diff --git a/Sensor-Configuration.md b/Sensor-Configuration.md
index 88d734f3..112788ec 100644
--- a/Sensor-Configuration.md
+++ b/Sensor-Configuration.md
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-[How To Connect a Sensor](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Expanding-Sonoffs)
+* [Device Configuration](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Initial-Configuration)
+* [How To Connect a Sensor](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Expanding-Sonoffs)
-The software allows for dynamically configuration of sensors and devices to selected GPIO pins. Depending on the type of (Sonoff) Module certain GPIO pins are easily accessible.
-Sensor configuration is possible by either the web pages OR using the commands ``modules``, ``module``, ``gpios`` and ``gpio``.
+The software allows for dynamically configuration of sensors and devices to selected GPIO pins. Depending on the type of Template/Module, certain GPIO pins are easily accessible. Sensor configuration is possible by either the web pages OR using the commands [`Template`](Commands#template), [`Module`](Commands#module), and [`GPIO`](Commands#gpio).
The software supports:
-- [single wire sensors](#single-wire-sensor)
-- [dual wire or I2C sensors](#i2c-sensor)
-- [single wire devices](#device)
+- [Single wire sensors](#single-wire-sensor)
+- [Dual wire or I2C sensors](#i2c-sensor)
+- [Single wire devices](#device)
Only one sensor per group is allowed.
@@ -23,23 +22,21 @@ The following single wire sensors are supported:
- Itead SI7021 Temperature and Humidity - ``SI7021 (3)`` in group 1
- DS18B20 Temperature - ``DS18x20 (4)`` in group 2
Enable option ``USE_DS18x20`` in ``user_config.h`` for multiple sensors using OneWire library
- DS18S20 Temperature - ``DS18x20 (4)`` in group 2
Enable option ``USE_DS18x20`` in ``user_config.h`` using OneWire library
-- External switch - ``Switch (9)``
Use ``SwitchMode`` to tune its behaviour
-- HC-SR501 PIR Motion Detection - ``Switch (9)``
Use ``SwitchMode`` to tune its behaviour
+- External switch - ``Switch (9)``
Use [`SwitchMode`](Commands#switchmode) to tune its behaviour
+- HC-SR501 PIR Motion Detection - ``Switch (9)``
Use [`SwitchMode`](Commands#switchmode) to tune its behaviour
Note: With older releases DHT22, AM20302, and AM2321 sensors operated under ``AM2302 (3)``. They now operate under ``AM2301 (2)``. If you are using a DHT22 or similar and do not see ``AM2302 (3)`` use ``AM2301 (2)``.
-You can add a sensor using the following (MQTT) commands:
+You can add a sensor using the following commands:
-1. ``modules`` - show supported modules
-2. ``module 4`` - select desired module functionality for a Sonoff TH (Wait for the restart)
-3. ``gpios`` - show supported sensor types. (e.g. DHT21 = AM2301)
-4. ``gpio`` - show current defined sensors on supported GPIO pins
-5. ``gpio14 2`` - select sensor AM2301 (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Template`](Commands#template) - select desired template functionality for the device (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Modules`](Commands#modules) - show supported modules
+* [`Module`](Commands#module) - select desired module functionality for the device (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Gpios`](Commands#gpios) - show supported sensor types. (e.g. DHT21 = AM2301)
+* [`GPIO`](Commands#gpio) - show current defined sensors on supported GPIO pins or assign a GPIO function, - e.g., ``gpio14 2`` select sensor AM2301 (Wait for the restart)
For some sensors to show up a power cycle of Sonoff is needed to reset the devices just configured.
## I2C sensor
The following I2C sensors are supported using I2C SCL (5) and I2C SDA (6) in group 3:
@@ -59,29 +56,28 @@ The following I2C sensors are supported using I2C SCL (5)
- SHT11 Temperature and Humidity in group 3c
- SHT15 Temperature and Humidity in group 3c
-You can add I2C sensors using the following (MQTT) commands:
+You can add I2C sensors using the following commands:
-1. ``modules`` - show supported modules
-2. ``module 1`` - select desired module functionality for a Sonoff Basic (Wait for the restart)
-3. ``gpios`` - show supported sensor types. We need two pins: I2C SCL (5) and I2C SDA (6)
-4. ``gpio`` - show current defined sensors on supported GPIO pins
-5. ``gpio14 5`` - select I2C SCL (Wait for the restart)
-6. ``gpio4 6`` - select I2C SDA (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Template`](Commands#template) - select desired template functionality for the device (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Modules`](Commands#modules) - show supported modules
+* [`Module`](Commands#module) - select desired module functionality for the device (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Gpios`](Commands#gpios) - show supported sensor types. We need two pins: I2C SCL (5) and I2C SDA (6)
+* [`GPIO`](Commands#gpio) - show current defined sensors on supported GPIO pins or assign a GPIO function, - e.g., ``Backlog gpio14 5; gpio4 6`` - select I2C SCL and SDA respectively (Wait for the restart)
-The software will autodetect the connected I2C devices. For some sensors to show up a power cycle of Sonoff is needed to reset the devices just configured.
+The software will auto-detect the connected I2C devices. For some sensors to show up you may need to cycle power to reset the device just configured.
## Device
The following additional device(s) are supported:
- WS2812 led string - ``WS2812 (7)`` in group 4
Using NeoPixelBus library and external 5V power supply
- IR Remote - ``IRremote (8)`` in group 5
Using IRremoteESP8266 library and additional IR led hardware as documented [here](https://github.com/altelch/SonoffIR)
-You can add a device using the following (MQTT) commands:
+You can add a device using the following commands:
-1. ``modules`` - show supported modules
-2. ``module 1`` - select desired module functionality for a Sonoff Basic (Wait for the restart)
-3. ``gpios`` - show supported sensor types. We need WS2812 (7)
-4. ``gpio`` - show current defined sensors on supported GPIO pins
-5. ``gpio14 7`` - select WS2812 led string (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Template`](Commands#template) - select desired template functionality for the device (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Modules`](Commands#modules) - show supported modules
+* [`Module`](Commands#module) - select desired module functionality for the device (Wait for the restart)
+* [`Gpios`](Commands#gpios) - show supported sensor types. We need WS2812 (7)
+* [`GPIO`](Commands#gpio) - show current defined sensors on supported GPIO pins or assign a GPIO function, - e.g., ``gpio14 7`` - select WS2812 led string (Wait for the restart)
For some devices a power cycle of Sonoff is needed to reset the interface to the devices just configured.
@@ -89,16 +85,8 @@ For some devices a power cycle of Sonoff is needed to reset the interface to the
### Temperature Units
-The temperature units can be set to report in Fahrenheit with the command:
-``SetOption8 1``
-to set back to Celsius use:
-``SetOption8 0``
+The temperature units can be set to report in Celsius or Fahrenheit with the [`SetOption8`](Commands#setoption8) command:
### Update Interval
-To change the update interval change the ``TelePeriod``. The default interval is 300 seconds. The interval can be set between 10 and 3600 seconds. To set the update interval to 10 seconds, so the sensor will update 6 times a minute use the command:
-``TelePeriod 10``
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+To change the update interval change the [`TelePeriod`](Commands#teleperiod). The default interval is 300 seconds. The interval can be set between 10 and 3600 seconds. ``TelePeriod 10`` will set the update interval to 10 seconds, so the sensor will update 6 times a minute.
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