# Driver test for official MicroPython LCD160CR display # MIT license; Copyright (c) 2017 Damien P. George import time, math, framebuf, lcd160cr def get_lcd(lcd): if type(lcd) is str: lcd = lcd160cr.LCD160CR(lcd) return lcd def show_adc(lcd, adc): data = [adc.read_core_temp(), adc.read_core_vbat(), 3.3] try: data[2] = adc.read_vref() except: pass for i in range(3): lcd.set_text_color((825, 1625, 1600)[i], 0) if lcd.h == 160: lcd.set_font(2) lcd.set_pos(0, 100 + i * 16) else: lcd.set_font(2, trans=1) lcd.set_pos(0, lcd.h-60 + i * 16) lcd.write('%4s: ' % ('TEMP', 'VBAT', 'VREF')[i]) if i > 0: s = '%6.3fV' % data[i] else: s = '%5.1f°C' % data[i] if lcd.h == 160: lcd.set_font(1, bold=0, scale=1) else: lcd.set_font(1, bold=0, scale=1, trans=1) lcd.set_pos(45, lcd.h-60 + i * 16) lcd.write(s) def test_features(lcd, orient=lcd160cr.PORTRAIT): # if we run on pyboard then use ADC and RTC features try: import pyb adc = pyb.ADCAll(12, 0xf0000) rtc = pyb.RTC() except: adc = None rtc = None # set orientation and clear screen lcd = get_lcd(lcd) lcd.set_orient(orient) lcd.set_pen(0, 0) lcd.erase() # create M-logo mlogo = framebuf.FrameBuffer(bytearray(17 * 17 * 2), 17, 17, framebuf.RGB565) mlogo.fill(0) mlogo.fill_rect(1, 1, 15, 15, 0xffffff) mlogo.vline(4, 4, 12, 0) mlogo.vline(8, 1, 12, 0) mlogo.vline(12, 4, 12, 0) mlogo.vline(14, 13, 2, 0) # create inline framebuf offx = 14 offy = 19 w = 100 h = 75 fbuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer(bytearray(w * h * 2), w, h, framebuf.RGB565) lcd.set_spi_win(offx, offy, w, h) # initialise loop parameters tx = ty = 0 t0 = time.ticks_us() for i in range(300): # update position of cross-hair t, tx2, ty2 = lcd.get_touch() if t: tx2 -= offx ty2 -= offy if tx2 >= 0 and ty2 >= 0 and tx2 < w and ty2 < h: tx, ty = tx2, ty2 else: tx = (tx + 1) % w ty = (ty + 1) % h # create and show the inline framebuf fbuf.fill(lcd.rgb(128 + int(64 * math.cos(0.1 * i)), 128, 192)) fbuf.line(w // 2, h // 2, w // 2 + int(40 * math.cos(0.2 * i)), h // 2 + int(40 * math.sin(0.2 * i)), lcd.rgb(128, 255, 64)) fbuf.hline(0, ty, w, lcd.rgb(64, 64, 64)) fbuf.vline(tx, 0, h, lcd.rgb(64, 64, 64)) fbuf.rect(tx - 3, ty - 3, 7, 7, lcd.rgb(64, 64, 64)) for phase in (-0.2, 0, 0.2): x = w // 2 - 8 + int(50 * math.cos(0.05 * i + phase)) y = h // 2 - 8 + int(32 * math.sin(0.05 * i + phase)) fbuf.blit(mlogo, x, y) for j in range(-3, 3): fbuf.text('MicroPython', 5, h // 2 + 9 * j + int(20 * math.sin(0.1 * (i + j))), lcd.rgb(128 + 10 * j, 0, 128 - 10 * j)) lcd.show_framebuf(fbuf) # show results from the ADC if adc: show_adc(lcd, adc) # show the time if rtc: lcd.set_pos(2, 0) lcd.set_font(1) t = rtc.datetime() lcd.write('%4d-%02d-%02d %2d:%02d:%02d.%01d' % (t[0], t[1], t[2], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7] // 100000)) # compute the frame rate t1 = time.ticks_us() dt = time.ticks_diff(t1, t0) t0 = t1 # show the frame rate lcd.set_pos(2, 9) lcd.write('%.2f fps' % (1000000 / dt)) def test_mandel(lcd, orient=lcd160cr.PORTRAIT): # set orientation and clear screen lcd = get_lcd(lcd) lcd.set_orient(orient) lcd.set_pen(0, 0xffff) lcd.erase() # function to compute Mandelbrot pixels def in_set(c): z = 0 for i in range(32): z = z * z + c if abs(z) > 100: return i return 0 # cache width and height of LCD w = lcd.w h = lcd.h # create the buffer for each line and set SPI parameters line = bytearray(w * 2) lcd.set_spi_win(0, 0, w, h) spi = lcd.fast_spi() # draw the Mandelbrot set line-by-line hh = ((h - 1) / 3.2) ww = ((w - 1) / 2.4) for v in range(h): for u in range(w): c = in_set((v / hh - 2.3) + (u / ww - 1.2) * 1j) if c < 16: rgb = c << 12 | c << 6 else: rgb = 0xf800 | c << 6 line[2 * u] = rgb line[2 * u + 1] = rgb >> 8 spi.write(line) def test_all(lcd, orient=lcd160cr.PORTRAIT): lcd = get_lcd(lcd) test_features(lcd, orient) test_mandel(lcd, orient) print('To run all tests: test_all(<lcd>)') print('Individual tests are: test_features, test_mandel') print('<lcd> argument should be a connection, eg "X", or an LCD160CR object')