// kFrequency is the modulation frequency all messages will be replayed at.
const uint16_t kFrequency = 38000; // in Hz. e.g. 38kHz.
// ==================== end of TUNEABLE PARAMETERS ====================
// The IR transmitter.
IRsend irsend(kIrLedPin);
// The IR receiver.
IRrecv irrecv(kRecvPin, kCaptureBufferSize, kTimeout, false);
// Somewhere to store the captured message.
decode_results results;
// This section of code runs only once at start-up.
void setup() {
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start up the IR receiver.
irsend.begin(); // Start up the IR sender.
Serial.begin(kBaudRate, SERIAL_8N1);
while (!Serial) // Wait for the serial connection to be establised.
Serial.print("DumbIRRepeater is now running and waiting for IR input "
"on Pin ");
Serial.print("and will retransmit it on Pin ");
// The repeating section of the code
void loop() {
// Check if an IR message has been received.
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { // We have captured something.
// The capture has stopped at this point.
// Convert the results into an array suitable for sendRaw().
// resultToRawArray() allocates the memory we need for the array.
uint16_t *raw_array = resultToRawArray(&results);
// Find out how many elements are in the array.
uint16_t length = getCorrectedRawLength(&results);
// Send it out via the IR LED circuit.
irsend.sendRaw(raw_array, length, kFrequency);
// Resume capturing IR messages. It was not restarted until after we sent
// the message so we didn't capture our own message.
// Deallocate the memory allocated by resultToRawArray().
delete [] raw_array;
// Display a crude timestamp & notification.
uint32_t now = millis();
"%06u.%03u: A message that was %d entries long was retransmitted.\n",
now / 1000, now % 1000, length);
yield(); // Or delay(milliseconds); This ensures the ESP doesn't WDT reset.