import gc from encoder import Encoder, ROTARY_CPR # from encoder import REVERSED """ A demonstration of a rotary encoder being used to select items based on its physical position. This requires that the encoder is positioned in the same direction (e.g. upwards) at the start of every program run. """ # Free up hardware resources ahead of creating a new Encoder gc.collect() # Create an encoder on the 3 ADC pins, using PIO 0 and State Machine 0 PIN_A = 26 # The A channel pin PIN_B = 28 # The B channel pin PIN_C = 27 # The common pin enc = Encoder(0, 0, (PIN_A, PIN_B), PIN_C, counts_per_rev=ROTARY_CPR) # Uncomment the below line (and the top import) to reverse the counting direction # enc.direction(REVERSED) # A list of items, up to the encoder's counts_per_rev ITEMS = ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet", "Black", "White"] last_step = -1 # Loop forever while True: step = enc.step() if step != last_step: if step < len(ITEMS): print(step, ": ", ITEMS[step], sep="") else: print(step, ": ", "Undefined", sep="") last_step = step