diff --git a/Zigbee.md b/Zigbee.md
index f775ba63..2d199fad 100644
--- a/Zigbee.md
+++ b/Zigbee.md
@@ -333,217 +333,7 @@ ZIG: zigbee device ready, listening...
## Using Z2T
-### Z2T Commands
-Here are the additional commands available when Zigbee is activated. Note: Zigbee will automatically boot the CC2530 device, configure it and wait for Zigbee messages.
-|ZigbeePermitJoin|Enables or disables pairing of new devices, see below.
`ZigbeePermitjoin 1` enables pairing for 60 seconds
`ZigbeePermitJoin 99` enables pairing until next boot
`ZigbeePermitJoin 0` disables pairing|
-|ZigbeeReset|Does a full reset and reconfiguration of the CC2530. Warning: you will need to re-pair all Zigbee devices
Ex: `ZigbeeReset 1`|
-|ZigbeeStatus|Shows data collected from connected Zigbee devices, see examples below.
`ZigbeeStatus` shows the list of all Zigbee devices seen on the network until last boot, with their short address and friendly name.
`ZigbeeStatus 1` adds Manufacturer ID and Model ID of each devices
`ZigbeeStatus 2` adds list of endpoints of each device and the clusterIds supported in each endpoint.|
-|ZigbeeZCLSend|Send a raw ZCL message to a Zigbee device. This is a low-level command, and requires to manually build the ZCL parameters. Most common usage will be provided as high-level functions.|
-### Z2T Status
-You can inspect the log output to determine whether Z2T started correctly. Z2T sends several `ZigbeeStatus` messages to inform the MQTT host about initialization:
-Ex: ```{"ZigbeeStatus":{"Status":1,"Message":"CC2530 booted","RestartReason":"Watchdog","MajorRel":2,"MinorRel":6}}```
-- `Status` contains a numeric code about the status message
- - `0`: initialization complete, **Z2T is running normally**
- - `1`: booting
- - `2`: resetting CC2530 configuration
- - `3`: starting Zigbee coordinator
- - `20`: disabling Permit Join
- - `21`: allowing Permit Join for 60 seconds
- - `22`: allowing Permit Join until next boot
- - `30`: Zigbee device connects or reconnects
- - `31`: Received Node Descriptor information for a Zigbee device
- - `32`: Received the list of active endpoints for a Zigbee device
- - `33`: Received the simple Descriptor with active ZCL clusters for a Zigbee device
- - `50`: reporting CC2530 firmware version
- - `51`: reporting CC2530 device information and associated devices
- - `98`: error, unsupported CC2530 firmware
- - `99`: general error, **Z2T was unable to start**
-- `Message` (optional) a human-readable message
-- other fields depending on the message (Status=50 or Status=51)
-### Permit Join
-By default, and for security reasons, the Zigbee coordinator does not automatically accept new devices. To pair new devices, use one of the following commands:
-- `ZigbeePermitJoin 1`: enables pairing for 60 seconds
-- `ZigbeePermitJoin 99`: enables pairing until next boot
-Then put your Zigbee device into pairing mode. This is usually accomplished by pressing the button on the device for 5 seconds or more.
-To stop pairing, use:
-- `ZigbeePermitJoin 0`
-### Reading sensors
-Sensor messages are published via MQTT when they are received from the Zigbee device. Unlike Zigbee2MQTT, there is currently no debouncing nor caching.
-Example: [Xiaomi Aqara Sensor](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32876734250.html)
-This sensor monitors humidity, temperature, and air pressure. Its Zigbee model ID is `lumi.weather`.
-1. Put Z2T into pairing mode using the `ZigbeePermitJoin` command as described above
-2. Press the Xiaomi Aqara sensor's button for 5 seconds to pair the devices. You will see a message as follows:
- ```
- MQT: tele//RESULT = {"ZigbeeStatus":{"Status":30,"IEEEAddr":"00158D00036B50AE","ShortAddr":"0x8F20","PowerSource":false,"ReceiveWhenIdle":false,"Security":false}}
- ```
- |Field name|Value|
- |---|---|
- |`Status`|`30` indicates a device connect or reconnect. This is the opportunity to match IEEEAddress and short address|
- |`IEEEAddr`|Long unique address (64 bits) of the device - factory set|
- |`ShortAddr`|Short address (16 bits) randomly assigned to the device on this Zigbee network|
- |`PowerSource`|`true` = the device is connected to a power source
`false` = the device runs on battery|
- |`ReceiveWhenIdle`|`true` = the device can receive commands when idle
`false` = the device is not listening. Commands should be sent when the device reconnects and is idle|
- |`Security`|Security capability (meaning unknown, to be determined)|
-This device publishes sensor values roughly every hour or when a change occurs. You can also force an update pressing the device's button. It sends two kinds of messages, either 3x standard Zigbee messages, or a single proprietary message containing all sensor values.
-MQT: tele//RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Humidity":23.47}}
-MQT: tele//RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Temperature":59.85}}
-MQT: tele//RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Pressure":1005,"PressureUnit":"hPa"}}
-MQT: tele//RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"Temperature":23.47,"Humidity":58.97,"Pressure":1005.8,"PressureUnit":"hPa","Voltage":3.005,"Battery":100}}
-MQT: tele//RESULT = {"0x8F20":{"ModelId":"lumi.weather"}}
-`0x8F20` is the ShortAddress of the sensor.
-Supported values:
-|Field name|Value|
-|`Humidity`|Humidity in percentage (float)|
-|`Pressure` and `PressureUnit`|Atmospheric pressure (float) and unit (string)
Currently only `hPa` (A.K.A. mbar) is supported|
-|`Temperature`|Temperature in Celsius (float)|
-|`Voltage`|Battery voltage (float)|
-|`Battery`|Battery charge in percentage (integer)|
-|`ModelId`|Model name of the Zigbee device (string)
Ex: `lumi.weather`|
-### Other commands
-You can dump the internal information gathered about connected Zigbee devices with the command `ZigbeeStatus`.
-List all connected devices with `ZigbeeStatus`
-_(JSON pretty-printed for readability)_
- "ZigbeeStatus-99": [
- {
- "ShortAddr":"0x6B58"
- },
- {
- "ShortAddr":"0xE9C3"
- },
- {
- "ShortAddr":"0x3D82"
- }
- ]
-Get detailed information for each device, including long address, model and manufacturer with `ZigbeeStatus 1`:
-{"ZigbeeStatus1":[{"ShortAddr":"0x6B58","IEEEAddr":"7CB03EAA0A0292DD","ModelId":"Plug 01","Manufacturer":"OSRAM"},{"ShortAddr":"0xE9C3","IEEEAddr":"00158D00036B50AE","ModelId":"lumi.weather","Manufacturer":"LUMI"},{"ShortAddr":"0x3D82","IEEEAddr":"0017880102FE1DBD","ModelId":"LWB010","Manufacturer":"Philips"}]}
-_(JSON pretty-printed for readability)_
- "ZigbeeStatus1": [
- {
- "ShortAddr": "0x6B58",
- "IEEEAddr": "7CB03EAA0A0292DD",
- "ModelId": "Plug 01",
- "Manufacturer": "OSRAM"
- },
- {
- "ShortAddr": "0xE9C3",
- "IEEEAddr": "00158D00036B50AE",
- "ModelId": "lumi.weather",
- "Manufacturer": "LUMI"
- },
- {
- "ShortAddr": "0x3D82",
- "IEEEAddr": "0017880102FE1DBD",
- "ModelId": "LWB010",
- "Manufacturer": "Philips"
- }
- ]
-Get information about endpoints and ZCL clusters supported with `ZigbeeStatus 2`:
-{"ZigbeeStatus2":[{"ShortAddr":"0x6B58","Endpoints":{"0x03":{"ProfileId":"0xC05E","ProfileIdName":"ZigBee Light Link","ClustersIn":["0x1000","0x0000","0x0003","0x0004","0x0005","0x0006","0x0B04","0xFC0F"],"ClustersOut":["0x0019"]}}},{"ShortAddr":"0xE9C3","Endpoints":{"0x01":{"ProfileId":"0x0104","ClustersIn":["0x0000","0x0003","0xFFFF","0x0402","0x0403","0x0405"],"ClustersOut":["0x0000","0x0004","0xFFFF"]}}},{"ShortAddr":"0x3D82","Endpoints":{"0x0B":{"ProfileId":"0xC05E"," ...
-_(JSON pretty-printed for readability)_
- "ZigbeeStatus2": [
- {
- "ShortAddr": "0x6B58",
- "Endpoints": {
- "0x03": {
- "ProfileId": "0xC05E",
- "ProfileIdName": "ZigBee Light Link",
- "ClustersIn": [
- "0x1000",
- "0x0000",
- "0x0003",
- "0x0004",
- "0x0005",
- "0x0006",
- "0x0B04",
- "0xFC0F"
- ],
- "ClustersOut": [
- "0x0019"
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ShortAddr": "0xE9C3",
- "Endpoints": {
- "0x01": {
- "ProfileId": "0x0104",
- "ClustersIn": [
- "0x0000",
- "0x0003",
- "0xFFFF",
- "0x0402",
- "0x0403",
- "0x0405"
- ],
- "ClustersOut": [
- "0x0000",
- "0x0004",
- "0xFFFF"
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "ShortAddr": "0x3D82",
- "Endpoints": {
- "0x0B": {
- "ProfileId": "0xC05E",
- " ...
- }
- }
- }
- ]
+[Zigbee to Tasmota Configuration and Setup](Zigbee-Commands)
## Why another Zigbee project?
There are several excellent open-source Zigbee to MQTT solutions like the widely used [Zigbee2mqtt](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/) or [Aqara Hub](https://github.com/Frans-Willem/AqaraHub). Zigbee2mqtt is a comprehensive solution but requires at least a Raspberry Pi to run it. Z2T is a lightweight solution running on an ESP82xx Wi-Fi chip. Hence it is easier to deploy in your living room or around your home.