diff --git a/Wemos-D1-Mini-and-HC-SR501-PIR-Motion-Sensor.md b/Wemos-D1-Mini-and-HC-SR501-PIR-Motion-Sensor.md
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+++ b/Wemos-D1-Mini-and-HC-SR501-PIR-Motion-Sensor.md
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+## HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor (single pin)
+PIR sensors allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensors range.
+See [PIR Motion Sensor](https://learn.adafruit.com/pir-passive-infrared-proximity-motion-sensor/overview) for more information.
+### Connecting the PIR to a Wemos Mini D1
+| Wemos |PIR |
+|GND |GND |
+|5V |POWER (VCC) |
+|D5 (gpio14) |OUTPUT |
+### Tasmota Configuration
+In the Configuration -> Configure Module page, select the following:
+1. **Module Type : 18 Generic**
+2. **D5 GPIO14 Sensor : 09 Switch1**
+3. **D6 GPIO12 Relay1 : 17 Relay1**
+### Tasmota Main
+After reboot of the device the displays the status of relay1 aka switch1.
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