#!/usr/bin/env python """ The WiPy firmware update script. Transmits the specified firmware file over FTP, and then resets the WiPy and optionally verifies that software was correctly updated. Usage: ./update-wipy.py --file "path_to_mcuimg.bin" --verify Or: python update-wipy.py --file "path_to_mcuimg.bin" """ import sys import argparse import time import socket from ftplib import FTP from telnetlib import Telnet def print_exception(e): print("Exception: {}, on line {}".format(e, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno)) def ftp_directory_exists(ftpobj, directory_name): filelist = [] ftpobj.retrlines("LIST", filelist.append) for f in filelist: if f.split()[-1] == directory_name: return True return False def transfer_file(args): with FTP(args.ip, timeout=20) as ftp: print("FTP connection established") if "230" in ftp.login(args.user, args.password): print("Login successful") if "250" in ftp.cwd("/flash"): if not ftp_directory_exists(ftp, "sys"): print("/flash/sys directory does not exist") if "550" not in ftp.mkd("sys"): print("/flash/sys directory created") else: print("Error: cannot create /flash/sys directory") return False if "250" in ftp.cwd("sys"): print("Entered '/flash/sys' directory") with open(args.file, "rb") as fwfile: print("Firmware image found, initiating transfer...") if "226" in ftp.storbinary("STOR " + "mcuimg.bin", fwfile, 512): print("File transfer complete") return True else: print("Error: file transfer failed") else: print("Error: cannot enter /flash/sys directory") else: print("Error: cannot enter /flash directory") else: print("Error: ftp login failed") return False def reset_board(args): success = False try: tn = Telnet(args.ip, timeout=5) print("Connected via Telnet, trying to login now") if b"Login as:" in tn.read_until(b"Login as:", timeout=5): tn.write(bytes(args.user, "ascii") + b"\r\n") if b"Password:" in tn.read_until(b"Password:", timeout=5): # needed because of internal implementation details of the WiPy's telnet server time.sleep(0.2) tn.write(bytes(args.password, "ascii") + b"\r\n") if b'Type "help()" for more information.' in tn.read_until( b'Type "help()" for more information.', timeout=5 ): print("Telnet login succeeded") tn.write(b"\r\x03\x03") # ctrl-C twice: interrupt any running program time.sleep(1) tn.write(b"\r\x02") # ctrl-B: enter friendly REPL if b'Type "help()" for more information.' in tn.read_until( b'Type "help()" for more information.', timeout=5 ): tn.write(b"import machine\r\n") tn.write(b"machine.reset()\r\n") time.sleep(2) print("Reset performed") success = True else: print("Error: cannot enter friendly REPL") else: print("Error: telnet login failed") except Exception as e: print_exception(e) finally: try: tn.close() except Exception: pass return success def verify_update(args): success = False firmware_tag = "" def find_tag(tag): if tag in firmware_tag: print("Verification passed") return True else: print("Error: verification failed, the git tag doesn't match") return False retries = 0 while True: try: # Specify a longer time out value here because the board has just been # reset and the wireless connection might not be fully established yet tn = Telnet(args.ip, timeout=10) print("Connected via telnet again, lets check the git tag") break except socket.timeout: if retries < 5: print("Timeout while connecting via telnet, retrying...") retries += 1 else: print("Error: Telnet connection timed out!") return False try: firmware_tag = tn.read_until(b"with CC3200") tag_file_path = args.file.rstrip("mcuimg.bin") + "genhdr/mpversion.h" if args.tag is not None: success = find_tag(bytes(args.tag, "ascii")) else: with open(tag_file_path) as tag_file: for line in tag_file: bline = bytes(line, "ascii") if b"MICROPY_GIT_TAG" in bline: bline = ( bline.lstrip(b"#define MICROPY_GIT_TAG ") .replace(b'"', b"") .replace(b"\r", b"") .replace(b"\n", b"") ) success = find_tag(bline) break except Exception as e: print_exception(e) finally: try: tn.close() except Exception: pass return success def main(): cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Update the WiPy firmware with the specified image file" ) cmd_parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", default=None, help="the path of the firmware file") cmd_parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", default="micro", help="the username") cmd_parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", default="python", help="the login password") cmd_parser.add_argument("--ip", default="", help="the ip address of the WiPy") cmd_parser.add_argument( "--verify", action="store_true", help="verify that the update succeeded" ) cmd_parser.add_argument("-t", "--tag", default=None, help="git tag of the firmware image") args = cmd_parser.parse_args() result = 1 try: if args.file is None: raise ValueError("the image file path must be specified") if transfer_file(args): if reset_board(args): if args.verify: print("Waiting for the WiFi connection to come up again...") # this time is to allow the system's wireless network card to # connect to the WiPy again. time.sleep(5) if verify_update(args): result = 0 else: result = 0 except Exception as e: print_exception(e) finally: sys.exit(result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()