import { defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit' import type { VitePluginPWAAPI } from 'vite-plugin-pwa' import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa' import type { Plugin } from 'vite' import type { VitePWANuxtOptions } from './types' import { configurePWAOptions } from './config' import { type LocalizedWebManifest, createI18n, pwaLocales } from './i18n' export * from './types' export default defineNuxtModule({ meta: { name: 'pwa', configKey: 'pwa', }, defaults: nuxt => ({ base:, scope:, }), async setup(options, nuxt) { let vitePwaClientPlugin: Plugin | undefined const resolveVitePluginPWAAPI = (): VitePluginPWAAPI | undefined => { return vitePwaClientPlugin?.api } let webmanifests: LocalizedWebManifest | undefined // TODO: combine with configurePWAOptions? nuxt.hook('nitro:init', (nitro) => { options.outDir = nitro.options.output.publicDir options.injectManifest = options.injectManifest || {} options.injectManifest.globDirectory = nitro.options.output.publicDir }) nuxt.hook('vite:extend', ({ config }) => { const plugin = config.plugins?.find(p => p && typeof p === 'object' && 'name' in p && === 'vite-plugin-pwa') if (plugin) throw new Error('Remove vite-plugin-pwa plugin from Vite Plugins entry in Nuxt config file!') }) nuxt.hook('vite:extendConfig', async (viteInlineConfig, { isClient }) => { viteInlineConfig.plugins = viteInlineConfig.plugins || [] const plugin = viteInlineConfig.plugins.find(p => p && typeof p === 'object' && 'name' in p && === 'vite-plugin-pwa') if (plugin) throw new Error('Remove vite-plugin-pwa plugin from Vite Plugins entry in Nuxt config file!') webmanifests = await createI18n() const generateManifest = (entry: string) => { const manifest = webmanifests![entry] if (!manifest) throw new Error(`No webmanifest found for locale/theme ${entry}`) return JSON.stringify(manifest) } viteInlineConfig.plugins.push({ name: 'elk:pwa:locales:build', apply: 'build', generateBundle(_, bundle) { if (options.disable || !bundle) return Object.keys(webmanifests!).map(wm => [wm, `manifest-${wm}.webmanifest`]).forEach(([wm, fileName]) => { bundle[fileName] = { isAsset: true, type: 'asset', name: undefined, source: generateManifest(wm), fileName, } }) }, }) viteInlineConfig.plugins.push({ name: 'elk:pwa:locales:dev', apply: 'serve', configureServer(server) { const localeMatcher = new RegExp(`^${}manifest-(.*).webmanifest$`) server.middlewares.use((req, res, next) => { const match = req.url?.match(localeMatcher) const entry = match && webmanifests![match[1]] if (entry) { res.statusCode = 200 res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/manifest+json') res.write(JSON.stringify(entry), 'utf-8') res.end() } else { next() } }) }, }) configurePWAOptions(options, nuxt) const plugins = VitePWA(options) viteInlineConfig.plugins.push(plugins) if (isClient) vitePwaClientPlugin = plugins.find(p => === 'vite-plugin-pwa') as Plugin }) if ( { const webManifest = `${}${options.devOptions?.webManifestUrl ?? options.manifestFilename ?? 'manifest.webmanifest'}` const devSw = `${}dev-sw.js?dev-sw` const workbox = `${}workbox-` // @ts-expect-error just ignore const emptyHandle = (_req, _res, next) => { next() } nuxt.hook('vite:serverCreated', (viteServer, { isServer }) => { if (isServer) return viteServer.middlewares.stack.push({ route: webManifest, handle: emptyHandle }) if (webmanifests) { Object.keys(webmanifests).forEach((wm) => { viteServer.middlewares.stack.push({ route: `${}manifest-${wm}.webmanifest`, handle: emptyHandle, }) }) } viteServer.middlewares.stack.push({ route: devSw, handle: emptyHandle }) }) if (!options.strategies || options.strategies === 'generateSW') { nuxt.hook('vite:serverCreated', (viteServer, { isServer }) => { if (isServer) return viteServer.middlewares.stack.push({ route: workbox, handle: emptyHandle }) }) nuxt.hook('close', async () => { // todo: cleanup dev-dist folder }) } } else { nuxt.hook('nitro:config', async (nitroConfig) => { nitroConfig.routeRules = nitroConfig.routeRules || {} for (const locale of pwaLocales) { nitroConfig.routeRules![`/manifest-${locale.code}.webmanifest`] = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/manifest+json', }, } nitroConfig.routeRules![`/manifest-${locale.code}-dark.webmanifest`] = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/manifest+json', }, } } }) nuxt.hook('nitro:init', (nitro) => { nitro.hooks.hook('rollup:before', async () => { await resolveVitePluginPWAAPI()?.generateSW() }) }) } }, })