diff --git a/Commands.md b/Commands.md index 4591e80d..0d2eec53 100644 --- a/Commands.md +++ b/Commands.md @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ E.g. in case of command _`Backlog Power1 OFF; Delay 600; Power1 ON`_ the usage o # How to Use Commands -**Commands listed are available from version 6.5.0.** Commands introduced after this master release have their minimum version noted. If you're using an older Tasmota version some of the commands might not work. Note that availability of some features and their associated commands is dependent on the options selected during the firmware compilation. Please consult the [builds](Builds) table for a reference of which features are available for each pre-compiled firmware binary variant. +**Commands listed are available from version 6.6.0.** Commands introduced after this master release have their minimum version noted. If you're using an older Tasmota version some of the commands might not work. Note that availability of some features and their associated commands is dependent on the options selected during the firmware compilation. Please consult the [builds](Builds) table for a reference of which features are available for each pre-compiled firmware binary variant. Every command **used without a parameter (payload) returns the current setting**. * `Power` will return the status of Relay1 @@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ ButtonDebounce | User control over button debounce timing <BR>`40..1000` = set b FanSpeed | Fan speed control *([iFan02](Sonoff-iFan02) module only)* <BR>`0` = turn fan OFF <BR> `1..3` = set fan speed <BR> `+` = increase fan speed <BR>`-` = decrease fan speed <BR><a id="Interlock"></a> Interlock | Relay interlock mode and group selection.<BR>`0` = set self-locking mode for all relays *(default)* <BR> `1` = set interlock mode for selected relays | | Add up to 8 relays in 1 to 4 interlock groups, each separated by a space. For example<BR> `1,2 3,4` = Group Relay1 and Relay2 in group 1 and Relay3 and Relay4 in group 2 (_note the space between the two group declarations_) <BR> `1,2,3` = group Relay1, Relay2 and Relay3 in a single interlock group <BR>`1 3 2,4` = Relay1 is in group 1, Relay3 in group 2, Relay2 and Relay4 in group 3<a id="LedMask"></a> -LedMask | Allows setting a [`<bitmask>`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mask_(computing)#Masking_bits_to_1) which specifies which relays control the LED indicator used to display whether a relay is latched/powered. The order of the `<bitmask>` is from most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB). Bit 15 (MSB) masks Relay16 through bit 0 (LSB) which masks Relay1, respectively. For each relay to be included in controlling the power LED, set its corresponding bit in the `<bitmask>` to `1`. `<bitmask>` bits without corresponding configured module relays have no effect and can be ignored.<BR><BR>`<bitmask>` = [bitwise](https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/bitwise) value representing each relay. Values may be entered as either hexadecimal or decimal values (e.g., 0xFFFF = 65535). `0xFFFF` (= 1111 1111 1111 1111) All relays control the power LED _(default)_<BR><BR>[LedState](#ledstate) must be enabled (i.e., `!= 0`) in order for `LedMask` to take effect.<BR><BR>**Examples:**<li>`LedMask 0xFFFD` Every relay, except Relay2, controls the power LED (0xFFFD = 1111 1111 1111 1101)</li><li>`LedMask 0x0002` Only Relay 2 controls the power LED (0x0002 = 0000 0000 0000 0010)</li><BR> Introduced in [](../commit/df6645481e08b36fe61aaebeeeed249d60730386)<a id="LedPower"></a> +LedMask | Allows setting a [`<bitmask>`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mask_(computing)#Masking_bits_to_1) which specifies which relays control the LED indicator used to display whether a relay is latched/powered. The order of the `<bitmask>` is from most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB). Bit 15 (MSB) masks Relay16 through bit 0 (LSB) which masks Relay1, respectively. For each relay to be included in controlling the power LED, set its corresponding bit in the `<bitmask>` to `1`. `<bitmask>` bits without corresponding configured module relays have no effect and can be ignored.<BR><BR>`<bitmask>` = [bitwise](https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/bitwise) value representing each relay. Values may be entered as either hexadecimal or decimal values (e.g., 0xFFFF = 65535). `0xFFFF` (= 1111 1111 1111 1111) All relays control the power LED _(default)_<BR><BR>[LedState](#ledstate) must be enabled (i.e., `!= 0`) in order for `LedMask` to take effect.<BR><BR>**Examples:**<li>`LedMask 0xFFFD` Every relay, except Relay2, controls the power LED (0xFFFD = 1111 1111 1111 1101)</li><li>`LedMask 0x0002` Only Relay 2 controls the power LED (0x0002 = 0000 0000 0000 0010)</li><a id="LedPower"></a> LedPower | LED power state as on or off <BR> `0` = turn LED OFF and set `LedState 0` <BR> `1` = turn LED ON and set `LedState 0` <BR> `2` = toggle LED and set `LedState 0` <BR>(Use `Backlog LedPower 0; SetOption31 1` to disable LED even when Wi-Fi or MQTT is not connected) -LedPower\<x\> | LED\<x\> power state control. **Enabled only when LedLink(i) is configured**<BR> `0` = turn LED OFF and set `LedState 0` <BR> `1` = turn LED ON and set `LedState 0` <BR> `2` = toggle LED and set `LedState 0`<BR>Introduced in<a id="LedState"></a> +LedPower\<x\> | LED\<x\> power state control. **Enabled only when LedLink(i) is configured**<BR> `0` = turn LED OFF and set `LedState 0` <BR> `1` = turn LED ON and set `LedState 0` <BR> `2` = toggle LED and set `LedState 0`<a id="LedState"></a> LedState | Manage LED state<BR> `0` = disable use of LED as much as possible <BR> `1` = show power state on LED (LED on when power on) *(default)* *(inverted for Sonoff Touch/T1)*<BR> `2` = show MQTT subscriptions as a LED blink<BR> `3` = show power state and MQTT subscriptions as a LED blink<BR> `4` = show MQTT publications as a LED blink<BR> `5` = show power state and MQTT publications as a LED blink<BR> `6` = show all MQTT messages as a LED blink<BR> `7` = show power state and MQTT messages as a LED blink<BR><BR>`8` = LED on when Wi-Fi and MQTT are connected. ***Cannot be issued directly*** and is only activated when `LedPower` is switched from `0` to `1`<a id="Power"></a> Power\<x\> | Control Relay\<x\> power state and also resetting PulseTime\<x\><BR> `0` / `off` = turn OFF <BR> `1` / `on` = turn ON <BR> `2` / `toggle` = if relay is `ON` switch to `OFF` and vice versa<BR> `3` / `blink` = toggle power for [BlinkCount](#blinkcount) times each [BlinkTime](#blinktime) duration (at the end of `blink`, relay power is returned to pre-blink state)<BR> `4` / `blinkoff` = stop blink sequence and return relay power to pre-blink state<a id="PowerOnState"></a> PowerOnState | Control relay state after _**powering up**_ the device. [More information](PowerOnState-Configuration)<BR> `0` / `OFF` = keep relay(s) OFF after power up <BR> `1` / `ON` = turn relay(s) ON after power up <BR> `2` / `TOGGLE` = toggle relay(s) from last saved state <BR> `3` = switch relay(s) to their last saved state *(default)* <BR> `4` = turn relay(s) ON and disable further relay control <BR> `5` = after a `PulseTime` period turn relay(s) ON (acts as inverted [`PulseTime`](Commands#pulsetime) mode)<a id="PulseTime"></a> @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ WebPassword | Show current web server password<BR>`0` = disable use of password WebSend | Send a command to Tasmota host. If a command starts with a `\` it will be used as a link.<BR>`[<host>:<port>,<user>:<password>] <command>`<BR>`<host>` = hostname or IP address.<BR>`<port>` = port for the device if not the default `80`<BR>`<user>` = enter username of the device you're sending the command to<BR>`<password>` = enter password of the device you're sending the command to<BR>`<command>` = command and payload<BR>*example: `[sonoff] POWER1 ON` sends `http://sonoff/cm?cmnd=POWER1 ON`*<a id="WebServer"></a> WebServer|`0` = stop web server<BR>`1` = start web server in user mode<BR>`2` = start web server in admin mode<a id="WebRefresh"></a> WebRefresh|Web page refresh<BR>`1000..10000` = set refresh time in ms. Default is 2345<a id="WebColor"></a> -WebColor\<x\>|Web GUI colors<BR>`#RRGGBB` = Set web GUI color (x = `1..18`):<BR>`1` = Global text (Black)<BR>`2` = Global background (White)<BR>`3` = Form background (Greyish)<BR>`4` = Input text (Black)<BR>`5` = Input background (White)<BR>`6` = Console text (Black)<BR>`7` = Console background (White)<BR>`8` = Warning text (Red)<BR>`9` = Success text (Green)<BR>`10` = Button text (White)<BR>`11` = Button (Blueish)<BR>`12` = Button hovered over (Darker blueish)<BR>`13` = Restart/Reset/Delete button (Redish)<BR>`14` = Restart/Reset/Delete button hover (Darker reddish)<BR>`15` = Save button (Greenish)<BR>`16` = Save button hover (Darker greenish)<BR>`17` = Config timer tab text (White)<BR>`18` = Config timer tab background (Light grey)<BR>Introduced in [](../commit/aa91caa35e00134ec34b48cf9203df048ff4cb46)<a id="WifiConfig"></a> +WebColor\<x\>|Web GUI colors<BR>`#RRGGBB` = Set web GUI color (x = `1..18`):<BR>`1` = Global text (Black)<BR>`2` = Global background (White)<BR>`3` = Form background (Greyish)<BR>`4` = Input text (Black)<BR>`5` = Input background (White)<BR>`6` = Console text (Black)<BR>`7` = Console background (White)<BR>`8` = Warning text (Red)<BR>`9` = Success text (Green)<BR>`10` = Button text (White)<BR>`11` = Button (Blueish)<BR>`12` = Button hovered over (Darker blueish)<BR>`13` = Restart/Reset/Delete button (Redish)<BR>`14` = Restart/Reset/Delete button hover (Darker reddish)<BR>`15` = Save button (Greenish)<BR>`16` = Save button hover (Darker greenish)<BR>`17` = Config timer tab text (White)<BR>`18` = Config timer tab background (Light grey)<a id="WifiConfig"></a> WifiConfig|`0` - disable Wi-Fi configuration and reboot (used with alternate AP)<BR>`1` = set SmartConfig as the current configuration tool, start SmartConfig for 3 minutes, and then reboot and try to connect to your Wi-Fi network again<BR>`2` = set Wi-Fi Manager as the current configuration tool and start Wi-Fi Manager (web server at for 3 minutes, and then reboot and try to connect to your Wi-Fi network again<BR>`3` = set WPS as the current configuration tool, try WPS for 3 minutes, and then reboot and try to connect to your Wi-Fi network again<BR>`4` = disable Wi-Fi configuration but retry other AP without rebooting<BR>`5` = disable Wi-Fi configuration but retry same AP without rebooting and flash writes<BR>`7` = start set Wi-Fi Manager (web server at as the current configuration tool but restricted with the only option to reset device settings. _**This setting is recommended for devices without an external control/reset button**_. See also | [`SetOption55`](#Setoption55) - mDNS service control<BR>[`SetOption56`](#Setoption56) - Wi-Fi network scan to select strongest signal on restart<BR>[`SetOption57`](#Setoption57) - Wi-Fi network re-scan every 44 minutes with switch to +10dB stronger signal if detected @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ HumRes | Humidity sensor resolution<BR>`0..3` = maximum number of decimal places PressRes | Pressure sensor resolution<BR>`0..3` = maximum number of decimal places<a id="Sensor13"></a> Sensor13 | [INA219](http://www.ti.com/product/INA219) low voltage current sensor calibration mode<BR>`0` = set INA219 calibration to max 32V and 2A<BR>`1` = set INA219 calibration to max 32V and 1A<BR>`2` = set INA219 calibration to max 16V and 0.4A<a id="Sensor15"></a> Sensor15 | [Automatic Baseline Correction](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/blob/c97ea4d9176eb7e87abff5f963a0f1c60f0a5e52/sonoff/xsns_15_mhz19.ino#L47) for [MH-Z19B](MH-Z19B) CO<sub>2</sub> sensor<BR>`0` = disabled<BR>`1` = enabled *(default)*<BR>`2` = disable and start manual calibration from 400 ppm of CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`9` = reset sensor to factory defaults<BR>`1000` = sets measurement range to 1000ppm CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`2000` = sets measurement range to 2000ppm CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`3000` = sets measurement range to 3000ppm CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`5000` = sets measurement range to 5000ppm CO<sub>2</sub><a id="Sensor20"></a> -Sensor20 | [Nova Fitness SDS011](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-Nova-Fitness-SDS011-Laser-Dust-Sensor) dust sensor.<BR>`1..255` = change working period in minutes<BR>Introduced in<a id="Sensor27"></a> +Sensor20 | [Nova Fitness SDS011](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-Nova-Fitness-SDS011-Laser-Dust-Sensor) dust sensor.<BR>`1..255` = change working period in minutes<a id="Sensor27"></a> Sensor27 | [APDS-9960](APDS-9960) sensor commands<BR>`0` = enable light level and proximity sensor / disable gestures *(default)* <BR> `1` = enable gesture mode/ disable light level and proximity sensor<BR> `2` = enable gestures with half gain / disable light and proximity sensor<BR>`3..255` = Set [ATIME register](APDS-9960#known-issues) for different integration times<a id="Sensor34"></a> Sensor34 | [HX711 load cell](https://github.com/bogde/HX711) sensor calibration<BR>`1` = reset display to 0<BR>`2` = start calibration<BR>`2 <value>` = set reference weight in grams and start calibration<BR>`3` = show reference weight in grams<BR>`3 <value>` = set reference weight in grams<BR>`4` = show calibrated scale value<BR>`4 <value>` = set calibrated scale value<BR>`5` = show max weight in gram<BR>`5 <value>` = set max weight in grams<BR>`6` = show single item weight in grams<BR>`6 <value>` = set single item weight in grams. Once the item weight is set, when items are added to the scale, the telemetry message will report `Count` as the number of items on the scale.<BR><a id="TempRes"></a> TempRes | Temperature sensor resolution<BR>`0..3` = maximum number of decimal places<a id="VoltRes"></a> @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ WattRes | Power sensor resolution<BR>`0..3` = maximum number of decimal places See Also | [`SetOption21`](#SetOption21) - Energy monitoring when power is off<BR>[`SetOption33`](#SetOption33) - Configure power monitoring Max_Power_Retry count number<BR> ### [Light](Lights) -<!--- Brightness|<a id="Brightness>"></a>`0..255` = set brightness value from 0 to 255 (introduced in<a id="Channel"></a> +<!--- Brightness|<a id="Brightness>"></a>`0..255` = set brightness value from 0 to 255<a id="Channel"></a> Channel\<x\>|`0..100` = set PWM channel dimmer value from 0 to 100%<a id="Color"></a> --> Command | Parameters @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ HsbColor1|`0..360` = set hue<a id="HsbColor2"></a> HsbColor2|`0..100` = set saturation <a id="HsbColor3"></a> HsbColor3|`0..100` = set brightness<a id="Led"></a> Led\<x\>|`#RRGGBB` = set Led\<x\> hex color value where `<x>` is the pixel number *(aplies only to addressable LEDs)*<a id="LedTable"></a> -LedTable|`0` = do not use [LED gamma correction](https://learn.adafruit.com/led-tricks-gamma-correction?view=all) *(default up to*<BR>`1` = use gamma correction *(default since*<a id="Pixels"></a> +LedTable|`0` = do not use [LED gamma correction](https://learn.adafruit.com/led-tricks-gamma-correction?view=all) *(default prior to*<BR>`1` = use gamma correction *(default)*<a id="Pixels"></a> Pixels|`1..512` = set amount of pixels in strip or ring and reset `Rotation` *(applies only to addressable LEDs)*<a id="Rotation"></a> Rotation|`<value>` = set amount of pixels to rotate (up to `Pixels` value) *(applies only to addressable LEDs)*<a id="Scheme"></a> Scheme | Light effects<BR>`+` = next scheme<BR>`-` = previous scheme<BR>`0` = single color for LED light *(default)*<BR>`1` = start wake up sequence (same as [`Wakeup`](#wakeup))<BR>`2` = cycle up through colors using Speed option<BR>`3` = cycle down through colors using Speed option<BR>`4` = random cycle through colors using Speed and Fade @@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ SetOption33|Max power limit can be exceeded by number of seconds before the rela SetOption34|Set [Tuya dimmer device id](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/pull/4095)<BR> `0..255` = device id<a id="SetOption36"></a> SetOption36|Boot loop defaults restoration control.<BR>`0` = disable boot loop control<BR> `1..200` = set number of boot loops (a restart caused by any exception or watchdog timer within less than `BOOT_LOOP_TIME` (default 10 seconds) before beginning to restore settings *(default = `1`)*. Once this number is reached, subsequent restarts will:<ul><li>1st restart: disable ESP8285 generic GPIOs interfering with flash SPI</li><li>2nd restart: disable rules causing boot loop</li><li>3rd restart: disable all rules</li><li>4th restart: reset user defined GPIOs to disable any attached peripherals</li><li>5th restart: reset module to Sonoff Basic (1)</li></ul><a id="SetOption37"></a> SetOption37|Color remapping for led channels, also provides an option for allowing independent handling of RGB and white channels.<BR>`0` = disabled<br>`1..119` = according to [this table](SetOption37---Color-channel-mapping)<br>`120..127` = invalid (results in same as `0`)<br>`128..255` = same as `0..127` but with independent channel handling enabled <a id="SetOption38"></a> -SetOption38|`6..255 ` = set IRReceive protocol detection sensitivity minimizing UNKNOWN protocols<BR>Introduced in [](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/commit/22663fc10c9f10fa015fcdda80f13b669f8aee68)<a id="SetOption39"></a> -SetOption39|Control handling of invalid power measurements. Power monitoring chips like the HLW8032 (Blitzwolf SHP5) and CSE7766 (Sonoff S31, Sonoff POW R2) occasionally report invalid power measurements for load values below 5W. In these cases, it sometimes reports a valid load.<BR>`0` = reset to default on next restart.<BR>`1..255` = number of invalid power readings before reporting that there is no load *(default = `128`)*. For example, to discard all loads below 6W, set to `1`. Tasmota will report no load if the power draw is below 6W.<BR>Introduced in [](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/commit/164b3aaf111ee1514741fedba8b5b236854fda46)<a id="SetOption40"></a> -SetOption40|Stop detecting any input change on the button GPIO.<BR>`0..250` = button hold time in 0.1 seconds *(default = `1`)* after which button functionality is disabled.<BR><BR>This setting is only active when [`SetOption1 1`](#setoption1) AND [`SetOption13 0`](#setoption13) are set. **This disables all long press functionality**.<BR><BR>Example: `Backlog SetOption1 1; SetOption13 0; SetOption40 10` - discard any button press over 1 second<BR><BR>Newer [Sonoff T1](Sonoff-T1) light switches appear to activate the GPIO intermittently for over many seconds without a user touching the button (i.e., [ghost switching](../issues/5449)). Introduced in []( https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/commit/46210bc9f05e3b168ebf91162ceba454b833606a)<a id="SetOption51"></a> +SetOption38|`6..255 ` = set IRReceive protocol detection sensitivity minimizing UNKNOWN protocols<a id="SetOption39"></a> +SetOption39|Control handling of invalid power measurements. Power monitoring chips like the HLW8032 (Blitzwolf SHP5) and CSE7766 (Sonoff S31, Sonoff POW R2) occasionally report invalid power measurements for load values below 5W. In these cases, it sometimes reports a valid load.<BR>`0` = reset to default on next restart.<BR>`1..255` = number of invalid power readings before reporting that there is no load *(default = `128`)*. For example, to discard all loads below 6W, set to `1`. Tasmota will report no load if the power draw is below 6W.<a id="SetOption40"></a> +SetOption40|Stop detecting any input change on the button GPIO.<BR>`0..250` = button hold time in 0.1 seconds *(default = `1`)* after which button functionality is disabled.<BR><BR>This setting is only active when [`SetOption1 1`](#setoption1) AND [`SetOption13 0`](#setoption13) are set. **This disables all long press functionality**.<BR><BR>Example: `Backlog SetOption1 1; SetOption13 0; SetOption40 10` - discard any button press over 1 second<BR><BR>Newer [Sonoff T1](Sonoff-T1) light switches appear to activate the GPIO intermittently for over many seconds without a user touching the button (i.e., [ghost switching](../issues/5449)).<a id="SetOption51"></a> SetOption51|View extra pins for ESP8285 in Module Config<BR>**WARNING** Do not use on ESP8266 devices!!!<BR>`0` = disable *(default)*<BR> `1` = enable<a id="SetOption52"></a> SetOption52|Control display of optional time offset from UTC in JSON messages<BR>`0` = disable *(default)*<BR> `1` = enable<a id="SetOption53"></a> SetOption53|Display hostname and IP address in GUI<BR>`0` = disable *(default)*<BR> `1` = enable<a id="SetOption54"></a> @@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ SetOption59|Send `tele/%topic%/STATE` in addition to `stat/%topic%/RESULT` for c SetOption60|Enable normal sleep instead of [dynamic sleep](Dynamic%20Sleep)<BR> `0` = dynamic sleep *(default)*<BR> `1` = sleep<a id="SetOption61"></a> SetOption61|Force [local operation](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/pull/4562#issuecomment-446230001) when [`ButtonTopic`](#ButtonTopic) or [`SwitchTopic`](#SwitchTopic) is set.<BR>`0` = disable *(default)*<BR> `1` = enable<a id="SetOption62"></a> SetOption62|`0` = disable *(default)*<BR> `1` = don't use retain flag on `HOLD` messages<a id="SetOption63"></a> -SetOption63|`0` = Scan relay power feedback state at restart *(default)*<BR> `1` = Disable relay power feedback state scanning at restart<BR>Introduced in [](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/commit/e8e7b25b80f483c612ee082dd673a55d52bcd2cb)<a id="SetOption64"></a> -SetOption64|`0` = sensor name index separator is "-" (hyphen) *(default)*<BR> `1` = sensor name index separator is "_" (underscore)<br>*Affects sensor names in tele messages*<BR>Introduced in [](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/commit/e8e7b25b80f483c612ee082dd673a55d52bcd2cb)<a id="SetOption65"></a> -SetOption65|`0` = disable dimmer slider control<BR>`1` = enable dimmer slider control *(default)*<BR>Introduced in [](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/commit/53ecde7637ba9e55a4fb8a31e35d4bdf08f01870) +SetOption63|`0` = Scan relay power feedback state at restart *(default)*<BR> `1` = Disable relay power feedback state scanning at restart<a id="SetOption64"></a> +SetOption64|`0` = sensor name index separator is "-" (hyphen) *(default)*<BR> `1` = sensor name index separator is "_" (underscore)<br>*Affects sensor names in tele messages*<a id="SetOption65"></a> +SetOption65|`0` = disable dimmer slider control<BR>`1` = enable dimmer slider control *(default)* ### Serial Bridge Both Hardware and Software Serial Bridge are supported.