#include #include #include #include #include "py/nlr.h" #include "py/obj.h" #include "py/parsehelper.h" #include "py/compile.h" #include "py/runtime0.h" #include "py/runtime.h" #include "py/stackctrl.h" #include "py/gc.h" #include "py/repl.h" #include "py/pfenv.h" #include "tinytest.h" #include "tinytest_macros.h" void do_str(const char *src); inline void do_str(const char *src) { mp_lexer_t *lex = mp_lexer_new_from_str_len(MP_QSTR__lt_stdin_gt_, src, strlen(src), 0); if (lex == NULL) { tt_abort_msg("Lexer initialization error"); } mp_parse_error_kind_t parse_error_kind; mp_parse_node_t pn = mp_parse(lex, MP_PARSE_FILE_INPUT, &parse_error_kind); if (pn == MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL) { mp_parse_show_exception(lex, parse_error_kind); mp_lexer_free(lex); tt_abort_msg("Parser error"); } // parse okay qstr source_name = lex->source_name; mp_lexer_free(lex); mp_obj_t module_fun = mp_compile(pn, source_name, MP_EMIT_OPT_NONE, true); if (mp_obj_is_exception_instance(module_fun)) { mp_obj_print_exception(printf_wrapper, NULL, module_fun); tt_abort_msg("Compile error"); } nlr_buf_t nlr; if (nlr_push(&nlr) == 0) { mp_call_function_0(module_fun); nlr_pop(); } else { mp_obj_print_exception(printf_wrapper, NULL, (mp_obj_t)nlr.ret_val); tt_abort_msg("Uncaught exception"); } end: ; } #include "genhdr/tests.h" int main() { const char a[] = {"sim"}; mp_stack_set_limit(10240); void *heap = malloc(256 * 1024); gc_init(heap, (char*)heap + 256 * 1024); mp_init(); int r = tinytest_main(1, (const char **) a, groups); mp_deinit(); printf( "status: %i\n", r); return r; } void gc_collect(void) { gc_collect_start(); // get the registers and the sp jmp_buf env; setjmp(env); volatile mp_uint_t dummy; void *sp = (void*)&dummy; // trace the stack, including the registers (since they live on the stack in this function) gc_collect_root((void**)sp, ((uint32_t)MP_STATE_VM(stack_top) - (uint32_t)sp) / sizeof(uint32_t)); gc_collect_end(); } mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new_from_file(const char *filename) { return NULL; } mp_import_stat_t mp_import_stat(const char *path) { return MP_IMPORT_STAT_NO_EXIST; } mp_obj_t mp_builtin_open(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kwargs) { return mp_const_none; } MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_KW(mp_builtin_open_obj, 1, mp_builtin_open); void nlr_jump_fail(void *val) { }