diff --git a/Commands.md b/Commands.md
index b307932b..741be783 100644
--- a/Commands.md
+++ b/Commands.md
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Note: Information on sensors documented below is transmitted in the Tasmota tele
Command | Parameters
:--- | :---
-AdcParam|ADC0 analog input parameters for Steinhart-Hart formula NTC (Temperature) or LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
`type`, `param1`, `param2`, `param3` = set default parameters based on current ADC0 input type
`type` = `2..3`
NTC: 2, Bridge Resistance, NTC Resistance, Beta Coefficient (e.g., `2,32000,10000,3350`)
LDR: 3, Bridge Resistance, Lux Scalar, Lux Exponent (e.g., `3,10000,12518931,-1.405`)
+AdcParam|ADC0 analog input parameters for Steinhart-Hart formula NTC (Thermistor) or LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)
`type`, `param1`, `param2`, `param3` = set default parameters based on current ADC0 input type
`type` = `2..3`
NTC: 2, Bridge Resistance, NTC Resistance, Beta Coefficient (e.g., `2,32000,10000,3350`)
LDR: 3, Bridge Resistance, Lux Scalar, Lux Exponent (e.g., `3,10000,12518931,-1.405`)
Altitude|`-30000..30000` - altitude in meters
AmpRes | Current sensor resolution
`0..3` = maximum number of decimal places
Counter\|`0` = reset Counter\
`1..64900` = preset Counter\
`-1..-64900` = decrease Counter\
`+1..+64900` = increase Counter\
In order to define and use a Counter, _**you must configure one of the free device GPIO as `Counter`**_