diff --git a/openHAB.md b/openHAB.md
index b13f634c..3cb8c738 100644
--- a/openHAB.md
+++ b/openHAB.md
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ It is furthermore recommended, to add the following status items for every Sonof
* Optional! A collection of return messages by the Sonoff module
Recommendation: Define specific items for what you really need on a regular basis, use standalone MQTT client for troubleshooting
Recommendation: Define specific items for what you really need on a regular basis, use standalone MQTT client for troubleshooting
String LivingRoom_Light_Verbose "Living Room Light: MQTT return message [%s]"
{ mqtt="<[broker:tele/sonoff-A00F9D/INFO1:state:default],
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ It is furthermore recommended, to add the following status items for every Sonof
<[broker:stat/sonoff-A00F9D/RESULT:state:default]" }
-💬 The "LWT" topic (["Last Will and Testament"](http://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-9-last-will-and-testament)) will receive regular "Online" messages by the module and an "Offline" message a short time after the module is disconnected, generated by the MQTT broker. These messages are transformed to a valid `ON`/`OFF` state by the [MAP](http://docs.openhab.org/addons/transformations/map/readme.html) transformation. The following transformation file is needed:
+💬 The "LWT" topic (["Last Will and Testament"](http://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-9-last-will-and-testament)) will receive regular "Online" messages by the module and an "Offline" message a short time after the module is disconnected, generated by the MQTT broker. These messages are transformed to a valid `ON`/`OFF` state by the [MAP](http://docs.openhab.org/addons/transformations/map/readme.html) transformation. Of course you can implement `Unreachable` instead of `Reachable` if you prefer. The following transformation file is needed:
@@ -88,8 +88,6 @@ Online=ON
-Of course you can implement `Unreachable` instead of `Reachable` if you prefer.
## Maintenance Actions
A home automation system setup would not be complete without a certain maintenance automation!