#!/usr/bin/env python """This file needs to be run from the root of the project to correctly import authentik. This is done by the dockerfile.""" from json import dumps from sys import stderr from time import sleep, time from psycopg2 import OperationalError, connect from redis import Redis from redis.exceptions import RedisError from authentik.lib.config import CONFIG def j_print(event: str, log_level: str = "info", **kwargs): """Print event in the same format as structlog with JSON. Used before structlog is configured.""" data = { "event": event, "level": log_level, "logger": __name__, "timestamp": time(), } data.update(**kwargs) print(dumps(data), file=stderr) # Sanity check, ensure SECRET_KEY is set before we even check for database connectivity if CONFIG.y("secret_key") is None or len(CONFIG.y("secret_key")) == 0: j_print("Secret key missing, check https://goauthentik.io/docs/installation/.") exit(1) while True: try: conn = connect( dbname=CONFIG.y("postgresql.name"), user=CONFIG.y("postgresql.user"), password=CONFIG.y("postgresql.password"), host=CONFIG.y("postgresql.host"), port=int(CONFIG.y("postgresql.port")), ) conn.cursor() break except OperationalError as exc: sleep(1) j_print(f"PostgreSQL Connection failed, retrying... ({exc})") REDIS_PROTOCOL_PREFIX = "redis://" if CONFIG.y_bool("redis.tls", False): REDIS_PROTOCOL_PREFIX = "rediss://" REDIS_URL = ( f"{REDIS_PROTOCOL_PREFIX}:" f"{CONFIG.y('redis.password')}@{CONFIG.y('redis.host')}:" f"{int(CONFIG.y('redis.port'))}/{CONFIG.y('redis.ws_db')}" ) while True: try: redis = Redis.from_url(REDIS_URL) redis.ping() break except RedisError as exc: sleep(1) j_print(f"Redis Connection failed, retrying... ({exc})", redis_url=REDIS_URL)