"""passbook multi-factor authentication engine""" from typing import Optional from django.contrib.auth import login from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect from django.views.generic import View from structlog import get_logger from passbook.core.models import Factor from passbook.core.views.utils import PermissionDeniedView from passbook.flows.exceptions import FlowNonApplicableError from passbook.flows.models import Flow from passbook.flows.planner import PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER, FlowPlan, FlowPlanner from passbook.lib.config import CONFIG from passbook.lib.utils.reflection import class_to_path, path_to_class from passbook.lib.utils.urls import is_url_absolute, redirect_with_qs from passbook.lib.views import bad_request_message LOGGER = get_logger() # Argument used to redirect user after login NEXT_ARG_NAME = "next" SESSION_KEY_PLAN = "passbook_flows_plan" class FlowExecutorView(View): """Stage 1 Flow executor, passing requests to Factor Views""" flow: Flow plan: FlowPlan current_factor: Factor current_factor_view: View def setup(self, request: HttpRequest, flow_slug: str): super().setup(request, flow_slug=flow_slug) # TODO: Do we always need this? self.flow = get_object_or_404(Flow, slug=flow_slug) def _check_config_domain(self) -> Optional[HttpResponse]: """Checks if current request's domain matches configured Domain, and adds a warning if not.""" current_domain = self.request.get_host() if ":" in current_domain: current_domain, _ = current_domain.split(":") config_domain = CONFIG.y("domain") if current_domain != config_domain: message = ( f"Current domain of '{current_domain}' doesn't " f"match configured domain of '{config_domain}'." ) LOGGER.warning(message) return bad_request_message(self.request, message) return None def handle_flow_non_applicable(self) -> HttpResponse: """When a flow is non-applicable check if user is on the correct domain""" if NEXT_ARG_NAME in self.request.GET: return redirect(self.request.GET.get(NEXT_ARG_NAME)) incorrect_domain_message = self._check_config_domain() if incorrect_domain_message: return incorrect_domain_message # TODO: Add message return redirect("passbook_core:index") def dispatch(self, request: HttpRequest, flow_slug: str) -> HttpResponse: # Early check if theres an active Plan for the current session if SESSION_KEY_PLAN not in self.request.session: LOGGER.debug( "No active Plan found, initiating planner", flow_slug=flow_slug ) try: self.plan = self._initiate_plan() except FlowNonApplicableError as exc: LOGGER.warning("Flow not applicable to current user", exc=exc) return self.handle_flow_non_applicable() else: LOGGER.debug("Continuing existing plan", flow_slug=flow_slug) self.plan = self.request.session[SESSION_KEY_PLAN] # We don't save the Plan after getting the next factor # as it hasn't been successfully passed yet self.current_factor = self.plan.next() LOGGER.debug("Current factor", current_factor=self.current_factor) factor_cls = path_to_class(self.current_factor.type) self.current_factor_view = factor_cls(self) self.current_factor_view.request = request return super().dispatch(request) def get(self, request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse: """pass get request to current factor""" LOGGER.debug( "Passing GET", view_class=class_to_path(self.current_factor_view.__class__), ) return self.current_factor_view.get(request, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, request: HttpRequest, *args, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse: """pass post request to current factor""" LOGGER.debug( "Passing POST", view_class=class_to_path(self.current_factor_view.__class__), ) return self.current_factor_view.post(request, *args, **kwargs) def _initiate_plan(self) -> FlowPlan: planner = FlowPlanner(self.flow) plan = planner.plan(self.request) self.request.session[SESSION_KEY_PLAN] = plan return plan def _flow_done(self) -> HttpResponse: """User Successfully passed all factors""" backend = self.plan.context[PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER].backend login( self.request, self.plan.context[PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER], backend=backend ) LOGGER.debug("Logged in", user=self.plan.context[PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER]) self.cancel() next_param = self.request.GET.get(NEXT_ARG_NAME, None) if next_param and not is_url_absolute(next_param): return redirect(next_param) return redirect_with_qs("passbook_core:overview") def factor_ok(self) -> HttpResponse: """Callback called by factors upon successful completion. Persists updated plan and context to session.""" LOGGER.debug( "Factor ok", factor_class=class_to_path(self.current_factor_view.__class__), ) self.request.session[SESSION_KEY_PLAN] = self.plan if self.plan.factors: LOGGER.debug( "Continuing with next factor", reamining=len(self.plan.factors) ) return redirect_with_qs( "passbook_flows:flow-executor", self.request.GET, **self.kwargs ) # User passed all factors LOGGER.debug( "User passed all factors", user=self.plan.context[PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER] ) return self._flow_done() def factor_invalid(self) -> HttpResponse: """Callback used factor when data is correct but a policy denies access or the user account is disabled.""" LOGGER.debug("User invalid") self.cancel() return redirect_with_qs("passbook_flows:denied", self.request.GET) def cancel(self) -> HttpResponse: """Cancel current execution and return a redirect""" del self.request.session[SESSION_KEY_PLAN] return redirect_with_qs("passbook_flows:denied", self.request.GET) class FlowPermissionDeniedView(PermissionDeniedView): """User could not be authenticated"""