import time try: import ppwhttp except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find ppwhttp. Have you copied to your Pico?") r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 # Edit your routes here # Nothing fancy is supported, just plain ol' URLs and GET/POST methods @ppwhttp.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def get_home(method, url, data=None): if method == "POST": global r, g, b r = int(data.get("r", 0)) g = int(data.get("g", 0)) b = int(data.get("b", 0)) ppwhttp.set_led(r, g, b) print("Set LED to {} {} {}".format(r, g, b)) return """
""".format(r=r, g=g, b=b) @ppwhttp.route("/test", methods="GET") def get_test(method, url): return "Hello World!" ppwhttp.start_wifi() server_sock = ppwhttp.start_server() while True: ppwhttp.handle_http_request(server_sock) time.sleep(0.01) # Whoa there! Did you know you could run the server polling loop # on Pico's *other* core!? Here's how: # # import _thread # # def server_loop_forever(): # # Start a server and continuously poll for HTTP requests # server_sock = ppwhttp.start_server() # while True: # ppwhttp.handle_http_request(server_sock) # time.sleep(0.01) # # Handle the server polling loop on the other core! # _thread.start_new_thread(server_loop_forever, ()) # # # Your very own main loop for fun and profit! # while True: # print("Colour: {} {} {}".format(r, g, b)) # time.sleep(5.0)