/* * This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Damien P. George * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "py/mphal.h" #include "extmod/crypto-algorithms/sha256.c" #include "usbd_core.h" #include "storage.h" #include "i2cslave.h" // Using polling is about 10% faster than not using it (and using IRQ instead) // This DFU code with polling runs in about 70% of the time of the ST bootloader #define USE_USB_POLLING (1) // Using cache probably won't make it faster because we run at 48MHz, and best // to keep the MCU config as minimal as possible. #define USE_CACHE (0) // IRQ priorities (encoded values suitable for NVIC_SetPriority) #define IRQ_PRI_SYSTICK (NVIC_EncodePriority(NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4, 0, 0)) #define IRQ_PRI_I2C (NVIC_EncodePriority(NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4, 1, 0)) // Configure PLL to give a 48MHz CPU freq #define CORE_PLL_FREQ (48000000) #undef MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLM #undef MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLN #undef MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLP #undef MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLQ #define MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLM (HSE_VALUE / 1000000) #define MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLN (192) #define MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLP (RCC_PLLP_DIV4) #define MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLQ (4) // Work out which USB device to use for the USB DFU interface #if !defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_MAIN_DEV) #if defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_FS) #define MICROPY_HW_USB_MAIN_DEV (USB_PHY_FS_ID) #elif defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_HS) && defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_HS_IN_FS) #define MICROPY_HW_USB_MAIN_DEV (USB_PHY_HS_ID) #else #error Unable to determine proper MICROPY_HW_USB_MAIN_DEV to use #endif #endif // These bits are used to detect valid application firmware at APPLICATION_ADDR #define APP_VALIDITY_BITS (0x00000003) #define MP_ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) static void do_reset(void); static uint32_t get_le32(const uint8_t *b) { return b[0] | b[1] << 8 | b[2] << 16 | b[3] << 24; } void mp_hal_delay_us(mp_uint_t usec) { // use a busy loop for the delay // sys freq is always a multiple of 2MHz, so division here won't lose precision const uint32_t ucount = HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq() / 2000000 * usec / 2; for (uint32_t count = 0; ++count <= ucount;) { } } static volatile uint32_t systick_ms; void mp_hal_delay_ms(mp_uint_t ms) { if (__get_PRIMASK() == 0) { // IRQs enabled, use systick if (ms != 0 && ms != (mp_uint_t)-1) { ++ms; // account for the fact that systick_ms may roll over immediately } uint32_t start = systick_ms; while (systick_ms - start < ms) { __WFI(); } } else { // IRQs disabled, so need to use a busy loop for the delay. // To prevent possible overflow of the counter we use a double loop. const uint32_t count_1ms = 16000000 / 8000; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ms; i++) { for (volatile uint32_t count = 0; ++count <= count_1ms;) { } } } } // Needed by parts of the HAL uint32_t HAL_GetTick(void) { return systick_ms; } // Needed by parts of the HAL void HAL_Delay(uint32_t ms) { mp_hal_delay_ms(ms); } static void __fatal_error(const char *msg) { NVIC_SystemReset(); for (;;) { } } /******************************************************************************/ // CLOCK #if defined(STM32F4) || defined(STM32F7) #define CONFIG_RCC_CR_1ST (RCC_CR_HSION) #define CONFIG_RCC_CR_2ND (RCC_CR_HSEON || RCC_CR_CSSON || RCC_CR_PLLON) #define CONFIG_RCC_PLLCFGR (0x24003010) #else #error Unknown processor #endif void SystemInit(void) { // Set HSION bit RCC->CR |= CONFIG_RCC_CR_1ST; // Reset CFGR register RCC->CFGR = 0x00000000; // Reset HSEON, CSSON and PLLON bits RCC->CR &= ~CONFIG_RCC_CR_2ND; // Reset PLLCFGR register RCC->PLLCFGR = CONFIG_RCC_PLLCFGR; // Reset HSEBYP bit RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFBFFFF; // Disable all interrupts RCC->CIR = 0x00000000; // Set location of vector table SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE; // Enable 8-byte stack alignment for IRQ handlers, in accord with EABI SCB->CCR |= SCB_CCR_STKALIGN_Msk; } void systick_init(void) { // Configure SysTick as 1ms ticker SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000); NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, IRQ_PRI_SYSTICK); } void SystemClock_Config(void) { // This function assumes that HSI is used as the system clock (see RCC->CFGR, SWS bits) // Enable Power Control clock __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); // Reduce power consumption __HAL_PWR_VOLTAGESCALING_CONFIG(PWR_REGULATOR_VOLTAGE_SCALE1); // Turn HSE on __HAL_RCC_HSE_CONFIG(RCC_HSE_ON); while (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_HSERDY) == RESET) { } // Disable PLL __HAL_RCC_PLL_DISABLE(); while (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY) != RESET) { } // Configure PLL factors and source RCC->PLLCFGR = 1 << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC_Pos // HSE selected as PLL source | MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLM << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_Pos | MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLN << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos | ((MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLP >> 1) - 1) << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_Pos | MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLQ << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_Pos #ifdef RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR | 2 << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_Pos // default PLLR value of 2 #endif ; // Enable PLL __HAL_RCC_PLL_ENABLE(); while(__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY) == RESET) { } #if !defined(MICROPY_HW_FLASH_LATENCY) #define MICROPY_HW_FLASH_LATENCY FLASH_LATENCY_1 #endif // Increase latency before changing clock if (MICROPY_HW_FLASH_LATENCY > (FLASH->ACR & FLASH_ACR_LATENCY)) { __HAL_FLASH_SET_LATENCY(MICROPY_HW_FLASH_LATENCY); } // Configure AHB divider MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_HPRE, RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1); // Configure SYSCLK source from PLL __HAL_RCC_SYSCLK_CONFIG(RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_PLLCLK); while (__HAL_RCC_GET_SYSCLK_SOURCE() != RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLLCLK) { } // Decrease latency after changing clock if (MICROPY_HW_FLASH_LATENCY < (FLASH->ACR & FLASH_ACR_LATENCY)) { __HAL_FLASH_SET_LATENCY(MICROPY_HW_FLASH_LATENCY); } // Set APB clock dividers MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PPRE1, RCC_HCLK_DIV4); MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PPRE2, RCC_HCLK_DIV2 << 3); // Update clock value and reconfigure systick now that the frequency changed SystemCoreClock = CORE_PLL_FREQ; systick_init(); #if defined(STM32F7) // The DFU bootloader changes the clocksource register from its default power // on reset value, so we set it back here, so the clocksources are the same // whether we were started from DFU or from a power on reset. RCC->DCKCFGR2 = 0; #endif } // Needed by HAL_PCD_IRQHandler uint32_t HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq(void) { return SystemCoreClock; } /******************************************************************************/ // GPIO void mp_hal_pin_config(mp_hal_pin_obj_t port_pin, uint32_t mode, uint32_t pull, uint32_t alt) { GPIO_TypeDef *gpio = (GPIO_TypeDef*)(port_pin & ~0xf); // Enable the GPIO peripheral clock uint32_t en_bit = RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOAEN_Pos + ((uintptr_t)gpio - GPIOA_BASE) / (GPIOB_BASE - GPIOA_BASE); RCC->AHB1ENR |= 1 << en_bit; volatile uint32_t tmp = RCC->AHB1ENR; // Delay after enabling clock (void)tmp; // Configure the pin uint32_t pin = port_pin & 0xf; gpio->MODER = (gpio->MODER & ~(3 << (2 * pin))) | ((mode & 3) << (2 * pin)); gpio->OTYPER = (gpio->OTYPER & ~(1 << pin)) | ((mode >> 2) << pin); gpio->OSPEEDR = (gpio->OSPEEDR & ~(3 << (2 * pin))) | (2 << (2 * pin)); // full speed gpio->PUPDR = (gpio->PUPDR & ~(3 << (2 * pin))) | (pull << (2 * pin)); gpio->AFR[pin >> 3] = (gpio->AFR[pin >> 3] & ~(15 << (4 * (pin & 7)))) | (alt << (4 * (pin & 7))); } void mp_hal_pin_config_speed(uint32_t port_pin, uint32_t speed) { GPIO_TypeDef *gpio = (GPIO_TypeDef*)(port_pin & ~0xf); uint32_t pin = port_pin & 0xf; gpio->OSPEEDR = (gpio->OSPEEDR & ~(3 << (2 * pin))) | (speed << (2 * pin)); } /******************************************************************************/ // LED #define LED0 MICROPY_HW_LED1 #define LED1 MICROPY_HW_LED2 #define LED2 MICROPY_HW_LED3 void led_init(void) { mp_hal_pin_output(LED0); mp_hal_pin_output(LED1); mp_hal_pin_output(LED2); } void led_state(int led, int val) { if (led == 1) { led = LED0; } if (val) { MICROPY_HW_LED_ON(led); } else { MICROPY_HW_LED_OFF(led); } } /******************************************************************************/ // USR BUTTON static void usrbtn_init(void) { mp_hal_pin_config(MICROPY_HW_USRSW_PIN, MP_HAL_PIN_MODE_INPUT, MICROPY_HW_USRSW_PULL, 0); } static int usrbtn_state(void) { return mp_hal_pin_read(MICROPY_HW_USRSW_PIN) == MICROPY_HW_USRSW_PRESSED; } /******************************************************************************/ // FLASH typedef struct { uint32_t base_address; uint32_t sector_size; uint32_t sector_count; } flash_layout_t; #if defined(STM32F7) // FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR (Programming Sequence Error) was renamed to // FLASH_FLAG_ERSERR (Erasing Sequence Error) in STM32F7 #define FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR FLASH_FLAG_ERSERR #endif #if defined(STM32F4) \ || defined(STM32F722xx) \ || defined(STM32F723xx) \ || defined(STM32F732xx) \ || defined(STM32F733xx) #define FLASH_LAYOUT_STR "@Internal Flash /0x08000000/04*016Kg,01*064Kg,07*128Kg" static const flash_layout_t flash_layout[] = { { 0x08000000, 0x04000, 4 }, { 0x08010000, 0x10000, 1 }, { 0x08020000, 0x20000, 3 }, #if defined(FLASH_SECTOR_8) { 0x08080000, 0x20000, 4 }, #endif #if defined(FLASH_SECTOR_12) { 0x08100000, 0x04000, 4 }, { 0x08110000, 0x10000, 1 }, { 0x08120000, 0x20000, 7 }, #endif }; #elif defined(STM32F767xx) #define FLASH_LAYOUT_STR "@Internal Flash /0x08000000/04*032Kg,01*128Kg,07*256Kg" // This is for dual-bank mode disabled static const flash_layout_t flash_layout[] = { { 0x08000000, 0x08000, 4 }, { 0x08020000, 0x20000, 1 }, { 0x08040000, 0x40000, 7 }, }; #endif static uint32_t flash_get_sector_index(uint32_t addr) { if (addr >= flash_layout[0].base_address) { uint32_t sector_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(flash_layout); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < flash_layout[i].sector_count; ++j) { uint32_t sector_start_next = flash_layout[i].base_address + (j + 1) * flash_layout[i].sector_size; if (addr < sector_start_next) { return sector_index; } ++sector_index; } } } return 0; } static int do_mass_erase(void) { // TODO return -1; } static int do_page_erase(uint32_t addr) { uint32_t sector = flash_get_sector_index(addr); if (sector == 0) { // Don't allow to erase the sector with this bootloader in it return -1; } led_state(LED0, 1); HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); // Clear pending flags (if any) __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(FLASH_FLAG_EOP | FLASH_FLAG_OPERR | FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR | FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR | FLASH_FLAG_PGPERR | FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR); // erase the sector(s) FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef EraseInitStruct; EraseInitStruct.TypeErase = TYPEERASE_SECTORS; EraseInitStruct.VoltageRange = VOLTAGE_RANGE_3; // voltage range needs to be 2.7V to 3.6V EraseInitStruct.Sector = sector; EraseInitStruct.NbSectors = 1; uint32_t SectorError = 0; if (HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&EraseInitStruct, &SectorError) != HAL_OK) { // error occurred during sector erase return -1; } led_state(LED0, 0); // Check the erase set bits to 1, at least for the first 256 bytes for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { if (((volatile uint32_t*)addr)[i] != 0xffffffff) { return -2; } } return 0; } static int do_write(uint32_t addr, const uint8_t *src8, size_t len) { if (addr >= flash_layout[0].base_address && addr < flash_layout[0].base_address + flash_layout[0].sector_size) { // Don't allow to write the sector with this bootloader in it return -1; } static uint32_t led_tog = 0; led_state(LED0, (led_tog++) & 16); const uint32_t *src = (const uint32_t*)src8; size_t num_word32 = (len + 3) / 4; HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); // program the flash word by word for (size_t i = 0; i < num_word32; i++) { if (HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, addr, *src) != HAL_OK) { return -1; } addr += 4; src += 1; } // TODO verify data return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ // I2C slave interface #if defined(MBOOT_I2C_SCL) #define PASTE2(a, b) a ## b #define PASTE3(a, b, c) a ## b ## c #define EVAL_PASTE2(a, b) PASTE2(a, b) #define EVAL_PASTE3(a, b, c) PASTE3(a, b, c) #define MBOOT_I2Cx EVAL_PASTE2(I2C, MBOOT_I2C_PERIPH_ID) #define I2Cx_EV_IRQn EVAL_PASTE3(I2C, MBOOT_I2C_PERIPH_ID, _EV_IRQn) #define I2Cx_EV_IRQHandler EVAL_PASTE3(I2C, MBOOT_I2C_PERIPH_ID, _EV_IRQHandler) #define I2C_CMD_BUF_LEN (129) enum { I2C_CMD_ECHO = 1, I2C_CMD_GETID, // () -> u8*12 unique id, ASCIIZ mcu name, ASCIIZ board name I2C_CMD_GETCAPS, // not implemented I2C_CMD_RESET, // () -> () I2C_CMD_CONFIG, // not implemented I2C_CMD_GETLAYOUT, // () -> ASCII string I2C_CMD_MASSERASE, // () -> () I2C_CMD_PAGEERASE, // le32 -> () I2C_CMD_SETRDADDR, // le32 -> () I2C_CMD_SETWRADDR, // le32 -> () I2C_CMD_READ, // u8 -> bytes I2C_CMD_WRITE, // bytes -> () I2C_CMD_COPY, // not implemented I2C_CMD_CALCHASH, // le32 -> u8*32 I2C_CMD_MARKVALID, // () -> () }; typedef struct _i2c_obj_t { volatile bool cmd_send_arg; volatile bool cmd_arg_sent; volatile int cmd_arg; volatile uint32_t cmd_rdaddr; volatile uint32_t cmd_wraddr; volatile uint16_t cmd_buf_pos; uint8_t cmd_buf[I2C_CMD_BUF_LEN]; } i2c_obj_t; static i2c_obj_t i2c_obj; void i2c_init(int addr) { i2c_obj.cmd_send_arg = false; mp_hal_pin_config(MBOOT_I2C_SCL, MP_HAL_PIN_MODE_ALT_OPEN_DRAIN, MP_HAL_PIN_PULL_NONE, MBOOT_I2C_ALTFUNC); mp_hal_pin_config(MBOOT_I2C_SDA, MP_HAL_PIN_MODE_ALT_OPEN_DRAIN, MP_HAL_PIN_PULL_NONE, MBOOT_I2C_ALTFUNC); i2c_slave_init(MBOOT_I2Cx, I2Cx_EV_IRQn, IRQ_PRI_I2C, addr); } int i2c_slave_process_addr_match(int rw) { if (i2c_obj.cmd_arg_sent) { i2c_obj.cmd_send_arg = false; } i2c_obj.cmd_buf_pos = 0; return 0; // ACK } int i2c_slave_process_rx_byte(uint8_t val) { if (i2c_obj.cmd_buf_pos < sizeof(i2c_obj.cmd_buf)) { i2c_obj.cmd_buf[i2c_obj.cmd_buf_pos++] = val; } return 0; // ACK } void i2c_slave_process_rx_end(void) { if (i2c_obj.cmd_buf_pos == 0) { return; } int len = i2c_obj.cmd_buf_pos - 1; uint8_t *buf = i2c_obj.cmd_buf; if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_ECHO) { ++len; } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_GETID && len == 0) { memcpy(buf, (uint8_t*)MP_HAL_UNIQUE_ID_ADDRESS, 12); memcpy(buf + 12, MICROPY_HW_MCU_NAME, sizeof(MICROPY_HW_MCU_NAME)); memcpy(buf + 12 + sizeof(MICROPY_HW_MCU_NAME), MICROPY_HW_BOARD_NAME, sizeof(MICROPY_HW_BOARD_NAME) - 1); len = 12 + sizeof(MICROPY_HW_MCU_NAME) + sizeof(MICROPY_HW_BOARD_NAME) - 1; } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_RESET && len == 0) { do_reset(); } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_GETLAYOUT && len == 0) { len = strlen(FLASH_LAYOUT_STR); memcpy(buf, FLASH_LAYOUT_STR, len); } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_MASSERASE && len == 0) { len = do_mass_erase(); } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_PAGEERASE && len == 4) { len = do_page_erase(get_le32(buf + 1)); } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_SETRDADDR && len == 4) { i2c_obj.cmd_rdaddr = get_le32(buf + 1); len = 0; } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_SETWRADDR && len == 4) { i2c_obj.cmd_wraddr = get_le32(buf + 1); len = 0; } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_READ && len == 1) { len = buf[1]; if (len > I2C_CMD_BUF_LEN) { len = I2C_CMD_BUF_LEN; } memcpy(buf, (void*)i2c_obj.cmd_rdaddr, len); i2c_obj.cmd_rdaddr += len; } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_WRITE) { if (i2c_obj.cmd_wraddr == APPLICATION_ADDR) { // Mark the 2 lower bits to indicate invalid app firmware buf[1] |= APP_VALIDITY_BITS; } int ret = do_write(i2c_obj.cmd_wraddr, buf + 1, len); if (ret < 0) { len = ret; } else { i2c_obj.cmd_wraddr += len; len = 0; } } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_CALCHASH && len == 4) { uint32_t hashlen = get_le32(buf + 1); static CRYAL_SHA256_CTX ctx; sha256_init(&ctx); sha256_update(&ctx, (const void*)i2c_obj.cmd_rdaddr, hashlen); i2c_obj.cmd_rdaddr += hashlen; sha256_final(&ctx, buf); len = 32; } else if (buf[0] == I2C_CMD_MARKVALID && len == 0) { uint32_t buf; buf = *(volatile uint32_t*)APPLICATION_ADDR; if ((buf & APP_VALIDITY_BITS) != APP_VALIDITY_BITS) { len = -1; } else { buf &= ~APP_VALIDITY_BITS; int ret = do_write(APPLICATION_ADDR, (void*)&buf, 4); if (ret < 0) { len = ret; } else { buf = *(volatile uint32_t*)APPLICATION_ADDR; if ((buf & APP_VALIDITY_BITS) != 0) { len = -2; } else { len = 0; } } } } else { len = -127; } i2c_obj.cmd_arg = len; i2c_obj.cmd_send_arg = true; i2c_obj.cmd_arg_sent = false; } uint8_t i2c_slave_process_tx_byte(void) { if (i2c_obj.cmd_send_arg) { i2c_obj.cmd_arg_sent = true; return i2c_obj.cmd_arg; } else if (i2c_obj.cmd_buf_pos < sizeof(i2c_obj.cmd_buf)) { return i2c_obj.cmd_buf[i2c_obj.cmd_buf_pos++]; } else { return 0; } } #endif // defined(MBOOT_I2C_SCL) /******************************************************************************/ // DFU #define DFU_XFER_SIZE (2048) enum { DFU_DNLOAD = 1, DFU_UPLOAD = 2, DFU_GETSTATUS = 3, DFU_CLRSTATUS = 4, DFU_ABORT = 6, }; enum { DFU_STATUS_IDLE = 2, DFU_STATUS_BUSY = 4, DFU_STATUS_DNLOAD_IDLE = 5, DFU_STATUS_MANIFEST = 7, DFU_STATUS_UPLOAD_IDLE = 9, DFU_STATUS_ERROR = 0xa, }; enum { DFU_CMD_NONE = 0, DFU_CMD_EXIT = 1, DFU_CMD_UPLOAD = 7, DFU_CMD_DNLOAD = 8, }; typedef struct _dfu_state_t { int status; int cmd; uint16_t wBlockNum; uint16_t wLength; uint32_t addr; uint8_t buf[DFU_XFER_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(4))); } dfu_state_t; static dfu_state_t dfu_state; static void dfu_init(void) { dfu_state.status = DFU_STATUS_IDLE; dfu_state.cmd = DFU_CMD_NONE; dfu_state.addr = 0x08000000; } static int dfu_process_dnload(void) { int ret = -1; if (dfu_state.wBlockNum == 0) { // download control commands if (dfu_state.wLength >= 1 && dfu_state.buf[0] == 0x41) { if (dfu_state.wLength == 1) { // mass erase ret = do_mass_erase(); } else if (dfu_state.wLength == 5) { // erase page ret = do_page_erase(get_le32(&dfu_state.buf[1])); } } else if (dfu_state.wLength >= 1 && dfu_state.buf[0] == 0x21) { if (dfu_state.wLength == 5) { // set address dfu_state.addr = get_le32(&dfu_state.buf[1]); ret = 0; } } } else if (dfu_state.wBlockNum > 1) { // write data to memory ret = do_write(dfu_state.addr, dfu_state.buf, dfu_state.wLength); } if (ret == 0) { return DFU_STATUS_DNLOAD_IDLE; } else { return DFU_STATUS_ERROR; } } static void dfu_handle_rx(int cmd, int arg, int len, const void *buf) { if (cmd == DFU_CLRSTATUS) { // clear status dfu_state.status = DFU_STATUS_IDLE; dfu_state.cmd = DFU_CMD_NONE; } else if (cmd == DFU_ABORT) { // clear status dfu_state.status = DFU_STATUS_IDLE; dfu_state.cmd = DFU_CMD_NONE; } else if (cmd == DFU_DNLOAD) { if (len == 0) { // exit DFU dfu_state.cmd = DFU_CMD_EXIT; } else { // download dfu_state.cmd = DFU_CMD_DNLOAD; dfu_state.wBlockNum = arg; dfu_state.wLength = len; memcpy(dfu_state.buf, buf, len); } } } static void dfu_process(void) { if (dfu_state.status == DFU_STATUS_MANIFEST) { do_reset(); } if (dfu_state.status == DFU_STATUS_BUSY) { if (dfu_state.cmd == DFU_CMD_DNLOAD) { dfu_state.cmd = DFU_CMD_NONE; dfu_state.status = dfu_process_dnload(); } } } static int dfu_handle_tx(int cmd, int arg, int len, uint8_t *buf, int max_len) { if (cmd == DFU_UPLOAD) { if (arg >= 2) { dfu_state.cmd = DFU_CMD_UPLOAD; memcpy(buf, (void*)((arg - 2) * max_len + dfu_state.addr), len); return len; } } else if (cmd == DFU_GETSTATUS && len == 6) { // execute command and get status switch (dfu_state.cmd) { case DFU_CMD_NONE: break; case DFU_CMD_EXIT: dfu_state.status = DFU_STATUS_MANIFEST; break; case DFU_CMD_UPLOAD: dfu_state.status = DFU_STATUS_UPLOAD_IDLE; break; case DFU_CMD_DNLOAD: dfu_state.status = DFU_STATUS_BUSY; break; } buf[0] = 0; buf[1] = dfu_state.cmd; // TODO is this correct? buf[2] = 0; buf[3] = 0; buf[4] = dfu_state.status; buf[5] = 0; return 6; } return -1; } /******************************************************************************/ // USB #define USB_XFER_SIZE (DFU_XFER_SIZE) enum { USB_PHY_FS_ID = 0, USB_PHY_HS_ID = 1, }; typedef struct _pyb_usbdd_obj_t { bool started; USBD_HandleTypeDef hUSBDDevice; uint8_t bRequest; uint16_t wValue; uint16_t wLength; uint8_t rx_buf[USB_XFER_SIZE]; uint8_t tx_buf[USB_XFER_SIZE]; bool tx_pending; // RAM to hold the current descriptors, which we configure on the fly __ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_device_desc[USB_LEN_DEV_DESC] __ALIGN_END; __ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t usbd_str_desc[USBD_MAX_STR_DESC_SIZ] __ALIGN_END; } pyb_usbdd_obj_t; #define USBD_LANGID_STRING (0x409) __ALIGN_BEGIN static const uint8_t USBD_LangIDDesc[USB_LEN_LANGID_STR_DESC] __ALIGN_END = { USB_LEN_LANGID_STR_DESC, USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING, LOBYTE(USBD_LANGID_STRING), HIBYTE(USBD_LANGID_STRING), }; static const uint8_t dev_descr[0x12] = "\x12\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x40\x83\x04\x11\xdf\x00\x22\x01\x02\x03\x01"; // This may be modified by USBD_GetDescriptor static uint8_t cfg_descr[9 + 9 + 9] = "\x09\x02\x1b\x00\x01\x01\x00\xc0\x32" "\x09\x04\x00\x00\x00\xfe\x01\x02\x04" "\x09\x21\x0b\xff\x00\x00\x08\x1a\x01" // \x00\x08 goes with USB_XFER_SIZE ; static uint8_t *pyb_usbdd_DeviceDescriptor(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint16_t *length) { *length = USB_LEN_DEV_DESC; return (uint8_t*)dev_descr; } static char get_hex_char(int val) { val &= 0xf; if (val <= 9) { return '0' + val; } else { return 'A' + val - 10; } } static void format_hex(char *buf, int val) { buf[0] = get_hex_char(val >> 4); buf[1] = get_hex_char(val); } static uint8_t *pyb_usbdd_StrDescriptor(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t idx, uint16_t *length) { pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self = (pyb_usbdd_obj_t*)pdev->pClassData; uint8_t *str_desc = self->usbd_str_desc; switch (idx) { case USBD_IDX_LANGID_STR: *length = sizeof(USBD_LangIDDesc); return (uint8_t*)USBD_LangIDDesc; // the data should only be read from this buf case USBD_IDX_MFC_STR: USBD_GetString((uint8_t*)"USBDevice Manuf", str_desc, length); return str_desc; case USBD_IDX_PRODUCT_STR: USBD_GetString((uint8_t*)"USBDevice Product", str_desc, length); return str_desc; case USBD_IDX_SERIAL_STR: { // This document: http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/devclass_docs/usbmassbulk_10.pdf // says that the serial number has to be at least 12 digits long and that // the last 12 digits need to be unique. It also stipulates that the valid // character set is that of upper-case hexadecimal digits. // // The onboard DFU bootloader produces a 12-digit serial number based on // the 96-bit unique ID, so for consistency we go with this algorithm. // You can see the serial number if you do: // // dfu-util -l // // See: https://my.st.com/52d187b7 for the algorithim used. uint8_t *id = (uint8_t*)MP_HAL_UNIQUE_ID_ADDRESS; char serial_buf[16]; format_hex(&serial_buf[0], id[11]); format_hex(&serial_buf[2], id[10] + id[2]); format_hex(&serial_buf[4], id[9]); format_hex(&serial_buf[6], id[8] + id[0]); format_hex(&serial_buf[8], id[7]); format_hex(&serial_buf[10], id[6]); serial_buf[12] = '\0'; USBD_GetString((uint8_t*)serial_buf, str_desc, length); return str_desc; } case USBD_IDX_CONFIG_STR: USBD_GetString((uint8_t*)FLASH_LAYOUT_STR, str_desc, length); return str_desc; default: return NULL; } } static const USBD_DescriptorsTypeDef pyb_usbdd_descriptors = { pyb_usbdd_DeviceDescriptor, pyb_usbdd_StrDescriptor, }; static uint8_t pyb_usbdd_Init(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx) { pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self = (pyb_usbdd_obj_t*)pdev->pClassData; (void)self; return USBD_OK; } static uint8_t pyb_usbdd_DeInit(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t cfgidx) { pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self = (pyb_usbdd_obj_t*)pdev->pClassData; (void)self; return USBD_OK; } static uint8_t pyb_usbdd_Setup(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, USBD_SetupReqTypedef *req) { pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self = (pyb_usbdd_obj_t*)pdev->pClassData; (void)self; self->bRequest = req->bRequest; self->wValue = req->wValue; self->wLength = req->wLength; if (req->bmRequest == 0x21) { // host-to-device request if (req->wLength == 0) { // no data, process command straightaway dfu_handle_rx(self->bRequest, self->wValue, 0, NULL); } else { // have data, prepare to receive it USBD_CtlPrepareRx(pdev, self->rx_buf, req->wLength); } } else if (req->bmRequest == 0xa1) { // device-to-host request int len = dfu_handle_tx(self->bRequest, self->wValue, self->wLength, self->tx_buf, USB_XFER_SIZE); if (len >= 0) { self->tx_pending = true; USBD_CtlSendData(&self->hUSBDDevice, self->tx_buf, len); } } return USBD_OK; } static uint8_t pyb_usbdd_EP0_TxSent(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev) { pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self = (pyb_usbdd_obj_t*)pdev->pClassData; self->tx_pending = false; #if !USE_USB_POLLING // Process now that we have sent a response dfu_process(); #endif return USBD_OK; } static uint8_t pyb_usbdd_EP0_RxReady(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev) { pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self = (pyb_usbdd_obj_t*)pdev->pClassData; dfu_handle_rx(self->bRequest, self->wValue, self->wLength, self->rx_buf); return USBD_OK; } static uint8_t *pyb_usbdd_GetCfgDesc(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint16_t *length) { *length = sizeof(cfg_descr); return (uint8_t*)cfg_descr; } // this is used only in high-speed mode, which we don't support static uint8_t *pyb_usbdd_GetDeviceQualifierDescriptor(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint16_t *length) { pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self = (pyb_usbdd_obj_t*)pdev->pClassData; (void)self; /* *length = sizeof(USBD_CDC_MSC_HID_DeviceQualifierDesc); return USBD_CDC_MSC_HID_DeviceQualifierDesc; */ *length = 0; return NULL; } static const USBD_ClassTypeDef pyb_usbdd_class = { pyb_usbdd_Init, pyb_usbdd_DeInit, pyb_usbdd_Setup, pyb_usbdd_EP0_TxSent, pyb_usbdd_EP0_RxReady, NULL, // pyb_usbdd_DataIn, NULL, // pyb_usbdd_DataOut, NULL, // SOF NULL, // IsoINIncomplete NULL, // IsoOUTIncomplete pyb_usbdd_GetCfgDesc, pyb_usbdd_GetCfgDesc, pyb_usbdd_GetCfgDesc, pyb_usbdd_GetDeviceQualifierDescriptor, }; static pyb_usbdd_obj_t pyb_usbdd; static void pyb_usbdd_init(pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self, int phy_id) { self->started = false; USBD_HandleTypeDef *usbd = &self->hUSBDDevice; usbd->id = phy_id; usbd->dev_state = USBD_STATE_DEFAULT; usbd->pDesc = (USBD_DescriptorsTypeDef*)&pyb_usbdd_descriptors; usbd->pClass = &pyb_usbdd_class; usbd->pClassData = self; } static void pyb_usbdd_start(pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self) { if (!self->started) { USBD_LL_Init(&self->hUSBDDevice, 0); USBD_LL_Start(&self->hUSBDDevice); self->started = true; } } static void pyb_usbdd_stop(pyb_usbdd_obj_t *self) { if (self->started) { USBD_Stop(&self->hUSBDDevice); self->started = false; } } static int pyb_usbdd_shutdown(void) { pyb_usbdd_stop(&pyb_usbdd); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ // main #define RESET_MODE_NUM_STATES (4) #define RESET_MODE_TIMEOUT_CYCLES (8) #define RESET_MODE_LED_STATES 0x7421 static int get_reset_mode(void) { usrbtn_init(); int reset_mode = 1; if (usrbtn_state()) { // Cycle through reset modes while USR is held // Timeout is roughly 20s, where reset_mode=1 systick_init(); led_init(); reset_mode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (RESET_MODE_NUM_STATES * RESET_MODE_TIMEOUT_CYCLES + 1) * 32; i++) { if (i % 32 == 0) { if (++reset_mode > RESET_MODE_NUM_STATES) { reset_mode = 1; } uint8_t l = RESET_MODE_LED_STATES >> ((reset_mode - 1) * 4); led_state(LED0, l & 1); led_state(LED1, l & 2); led_state(LED2, l & 4); } if (!usrbtn_state()) { break; } mp_hal_delay_ms(19); } // Flash the selected reset mode for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { led_state(LED0, 0); led_state(LED1, 0); led_state(LED2, 0); mp_hal_delay_ms(50); uint8_t l = RESET_MODE_LED_STATES >> ((reset_mode - 1) * 4); led_state(LED0, l & 1); led_state(LED1, l & 2); led_state(LED2, l & 4); mp_hal_delay_ms(50); } mp_hal_delay_ms(300); } return reset_mode; } static void do_reset(void) { led_state(LED0, 0); led_state(LED1, 0); led_state(LED2, 0); mp_hal_delay_ms(50); pyb_usbdd_shutdown(); #if defined(MBOOT_I2C_SCL) i2c_slave_shutdown(MBOOT_I2Cx, I2Cx_EV_IRQn); #endif mp_hal_delay_ms(50); NVIC_SystemReset(); } uint32_t SystemCoreClock; extern PCD_HandleTypeDef pcd_fs_handle; extern PCD_HandleTypeDef pcd_hs_handle; void stm32_main(int initial_r0) { #if defined(STM32F4) #if INSTRUCTION_CACHE_ENABLE __HAL_FLASH_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_ENABLE(); #endif #if DATA_CACHE_ENABLE __HAL_FLASH_DATA_CACHE_ENABLE(); #endif #if PREFETCH_ENABLE __HAL_FLASH_PREFETCH_BUFFER_ENABLE(); #endif #elif defined(STM32F7) #if ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE __HAL_FLASH_ART_ENABLE(); #endif #endif NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4); #if USE_CACHE && defined(STM32F7) SCB_EnableICache(); SCB_EnableDCache(); #endif #ifdef MBOOT_BOOTPIN_PIN mp_hal_pin_config(MBOOT_BOOTPIN_PIN, MP_HAL_PIN_MODE_INPUT, MBOOT_BOOTPIN_PULL, 0); if (mp_hal_pin_read(MBOOT_BOOTPIN_PIN) == MBOOT_BOOTPIN_ACTIVE) { goto enter_bootloader; } #endif if ((initial_r0 & 0xffffff00) == 0x70ad0000) { goto enter_bootloader; } // MCU starts up with 16MHz HSI SystemCoreClock = 16000000; int reset_mode = get_reset_mode(); uint32_t msp = *(volatile uint32_t*)APPLICATION_ADDR; if (reset_mode != 4 && (msp & APP_VALIDITY_BITS) == 0) { // not DFU mode so jump to application, passing through reset_mode // undo our DFU settings // TODO probably should disable all IRQ sources first #if USE_CACHE && defined(STM32F7) SCB_DisableICache(); SCB_DisableDCache(); #endif __set_MSP(msp); ((void (*)(uint32_t)) *((volatile uint32_t*)(APPLICATION_ADDR + 4)))(reset_mode); } enter_bootloader: // Init subsystems (get_reset_mode() may call these, calling them again is ok) led_init(); // set the system clock to be HSE SystemClock_Config(); #if USE_USB_POLLING // irqs with a priority value greater or equal to "pri" will be disabled // "pri" should be between 1 and 15 inclusive uint32_t pri = 2; pri <<= (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS); __ASM volatile ("msr basepri_max, %0" : : "r" (pri) : "memory"); #endif #if 0 #if defined(MICROPY_HW_BDEV_IOCTL) MICROPY_HW_BDEV_IOCTL(BDEV_IOCTL_INIT, 0); #endif #if defined(MICROPY_HW_BDEV2_IOCTL) MICROPY_HW_BDEV2_IOCTL(BDEV_IOCTL_INIT, 0); #endif #endif dfu_init(); pyb_usbdd_init(&pyb_usbdd, MICROPY_HW_USB_MAIN_DEV); pyb_usbdd_start(&pyb_usbdd); #if defined(MBOOT_I2C_SCL) initial_r0 &= 0x7f; if (initial_r0 == 0) { initial_r0 = 0x23; // Default I2C address } i2c_init(initial_r0); #endif led_state(LED0, 0); led_state(LED1, 0); led_state(LED2, 0); #if USE_USB_POLLING uint32_t ss = systick_ms; int ss2 = -1; #endif for (;;) { #if USE_USB_POLLING #if defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_FS) if (pcd_fs_handle.Instance->GINTSTS & pcd_fs_handle.Instance->GINTMSK) { HAL_PCD_IRQHandler(&pcd_fs_handle); } #endif #if defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_HS) if (pcd_hs_handle.Instance->GINTSTS & pcd_hs_handle.Instance->GINTMSK) { HAL_PCD_IRQHandler(&pcd_hs_handle); } #endif if (!pyb_usbdd.tx_pending) { dfu_process(); } #endif #if USE_USB_POLLING //__WFI(); // slows it down way too much; might work with 10x faster systick if (systick_ms - ss > 50) { ss += 50; ss2 = (ss2 + 1) % 20; switch (ss2) { case 0: led_state(LED0, 1); break; case 1: led_state(LED0, 0); break; } } #else led_state(LED0, 1); mp_hal_delay_ms(50); led_state(LED0, 0); mp_hal_delay_ms(950); #endif } } void NMI_Handler(void) { } void MemManage_Handler(void) { while (1) { __fatal_error("MemManage"); } } void BusFault_Handler(void) { while (1) { __fatal_error("BusFault"); } } void UsageFault_Handler(void) { while (1) { __fatal_error("UsageFault"); } } void SVC_Handler(void) { } void DebugMon_Handler(void) { } void PendSV_Handler(void) { } void SysTick_Handler(void) { systick_ms += 1; // Read the systick control regster. This has the side effect of clearing // the COUNTFLAG bit, which makes the logic in mp_hal_ticks_us // work properly. SysTick->CTRL; } #if defined(MBOOT_I2C_SCL) void I2Cx_EV_IRQHandler(void) { i2c_slave_ev_irq_handler(MBOOT_I2Cx); } #endif #if !USE_USB_POLLING #if defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_FS) void OTG_FS_IRQHandler(void) { HAL_PCD_IRQHandler(&pcd_fs_handle); } #endif #if defined(MICROPY_HW_USB_HS) void OTG_HS_IRQHandler(void) { HAL_PCD_IRQHandler(&pcd_hs_handle); } #endif #endif